Favourite Starting Race


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Duh, human. Human cock > everything else.

human cock+2 doses of knot-a-prob......god tier 

I like being half ausar. i was pretty much the lone wolf in high school and most of college and wolves are my favorite animal, since ausars are the closest thing to them. But he's my tech specialist character my mercenary is always human cuz you know.....dum humans and their lust for wars and violence 


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Human. It's like having a fresh canvas, that you can paint whatever you like. Kaithrit is second close to favourite, though =)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ausar, I think my profile pic thing makes the reasons sort of obvious


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Speaking of Kui-Tan, would we be able to get some testicle-based skills in the game. I don't mean teasing, though. I'm guessing, judging by the raccoon and tanuki comparisons, that you were modeling off the tanuki of Earth. While the actual species has surprisingly large testicles for its body, any special skills based on them are entirely made up. In Japanese lore, the tanuki's testicles were literally used in a variety of ways. They were often transformed or molded into various things, such as a tarp to collect rain or a club to beat back enemies.

Since we already have ant venom attacks and other body-part-related special skills, would it be all that difficult to code in combat abilities for a Kui-tan's testicles?

Oh, and to answer the question: I usually pick human because I make the person futa, and I wanted a human-style penis. Now with the dong designer, I'm thinking I might go kaith for the twin tail and then use the designer to get a non-feline penis. But, then I started getting a cunt tail and that will get rid of the cat tail...argh too many decisions...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Since we already have ant venom attacks and other body-part-related special skills, would it be all that difficult to code in combat abilities for a Kui-tan's testicles?

For CoC contents, direct attacking with genitals was off limits. I don't know if things have changed in that sense.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
i was extremely happy to be able to start off half-puppy, if only the "choose your gender" option had been there too from launch [but hell, TiTS' original gender engine was a quantum leap from CoC's]

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
i was extremely happy to be able to start off half-puppy, if only the "choose your gender" option had been there too from launch [but hell, TiTS' original gender engine was a quantum leap from CoC's]

Why exactly do you like dog, if you don't mind me asking?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
loyalty, affection, excitable derpiness. I just really relate to canines in that I want to dote on and be lead by someone I really love. That would be a short version that I can just produce on the spot.


Aug 28, 2015
Gotta go with human. I'd pick an alien starting race, but not a single one of them has tentacles. Really disappointed by that. A sci fi porn games should have more tentacles.


Aug 27, 2015
........Humans are truly popular. People just like using them for tf's.

The central hook of a TF fetish is not the end product but the transformation itself. It's hardly surprising most players want to start with a blank canvas. I mean I could start as a kaithrit male, but is that really as fun and arousing as starting as a human male and overdosing on Nepata, waking up one day to find everyone referring to me as "miss"?

I hear a lot of complaints from casual players that TF-ing in TiTS isn't as enticing or interesting as it was in CoC, I think mostly because of how cut-and-dried it is. There's none of the thrill of experimentation. However, that's by-the-by.


Aug 26, 2015
........Humans are truly popular. People just like using them for tf's.

Same reason I typically start Captain Steele off short, slim and small-chested and have her gradually work up to huge and hourglassy status.  Transformation is hotter when you start out with the mundane and move to the exotic.


Aug 26, 2015
I hear a lot of complaints from casual players that TF-ing in TiTS isn't as enticing or interesting as it was in CoC, I think mostly because of how cut-and-dried it is. There's none of the thrill of experimentation. However, that's by-the-by.

I think it's more that most items in CoC were enemy drops, while most items in TiTS are bought in stores.  I personally like not having to grind for a fuckton of minotaur blood and Equinum, but it's still a different attitude.  It goes along with one of CoC's themes being that transformation represented an irreparable loss of something important, and as such transforming back to human was impossible without cheating, while TiTS doesn't make that kind of moral judgment and thus you're free to become whatever you want.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Other than human starting race in TiTS feel like those custom names in CoC where you had already *pre-mutated* PC not just a simple human. And well same as with loosing humanity here we can always come back to been pure human with Human Treats not unlike using Hummus that was one time return. Plus most sci-fi setting see human as unversal species that are jack-of-trades able to become anything their want given time and determination. Aliens are like changed or some would say *specificaly evolved human-like lifeforms* that can't adapt almsot at all. Heck even looking at cases of so called evolving species (Borg comming to mind their were like cyborg build on human frame even if all that additional crazy tech their assimilated from other species).

