Faux Incest - Solutions to the recent ommissions.

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Mar 17, 2016


Hey all, I've been a lurker on these threads for a LONG time. I've been following Fen since COC all the way back in 2010(ish). Long time fan and I must say your guys' works are what's inspired me to pursue my career. In any event I'm finally speaking up now because I feel I have something meaningful to contribute. I admit again, I was never really into incest, that is until, like so many of my other current fetishes, COC introduced it to me in a dare I say it tasteful manner.

As the birth place of one of my beloved fetishes I am remis to see it go. I have no dreams of fighting against the decisions of Patreon or of Fenoxo but rather working within their boundaries. This is why I am posting this thread, and forgive me if this is in the wrong place, I have read the rules and think this is the best resting place for this little tangent of mine. I have long entertained the idea of writing for Fen but don't have the dedicated time to do so (yet) other than perhaps short submissions no longer than 1000 words.

And so this thread; here I suggest we propose solutions to the crisis befallen us Neanderthals. How can we keep our fetishes from dying? If not today then for tomorrow? If not for us then for our children?

Edit: Included the first iteration in one of the comments. It's damn long you can't miss it.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Wait, you can make lewdness in less than 1k words? Please tell me your secrets!

Also, this has been repeated ad nausean. Stop trying to find workarounds and clever loopholes, even if you think you've found the perfect, most cunning solution, it won't be done.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
There's two hopes of that happening.
Bob Hope and No Hope, and guess what, Bob Hope is dead.

Look, trying to find loopholes will only make more trouble later on.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
Somewhere In The U.S Wasteland
There is an alternative to patreon one Fenoxo Could profit on without paying a dime for it's crowdfunding service kimochi.co (A company own as of late by nataku which also works along side major companies like pornhub & xhamster)


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
Somewhere In The U.S Wasteland

Hey all, I've been a lurker on these threads for a LONG time. I've been following Fen since COC all the way back in 2010(ish). Long time fan and I must say your guys' works are what's inspired me to pursue my career. In any event I'm finally speaking up now because I feel I have something meaningful to contribute. I admit again, I was never really into incest, that is until, like so many of my other current fetishes, COC introduced it to me in a dare I say it tasteful manner.

As the birth place of one of my beloved fetishes I am remis to see it go. I have no dreams of fighting against the decisions of Patreon or of Fenoxo but rather working within their boundaries. This is why I am posting this thread, and forgive me if this is in the wrong place, I have read the rules and think this is the best resting place for this little tangent of mine. I have long entertained the idea of writing for Fen but don't have the dedicated time to do so (yet) other than perhaps short submissions no longer than 1000 words.

And so this thread; here I suggest we propose solutions to the crisis befallen us Neanderthals. How can we keep our fetishes from dying? If not today then for tomorrow? If not for us then for our children?
I believe you post belongs on the general bullshit thread, correct me if I'm wrong...


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
There is an alternative to patreon one Fenoxo Could profit on without paying a dime for it's crowdfunding service kimochi.co (A company own as of late by nataku which also works along side major companies like pornhub & xhamster)
Again, Patreon isn't the problem. Its the payment processors like the banks and credit card companies.
Switching to another site won't solve the problem because they'll eventually have to do with the payment processors.
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Mar 17, 2016
For the current problem my solution dips into the realm of silliness but I think is doable and maintains the fantasy as well as the law.

.... Blah blah blah build up,

Looking into your beautiful Water Princess's wavering <PC starting Eye Color> eyes, you can feel her determination, her immense love and respect for you, even her lilting anxiety as she nervously awaits your answer. You make your decision.

<Yes: Sex her or whatever, she came out of your ass its not like your really related>

You cup her cheek, her pale flesh <the same shade as yours> <a stark contrast to your own PCSKIN >. Closing her eyes she nuzzles into your hand, dipping down and tilting her small face upwards to meet your own, you move to give her what she so desires, your affirmation and acceptance of everything she is. Sensing your decision your other daughters hoot and holler, gathering around the two of you smiling and giggling with glee. Their hands wrap around your <PCTHICKNESS> frame gently pushing the two of you together, no doubt just as eager for their turn. As the two of you get closer, you watch your eldest with a warm heart, her eyes half lidded she looks lost in a dream, lips curling upwards into a smile that you've come to adore more than anything, and just as your lips are about to touch...

A massive explosion erupts from the far side of the chamber and bright blinding light floods the darkness around you!

Instinctively your arms fly out and clutch your eldest close to you as you both are all forced to the ground by the shock of the blast. Your daughters scream and cry out in pain, <IF: PCNOTBLIND> and you as well for that matter, as the light shatters the comforting darkness around you, bathing your visions' in piercing, burning white. Your <eyes> <senses> recover first from the change in environment and you look around blearily for your attackers and shouting the names of your daughters. Blind and disoriented your daughters instinctively hurry towards the water, that is except your eldest who still clutches tightly to your chest.

