Feeding Celise excess fluids from others


Apr 4, 2016
Not everyone has the same fetishes, I for one am not fond of the fluids sticking around inside my Steele after sex for longish periods of time. It makes sense to me that Celise should be able to relieve Steele of those extra fluids, especially if she's in her Giga form. 
If there's enough desire for it, I'd write the scenes (with variations on the relationship based on Steele's attitude). I'd also need permission to write stuff concerning Celise.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
You don't really need permission from her writers (though I guess it doesn't hurt to ask)

You could ask them about tips on how to go about it though. To keep in line with her character. Also to make sure you don't completely butcher her character.


Apr 4, 2016
Just had another idea about how to make this and Celise even more useful. 

I was reading on the wiki how galotians have an underutilized ability for bio-engineering. We should give Celise an unlockable ability to create mini-TF items. To unlock the ability you would need to meet 3 requirements:

  • Feed Celise a large amount of Steele's fluids (so she gets a good understanding of his base DNA)
  • Feed Celise a large amount of fluids from a race that has a TF (using the function I mentioned in my original post)
  • Feed Celise enough fluids overall to increase her mass to increase her intelligence (per the wiki/codex more mass for a galotian equals more intelligence)

After that she'll ask you to bring her the TF item for the race you unlocked her bio-engineering with and then she can make vials of TF fluid. They have a 1/5 chance of acting like a normal TF item. 

The TF fluids will only work for Steele so they have no credit value, but Celise will gladly reintegrate the fluids back into herself if you decide you don't want ones you got from her.

Of course, this makes the entire thing much more complicated than originally planned since more mechanics would need to be created to track her fluid intake based on race. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
BTW, goo armor chould also absorb all fluids (leaking, cum soaked etc).

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Celise should have been my armor and clothing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Oh jeez, hatoful boyfriend. That is some weird shit man.

The moment I saw the game on steam, I spent like 15 minutes trying to find out if I was watching a prank. Then I couldn't stop laughing and showed the title to my friends list for a laugh as well as mumble out "wtfffff, how is THIS on steam" multiple times.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh jeez, hatoful boyfriend. That is some weird shit man.
The moment I saw the game on steam, I spent like 15 minutes trying to find out if I was watching a prank. Then I couldn't stop laughing and showed the title to my friends list for a laugh as well as mumble out "wtfffff, how is THIS on steam" multiple times.

And most weird thing - it is damn serious, should you go deeper.