About way to get TF in both games I still prefer use those dropped of enemies (I know I could buy some but well I always have better stuff to spend credits than TF items).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
One of the things that shocked me the most when I started playing TiTS was how, in comparison to CoC, most TF items were store-only. Worse still, their prices were absurdly expensive, at least during the first game parts. Now, once you're past the Stellar Tether people and enemies are almost throwing money at you, but it's quite puzzling to see things like Pussybloom for almost 10000 credits.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Worse still, their prices were absurdly expensive, at least during the first game parts. Now, once you're past the Stellar Tether people and enemies are almost throwing money at you, but it's quite puzzling to see things like Pussybloom for almost 10000 credits.

I know, right? I've been saying the TiTS economy's fucked for ages...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well we got even one go full course of transformations items like...sorry if I say wrong species...panda and Ovir ones that cost over 30k credits (think both for 36k). Not to meantion Leithan TF that also is in league of top expensive TF items to buy (36k credit). And we still not know how will look matter with ships (that may mean TF like those three will be actualy *cheap* compared to them).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Same reason I typically start Captain Steele off short, slim and small-chested and have her gradually work up to huge and hourglassy status.  Transformation is hotter when you start out with the mundane and move to the exotic.

The central hook of a TF fetish is not the end product but the transformation itself. It's hardly surprising most players want to start with a blank canvas. I mean I could start as a kaithrit male, but is that really as fun and arousing as starting as a human male and overdosing on Nepata, waking up one day to find everyone referring to me as "miss"?

I hear a lot of complaints from casual players that TF-ing in TiTS isn't as enticing or interesting as it was in CoC, I think mostly because of how cut-and-dried it is. There's none of the thrill of experimentation. However, that's by-the-by.

And see I don't really have a TF fetish at all, in fact if anything the idea is normally slightly a turn-off because I kinda like being fundamentally "me". Getting made over/dressed up I find really hot but Magic or Science messing with my body I've never liked. I played FenFen games because I like monstergirls and getting to be one but I tend to view every TF I get as a retcon and that my Champ/Steele was like that from Day 1.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I have 3 characters that I created and always use. The 3 mood features helps out with this. My Human is hard and takes no shit from people, Leithan is Mischievous and would rather have fun and party with others then do anything to hurt them, and my Kui-Tan male that fucks anything that walks. The only thing I change about any of them is the human and that is to add so extra features to make him more menacing.
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Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I have 3 characters that I created and always use. The 3 mood features helps out with this. My Human is hard and takes no shit from people, Leithan is Mischievous and would rather have fun and party with others then do anything to hurt them, and my Kui-Tan male that fucks anything that walks. The only thing I change about any of them is the human and that is to add so extra features to make him more menacing.

So, your Kui-Tan is a all around nice guy who gets it on with anyone and anything?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So, your Kui-Tan is a all around nice guy who gets it on with anyone and anything?

Yep even if it means he has to be the bottom or get's forced into doing it. Well I guess it wouldn't really be forced since he is up for doing it anyways.


Aug 26, 2015
And see I don't really have a TF fetish at all, in fact if anything the idea is normally slightly a turn-off because I kinda like being fundamentally "me". Getting made over/dressed up I find really hot but Magic or Science messing with my body I've never liked. I played FenFen games because I like monstergirls and getting to be one but I tend to view every TF I get as a retcon and that my Champ/Steele was like that from Day 1.

Think of it as the inverse.  I've actually contemplated introducing a religious sect based off the notion: one enjoyable aspect of transformation is the concept of becoming closer to the true self.  Transformation bares the soul.  The transformed state, when created voluntarily or as an awakening experience, reflects the true desires of the bearer.  It can even be considered more real than the one they were born with because of this.  This is why the character is often enamored with their newfound form: it's usually considered superior not just physically, but in how well it represents them.

