Hey all, I was banned from the discord about 20 minutes ago, and I discovered through DMs that it was because multiple people had complained about me. I'm sorry for anybody that I offended, annoyed, etc. I know that I can be abrasive at times and outright insufferable at others, but it's never my intention to be either. I don't do any of the things I do because I want to make people angry, I'm just an impulsive person and I wasn't careful enough about speaking my mind or thinking of how other people might construe the things I said. This thread is for two things, mostly in conjunction. Giving people the ability to tell me what it is I've done that you take issue with so that I can avoid it in the future, and as a request to return with the knowledge provided by those responses. Even if I'm not allowed back, I can at least possibly improve myself in some way. We'll cross that bridge if we come to it. Before we start though, I'd like to mention that it was brought up to me that at times people perceive me as kink-shaming. (Likely mostly herm related things I imagine) I apologize if I came across this way, as I wasn't trying to guilt or belittle anyone for liking anything in particular. I was simply lamenting the lack of content that I personally enjoyed in the least competent way possible. In general I'm aware of the fact that my attitude towards content I don't like has been unhealthy and disruptive, and if I'm allowed to return that would be the focal point of my attempt to correct myself. I can only hope that my willingness to admit my faults and try to do better is of some consolation to anyone who I've inadvertently antagonized.