"Daddy! What's going on!"

You'd like to know that yourself. Confident your daughters will be safe on their own if they can get to the water, you hold your eldest closer to your chest and reach for your <PCWEAPON> and look to the source of the explosion. A large hole has opened up in the side of the chamber, smoke and debris cling to the air around it heavily and shadowy figures with red glowing eyes poor in through the concealing fog unhindered at all by the water beneath them, running across it as if they were servants of the One themselves.

"Black Void!" You curse to yourself, dread welling up into your stomach. If your years as a <PCCLASS> have taught you anything they're the only group both crazy enough to attack a station like Tavros and well equipped enough to afford STID boots.

(Surface Tension Ion Distortion boots: Downward force forces ions of any liquid or suitably dense gas into a low density but highly rigid solid held in place by a metastable electrical "freezing" of atoms in a localized area around the users feet. The boots are not powerful enough to walk on air but they can certainly walk on water and the dense gases of Jupiter without a problem. Due to harnessing the solidifying effect of their special brand of science magic the boots are virtually indestructible and perfect insulators, so long as their users keep moving that is. The boots have gained particular favor in research, allowing environmental scientists to approach the mouths of active volcanoes on foot, and in cinema for allowing actors to play out scenes, like running across active lava fields in Termineuter XXII or riding tidal waves without a board in Soul Surfer III, with minimal special effects. The boots are exceedingly expensive however and are prohibited for use in combat as a single kick has the ability to flash freeze an organics entire circulatory system. The inventor, Kanen K Reaper, is credited for discovering the 24th form of crystalized ice in the process of these boots inception.)

"W- what's black void!?" Your daughter looks up at you with wide fearful eyes, watching your fierce and dark expression, I side of you she's doubtless never seen before. You glance down at her. You would sooner rot in hell than let your beloved daughters be taken as slaves or worse by the scum of the galaxy. But... Watching more and more of the figures rush in, surrounding you and your eldest, these must be dozens of them, no... at least a hundred of them pouring through the massive opening in the wall. Just as you are about to ready yourself for a fight to the death and thinking of the last words you will say to oldest child. A figure emerges from the cloud of dust cursing and coughing and waving its hand in the air.

"Ugh, dear god, and I told Isabell not to use so much C4!" A feminine figure immerges from the dust, clad all in white with bright blue accents doing their best, and failing, to disguise the generous natural curves of her frame. The woman, no... young woman looks to be somewhere in her late teens or early twenties. Her long hair shines like black silk even in the dissipating smoke and is pulled into a tight ponytail that frames the subtle shapes of her angular face quite nicely. Her hair ends just before the pleated curve of her ass. Her immaculate uniform somehow unstained with dust ends at a skirt cut just above her knees. Black stockings take up their torch and hug wide hips, supple thighs, and long legs down to the knifelike points of her black heels. She would almost seem a cool beauty if she weren't on her knees in front of you coughing up a storm.

You notice two curved swords sheathed at her hip and what looks like a fully equipped police utility belt hugging her waist. UGC? She couldn't possibly be...

Too stunned to speak your daughter opens her mouth for you.

"U- uhm..." She reaches hesitantly for her shoulder, "Are you alright miss...?"

The young woman's blue eyes snap open and she takes a deep gasp of air. In the next instant she's holding your daughters hand causing her to squeak in surprise and press closer to you. Her own hand is gloved in sheer white fabric, she kneels before your daughter on one knee, head bowed, like a prince before a princess, you'd laugh at the irony if your weren't so shocked. You didn't even see her move. A stray thought burns increasingly present in the front of your mind as your eye is drawn to the curve of one of her swords where the ominous name Aegisbane is inscribed. With that speed... A wrong move here might cost you your life.

"Alright? I couldn't possibly be better my dear," She raises her head and grins widely at the young girl, her eyes lid and... flash a light shade of purple? Did you see that right? A trick of the light perhaps... The young woman you deem is much too close to your daughter at the moment, but you hold your tongue as you watch her shifting left hand cautiously, tensing to block anything she might do. With a quick flick of her wrist she produces an immaculate, small, and pure white flower. It's a lily! How did she do that!? You were watching her hand the whole time! She offers the flower to your daughter, "My day has been infinitely brightened with appearance of such a radiant flower like yourself." She presses the flower into your daughters hand.

Your daughter, despite her confusion, blushes a deep purple and her incandescent hair glimmers with sudden color. "W- what? Me!? N- no way my sisters are way more..! I'm not..." She presses herself closer to you hiding her exposed nipples with your body, clutching the flower, suddenly aware of her own immodesty she hides her face and mumbles into your chest, "O- only daddy's ever said things like that to me..."

Unable to stand silence any longer you bark at the intruder. What's the deal? Who are you people? What do you want!? You just blew a hole in a multimillion credit nursery and more importantly are interrupting some very important family bonding!

