Dungeon Master


New Member
Jan 24, 2017
Hello, this has not been started yet as I want to see people's reactions before I produce a demo. I'll probably be making this in RPG Maker MV.

The Story: You awaken in an unknown location with no memory of who you are or who you were. You are immediately attacked by a monster and will be forced to defend yourself, after the battle you will be introduced to an older Dungeon Master who calls herself a Demon Lord. She will start to explain to you what she means by that and about Dungeon Masters in general which the world's people call Demon Lords even them themselves refer to themselves as Demon Lords.

Your task in the world is to build your own Dungeon from the ground up, become the most powerful Dungeon Master, and amass an army of monsters that you yourself create using DP or Dungeon Points, and things called Medals which will allow you to create high-ranking monsters.

Planned Fetishes: M/F, M/F/F, M/M, M/M/M, Incest, Monster Girl, Non-Con, Bondage, Torture, Transformation, Paizuri, Corruption, Bukkake, maybe others.

Planned Features
Medal-based Monster Creation(Randomized)
Medal Collection Main Quest
Dungeon Builder
Dungeon Wars
Character Customization(Name, Gender, Personal Medal Attribute)
Tutorial-based Prologue
Events based upon in game decisions
10+ Endings
Relationship/Reputation Meters
Stat Points per level up
151+ Monsters
New Game Plus
Cheat Codes
And a Lot More


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If somebody asks if they should make a demo, the answer will always be yes.

But regardless, everything you've mentioned seems incredibly ambitious. Do you have any experience?


New Member
Jan 24, 2017
I do have experience using RPG Maker VX Ace and know how to code a lot of different events, I have yet to produce a game however as most of my experience is just me messing around with the software. As for the Java coding for the game, I do not have any experience with that and so will more than likely hire someone to write the java code for the game. The sex scenes will be purely written until I hire an artist for them.

Aside from that, I am confident in my skills to produce this game.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
Sounds interresting, I say go for it.

A demo won't only give ppl something to test/see what you are planning, but also will tell you if you are up to the task/where you are having problems.
If making the demo alone is already too hard for you then you can savely assume that a full game is out of your reach yet (at least without help)


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Who is making the art? You yourself or do you have an artist / artists you are collaborating with?

Any examples of the artwork?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Who is making the art? You yourself or do you have an artist / artists you are collaborating with?

Any examples of the artwork?

He said that the sex scenes will be text only until he gets an artist, so that answer is already right there. As to the in game sprites, etc., I'd assume he'll mostly be using the RPGMaker default stuff.


New Member
Jan 24, 2017
I'll make Sprites using the RPG Maker MV program's character creation feature. I do have an artist in mind, but I doubt they'd do it so I'll put up an ad for it when I can afford one.

Thank you, Darkfirephoenix. I'll post up a demo of the game here which will probably be the prologue of the game as well as the tutorial of the combat system.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You don't need to know!
The first thing that i have to say is that this feels incredibly similar to this light novel:


The second thing that i must say is that the project you are trying to make is quite bad with rpg maker because of the multiple limitations that the program has in terms of strategy elements and wars. I have been playing around with rpg maker (nothing too serious im not a developer and quite probably never will) and i can say that it will limit you a lot on that sense, it would be better to try other programs if you want to make that game because if not... you will need to have an incredibly big knowledge about scripting.

Third thing is that character customization... you are calling hell on you, as a first project i would never recommend that you add that, even experienced developers have problems with the customization.

The rest is a bit okay.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
I have to agree with asestado.
RPGmaker doesn't really work as a strategy game basis (or takes many workarounds and skill), so some other program would be easier to make it work.

The character customization: You will start with written scenes until you have a artist, right? Now imagine ALL THE WORK a custom made character will drop on ya/your artist/your wallet if you have to pay the artists per work.
Not only would they need to be made with different looks but also the programming work to "hook" the right pictures/text into the scenes.
Different ear shape? New hook for each avaible ear shape. Skin color? New hook. Hair color etc.? Even more hooks.
Unless ofc you want to generate the characters in 3D and work from there (then you would also have to work with a 3D program).

I suggest starting off with MAYBE 2 choices for character (male and female). Get a couple of scenes done for those 2 options and then you can tell how much work you would have to do and if you can handle that.

Better get a "feeling" first and don't bite off too much, or you may very well regret it/burn yourself out FAST.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
There are Tactical RPG scripts for RPG maker. I mean there are literally hundreds of utensils for getting more out of RPGmaker games then we have been getting out of RPGmaker in the Western made Patreon funded HRPG market.

Seriously I think that Roundscape is the only game that is even using something as common as the Yanfly scripts.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
I would love a game with this setting, but am a little afraid that it will be awhile until it would be made.
RPGmaker is not the best to use per say?
Regardless I look forward to this games completion....in let's say the next 2-3 years? :D
Good luck. <3


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2016
Renpy would be your best choice as I see it. If you were going to use RPG Maker, from What I hear it would be best to use MV instead.


New Member
Jan 31, 2017
Madlock said in the OP that he was going to be using MV. Ace only came up in reference to his experience.
MV is the first RPG Maker to make me want to use it. However, the plug-ins are essential. Especially the Yanfly collection, whose core engine allows the developer to change things like game screen size, enabling wide screen aspect ratios and modern resolutions.
The Yanfly plug-ins may also handle the tactical and other concerns raised above, but not really sure there. Combat is a minor focus in my work currently. I know there's a bunch of combat oriented plug-ins, but haven't looked them over as yet.