Double ability


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hello Alder!

This maybe isn't a great bug, of maybe isn't even one, but confuses me. I have Terry with the Jobs of Fighter, Ranger and Rogue fully mastered, and at the en of the list of abilities, i have this:

Set trap (50SP ): Sets a trap for an enemy.Swift (25SP ): Briefly boosts the caster's speed.Swift (25SP ): Briefly boosts the caster's speed. 

As you can see, Swift is duplicated for some reason. And before you ask, I haven't cheated of save-edited my game in any waay thaat could've made this to happen. Isn't really a game-breaking kind of bug, but is quite annoying fore those with a bit of OCD like me. With nothing else to say, thanks for an awesome game!
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