She turns and glowers at you, the picture of total disinterest, "Eh? Who the hell are you?" Dumbstruck, before you can think of a response, a thick black book slams vertically and heavily into the young woman's head.

"Augh!" She screams in agony and rolls around on the ground in front of you clutching at her skull, "Iitatatatatatatatata! It hurts!"

The assailant, to your surprise, stands right next to you, a woman in identical garb as the one on the floor plus body armor, a gas mask with red glowing goggles, and a massive black book tucked underneath her arm. What is up with these people being able to sneak up on you! You didn't see her coming at all! A voice comes from the mask, a deep and heavily electronic bass, "I'm terribly sorry about our ill mannered captain mister Steele."

From behind her you notice the rest of the intruders, now that the smoke has cleared and your eyes have adjusted; scores of other women dressed the same as the one before you stand on the water in a massive semicircle surrounding the Island. Each one stands at the ready, armed with massive laser rifles. You don't recognize their make, but you can recognize what's going to hurt.


"Ah, how rude of me." You eye them cautiously but bring your attention back to the woman in front of you as you hear a hiss of air and a soft click as she pulls off her gas mask with her free hand, revealing the young woman's attractive if stern face. Her shoulder length brown hair is pulled into a tight bun, which she promptly undoes and shakes out to its full length. Shoving her gas mask onto the unassuming head of the woozily rising captain, backwards. She screams, her voice distorted by the mask, and falls backwards.

"Uhh... lets see..." Taking the massive tome in hand she opens it and flips to a bookmarked page, "Ah right... I should answer your questions," She stares blankly at the text like she's reading a manual. She's kind of... Ditzy? Isn't she... Her piercing brown eyes meet yours and she points to herself, "I'm Ria and that..." she gestures to the woman struggling with the helmet attached to her face. It pops off her head and she gasps for glorious air, "is Captain Itsuki."

Captain Itsuki meets your gazes for a brief second before collecting herself, rising to her feet and dusting herself off. She clears her throat and takes a deep breath. Her blue eyes snap open and she points to you and your cowering daughter imperiously. "That's right, thank you lieutenant! And you! You Mister Steele are in big trouble!"

What? Why?

"For defiling delicate flowers!" the captain snaps back immediately. Ria punches her in the face and it seems to be the brain duster she needed. After the initial crack her head swivels back into place and she visibly relaxes, "Ah... thank you for that Ria, I needed that." She turns to you again and bows her head, "My apologies for that Mr. Steele, you're daughters are quite breathtaking. <brute speech: You grunt your agreement, no shit they're hot, just look at who they came from.> Captain Ituski covers her mouth and clears her throat hiding a blush. "R- right, in any event..." She fixes you with a stern gaze, bringing her arm forward, presenting a blue armband, intricately woven with white and orange accents. She points to the symbol emblazoned in the center; something like an orange P crossed with an @ symbol.

"We," The captain begins gesturing to herself and the women behind her, "are the dedicated servants of Queen Pandora. Second only to the One, her authority governs all virtue in this galaxy and the known universe." Your eyes widen, now THAT'S, a bold claim. "You," She continues, "Have been found guilty of a grave sin you have yet to commit." Your brow furrows. Excuse me? "Read <him, her, them> <his, her, their> charges." the woman proclaims to her lieutenant.

"Yes captain." Ria turns to the next page in her big black book, stone-faced as ever she begins reading your apparent 'charges,' "<PCNAME> Steele, you stand accused of corrupting the mind of a pivotal nexus of new content, this offense, if allowed to continue, based on interdimensional law, could destroy the very fabric and even funding of our reality. What say you in your defense?" She stops reading and looks up at you, awaiting your response.

<Uh.... What?> <Wincest FTWx2> <Sorry?> <Fight!>

All choices end in the following except fight which leads to instant death.

Ria pauses, closes her eyes, and tilts her head to the side as if contemplating your response.

"Hmmm," she begins after a moment, "Your response has been deemed inadequate, by order of our master, her executioner will now carry out your destruction for the good of this reality." Captain Itsuki nods solemnly and steps towards you. Your eyes widen, looks like you'll be fighting your way out of this one after all...

"W- wait!" Your daughter pushes herself off your chest and looks back at your would be executioner with wide frightened eyes, the white flower still clutched to her breast. "Executioner!? That means your trying to kill <him>! But why!? <Daddy> hasn't done anything wrong!"

The captain smiles sadly at her, "I'm sorry young one, the verdict is final..." Your daughter however bristles at that and pushes you away from her. The strength in her arms surprises you, pushing you off her carapace with gentle ease. You stumble backwards surprised. Your daughter rises to her full height, towering over you and the captain. Itsuki takes a cautionary step backwards. "I am not... Some youngling anymore!" Surging forward, before you can stop her, she strikes at captain Itsuki with one massive claw. The surprised captain jumps backwards just in time as the powerful limb of your daughter's lower body crashes into the earth before her sending chunks of rocks and everywhere. "I'm an adult and I love my <dad>! If there's anything corrupt about that then I'm the one at fault! If you want to get to him you'll have to start with me!"