As I've noted in the past, there's little the game can do to explicitly support this kind of story, because Steele is always comfortable no matter what body he/she's in, but by playing up tease attacks more and becoming more sexually active over time as the character awakens to his/her true form, a good approximation can be achieved.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I've actually contemplated introducing a religious sect based off the notion: one enjoyable aspect of transformation is the concept of becoming closer to the true self.  Transformation bares the soul.  The transformed state, when created voluntarily or as an awakening experience, reflects the true desires of the bearer.  It can even be considered more real than the one they were born with because of this.  This is why the character is often enamored with their newfound form: it's usually considered superior not just physically, but in how well it represents them.

I personally love that concept and probably would do my best to have my Steele join or help the sect followers. In this case, some players could do a meta of "I am not what my father wanted me to be, I am so and so".


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
And see I don't really have a TF fetish at all, in fact if anything the idea is normally slightly a turn-off because I kinda like being fundamentally "me". Getting made over/dressed up I find really hot but Magic or Science messing with my body I've never liked. I played FenFen games because I like monstergirls and getting to be one but I tend to view every TF I get as a retcon and that my Champ/Steele was like that from Day 1.

Right there with ya, buddy.


Aug 27, 2015
I know, right? I've been saying the TiTS economy's fucked for ages...

In order for the whole consigned-to-servitude-because-of-cost-of-magic-potions thing to work though, most of the treatments would have to be fairly expensive, or carry relative downsides. That tension is important I think, and not just because it enables you to justify a stream of big boobed slaves.

I think it's more that most items in CoC were enemy drops, while most items in TiTS are bought in stores.  I personally like not having to grind for a fuckton of minotaur blood and Equinum, but it's still a different attitude.  It goes along with one of CoC's themes being that transformation represented an irreparable loss of something important, and as such transforming back to human was impossible without cheating, while TiTS doesn't make that kind of moral judgment and thus you're free to become whatever you want.

That's kinda what I was getting at, whilst being too lazy to summon up the words. A lot of players really liked the perversity of steadily losing yourself through TFing; eating something without thinking, being shocked and aroused at what it does, then doing it more and more because they can't help themselves. It involves hidden desires and temptations that tie in well with what the demons represent and offer.

In TiTS for the most part you go into a shop, you buy the TF you want and then you apply it. It's a conscious decision on the part of the player to purchase and use something, knowing exactly what it will do. Exoticism, the temptation of something sitting quietly in your inventory, the arousal of losing yourself to implicit desires, are all lost. Obviously I appreciate there are many advantages to this system that altogether probably out-number CoC's. I'm just trying to explain an attitude I run into a lot when people are talking about why they prefer CoC over TiTS.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
And see I don't really have a TF fetish at all, in fact if anything the idea is normally slightly a turn-off because I kinda like being fundamentally "me". Getting made over/dressed up I find really hot but Magic or Science messing with my body I've never liked. I played FenFen games because I like monstergirls and getting to be one but I tend to view every TF I get as a retcon and that my Champ/Steele was like that from Day 1.

More often then not, I tend to choose a specific race at the beginning of anything and try to keep that race as it is for the entire run. For TITS, The only TFs I really indulged in was Naleen Nip for two cocks, Honeyseed for the cum, and Knot A Problem for the obvious knot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For TITS, The only TFs I really indulged in was Naleen Nip for two cocks, Honeyseed for the cum, and Knot A Problem for the obvious knot.

Actualy you not even need now use Naleen Nip for two cocks. Just wander around Tarkus and find Dick changer cube, bring it to ship, instal and...pray it will get mess up to instead change your dick type split it into two.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Actualy you not even need now use Naleen Nip for two cocks. Just wander around Tarkus and find Dich changer cube, bring it to ship, instal and...pray it will get mess up to instead change your dick type split it into two.

But then you have two smaller dicks (not a bad thing but not everyone's thing). Naleen Nip gives you another without shrinkage and earlier with the only downside being type change to naga.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well changing it type yes but also to get second we need have genital slit of naleen first (and our orginal dick been naleen one too). So both ways got their pros and cons. It depend from each person what their prefer way to get it.