Favourite TF


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Funny thing dat... there are goblins in the game, yet no one has gotten around to really putting them in game. Only one you see is Colenso, so really Rasks aren't goblins... except for being fuck and breed happy which I can understand is where the confusion would come from. The term "fuck like rabbits" can be applied to them though :D

It's a conspiracy, I tell you! We'll get to the bottom of this, me and my bro Colenso. Truth is out there somewhere.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It shouldn't surprise anyone that my favorites are the ones I've written - the Treatment, 'Nuki Cookies, Dumbfuck, Horse Pills...

Out of other stuff, Naleen Nip and Ausar treats would get rated fairly highly, but I'd like there to be a bit more to them. Needs more Canine Pepper...

I'll admit that I dig the 'Nuki Cookies a lot, alongside the Naleen Nip. If you end up bringing those Peppers in for the ride, will you be bringing in the other variants for them with different effects?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well we got kind of different peeper ingame just not so blamant obvious. As bulbous peeper was about getting knot...like not totaly similar to Knot-A-Problem, ya? :p But yeah few others peepers effects of previous game could be added here too with some creative twist.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ausar treats would get rated fairly highly, but I'd like there to be a bit more to them. Needs more Canine Pepper...

Ooh, ooh, and if we eat too many we become an ausar and get a bad end?!


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Fourth or fifthed that the Vanae as a whole are excellent. I think they're the only TiTs-species I can't easily describe as 'x-people'. I mean,  'squid-people' comes vaguely close, but I think you need to say 'bioluminescent blind squid-amazons' to really get them across. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Them's fightin' words. Th' more inhuman, th' better.

I'll also throw my chips in with vanae stuff

Wait Cthulu is your god and only master then? :p

Ok I admit Vanae TF is interesting but...still waiting for male version of it (sry been more female like not cuttin for me atm).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Neotrogla. They're a species of cave bugs native to South America, with sexual characteristics just like nyrea (ie, boypussies and girlcocks). Neotrolga first started popping up in the news in 2014 when I was designing Myrellion, and I figured they'd be a good fit.

Quote said:
"...when a researcher tried to separate mating individuals the male was torn in two, leaving his reproductive organs attached to the female."
 Imagine how confused the female was when this happened. Poor thing.

Anyway, I like staying as relatable and close to stock human as possible, so my favourite tf is sylvanol. Nothing like waddling around with smooth fair skin and four inch elf ears. They don't really impact gameplay at all though, as far as I've seen anyway. I'm pretty picky with whom I choose to fornicate with though. For now.

Un-done screw

Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
Raskvel are kobolds, the other midgety fantasy race.

awesome, i'm not the only one that made the connection, i hate kobolds with a passion, much like i do the hostile male Raskvel encounters ("Can't blind all of them" THEN CHOOSE ONE TO BLIND YOU DENSE CHUCKLE-FUCK), but yeah i'm going with either raskvel, vanae, or myr as my favorite TF.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
Normally, I'll stay a pure human on my playthroughs- don't need no fancy pills nor injections to carve your name into the stars, son.

Occassionally, I will get Treated, though- New Texas seems like the kinda place I'd like to settle down in IC. Only problem is going to be convincing Reaha not to cut and run after she sees the new me. I'd hope not, anyway, curing her of her patch addiction took a while.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
My favourites TFs are Naleen Nip (eyes and genital slit) and Ausar Treat/Knot-A-Lot. Because I'm a sucker for knotted dicks. And knotting NPCs. Apart from that I do mostly human PCs (though I do not mind the occasional animal ears or tail).

And PussyBloom (because maleherms), but not sure that it counts here...


Sep 10, 2015
For the generic TFs - Naleen Nip - because I like monster girls of the vanilla variety.
Plus, the genital slit sounds really cool.

Then it's on to any targeted extras I happen to want.


Sep 30, 2015
Definately vanae. I had a character that looked just like Ceria only with light skin and without the elf ears (i have them now) before she came out.