DUAL FAMILY [Act I - Part IX] UPDATE 03/30/18

Gumdrop Games

Active Member
Feb 17, 2017

[Act I - Part IX] Regular Edition!

[Act I - Part VIII] for FREE!

[Act I - Part X] Release: TBA

Due to changes in their site's ToS, I'm unable to link/associate my P development support page here. It remains the quickest access to image previews/development updates!


Hey everyone! First-timer here on the forums. I'm currently developing an adult fiction visual novel dubbed Dual Family.


In this decision-oriented game, you can choose one of two characters to play as and experience the same story from different perspectives. With the choices made in these dual campaigns being completely up to you, make or break the relationships with those you hold dear!

So far I've created 18 story chapters, split evenly between the two characters respectively. Each presents a series of conflicts for the characters to overcome, one way or another! Take a look...



A wife and husband can no longer stand each other – for more reasons they care to claim for. With their past love crushed and family seemingly splitting at the seams, an exhausted wife and mother seeks sexual validation. A faultless sister and daughter begins her inevitable sexual awakening. Choose your role as Father or Son and witness two perspectives of one family falling to pieces, grasping for any possible signs of love in their descent.



Upon starting a new game, you must choose who to play as. Each character has their own merits and flaws that will become apparent as you continue the story.


Additionally, both campaigns allow you to name your immediate family members. These will be remembered through dialogue, character profiles and journal entries. (Father route shown)


Dual Family will repeatedly test you with a multitude of scenario-based choices that will influence the relationship with your family members, as well as the ending of the story arc.

Do you just want a harmless, friendly hug? Or maybe you want to convince your family member to kiss you on the lips without hesitation? Perhaps you want even more…

Regardless of what you want out of your relationships, you have many opportunities to choose accordingly during Dual Family’s two stories. How far are you willing to go for the heart of your family?

Dual Family has three active relationship status’ you can achieve with your family members:

Strictly Platonic

This is the default relationship status with your relatives. You won’t be able to steal a kiss or cop a feel without receiving a strong resistance accompanied by a slap to the face. Hugging and other platonic interactions regular among family members are perfectly fine – granted they are appropriate in the scene’s context.


Slowly but surely, she is giving in to your unbridled charm and affection. A romantic relationship will allow you to be in close proximity with your significant other, gently caressing and even kissing her in the appropriate situation. She’s starting to fall for you, but be careful not to be too aggressive and shatter the lovely, intimate trance you’ve put her under.


A sexual relationship contains – as implied in the name – sex with your significant other. Coercing her to partake in such a forbidden taboo won’t be a measly task, but it will most certainly be rewarding beyond expectation.

It is up to you, the Father or Son, to determine which moves to play and which to suppress until the time is right. Watch and listen closely to your family for context clues – doing such will reward you with an impenetrable, unbreakable love with your significant, related other.


Here's some screens from the first half hour of Dual Family:




I want to reiterate that this game will remain free to everyone during and after development. If you DO choose to support Dual Family, you will receive the latest update of the game before anyone else. Non-patrons gain access to the same content an additional month after patrons, but it will be free to those whom wish to wait. After Dual Family is 100% developed, the game will cost nothing – free!

Whether or not you choose to support Dual Family, I truly hope you communicate to me with your feedback and constructive criticism of the game. Your collective involvement in the creative and development process will be absolutely integral for its success.

Thank you!

Gumdrop Games
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Gumdrop Games

Active Member
Feb 17, 2017
Could you play the father and reconcile with the wife? And on a more perverse topic, what about "harem" endings? Is that not feasible?

Yes, you can! As listed, playing as the Father you can pair with:
  • Your Daughter
  • Your Wife
  • Your Sister-In-Law (Wife's Sister)
  • Your Niece (Sister-In-Law's Daughter)
All will have arcs, some longer than others as mentioned in the post.
I'm afraid Dual Family is a story that won't contain any sort of harem. It's my intention to write with a focus on believable characterization, so an ending with multiple romantic/sexual relationships with multiple characters that blatantly acknowledge and accept the fact won't be implemented. That said, you will still be able to make small acts and actions during the story with multiple characters -- you just will only end up with one. I'm going with the pure, 1v1 approach for this story, but could be room for more "adventurous" relationships in future development projects!

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
Neat, a bit disappointing about the lack of a harem ending but it makes sense and not every game needs one. Now, can you affect things between other characters? Like, say could you play as the son and help his folks get back together? And then diddle his sister on the DL?

Gumdrop Games

Active Member
Feb 17, 2017
Neat, a bit disappointing about the lack of a harem ending but it makes sense and not every game needs one. Now, can you affect things between other characters? Like, say could you play as the son and help his folks get back together? And then diddle his sister on the DL?