You can’t help but feel a giant surge of pride at her actions, the strength of her frame and the bold defiance she exhibits, love swells your heart for the beautiful and independent woman in front of you. You ready your <PCWEAPON> to join her in the fray.

"If only you knew how right you are..." The cool voice of the captain sends chills down your spine and stop you and your daughter dead in your tracks. You look up at her horrified, unfazed at all by your attack and slipping through your guards in an instant. Itsuki stands on the carapace of your wide eyed daughter, back to back, just behind where her human form meets shell. "But you're still far too young to take on someone like me." With a strike you can barely follow with your eye she hits the bewildered girl in the back of her neck. Her eyes roll back and she loses consciousness, dropping to her knees with a ground shaking thud. At seeing her harmed, a feral roar rips through your lips, and before you know it your charging full bore at the woman standing above your daughter.

"Stop." Ria's voice halts the captain in her tracks.

It was over in an instant. You're lying prone on your back staring up at the ceiling in confusion. Her heel digs into the ground by your head and her soft ass has found its home on your <CHESTTONE, BREASTSIZE> chest. Her haunting eyes are fully dilated and sharp with killing intent the blade of her sword a mere hairs breadth from your throat. The incessant beeping of your shields alerting you to their failure. Her eyes gradually soften and she turns from staring blankly into yours to narrowing them on her lieutenant. "What was that?" She asks her.

"His case has been reevaluated," Ria responds, "and a different punishment has been issued."

She stares at her blankly, not fully understanding, "What do you mean? What punishment?"


"Transfer!?" Itsuki yelps and jumps up in sudden shock, probably less to do with the new 'punishment' and more to do with you reaching up and suddenly groping the perfect globes of her stocking covered ass. She's got a surprisingly soft hinny for how fast she moves and you let her know as much. She stares daggers down at you her free hand pressed guardingly on the back of her skirt. Joy in defeat as well as victory, your adventures have taught you that much. The slight blush coloring her face is quite becoming and you want for more. For such a virtuous woman to wear such a flattering black and lacy thong... molding so closely to the petals of her own pretty little flower to punish someone else for corrupting the minds of innocents... You watch with glee as the blush spreads further and further across her panicked face with every one of your words. Her long legs stiffen in place as she bigs to shake. You fold your arms behind your head and politely ask her how much longer she plans to straddle your face, you much prefer she take a seat. The young woman's brain overloads and a feminine squeal erupts from her lips as she jumps nearly ten feet away from you. Crouching down to her knees, her sword clatters to the ground, and she desperately clutches at the hem of her skirt, every inch of her beat red and shivering. "L -Lines! So I don't have lines in my stockings!" She points a shaking finger at you, turning to her lieutenant in visible distress, "W- what do you mean Transfer Ria! H -he's a dangerous criminal! A pervert! He tried to screw his own daughter for Christ sake!"

Ria shakes her head in dismissal, "I only relay the orders captain... besides," she looks to where you are now, having found your chance you've rushed over to your unconscious daughters side and are gently trying to coax her awake. "I don't think letting him live would be the worst idea, from here he just seems a caring, doting parent."

Itsuki stops shaking and looks over to you and your daughter, sensing her gaze on your back you meet it cautiously. She holds your stare for a long while, searching your expression for something, finally she lets out a long sigh and hangs her head defeatedly. "Fine..." She stands back up and retrieves her sword, sheathing it as you eye her cautiously, holding your unconscious water princess close to your chest protectively. "No need to look at me like that Mister Steele, I no longer have any reason to attack you, and rest assured your daughter is perfectly fine, she should wake up any minute."

You ask the obvious question, what did she mean by transfer. She nods, "Right... Ria." The Lieutenant turns to you and shoulders her explanation, "A transfer refers to the inter dimensional temporal swapping of two troubled individuals." A what? "In layman's terms," the Captain continues tiredly, ready to be done with this whole ordeal, "We'll transfer your character data into a different save file and vice versa. No matter what we can't allow incest with a persistent NPC in this reality, such is the law of our creators. However..." she points to the two of you, "Seeing as your relationship is not apparently malicious our master has deemed it necessary to keep you alive, thus if you are to continue with this disgusting process, a transfer is the only option if we are to see the nexus gain more content."

You know you should be understanding this on some deeper level but all of this is just sailing over your head. She sighs again, "We will be swapping with a Steele from a different universe. That Steele will have completely different genetic code from yours, and though everything else will remain the same, your choices, your companions, your experience, the daughter your holding won't be related to you though she'll certainly think she is and you can certainly pretend that you are. By all means forget you even experienced this. Just promise me one thing... No matter what 'things' you end up doing together love your 'new' daughters just as much as these ones."

