Faux Incest - Solutions to the recent ommissions.

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Mar 17, 2016
the problem is persistence on a conversation that was done and dusted
it was done the moment i sent the final pull request
it's over
move on

and stop playing the victim card, it's shameful

If the conversation is over, again, please update the rules for the ideas thread. I am aware the conversation is over, at this point I'm simply defending myself because I enjoy it more than deleting my own comments, I don't think its shameful for voicing complaint on being insulted.

Aimless Rogue

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2016
somewhere around here
Okay i'm super sick right now so i'm probably not going to reply after this, anyway if you've been a lurker since 2010 then you should have known this is EXACTLY what was going to happen with this thread and you shouldn't have posted anything about it, have you not seen any of the other threads? Everyone else, stop feeding the fuckin trolls.


Mar 17, 2016
To put things in a more neutral light, since you've been lurking the forums for a long while apparently, and are aware of the discussions about incest that took place in the past, I'm ultimately failing to see the entire point of the thread.

It's pretty much been said until we're blue in the face that there's pretty much next to nothing any party involved in this can really do to curb the situation at this point, unless these banking/credit companies suddenly have a change of heart about the issue. (which is looking pretty doubtful) Changing crowdfunded platforms is not a real solution to this either since who's to say the new one won't pull the same thing on Fen later on? Plus it would be ultimately difficult getting every single person to move from Patreon to whatever platform they would want to use. Ultimately, you have to go with what you can control and adjust or prune content that is too controversial to risk getting your funding outright cut.

Believe everyone when we say NOBODY wanted this at all, especially B. He fought fugging tooth-and-nail to get that content in knowing the risks involved, and of course, this is affecting HIM the most since it was ultimately his content that may have potentially tipped that scale overboard. He's also hard at work trying to make a project out of the scraps that can hopefully still help the playerbase enjoy the content they missed out on. Yeah, it won't be quite the same as before, and I know, it really sucks that a pretty popular kink is being reworked/worked around, but... plain and simple: What can we as authors, writers, and deveolpers even do about it? At this point, next to nothing. We just can only be thankful that Fen can still keep the game floating, even if it has to shed a small shell of what it was formerly.

Adding more voices on this matter is just creating more noise, since we're frustrated as a whole with how this whole ordeal turned out. B has especially made that obvious, as well as a few others. It's just doing more harm than good to bring up the same arguments over and over and over again.

Thank you for talking with me without anger, I really appreciate it. The point of this thread was to analyze a section of writing I created, but as far as I can tell that section of writing has yet to be approved by a moderator. I thought I found a pretty clever way of removing "incest" from the game while maintaining the fantasy. It appears so far that I was likely mistaken. I admit, I never followed the discussions on incest at length, I only know the summary, It is clearly a sore spot for everyone who has commented on this thread so far, and to that end I apologize for bringing it up.

I understand the decision making process that led to this and respect the final decision, I still however wanted to voice my opinion. I understand this contributes to the "noise," but as it wasn't prohibited by the forum rules I felt it safe to bring up, thinking those who disagreed would just ignore the thread. I was evidently sorely mistaken. It's not lost on me that no one wanted this. I can empathize with what B must have gone through, and for that matter all of you, but that doesn't mean I will sacrifice my own pride on the issue. I'm a rather vain person, for that, again, I apologize. I feel I've done well however staying as anti-antagonistic as possible. There is only so softly you can speak when someone is yelling in your face.

In any event I hope that response was satisfactory, it was never my intention to start an argument. My opinion is writers should write what they want consequences be damned. This view is asinine, juvenile, and extremist and I understand completely why this was not the choice made. But again, It's my view all the same and I wished to voice my opinion regardless.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Incest is not coming back. It was pretty cop-out incest in the first place, given the nature of the relationships involved.

Will it ever come back? That would require a big shake up on the side of capitalism and lmao, so no. Can you do anything about it? Nope. How can you get incest fetishisms back? By either looking for platforms not receiving funding from banks/paypal/etc (ie, a free hobby) or starting your own. So.

Chill. Go to sleep, thread. Go to sleep forum meta-discussion.
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