I appreciate your honesty! I hope you still enjoy the story for what it is. :)

You absolutely can. The Son campaign's main arc branches in two directions:
A - Reuniting your parents
B - Breaking them up permanently

Whatever path you decide, the four available pairings still remain the same (except for M/S in the Reunite Route). You can reunite your parents and still romance your sister. If you want to see the world burn (many do!), you can make certain to break your parent's marriage permanently and still establish a relationship with your sister. So there are more than four static endings per campaign -- to be perfectly clear.


Oct 21, 2016
I really like the idea. The prologues are SUPER short though, so it is hard to say if it is good or not. It looks interesting, but I'll have to wait to see more before I can really say otherwise.

Gumdrop Games

Active Member
Feb 17, 2017
I really like the idea. The prologues are SUPER short though, so it is hard to say if it is good or not. It looks interesting, but I'll have to wait to see more before I can really say otherwise.

Completely fair assessment. Content-wise, the prologues are the shortest out of all the story sections. You can expect only beefier play times for all future releases -- the exact amount fluctuating depending on what's currently happening in that said segment. For Dual Family, the prologue is very much an "on-rails" sort of segment -- basically only having binary sort of choices and actions with the characters. The branching and dynamic nature begins thereafter, giving more freedom to where/who you will interact with as well as allowing more ambiguous/gray dialogue choices that aren't blatantly black & white.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I hope you continue to follow the story.
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Oct 21, 2016
One thing that I really like though is the grammar. A lot of these types of games have poor to just flat-out terrible spelling and grammar, which makes it extremely hard to get invested into the story.
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Gumdrop Games

Active Member
Feb 17, 2017
One thing that I really like though is the grammar. A lot of these types of games have poor to just flat-out terrible spelling and grammar, which makes it extremely hard to get invested into the story.
I can't agree with you enough on that note. I feel it's far too common where an H-game can execute stunning visuals, but fall flat on their face when it comes to basic grammatical technique (especially prominent with foreign dialect translated to English dialect).

That said, there is a balance I must uphold for the sake of realism -- you don't usually see young men or women speaking with a cold, monotone, thesaurus-like diction of speech (unless they are a literal robot). I'm pleased that you share the same respect for language and writing as well -- it is an absolute necessity for capturing immersive storytelling.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
I really like the idea. The prologues are SUPER short though, so it is hard to say if it is good or not. It looks interesting, but I'll have to wait to see more before I can really say otherwise.
Have to agree, seems more like a proof of concept then a demo.

Btw, does the mom's face look like a male's to anyone else? Mainly the jawline+chin part.

Gumdrop Games

Active Member
Feb 17, 2017
Have to agree, seems more like a proof of concept then a demo.

Btw, does the mom's face look like a male's to anyone else? Mainly the jawline+chin part.
I won't lie, she DOES have some high-test physical characteristics. If you are still interested in the game by the next release, there's much more content to chew on than the brevity of the prologue.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
So... fair warning, when you note that one of your goals is better dialogue, grammar, vocabulary and diction, be aware that you're likely to bring out the grammarian in a lot of readers. Here's what I picked up in your opening post alone:

acclaim for - should be 'claim' or 'admit' - acclaim means 'praise enthusiastically or publicly,' which is not what the context suggests.

decent - should be 'descent.' Unless you meant something completely different. 'Descent' is a movement downwards. 'Decent' is the state of being generally satisfactory.

'an' should only be used in front of a word starting with a vowel or 'h' (and in front of 'h' only when your dialect makes it less pronounced). Never in front of 'm'.

'flushed out' - should be 'fleshed out'. Something that is flushed out has had its contents removed. Something that is fleshed out has more body to it.

'abrupt' means 'sudden,' which is unlikely to describe length, but might describe an ending. Any synonym for 'short' would work here. I suspect you were thinking of 'abbreviated'.

The game itself sounds interesting, though I was rather hoping for a version of the reconciliation ending that meant open relationships for everyone. I'll probably wait until there's somewhat more content available before trying the game.

Gumdrop Games

Active Member
Feb 17, 2017
So... fair warning, when you note that one of your goals is better dialogue, grammar, vocabulary and diction, be aware that you're likely to bring out the grammarian in a lot of readers. Here's what I picked up in your opening post alone:

acclaim for - should be 'claim' or 'admit' - acclaim means 'praise enthusiastically or publicly,' which is not what the context suggests.

decent - should be 'descent.' Unless you meant something completely different. 'Descent' is a movement downwards. 'Decent' is the state of being generally satisfactory.

