Embry X-Pack Wish List


Aug 26, 2015
Why does this require a different level of support than just having crew member A and crew member B on the ship together?

I think Gedan just means in terms of practicality. I'm sure if it's a very specific sleep/wake-up scene that plays with very specific set of parameters, then that can be implemented with no issues at all. It's just the prioritization of these events that's the issue--especially if Steele has more than one crew member who all have possible sleeping/waking events. Because what happens when you have followers A, B, C, and D, where A+B has special scenes, C+B has special scenes, A+D has special scenes, A+B+D has special scenes, along with all their individual scenes... Which one takes higher priority? What if one in particular is tied to a mission? What if all of them play simultaneously? If more than one get triggered at the same time, it would not make sense chronologically.

A potential simple solution might be to work the sleep/wake scene selection into a kind of roulette, so that out of all the available and possible scenes, only one scene is picked and plays out (assuming a higher priority scene is not triggered first since not all scenes are triggered the same way). Like Gedan mentioned, something like this wouldn't be hard to implement, it's just that there isn't any content to justify such a method (there are only single scenes so far...). So until there is a need for it, then it is currently not practical to implement.

So from what I gather, you can write such scenes and provide a clear enough picture of all the conditions involved to trigger them, but the scenes' implementation will be questionable unless it is required (like for a quest or something similar) or until there is enough of those kinds of scenes to garner a new system to help handle it.


Aug 26, 2015
Can't there be content written for when you want to sleep with 2 people or are their different morning scenes a little too conflicting to do that?

Sure, for one particular combination of two people.

There are already six different combinations of two people.  The next new shipmate will make it ten.  The one after that, fifteen.  Twenty-one.  Twenty-eight.

Morning scene support after a specific threesome is one thing, since you're already writing the threesome.  Support for "I'm sleeping with both Bess and Anno every night" is much less viable.  Pick a favorite or change who you sleep with each night.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Quote said:
We then get into these multiple hour-long back and forths discussing the specifics of a highly variable, potentially very complex non-system that adds very little (if anything) to the game, rather than actually moving forward.
Point taken, since we've managed to derail the thread.  I just get grumpy when people say 'impossible' when they mean 'unfeasible' or 'not worth implementing', I suppose. 

Back on topic: If outfit switching ever gets implemented, I'd like to see it impact more than just busts- there are like two or three scenes in the entire game that actually care about what Steele's wearing enough to specifically mention it, IIRC. With a more limited selection of clothes-for-Embry, I'd prefer to have them actually affect scenes some more. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
The only way it would work is if, say, Savin and Jim made exactly one scene that triggers if and only if you have both Anno and Embry in bed.

Bess probably isn't going to happen. It's actually funny since she's the most likely to interact with your followers but will probably have little to no of said interactions.

There aren't going to be that many follower interactions, and we'll be lucky to get one or two bed scenes.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Let me put my waifus on a rotation at least, gotta spread the love.

Being able to beat up the parents is what I want most for the X-Pack. If they weren't so expensive to change I'd say switch their sexes and see how they like it. I'd also like a generic chat option to it feels like I'm actually interacting with her for more than sex after the initial topics are exhausted. Help her with her hobbies or something. ALSO non-sexual affectionate goodness. Like patting head, kissing, hugging with an ass grab, that kind of thing. She should also teach me how to look pretty and make best use of my assets for femininity gain/maybe small permanent perk or temporary effect like she helps you with your makeup. Option to gift her a banana and offend her. Option to misgender her and break her heart(maybe that is already a thing? I could never be mean to her it just feels more meaningful if there is the option to or something?)

...What would happen if you took pre-transition Embry to Dr. Badger?


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
The only way it would work is if, say, Savin and Jim made exactly one scene that triggers if and only if you have both Anno and Embry in bed.

Bess probably isn't going to happen. It's actually funny since she's the most likely to interact with your followers but will probably have little to no of said interactions.

From what I'm hearing, I would guess that this system won't be implemented until some crazy person goes through and writes like 25+ collaborative scenes, at least one for every possible combination of followers. Then it might actually be worth the effort of implementing and keeping up to date with new followers. Maybe. The issue with it is that it'll only get harder to maintain with time. 