You nod slowly. You don't understand any of this but you feel compelled by some unseen force to agree to this all the same.

Itsuki claps her hands together, "Alright, great, case closed, I hope we never meet again." Retrieving a bell from her pocket she holds it up and rings it. All at once a massive wave of vertigo hits you and you clutch your daughter tighter. "Another job well done Captain." Says Ria as your reality swims, "Oh stuff it Ria." Replies Itsuki. A flash of light seems to split open your consciousness as the secrets of the universe are revealed to you; the truth behind nine eleven, the answer of whether or not water is wet, every Snapple cap Snapple fact, you stare into the eyes of your creator and your controller through pixelated screens, you surf the fenoxo forums skirting the edge of your universe and all others, and, for a brief moment, you pass yourself and something different entirely each of his flags switched and his code symmetrical yet asymptotic to yours in every value and every bit. Then just as soon as it starts it ends. Itsuki's bell chimes a second time. You crash back into your body and in your arms is your Water Princess just where you left her.

Her eyes flutter open and warm smile spreads across her lips, "Hi daddy, how are you?" Her <PCSTARTINGEYECOLOR> eyes veritably glow in the dim light with love. You frown, but you thought... A happy coincidence maybe? You look around confused, where did the others go? "Is something the matter daddy? Another of your princesses asks from behind you, wrapping her arms and your shoulders. You start to answer but don't think of what to say, instead settling on a, "no everything's fine." "That's good..." She hums contentedly and presses closer into you. Did you dream it all? In fact what was it that you were doing? It seemed so important but the memory is getting foggy, like something in the back of your head is deleting the files. Your eldest pulls you closer, not about to hand you over so easily to her sisters just yet. Ah whatever... You've got fucking to do.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Incest is a creepy fetish and I'm glad it's out.
It's not my fetish/kink either, but that doesn't mean it's cool to rag on it/kinkshame.
Especially since this is all fiction, ie no real person as been fucked/harmed in the making of this game.
(except maybe Fen & Savin's healths)

On topic: you can't find loopholes in guidelines that are as loose as Patreon's. It feels like they are banning/removing projects according to what's best for them, and defining strict guidelines wouldn't be conducive to that :/


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
That site you mentioned uses Stripe as a payment processor. Stripe has rules against using Stripe services to fund porn. So when Stripe decides to finally enforce their own ToS they're back to square one.
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Mar 17, 2016
this has been repeated ad nausean. Stop trying to find workarounds and clever loopholes, even if you think you've found the perfect, most cunning solution, it won't be done.

I realize the discussion on incest has gone on for quite a while, but decided it best to give my two cents anyway. No matter how slight the chance I feel it was worth a shot. In any case as I attempted to make clear in my post, incest isn't the only thing on the chopping block. I'm in fact surprised it was the first to go. I've long admired Fen's decisions to stick to his guns and only write about what he enjoys, he has never included "Lolita" porn in his writing simply because it disgusts him. The fact this game is finally bending to outside will is what has shocked me.

Today it's incest but what's next? I know for a fact TiTs and COC have repeatedly depicted individuals under the age of 18 in sexual intercourse. In mentioning loopholes is not the language "that's the adult age for their species" not immensely similar to "that's the cultural custom for their species"? Then after that we have bestiality, rape, addiction, torture, slavery, the list goes on and on. Where do you draw the line in a game like this? The trick is you don't. Otherwise sites like patreon and every other prude on these forums will keep taking and taking from this game until either there's nothing left that makes it special or its fan base has completely jumped ship.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
I realize the discussion on incest has gone on for quite a while, but decided it best to give my two cents anyway. No matter how slight the chance I feel it was worth a shot. In any case as I attempted to make clear in my post, incest isn't the only thing on the chopping block. I'm in fact surprised it was the first to go. I've long admired Fen's decisions to stick to his guns and only write about what he enjoys, he has never included "Lolita" porn in his writing simply because it disgusts him. The fact this game is finally bending to outside will is what has shocked me.

Today it's incest but what's next? I know for a fact TiTs and COC have repeatedly depicted individuals under the age of 18 in sexual intercourse. In mentioning loopholes is not the language "that's the adult age for their species" not immensely similar to "that's the cultural custom for their species"? Then after that we have bestiality, rape, addiction, torture, slavery, the list goes on and on. Where do you draw the line in a game like this? The trick is you don't. Otherwise sites like patreon and every other prude on these forums will keep taking and taking from this game until either there's nothing left that makes it special or its fan base has completely jumped ship.

Dude, they are not cutting incest because they don't like it. They are doing it because they might get shut down. There is nothing to discuss and nothing to do.

