Dislike Buttons


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Every message board I've ever been a member of since I can remember has had the option for people to "Like" other members' posts. Facebook is the same. Someone says something you agree with but not enough to put into words? Click the "Like" button and get on with your life.

Well what the fuck about shit you disagree with? How many times a day have you seen someone post something not factually wrong but not in line with what you believe? Ten? Forty? A hundred? Wouldn't a "Dislike" button be pretty fucking handy in these circumstances?

"I disagree, here's a 'Thumbs Down', moving on with my life..."

How the fuck is society so PC that we have the concept of euphemisms (never mind the bewildering array of euphemisms themselves) in order to soften the blow of what we really want to say yet the concept of a Dislike button is itself abhorrent?

"If you disagree with someone, you damn-well better put that shit in writing. Vagueness has no place here.

Unless you agree with them. Then just spend the two seconds it takes to click the 'Like' button."


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
If you want to agree with someone, that's trivial. "Right on!"

If you want to hate on a post, a little effort is needed. :ghost:


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Reading that you can't remember a time when message boards didn't have like buttons sure makes me feel old.

Anyway, I don't think a dislike button is conductive to good posting. It can quickly encourage an echo chamber atmosphere where any dissenting or minority opinion (especially criticism) gets stamped out through peer pressure. Like buttons can lead to inflated egos but they can also encourage people to speak up or let them know that someone appreciated what they had to say.

Having to put effort into disagreeing with someone is almost always better than putting up an easy and mostly-anonymous way to fling scorn at someone.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
New Reading that you can't remember a time when message boards didn't have like buttons sure makes me feel old.
I think the fact that I can't remember it makes feel older. ;)

If you want to hate on a post, a little effort is needed.
I think that's a little harsh. IMO, "Hate" is too strong a word to describe a "Dislike" button. There are more posts than I care to count that deserve nothing more than a quick "I disagree" or "You're a moron" before moving on with my day. If I take the time to post in every topic I disagreed with, I wouldn't have time left to do anything else. Also, I'd widely be regarded as the biggest asshole ever. :p

As of this post, this thread has 126 views yet only two replies. I find it hard to believe only two of those people have felt some sort of way about this topic.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2016
Or in reality is that you wanted a soft censorship voting system not too different like the Reddit. Because the truth is that if you simply wanted an emotional outlet there are alot of work around for that.

Speaking of the message board argument you brought up here, I can refute you immediately with one example, let me introduce to you, 4chan.

Saddening is that even in an open forum such as this, it seems to me that most of the people just wanted to have opinions to agree with rather than having an actual discussion. I guess that is to be expected given the sociopolitical climate these days. Say hi to big data science social engineering and basic psychology.

Although some countries are started to introduce ambiguous stated law about hate speech or wrong think censorship on the internet I guess you kinda got your wishes granted in that regard.

(I don't think I needed to bring out just how much backlash my previous threads caused in general to the community but let's move on.)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2018
What in the fuck fuckity fuck fuckery is wrong with you, just let it go. Poor bastard just wants a dislike button.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2016
What in the fuck fuckity fuck fuckery is wrong with you, just let it go. Poor bastard just wants a dislike button.
Because just like everything, even a small like button being implemented has a consequences. Which is why socialism is inevitably a failure.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Because just like everything, even a small like button being implemented has a consequences. Which is why socialism is inevitably a failure.
What? Like buttons will cause socialism to fail? What are you talking about? XD XD XD
Maybe take a social media break


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Perfect example. The last two shitposts could have easily been avoided with a Dislike button.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
KYM has dislike buttons.

There's also a thing were people make alt accounts and down vote people with views they don't like. So...


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
There's also a thing were people make alt accounts...
People already do that in order to make horrible comments. Trolls gonna troll.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
Dislike button is not a good idea imo , if you disagree with someone's idea/opinion/anything else you should discuss the thing you disagree on to find some common ground instead of dropping a dislike because it won't point out anything to the person you disagree with (someone drops a like - hey the thing i just did is probably a step in good direction , someone drops a dislike - hmm they don't seem to like what i did but why? i got no feedback)


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
I am of the opinion that neither like nor dislike buttons are really needed.
Sure, it is nice to have a digital pat on the back, but they do not really bring a discussion forward.

Then again, often enough you do not join the discussion proper, but still want to voice your support/opposition to a position, so for that it is useful..
I lost my own position over writing, heh.

Because just like everything, even a small like button being implemented has a consequences. Which is why socialism is inevitably a failure.
This.. doesn't make any sense. Everything has indeed consequences. Including things like implementing a button or, indeed, not implementing that button.
That is just how things work. That just has nothing to do with Socialism.

Like/dislike buttons are an attempt to lend more weight to an argument in the hope that the ratio of them show the support that an opinion has.
It also makes it easier and faster to give people feedback.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2016
Like/dislike buttons are an attempt to lend more weight to an argument in the hope that the ratio of them show the support that an opinion has.
Which is why it is exactly a problem. An argument weight shouldn't be decided by the masses public opinion but solely based on its factuality/objectivity and should've be proven/disproven as such. Which is exactly why the Founding Father of the United States actually hated democracy, because people are actually too stupid to decide what is better and what not even for themselves.

For an example, an argument about round earth inside a flat earther community will naturally resulted in high dislike ratio for the said argument post no matter how factually/objectively correct the argument being put. Does that make round earth argument inherently false in this regard?

Speaking of flat earth, do you know that the flat earth used to be commonly accepted social consensus a.k.a the reality despite it being proven false with modern science?

