Eveno Moar typos/etc


Apr 27, 2016
missing space

Beauty herself has turned her face towards you, entreated you. Charmed by the bunny-girl’s directness, you give back a nod and follow the provocative sway of her heavy ass until you’ve rendezvoused in a private booth, surrounded by a thick bass thrum of noise.

“Hey...”she murmurs, drifting close.

actually now that i look at it again, this entire scene as well as the others linked directly to it are missing the spaces that are meant to be before and after quotation marks. like, across the board. sorry if that wasnt explained properly. if you hit this encounter up in game and look for yourself youll see what i mean.

jesus, there was a lot of these.


Apr 27, 2016
perhaps change the "your arms" bit descriping the frostwrrym wings to something else in order to prevent confusion

and aslo, and im really surry if this is dickish of me to suggest, maybe add a parser so the description of the wing scales matches the character scale color, cuz as of now its always silver

descriping -> describing
aslo -> also
im -> I'm
surry -> sorry