About the age thing. I highly doubt that's because the author is attempting to sneak underage content. It's mostly trivia, just to make their species more unique. Hell, one of my characters is like 4 years old, but I don't consider her underage and neither was my intention to make an underage character.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Jesus fucking christ, y'all need to actually read what's going on and stop trying to make incest happen

It is gone.

Accept it.

It will (probably) never return, regardless of what you do, suggest, or write.

The only thing that could *possibly* make incest return, was a payment service (AKA a fucking bank, not just patreon or paypal) that explicitly allows it. And you know that will never happen.

So fucking stop these meaningless threads already
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Mar 17, 2016
Dude, they are not cutting incest because they don't like it. They are doing it because they might get shut down. There is nothing to discuss and nothing to do.

About the age thing. I highly doubt that's because the author is attempting to sneak underage content. It's mostly trivia, just to make their species more unique. Hell, one of my characters is like 4 years old, but I don't consider her underage and neither was my intention to make an underage character.

I'm aware of the reason they're cutting incest, what I'm saying is this is the first time Fenoxo has chosen to alter his work based on outside opinion. If he had done so with COC's inception it would have never gotten off the ground. They're not cutting this content in fear of getting shutdown, they're cutting this content in fear of losing money, all of their money. I am aware that 30,000$ a month is nothing to scoff at and I can understand Fenoxo and the teams decision. But I can also disagree with it. That money comes from backers, fans, it doesn't come from Patreon. Fanbase is what pays you, I'd fucking mail him the check every month if I needed to. So long as you have a fanbase you can figure out the money later. Cutting content means losing fanbase and the decision was made somewhere to choose money over the fanbase providing it.

I'm aware how idiotic it is to choose your fans, and a small percentage of them at that, over a massive amount of money and threats of legal action. And perhaps that decision would be easier on me as I have yet to grow fat on my earnings. Don't misunderstand, I fully support the decisions made, but I still disagree with them. There may be nothing to do but there is always something to discuss.

I wasn't bringing up the age thing as alluding to the fact the author is trying to sneak in illegal content. I brought it up because, regardless of intent, that is how legal teams will see it. They just so happened to see incest as the first red flag. There are no "loopholes" in things like these, only compromises. The best compromises in my opinion come from holding your ground and "pretending" to acquiesce until the opposition gets bored.

But that's simply it, its my opinion.
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Mar 17, 2016
Jesus fucking christ, y'all need to actually read what's going on and stop trying to make incest happen

It is gone.

Accept it.

It will (probably) never return, regardless of what you do, suggest, or write.

The only thing that could *possibly* make incest return, was a payment service (AKA a fucking bank, not just patreon or paypal) that explicitly allows it. And you know that will never happen.

So fucking stop these meaningless threads already

I refuse, viva la incest

Edit: This was meant as a joke, I don't wish to engage in discussion with anyone overtly aggressive.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I'm aware of the reason they're cutting incest, what I'm saying is this is the first time Fenoxo has chosen not to alter his work based on outside opinion. If he had done so with COC's inception it would have never gotten off the ground. They're not cutting this content in fear of getting shutdown, they're cutting this content in fear of losing money, all of their money. I am aware that 30,000$ a month is nothing to scoff at and I can understand Fenoxo and the teams decision. But I can also disagree with it. That money comes from backers, fans, it doesn't come from Patreon. Fanbase is what pays you, I'd fucking mail him the check every month if I needed to. So long as you have a fanbase you can figure out the money later. Cutting content means losing fanbase and the decision was made somewhere to choose money over the fanbase providing it.

I'm aware how idiotic it is to choose your fans, and a small percentage of them at that, over a massive amount of money and threats of legal action. And perhaps that decision would be easier on me as I have yet to grow fat on my earnings. Don't misunderstand, I fully support the decisions made, but I still disagree with them. There may be nothing to do but there is always something to discuss.

I wasn't bringing up the age thing as alluding to the fact the author is trying to sneak in illegal content. I brought it up because, regardless of intent, that is how legal teams will see it. They just so happened to see incest as the first red flag. There are no "loopholes" in things like these, only compromises. The best compromises in my opinion come from holding your ground and "pretending" to acquiesce until the opposition gets bored.

But that's simply it, its my opinion.
Its all well and good saying that Fen should consider the fans instead of bowing to Patreon.

Guess what, he is thinking of the fans and his investors.

Consider the following options.
Option A - Fen ignores Patreon's requests and continues to allow certain taboo subjects. Patreon regrettably has to shut him down hard and Fen is suddenly left without any income, can't pay his employees and presumably any bills and expenses, because that $35k a month did not happen overnight.
Option B - Fen takes a preemptive measure, cuts a couple of pieces of controversial content, keeping the financial powers that be happy, allowing him to keep working and to keep people employed.