'an' should only be used in front of a word starting with a vowel or 'h' (and in front of 'h' only when your dialect makes it less pronounced). Never in front of 'm'.

'flushed out' - should be 'fleshed out'. Something that is flushed out has had its contents removed. Something that is fleshed out has more body to it.

'abrupt' means 'sudden,' which is unlikely to describe length, but might describe an ending. Any synonym for 'short' would work here. I suspect you were thinking of 'abbreviated'.

The game itself sounds interesting, though I was rather hoping for a version of the reconciliation ending that meant open relationships for everyone. I'll probably wait until there's somewhat more content available before trying the game.
Fixed! I really do appreciate the proofread.

The content is definitely receiving some serious love for this next update. I hope to hear from you again when it's out!

Gumdrop Games

Active Member
Feb 17, 2017
Hey guys, I'm back in!

The next installment of Dual Family is finished!





For this update, I focused on developing the characters with more longhand exposition, setting up the story events that will happen in the following release. The story branches into 6 different paths -- 3 for each respective character campaign -- based on the choices you make during this section.

The dividing points are:

  • Choosing to spend the day reconciling with your wife
  • Choose to have a stay-at-home movie date with your daughter
  • Choose to have a coffee date at the cafe with your daughter
  • Choosing to sneak out to your cousin’s party alone
  • Choosing to stay home and spend the morning with your mother
  • Choosing to sneak out to your cousin’s party with your sister
To be perfectly clear, choosing to spend your time with one character over another IS NOT going to lock you into a permanent relationship with them.

For example, choosing to sneak out and hang with your cousin WILL NOT permanently lock you in the cousin ending arc. It is far too early in the game to be forcing the player into one relationship or another.

All that choosing one path over another does is introduce exclusive scenes, dialogue and opportunities to improve relations with the characters. I recommend making multiple save files to fully explore all of the story paths Dual Family without missing a thing. I wouldn't want you to miss out on anything, after all!

If you are experiencing graphical glitches such as oversized save/load thumbnails, that is likely because of the reformatting from 1080p to 720p. Just overwriting the save file with a new one should fix it right up, but let me know if it doesn't!

The coding was pretty dense for this installment, so I could have easily missed a bug or two. If you find something wrong, please get in contact with me so I can check it out! I appreciate the help.

Here's a brief rundown on what you can expect in this installment:

  • Reformatted from 1080p to 720p due to file size concerns
  • Minor graphical revisions to prologue chapters
The Father:
  • Searching for your wife segment
  • Smoothing things with the wife segment
  • Father/Daughter kitchen segment
  • Father/Daughter table segment
  • Asking Daughter on a date (Outside, Inside or None)
  • Helping Daughter with homework segment
The Son:
  • Guitar playing segment
  • Unknown number phone segment
  • Cousin introduction segment
  • Brother/Sister bedroom segment
  • Mom at the door segment
  • Spying on Mom segment
  • Stay in/Sneak out dilemma





Like I said, this installment is largely focused on exposition rather than action. The next installment -- the date with your daughter and the house party -- will have the first sexual interactions and scenes. With whom is a secret!

I've been behind on the release and reward schedule for the last couple of days. Tomorrow, a full comprehensive walkthrough of the current build will be uploaded for the kind people who helped me out. Along with a revision of the release schedule, I will make sure to post all previews I missed and a little extra when I jump back on the horse next week. No drastic changes in the schedule, just a little more cushion so I don't accidentally pull 62 hours without sleep again (fun).

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it.

Until next time, friends.


Gumdrop Games
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Oct 21, 2016
It is starting to peek my interest. Of course, still, not much has happened, but I kinda understand why.

Keep it up. :)

Gumdrop Games

Active Member
Feb 17, 2017
It is starting to peek my interest. Of course, still, not much has happened, but I kinda understand why.

Keep it up. :)
I'm glad to hear that from you! The next part will have the first sexual encounters with characters. The date and party settings both have many MANY opportunities for great set ups...

Thank you for sticking around for the update!
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Mar 5, 2017
Dude what the hell, yo?

Someone linked this on /weg/ and I figured I'd get my incest-sicko-ry on. Instead I want to hug my daughter and help her get into college and find a good man and lead a fulfilling life.

I'm going to need you to make your English look more like it was translated by a Russian fourth grader, maybe get some cheaper, bimbo-looking 3DCG models and perhaps turn the dad into more of an asshole sociopath. It's the only way to suppress my healthy non-perverted brain and let me pole my daughter.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
Dude what the hell, yo?

Someone linked this on /weg/ and I figured I'd get my incest-sicko-ry on. Instead I want to hug my daughter and help her get into college and find a good man and lead a fulfilling life.

