@adev, I'm afraid hotkey text on the buttons the way that Corruption of champions 2 has would be really irritating, since that text would constantly be getting read, rather than what the button does.
I'd suggest myself either having the hotkeys described in a separate location of the instructions file (since a VI user could always keep that open), or of having the hotkey describe text a togglable option for those who want it.
Referring to rows would be a wee bit confusing screen reader wise, since screen readers don't really distinguish where stuff is on the screen, however since most of the row options that would be used a lot would be the same anyway, and which ones changed would be different this might not be as bad, though perhaps Superfreq could chime in on this if he's more inclined to use hotkeys than I am.
I actually like having more stuff in the general explorable encounters and leaving places for, well places, so finding the Hentai comic lost in the wilderness was actually a nice surprise, however if you wanted to put the books in Lumi's chest, to tally with Giacomo's original function fair enough.
I also have a couple of bugs to report.
I wanted to at least see how I did against Lethice's stronghold, despite being level 15; ---- actually not too bad until I came to the minotaur King, he's a monster, however I did notice a couple of weird issues with other things.
Firstly, if the statue reduces your hp to zero, the game hangs, the next button does nothing, and you need to quit and reenter.
Secondly, not sure if this is in the original game, but there is no notification for the effect of pure peaches on the player, your not told how much hp and fatigue they restore, indeed your hp display doesn't change after immediately using them, though it seems to go up the turn afterwards from what I gather. This is quite a contrast to other healing items like marble's milk.
I also notice that the meditate option is a bit odd, since with the dungeons now being freely enterable locations, even though I've got the enlightened perk from training with Jojo, the button is still labeled masturbate, and only seems to work in some places, although as it's possible to leave and reenter the dungeons before battles that's less of an issue over all.
Speaking of Marble, I'm not sure if it's because I've finished her addiction and purification quest, but for some reason Amiily won't move in with me.
I've spent a lot of time with her, just talking or making sweet sweet love, I've given her 7 litters of mouselets, and yet the event where she moves into camp doesn't appear.
I don't know if it's because I currently have Jojo, Marble, Phylla, Isma, Sophie, Rathazul and indeed an enslaved latex goo girl all hanging out at my campsite, but amily doesn't seem to want to move in.
not sure if this is a bug, or just me misunderstanding what conditions need to be fulfilled to get her to become a lover, but I thought I'd mention it anyway, particularly because she doesn't seem to have an affection stat mentioned on the stats panel of the game the way some other characters do.