But go ahead, keep throwing a tantrum and keep throwing teddy out the pram because things haven't go your way. In other words, get over it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
At this point, this thread should just be closed down. This has literally been talked about to the bone and the same exact arguments keep showing up closed topic after closed topic that nothing new is really ever gonna come from this, only the same points being brought up repeatedly.


Mar 17, 2016
Its all well and good saying that Fen should consider the fans instead of bowing to Patreon.

Guess what, he is thinking of the fans and his investors.

Consider the following options.
Option A - Fen ignores Patreon's requests and continues to allow certain taboo subjects. Patreon regrettably has to shut him down hard and Fen is suddenly left without any income, can't pay his employees and presumably any bills and expenses, because that $35k a month did not happen overnight.
Option B - Fen takes a preemptive measure, cuts a couple of pieces of controversial content, keeping the financial powers that be happy, allowing him to keep working and to keep people employed.

But go ahead, keep throwing a tantrum and keep throwing teddy out the pram because things haven't go your way. In other words, get over it.

I'm confused by your language. I thought I made it clear that I understand those two scenarios. I support his decision but respectfully disagree. I'm not throwing a tantrum, or have an argument really, I'm just seeking to illustrate my opinion as I haven't had the chance to voice it yet, if you disagree your welcome to stop following this thread.


Mar 17, 2016
At this point, this thread should just be closed down. This has literally been talked about to the bone and the same exact arguments keep showing up closed topic after closed topic that nothing new is really ever gonna come from this, only the same points being brought up repeatedly.

Closed down? Because people disagree with it? I was under the assumption authors wanted fans voices to be heard.

Edit: Oh, I should mention as well Fisianna is one of my favorite NPCs, well done on her creation. Her relationship path feels the most natural out of any I've found in the game thus far.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2017
No, closed because the decision has been made and no amount of threads and suggestions will change it. The sooner people accept that and move on, the better.

Trust me, I am not happy about it either - but I can toally understand the reasoning behind it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
I forget sometimes how aggressive these message boards can be.
It's not aggression, it's impatience, and I'll be straight with you: you are not the first person to come to the forums with something to say about the situation, along with a "well, what if Fenco does X instead?" or two, and it is annoying.

I wrote the Frostwyrmling content, in case you weren't aware. Incest isn't my #1 fetish but I like it enough to write the biggest - and most visible - chunk of content for it for TiTS. I've explained a dozen times by now that I knew the content was hanging on by a thread, and that it would have been the first to get tossed should anything happen.

What's gotten me irritated is that nobody else seems to get that no matter how many times it's said. Your ideas are not new. Fen can not just go to a new payment processor - Patreon isn't even the problem, it's the bank that runs Patreon. And saying shit like this:
Closed down? Because people disagree with it? I was under the assumption authors wanted fans voices to be heard.
is so disrespectful that I'm nearly cross-eyed and you're lucky this post has been reserved as it is so far. What do you think, that we haven't tried? That Patreon said one thing and our response wasn't "what else can we do"? TiTS is made by, and funded by, fans. We talked about this extensively, both in Discord and in these forums, and we have the myriad of tried-and-locked threads to prove it. We knew this would upset a lot of people. We didn't have a choice, and coming in with yet another bone-headed "um, ackshually, there is always a choice, viva la incest, why won't the authors listen?!" is starting to get rather trying.

Despite being such a huge fan of a purely text-based erotic videogame, please learn to read.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
B, just gotta slow clap that one out. Thank you for being more eloquent than I have ever been.


Mar 17, 2016
It's not aggression, it's impatience, and I'll be straight with you: you are not the first person to come to the forums with something to say about the situation, along with a "well, what if Fenco does X instead?" or two, and it is annoying.

I wrote the Frostwyrmling content, in case you weren't aware. Incest isn't my #1 fetish but I like it enough to write the biggest - and most visible - chunk of content for it for TiTS. I've explained a dozen times by now that I knew the content was hanging on by a thread, and that it would have been the first to get tossed should anything happen.

What's gotten me irritated is that nobody else seems to get that no matter how many times it's said. Your ideas are not new. Fen can not just go to a new payment processor - Patreon isn't even the problem, it's the bank that runs Patreon. And saying shit like this:

is so disrespectful that I'm nearly cross-eyed and you're lucky this post has been reserved as it is so far. What do you think, that we haven't tried? That Patreon said one thing and our response wasn't "what else can we do"? TiTS is made by, and funded by, fans. We talked about this extensively, both in Discord and in these forums, and we have the myriad of tried-and-locked threads to prove it. We knew this would upset a lot of people. We didn't have a choice, and coming in with yet another bone-headed "um, ackshually, there is always a choice, viva la incest, why won't the authors listen?!" is starting to get rather trying.

Despite being such a huge fan of a purely text-based erotic videogame, please learn to read.