Oh yeah I am totally not complaining about how most of the people literally dismissing my argument because it contradicting to their beliefs and remain restrained by their own emotion and biases btw.
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Tobey Maguire

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2020
@Paradox01 so this is unrelated to this "debate" but whatever happened with that upgradable glove project? Are you still working on it? I'm just curious on what happened with that lol


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
@Paradox01 so this is unrelated to this "debate" but whatever happened with that upgradable glove project? Are you still working on it? I'm just curious on what happened with that lol
I haven't touched it in a while. RL got in the way and pulled my focus, unfortunately. :p

Oh yeah I am totally not complaining about how most of the people literally dismissing my argument because it contradicting to their beliefs and remain restrained by their own emotion and biases btw.
I have you set to Ignore, but I just had to see what Mal was replying to and I felt the need to point out the fact that the sole reason people dismiss your arguments is because you're a hypocrite and do exactly that. You're always trying to win some debate. Well I've got news for you, pal, this ain't a debate. It's an attempt at a discussion with people sharing ideas and viewpoints. I never set out to change anyone's mind about the subject of dislike buttons. I said my piece and other than two short replies, I've let people have their say without feeling the need to argue against them. And THAT'S your biggest problem here; you don't argue for anything, you argue against everyone. If you were at a pot luck picnic, everyone else would be going, "Oh, your cake is great, try my watercress sandwiches" while you run around shoving your pie in everyone's face yelling, "YOUR FOOD IS IRELLEVANT, EAT MY PIE!!!"

And that's all I've got to say on that. Back into the cellar with you.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2016
I haven't touched it in a while. RL got in the way and pulled my focus, unfortunately. :p

I have you set to Ignore, but I just had to see what Mal was replying to and I felt the need to point out the fact that the sole reason people dismiss your arguments is because you're a hypocrite and do exactly that. You're always trying to win some debate. Well I've got news for you, pal, this ain't a debate. It's an attempt at a discussion with people sharing ideas and viewpoints. I never set out to change anyone's mind about the subject of dislike buttons. I said my piece and other than two short replies, I've let people have their say without feeling the need to argue against them. And THAT'S your biggest problem here; you don't argue for anything, you argue against everyone. If you were at a pot luck picnic, everyone else would be going, "Oh, your cake is great, try my watercress sandwiches" while you run around shoving your pie in everyone's face yelling, "YOUR FOOD IS IRELLEVANT, EAT MY PIE!!!"

And that's all I've got to say on that. Back into the cellar with you.
Good. That means less stupid argument I had to deal with. Your accusation of me being a hypocrite is just as baseless as orange man bad propaganda oh wait many people actually believe that. My bad.

Hypothetically speaking, if one person enjoy eating dirt, does that make "eating dirt" good?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
Could we make a separate subsection for this forum so the orange wall builders & the commies can go argue there also wtf is wrong with you to bring irl politics into everything ... it's a god damn porn game forum ... couldn't we just put our differences aside atleast here? For the sake of enjoying porn , games , porn games and fluffy tails?


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Could we make a separate subsection for this forum so the orange wall builders & the commies can go argue there also wtf is wrong with you to bring irl politics into everything ... it's a god damn porn game forum ... couldn't we just put our differences aside atleast here? For the sake of enjoying porn , games , porn games and fluffy tails?

We need no discussion about rulership, since we have a ruler. It is our divinely mandated duty to be the Baroness content subject!
So stop thinking about "politics". Let us leave that to our betters.

Also, all the fluffy tails belong to me . no stealing. >_<


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2016
Could we make a separate subsection for this forum so the orange wall builders & the commies can go argue there also wtf is wrong with you to bring irl politics into everything ... it's a god damn porn game forum ... couldn't we just put our differences aside atleast here? For the sake of enjoying porn , games , porn games and fluffy tails?
Well it is called general BULLSHIT subforum after all. I don't see a problem with it. I brought up politics simply because I argued that simply implementation of the like/dislike or equivalent of the system has a long term effect on public opinion, on top of the fact that people are willing to believe anything as long as enough people agreed with it especially regardless of it being correct or not, and given how much people responded such way including my previous Gweyr threads (I am amused by the fact that it turned to a social experiment unexpectedly) I already had enough evidence to prove my own hypothesis. Isn't there a saying a lie would eventually become a truth once you repeat it enough?

Then again, if you are getting bored of me being no-nonsense serious all the time like that one specific character that shall not be named you can simply ignored or blocking me I wouldn't care. The only real response I needed is from the writers themselves or anyone that is able to or interested in objectivity debate. Honestly I would be amused if they are willing to dismiss the objection they didn't caught up during their own peer review which seems hypocritical to me while demanding feedback from the player, which is what I exactly did.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2016
I think everyone should just stop replying to this guy and giving his comments oxygen.
Fun fact: Autism don't feed on oxygen. I wish it does.

At least I will gave you guys credit for able to drain me so much on my threads though. It was an interesting ride for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Oh, Paradox, I just wanted to say: if I had my druthers, I would remove the like button options.

May put off some of the more lazy posters. Oh which I am one. What? I'm allowed to be as contrary as a hog on ice skates.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Oh, Paradox, I just wanted to say: if I had my druthers, I would remove the like button options.

May put off some of the more lazy posters. Oh which I am one. What? I'm allowed to be as contrary as a hog on ice skates.
Totally fair. If you (the royal "you") want to discourage lazy disagreements, why not go whole hog (heh) and discourage lazy encouragement?