Forum Account Creation Issue

This is actually a site issue rather than a game issue, but I don’t yet have permission to post in the only place that seems relevant for site issues. And that is itself the issue.

I’ve been patiently waiting for three weeks for my account to be approved and I have not gotten any indication my application is even even being considered. I’m not sure if this is normal turnaround time, or if my account is being actively ignored for some reason.

I’m sorry for posting this in the wrong location, but at this point even having my account creation rejected instead of being ignored would come as a relief.

I just want to make an account so I can request Wiki editing permission so I can update the things I see that are missing or wrong in the CoC1 wiki, like how the Thanksgiving events are not only on November 22nd, and how to actually trigger the Cockgobbler event.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2020
You already have forum account - I'm not sure what are you waiting for. Granted I don't know exactly the number - but you need to post some messages before upgrading in forum powers. Obviously it is done like that against bots and spammer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2020
Yes and that was also my point - both of you already have account so it is not "Forum Account Creation Issue" - you both have account. You have problem with privileges and I also explained that this forum had influx of bot/spamers accounts - so it is not strange new accounts are restricted.
What probably happened:
  • you were unlucky and some bot tried to create 10k accounts and admin just ignore all of them including yours,
  • either your domain or you email is seen as burner email,
  • admin are understaffed.
What you can do:
  • make a proper thread with real issue and without claims - if you started with proper screenshot the discussion would be different,
  • also cut the fluff (the bit about wiki was not needed to solve this problem),
  • go to discord and ask there.