> Option to gift Embry sex toys? :3

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Option to "gift" her a chastity belt?

inb4 xanthe/inessa because there's almost no chastity content in fengames ;_;

@easykiln below me: Yeah, like FO3's V-whatshername.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Oh actually about the visiting thing... can she send you a lonely email when she is close to getting a happiness drop? Also random chatty emails sometimes would be amazingly heartwarming to receive on an adventure.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Being able to beat up the parents is what I want most for the X-Pack. If they weren't so expensive to change I'd say switch their sexes and see how they like it. I'd also like a generic chat option to it feels like I'm actually interacting with her for more than sex after the initial topics are exhausted. Help her with her hobbies or something. ALSO non-sexual affectionate goodness. Like patting head, kissing, hugging with an ass grab, that kind of thing. She should also teach me how to look pretty and make best use of my assets for femininity gain/maybe small permanent perk or temporary effect like she helps you with your makeup. Option to gift her a banana and offend her. Option to misgender her and break her heart(maybe that is already a thing? I could never be mean to her it just feels more meaningful if there is the option to or something?)

  • I honestly don't think that Jim would want to go deep into familiar drama, but who knows.
  • I suppose being a terran supremacist scumbag could be fun, there are a lot of insensitive monkey/slave jokes to be had, even if I won't be able to go through with it.
  • I'm pretty sure that 'helping her with her hobbies/carrier', 'moar dialogue' and 'moar cuddling' was already on Jim's list.
  • IMO if the option to discuss her femininity would be there, learning/helping should go both ways.
Quote said:
...What would happen if you took pre-transition Embry to Dr. Badger?
Hopefully, we will never know.

Option to "gift" her a chastity belt?

Embry would probably love it, but It should come with extranet-integrated alarm system and VI-guided stun gun to have any chance of stopping anything that could possibly make her cheat on PC behind their back.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Uhh, I just meant for like one scene, lol. Maybe a flag at best.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There'll be an option to ask her about contraception up front, and request that she start or stops taking it. Strong contraceptives are probably easier to get than her treatment stuff. She, uh, might be a little scatter-brained after becoming a woman in body as well as mind, though, so no guarantees she's the contraceptives from the get go.

So, accidental preggers pre-ship and/or talking 'bout babbie? Not necessarily for fetish fuel but it would add more character-wise to have such a situation occur. Could then launch into talk about if keep or not, possible hurt feelings, etc.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Embry would probably love it, but It should come with extranet-integrated alarm system and VI-guided stun gun to have any chance of stopping anything that could possibly make her cheat on PC behind their back.
This isn't exactly the only purpose of a chastity belt.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It's finally begun....the ultimate Embry waifu package. Now with 300% more sugary bubblegum-haired wife sweetness with pink/brown haired Steele junior shenanigans. Tis a truly wonderful time to be alive!



Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
This isn't exactly the only purpose of a chastity belt.

Functionally, it is. Different people may use it as a symbol of something or other, but there's just one practical reason for it, and it rarely works anyway.

Edit: read Jim's post below, went to fill the apparent gap in my kink-related education.

re:Edit: I even managed to forget Kath and Ruby, who both played into the same kink at some point! I'll go stand in the corner of shame.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Pregnancy. Plans to have a 'Total Children' score and 'PC's children' score. Because people may like having their girlfriend knocked up by randoms. >_> Options planned for naming first few kids, a decision to have her take care of them or send 'em to the nursery (at least the first ones). Kids by other fathers are planned to be always sent to live with said fathers. Mapped it out, it's just easier that way. I got a pregnancy flow chart right now drawn down that I'm trying to make as simple as possible.
That sounds like a hell to code.

All kids over the four-kid limit would, after an "I-I'm not coping—!" scene from Embry trying to madly manage so many toddlers, be reluctantly relegated to the nursery. These kids would not be named, but it would be written in the scene that you did name-them off camera, much like with Briha's kids. That way breed-happy folks can keep on doing their thing, but I don't have to ask for name and gender tracking for 129 kids. That's how you crash Skyrim. I should know.
She could spent some time in the nursery too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
> 3+ Sleeping arrangements.

I think the original diagnosis from Gedan was pretty clear. "FuckNope!" Moving on...

> Chastity belts.

Chastity belt is an idea I've been toying with, purchased from Inessa's store and given to her. Some obligatory orgasm denial and what have you.

> Take Embry to Doctor Badger

No. ;_; No turning Embry into a chubby herm badger morph.

> Give her a bananna


> Help her with makeup.

Cute idea. I like. Also helping comb her hair.

> Loneliness E-mails

I thought about this, since it seemed like a neat idea, but I can't think of a way to do it without A) Cluttering up your inbox, B) Having repetitive content, and C) Pissing Gedan off by adding a mechanic that probably invoves a fuckton of work for very little payoff (See 'Sleeping arrangements'). I'm trying to keep Bessification to an absolute minimum, here.

Chatty e-mails are very likely, though.

