Found another bug , with nuts


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Can you provide a save?

In general there shouldn't be an issue but your character might have something unique causing a problem.

Balek Crisp

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
The United States
I've had this bug before, and the fix for me was simply setting up how much cum there was before fucking anyone. Have you tried that? Not changing the settings of insem pro generally leads to a crash upon initiating a sex scene, so it's best to do that before you wander.
Jan 29, 2022
I've had this bug before, and the fix for me was simply setting up how much cum there was before fucking anyone. Have you tried that? Not changing the settings of insem pro generally leads to a crash upon initiating a sex scene, so it's best to do that before you wander.
can attempt it and if it comes up again I shall let you know


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA

Upon install it should set up some base values so even if you don't adjust anything it should work. However if you have something off with your save it could be causing an issue of some kind.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
I am not getting any kind of crash. I walked around and fucked an enemy and nothing happened. I even uninstalled the insem pro to see if that would trigger it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
It seems that the problem is that initially the Inseminator Pro sets these values to 0 on your save file:
  • Cum, Max (Override): 0 mLs Cum,
  • Max Probable Ejaculation (Natural): 0 mLs.

And because these values are 0 ball fullness freaks out after an orgasm and spits out a 'NaN' value.
Weirdly, the Inseminator Pro should never set this to 0; the lowest you should be able to get is 10mL.

Thankfully, you can fix this problem by simply increasing the Max Cum in the Inseminator Pro.

Balek Crisp

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
The United States
Other than them being a frost wyvrn nothing special
Yeah, I just tried out your save file, and did what I did last time. Your crash is entirely related to not having increased the cum settings on your insem pro, so you need to do that before wandering around. And I say wandering around, because you don't need to fuck an enemy to get the game to crash, as I said anything that messes with the amount of internal cum will cause a crash. Otherwise, anything that messes with the amount of cum will cause the game to crash.

Also, how'd you enable inf crewmate space? Mainly just curious. I haven't been able to activate any cheats since jumping to javascript, and figured they were now disabled forever.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Yes. The save already has it installed, so I immediately started walking around and fucked after a fight.

My guess is another dev fixed the issue based on a sentry report as that picks up any hard crashes. Let me know if this still occurs once the next hotfix comes out.
Jan 29, 2022
Yes. The save already has it installed, so I immediately started walking around and fucked after a fight.

My guess is another dev fixed the issue based on a sentry report as that picks up any hard crashes. Let me know if this still occurs once the next hotfix comes out.
If it comes up again will do


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
wiki has fuck all about it, where do i get the insemenator pro?

Balek Crisp

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
The United States
wiki has fuck all about it, where do i get the insemenator pro?
Dhaal's Cybernetics Store, in Utility. Have at least 750K on you if you really want it, this thing will literally eat your wallet and then some.

I'd personally recommend not freeing the slaves on Zheng Shi and farming the mining bots. Not only do they have a chance to drop savicite, which is necessary for 3 in-game NPC interactions aside from shopping with Korgii, and it's also worth 12k credits, but they also drop the other gemstones from Myrellion, for an equivalent cumulative chance of 0.0625 per robot. You'll need at least 1,456K (1,456,000) on you in total if you also want to recruit Paige, turn Bizzy into your master-class cam-slut without mods, and afford that in total, which would come out to roughly 71 Zheng Shi Mining Robots assuming perfect RNG (which means an average of 120 or so needs to be slain due to, too lazy to math atm.). This only considers mining robots only though, and your hunt for mining robots can be slowed by jumpers + Roz/Minuet.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
Or, if you're wanting something faster (but maybe less legit given his 'Victory!' text) you can knock Dr. Lash's teeth in for 999,999 credits for each time you beat in.
Or you can just use the cheat menu for 100,000 credits each button press.

EDIT: I nearly forgot about the Uveto Stadium's 'Message Board' (or 'Towel Boy' event) you can get credits based upon this code:
let minCredits = 10000;
if(pc.LQ() > 66) minCredits += 2000;
if(!!flags["USED_SNAKEBYTE"]) minCredits += 2000;
if(pc.canDeepthroat()) minCredits += 2000;
let credits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (25000 - minCredits + 1) + minCredits);
So, basically around 15-20k average normally and around 20-25k average if you've taken SnakeByte and and Libido above 66.
And this event is easily spammable so this is kinda a more legit way to farm credits (it just depends if you want to suck Herm dick for it).

Using these may not be for everyone but I'm just putting them out there.
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Balek Crisp

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
The United States
Or, if you're wanting something faster (but maybe less legit given his 'Victory!' text) you can knock Dr. Lash's teeth in for 999,999 credits for each time you beat in.
Or you can just use the cheat menu for 100,000 credits each button press.

EDIT: I nearly forgot about the Uveto Stadium's 'Message Board' (or 'Towel Boy' event) you can get credits based upon this code:
let minCredits = 10000;
if(pc.LQ() > 66) minCredits += 2000;
if(!!flags["USED_SNAKEBYTE"]) minCredits += 2000;
if(pc.canDeepthroat()) minCredits += 2000;
let credits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (25000 - minCredits + 1) + minCredits);
So, basically around 15-20k average normally and around 20-25k average if you've taken SnakeByte and and Libido above 66.
And this event is easily spammable so this is kinda a more legit way to farm credits (it just depends if you want to suck Herm dick for it).

Using these may not be for everyone but I'm just putting them out there.
Yeah, I was wanting to mention Dr. Lash, but someone in the past was all like "Dr. Lash isn't meant to be defeated!" despite the fact that he's about as powerful as any enemy on Dhaal at this point, and he can also just be defeated at lower levels with Gray Goo Armor tease spam with paralysis, and B.D.S accessory from Badger.

Personally I find whoring out to the Breedwell Facility to be better if you're looking for a sexual way of getting creds. Maximize your ability to gain and process, and just one visit and stay for a couple in-game days allows you to instantly gain enough credits to buy a ship on Myrellion. And if you're feeling like it after, betray Tamani by withholding the new batch of kids after you're done. Not like you'll need to ever breed there again after getting enough money to buy just about everything you need in the game.

Hard to start up unless you were already female and preparing for that, but it's the most legitimate credit farm in the game, and you can also do other farms in the meantime.
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