Well, after deciding we need parasites that aren't something to cheer about, I've manufactured Menvo. A parasite disguised as a symbiote. It feeds off of you from the inside and bimbofies you gradually. It doesn't get grotesque or gorey, but are minor mentions of deterioration and a game over.
You have the complete option to avoid it if you aren't into that kind of stuff.
In its current state, it's not great. I'm working on it. Some serious edits are coming in, and I'm adding the ability to bond with it. If you don't bond with it, it'll use you and only have poor effects. If you do as it wants, you'll probably get your stats back and maybe some bonuses.
It's going to sit on view only for up to a few days while I realize some mistakes and fix them. Expect gigantic changes.
You have the complete option to avoid it if you aren't into that kind of stuff.
In its current state, it's not great. I'm working on it. Some serious edits are coming in, and I'm adding the ability to bond with it. If you don't bond with it, it'll use you and only have poor effects. If you do as it wants, you'll probably get your stats back and maybe some bonuses.
It's going to sit on view only for up to a few days while I realize some mistakes and fix them. Expect gigantic changes.
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