> Gifting her Sex Toys

Don't see why not, once Inessa's there. Sex toys would probably be best with at least two new scenes unlocking, though. Probably won't be my highest priority; likely something left for a later addition and not for the X-pack.

>  Like patting head, kissing, hugging with an ass grab, that kind of thing.

Yup. All on my list under an [Action] category accessible from her main menu. That way you can lavish whatever specific attention you want to give her, rather than the more generic [Spend Time] that I've been using with Bess and Xanthe.

> Bess probably isn't going to happen. It's actually funny since she's the most likely to interact with your followers but will probably have little to no of said interactions.

Hoping to write interaction scenes some day that only reference her gender and not appearance, between her, my other characters, and some of the easier, more public ones (E.g. Celise; actually there already sort of is during her date scenes). Just because everyone else is scared of her, doesn't mean I can't pick up the slack!. ;_;

> Mention what Steele is wearing and use in scenes.

Ohohoh. You clearly haven't seen my bid behind the scenes for upskirt content. Having to take off a maid outfit rather than rip off the panties, skirt-flip, and fuck Steele Jr right there and then? SACRILEGE.

> Gender switch her parents.

Lol! Totally wouldn't be doable, but it did give me a smile.

> Embry spend time in nursery.

I want to do this, but it depends how the nursery turns out.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
> Chastity belts.

Chastity belt is an idea I've been toying with, purchased from Inessa's store and given to her. Some obligatory orgasm denial and what have you.

> Loneliness E-mails

I thought about this, since it seemed like a neat idea, but I can't think of a way to do it without A) Cluttering up your inbox, B) Having repetitive content, and C) Pissing Gedan off by adding a mechanic that probably invoves a fuckton of work for very little payoff (See 'Sleeping arrangements'). I'm trying to keep Bessification to an absolute minimum, here.

Chatty e-mails are very likely, though.

> Gifting her Sex Toys

Don't see why not, once Inessa's there. Sex toys would probably be best with at least two new scenes unlocking, though. Probably won't be my highest priority; likely something left for a later addition and not for the X-pack.

> Mention what Steele is wearing and use in scenes.

Ohohoh. You clearly haven't seen my bid behind the scenes for upskirt content. Having to take off a maid outfit rather than rip off the panties, skirt-flip, and fuck Steele Jr right there and then? SACRILEGE.

I think decent chastity play would require some form of libido tracking. Half the fun would be in watching Embry get more desperate over time. 

Repetitive content is the biggest issue with loneliness emails, IMO. It doesn't matter how good the system is, if Embry has only two or three 'I miss you' messages, they will eventually be more of an annoyance than a nice thing. 

I volunteer to write 'Embry and the Magic Wand.' :3

I have seen your bid for upskirt content what with Inessa and stuff. I hope you manage to prod Fen & Co. to implement a 'PC is wearing a skirt' variable so that we don't have to refer to every single piece of clothing with a skirt for scene purposes in future. 

(Also, it would be nice to get a 'PC is wearing panties' variable so that we can write 'she shoves your [pc.LowerGarment] aside' without it resulting in wierdnesses from boyshorts, briefs, boxers, etc. Lower priority, but it'd still be nice.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Gedan was nice enough to put in a 'IsOneOf' function to check for individual things like outfits, which has made things a lot easier and I totes used with Inessa. The obvious side-effect is its long-term viability with new flippable outfits being introduced. I think he also mentioned something about a possible 'flippable' flag. I dunno. I might have been drunk off happiness when it came to the Bess thing at the time and hallucinating.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Woot more Embry! As for the banana suggestion, if it does get in I would like an option to explain that you (As in Cap'n Steel) love bananas and are not making a joke but being sincere. (I can see either kind or hard Steele saying this, mischievous Steele is likely to be sarcastic and someone like Embry might take it the wrong way even more than the initial banana joke)


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Gedan was nice enough to put in a 'IsOneOf' function to check for individual things like outfits, which has made things a lot easier and I totes used with Inessa. The obvious side-effect is its long-term viability with new flippable outfits being introduced. I think he also mentioned something about a possible 'flippable' flag. I dunno. I might have been drunk off happiness when it came to the Bess thing at the time and hallucinating.

Yeah, those two flags ('flippable' & 'asideable') could probably share the slot being used for the 'flurry bonus' and 'airtightness' flags. I don't think we're terribly likely to see a dress or a pair of panties with either of those properties. :p  (And 'being a dress' and 'being panties' are also pretty close to mutually exclusive.) 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
> Mention what Steele is wearing and use in scenes.