I can understand why you're upset at the situation, what I can't understand is why you're deciding to vent it here. This thread was never meant to start a fight, simply to voice an opinion and suggest my idea on how to remedy the situation. I'm sorry that your fanbase has grown so large that you are annoyed by they're incessant prattle and genuine interest in the happenings of their authors.

I'm aware that you wrote the Frostwyrmling content, I greatly enjoyed it and it will be a shame to see it sponged from the game. At no point was I asking for an explanation as to why it got tossed or why you decided to write it, incest has been present in the games long before your contribution. Speaking of respect, I respect you greatly as an author, you pursue what you choose to in the face of what society would consider respectable. It is a shame the respect I feel for you is apparently not something you feel for your fans, going so far as to insult their literacy.

I am aware my ideas are not new, it is simply another voice to the opposition. Simply let it pass, there is no need to engage it, this is the thought behind my comment you deemed disrespectful. I was not attempting to diminish from the choices made by Fenoxo and the rest of the TiTS team. I was attempting to suggest the cruelty behind suggesting a fans voice is meaningless.

I am aware Patreon isn't the problem, in fact the problem has always been there, this just so happens to be the first time the game is bending to it.

I'm lucky this post has been reserved? I don't see what threats like these accomplish, are you suggesting you commonly berate fans on their opinions?

If your tired of hearing ideas from your fans please include in the forum rules that threads regarding incest will no longer be discussed. I don't think anyone deserves the treatment I have received here. It's your choice to engage me and vice versa. If it makes you angry stop. In no capacity do I hold the decisions made by you, Fenoxo, and the rest of TiTS team in contempt.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2017
I can understand why you're upset at the situation, what I can't understand is why you're deciding to vent it here. This thread was never meant to start a fight, simply to voice an opinion and suggest my idea on how to remedy the situation. I'm sorry that your fanbase has grown so large that you are annoyed by they're incessant prattle and genuine interest in the happenings of their authors.

I'm aware that you wrote the Frostwyrmling content, I greatly enjoyed it and it will be a shame to see it sponged from the game. At no point was I asking for an explanation as to why it got tossed or why you decided to write it, incest has been present in the games long before your contribution. Speaking of respect, I respect you greatly as an author, you pursue what you choose to in the face of what society would consider respectable. It is a shame the respect I feel for you is apparently not something you feel for your fans, going so far as to insult their literacy.

I am aware my ideas are not new, it is simply another voice to the opposition. Simply let it pass, there is no need to engage it, this is the thought behind my comment you deemed disrespectful. I was not attempting to diminish from the choices made by Fenoxo and the rest of the TiTS team. I was attempting to suggest the cruelty behind suggesting a fans voice is meaningless.

I am aware Patreon isn't the problem, in fact the problem has always been there, this just so happens to be the first time the game is bending to it.

I'm lucky this post has been reserved? I don't see what threats like these accomplish, are you suggesting you commonly berate fans on their opinions?

If your tired of hearing ideas from your fans please include in the forum rules that threads regarding incest will no longer be discussed. I don't think anyone deserves the treatment I have received here. It's your choice to engage me and vice versa. If it makes you angry stop. In no capacity do I hold the decisions made by you, Fenoxo, and the rest of TiTS team in contempt.
the problem is persistence on a conversation that was done and dusted
it was done the moment i sent the final pull request
it's over
move on

and stop playing the victim card, it's shameful


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
To put things in a more neutral light, since you've been lurking the forums for a long while apparently, and are aware of the discussions about incest that took place in the past, I'm ultimately failing to see the entire point of the thread.

It's pretty much been said until we're blue in the face that there's pretty much next to nothing any party involved in this can really do to curb the situation at this point, unless these banking/credit companies suddenly have a change of heart about the issue. (which is looking pretty doubtful) Changing crowdfunded platforms is not a real solution to this either since who's to say the new one won't pull the same thing on Fen later on? Plus it would be ultimately difficult getting every single person to move from Patreon to whatever platform they would want to use. Ultimately, you have to go with what you can control and adjust or prune content that is too controversial to risk getting your funding outright cut.

Believe everyone when we say NOBODY wanted this at all, especially B. He fought fugging tooth-and-nail to get that content in knowing the risks involved, and of course, this is affecting HIM the most since it was ultimately his content that may have potentially tipped that scale overboard. He's also hard at work trying to make a project out of the scraps that can hopefully still help the playerbase enjoy the content they missed out on. Yeah, it won't be quite the same as before, and I know, it really sucks that a pretty popular kink is being reworked/worked around, but... plain and simple: What can we as authors, writers, and deveolpers even do about it? At this point, next to nothing. We just can only be thankful that Fen can still keep the game floating, even if it has to shed a small shell of what it was formerly.

Adding more voices on this matter is just creating more noise, since we're frustrated as a whole with how this whole ordeal turned out. B has especially made that obvious, as well as a few others. It's just doing more harm than good to bring up the same arguments over and over and over again.
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