Expansions on early planets


Active Member
Apr 5, 2018
Would be interesting to see more parts of planets from early on in the game be expanded on, perhaps only unlocked after a certain part of the story is reached. This would fix one of my biggest gripes with the levels and the lack of exploration, which is an aspect of the game that could be expanded upon that would make it so much more enjoyable


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I'm sorry? I wasn't aware I was necroing. I only went 4 pages back. I'm sorry! is there a way to reply without bumping the thread?

There isn't. Also, the idea forum is for people who have an idea, and intend to write it themselves, but are looking for critique or help.

People just randomly posting ideas are not going to get anywhere, because basically nobody is going to write it for them (unless payment is involved, but that's a commission and also does not have any place in this forum) because every writer has their own ideas they want to write