Ohohoh. You clearly haven't seen my bid behind the scenes for upskirt content. Having to take off a maid outfit rather than rip off the panties, skirt-flip, and fuck Steele Jr right there and then? SACRILEGE.

Damnit Jim why must keep making love your work more can't wait for what is in store with this x-pack


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
About the getting pregant from other dudes thing... how would that work? Would she just invite generic potential fathers onto the ship? Would steele be able to spy on the deed? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
About the getting pregant from other dudes thing... how would that work? Would she just invite generic potential fathers onto the ship? Would steele be able to spy on the deed? 

My rough plan—and it really is rough; I scribbled in a notepad in a McDonalds cafe—is to give the PC chances to push her into situations where she gets ravished by a local. E.g. Take her to New Texas and order her to start blowing off some bulls, just so happen to leave her at the mercy of a male Naleen, put a public use sign around her neck and stand her somewhere like an alleyway on Tavros or just anywhere on Tarkus, etc. Assuming the peeps go all the way (and no chastity belt), there'd be a chance of her getting knocked up, and when she announces the pregnancy, your codex promptly bleeps and tells you it's not yours. Whoops. Maybe shouldn't have pushed her into all those orgies without contraception...

... At the time the pregnancy finishes, the 'pregnancy end' message wouldn't be like PC pregnancy (where there's the option to keep them). Instead, Embry would get some kind of message from the father (who she probably told, because she's nice like that) asking if they could raise the kid, and the kid would be sent to live with dad. I dunno about Naleen, though. Might have to either ditch that scenario or think of a work-around.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
... At the time the pregnancy finishes, the 'pregnancy end' message wouldn't be like PC pregnancy (where there's the option to keep them). Instead, Embry would get some kind of message from the father (who she probably told, because she's nice like that) asking if they could raise the kid, and the kid would be sent to live with dad. I dunno about Naleen, though. Might have to either ditch that scenario or think of a work-around.

So Embry's folks aren't assholes after all, just overly conservative people who overreacted? I mean in a proper 'you are not our son and are dead for us' scenario parents probably wouldn't want to raise their grandchildren? 


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
My rough plan—and it really is rough; I scribbled in a notepad in a McDonalds cafe—is to give the PC chances to push her into situations where she gets ravished by a local. E.g. Take her to New Texas and order her to start blowing off some bulls, just so happen to leave her at the mercy of a male Naleen, put a public use sign around her neck and stand her somewhere like an alleyway on Tavros or just anywhere on Tarkus, etc. Assuming the peeps go all the way (and no chastity belt), there'd be a chance of her getting knocked up, and when she announces the pregnancy, your codex promptly bleeps and tells you it's not yours. Whoops. Maybe shouldn't have pushed her into all those orgies without contraception...
... At the time the pregnancy finishes, the 'pregnancy end' message wouldn't be like PC pregnancy (where there's the option to keep them). Instead, Embry would get some kind of message from the father (who she probably told, because she's nice like that) asking if they could raise the kid, and the kid would be sent to live with dad. I dunno about Naleen, though. Might have to either ditch that scenario or think of a work-around.

It's at times like this that I wish we had better male/dickwielding romance options, so there would be the option of pushing Embry at someone you expect to treat her well. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Let me formally adopt the kids to be nice. I mean I don't intend to go down that route, but still.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So Embry's folks aren't assholes after all, just overly conservative people who overreacted? I mean in a proper 'you are not our son and are dead for us' scenario parents probably wouldn't want to raise their grandchildren? 

Embry's folks are conservative (thankfully not in a religious way) and they just don't quite get it. In a way, I imagine they feel a sense of loss, in that her aiming to become a girl means 'losing their son'. I mean, they have effectively put themselves in a situation where they've lost both. I imagine they're horribly worried about Embry, in their own way, trying to figure out why this all happened in the first place. "What did I do wrong?" is probably the big thought going through their mind.

I think, though, you meant to say would the parents raise the NPC's kids. I actually meant to say the NPC in question would raise said kid.

It's at times like this that I wish we had better male/dickwielding romance options, so there would be the option of pushing Embry at someone you expect to treat her well. 

Yeah, except that kind of makes people who are with Embry feel like there's another true love out there for her, which is a total downer.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Yeah, except that kind of makes people who are with Embry feel like there's another true love out there for her, which is a total downer.

Personally, I'd ask 'how is it fair for Steele to get multiple true loves and Embry to be restricted to only one?' Even that assumes that Embry/whoever actually have a romance, rather than just a one-time fling or a 'friends with benefits' relationship. Also, I'm sure some female Steeles would like the option to get a sperm donor, rather than having to graft a dick on.