I'm going to need you to make your English look more like it was translated by a Russian fourth grader, maybe get some cheaper, bimbo-looking 3DCG models and perhaps turn the dad into more of an asshole sociopath. It's the only way to suppress my healthy non-perverted brain and let me pole my daughter.

Funny you say that, because when I tried for the first time, I had the same happy surprise.
I meant I was waiting for the same bazillionth time about the father fucking the daughter on remorse from the mother or the son oogling her, with a poor translation or grammar or whatever and everybody being a complete asshole me thinking they all deserve all their shit.
Instead, I want just be a father and help my daughter be happy and if not make peace with my wife, instead leave in good terms.
Only time will tell...
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Mar 5, 2017
Instead, I want just be a father and help my daughter be happy and if not make peace with my wife, instead leave in good terms.

Potential for serious internal conflict resolution? Or will it just turn into "how do I get the little brat to sit on my schlong"-story #159312738?

I lost my ability for hope a while back, so yeah, time...

Gumdrop Games

Active Member
Feb 17, 2017
Potential for serious internal conflict resolution? Or will it just turn into "how do I get the little brat to sit on my schlong"-story #159312738?

I lost my ability for hope a while back, so yeah, time...
I'm making an effort to not force the player's hand into one relationship or another. Reconciliation with the wife in favor of preserving tranquility within the family is an absolutely necessary story branch in my mind, even if only a minority of players choose that path.


New Member
Jan 31, 2016
Will it be possible to improve the relationship between father and son? I want to be a real dad for my junior.

Gumdrop Games

Active Member
Feb 17, 2017
Will it be possible to improve the relationship between father and son? I want to be a real dad for my junior.
Ah, unfortunately not. I'm afraid that there won't be any saving Junior from his blind bitterness towards his father, mostly due to their vast contrast in character. Plus, he's pretty much your average teenage shithead. :)


Mar 5, 2017
Will it be possible to improve the relationship between father and son? I want to be a real dad for my junior.

haha dude just wants to make an adult game and here he is being forced into making "happy family simulator".

Personally I think you should keep doing what you did so far. Feedback is great but you start steering your game around too much to accommodate our nonsense and I believe you'll just water the thing down and get frustrated. I replayed quickly this morning and so long as you keep some semblance of realism in dialog you'll set the game apart from most already.
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Mar 5, 2017
Hey I want games with depth.

Depth or breadth? We tend to confuse them, as well as forget that increasing one complicates the other. Do you want lotsa choices, or well fleshed out responses to them? He's just a guy, not infinite monkeys/typewriters.

Most devs (especially new ones) try to appease everyone, or at least not disappoint anyone. Plenty a project has gone under because developers want people to like their game, and in throwing around the limited quantities of attention they have they turn the game into a shallow mess with no sense of direction, inevitably leading to a frustrated dev and an abandoned tag.

I'm not a dev, so I prefer anything with potential stick to what it did initially, rather than listen to my stupid ass subjective commentary and go off track. If that means I hate this game when it is done, fine, somewhere else is a dev that didn't take shit either and made a game right up my alley. I start yelling at both along with everyone else, we'll just end up with both devs disappearing and a void where games could've been.
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New Member
Jan 31, 2016
Ah, unfortunately not. I'm afraid that there won't be any saving Junior from his blind bitterness towards his father, mostly due to their vast contrast in character. Plus, he's pretty much your average teenage shithead. :)

That's cool, man.
It's realistic, teenagers are just like that.
Btw i'm liking the fact that you are giving depth between the relations and not just: "wtf my mom's hot, wtf I fucked her"

haha dude just wants to make an adult game and here he is being forced into making "happy family simulator".

Personally I think you should keep doing what you did so far. Feedback is great but you start steering your game around too much to accommodate our nonsense and I believe you'll just water the thing down and get frustrated. I replayed quickly this morning and so long as you keep some semblance of realism in dialog you'll set the game apart from most already.

I'm not forcing, just asking. My comments means nothing, he should just make the game he wants to do it. The author's satisfaction comes in the first place.


Jan 15, 2016
I'm afraid Dual Family is a story that won't contain any sort of harem. It's my intention to write with a focus on believable characterization, so an ending with multiple romantic/sexual relationships with multiple characters that blatantly acknowledge and accept the fact won't be implemented.
I respect and endorse your decision (the typical H-game "harem ending" is even more unrealistic than the rest of the typical H-game), but for me your stated reasoning is a non sequitur; I know several people who have multiple mutually acknowledged-and-accepted romantic relationships (including a happy and stable quad), so don't find such a thing implausible in the general case :)