Did anyone else...

Sep 26, 2020
Immediately dump Anno's ass off at Tavros after she ran off with a random green guy at Burt's on Mhen'ga?

Kaede is fine, and I can ignore her involvement with Victor because it doesn't really come up, but that little bit of Nice Time for Roo was too much for me.

Just me?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017

Oh no, Anno does the same thing that Steele does and picks up randos and bangs them. How awful.

Your character, your way to play.
Sep 26, 2020

Oh no, Anno does the same thing that Steele does and picks up randos and bangs them. How awful.

Your character, your way to play.

Uhh, that's the benefit of being the PC? PC gets to do whatever they want, to the extent of the devs, or it wouldn't be an rpg. Lol. Just because the player does something doesn't mean other characters can do the same thing without judgement.

NPC's exist to provide content to the PC, and I'm expressing a distaste to a particular scene involving unavoidable Nice Time for Roo...


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Why does it bother you so much?

I mean, you know pretty much from meeting her that Anno is poly. She used to have plenty of partners when in college, she's still in a relationship when you meet on Tarkus. Its not like you go into this blind, she loves sex and she'll look for some tail if she's on leave. Its not like you go back to the ship, find Anno and her latest conquest on your bed, his balls slapping her hard and fast. Hell, there are times if you're sexing Syri, Anno can walk in on you.

And yeah, NPCs exist to provide content. But they shouldn't exist in a vacuum, waiting for the PC to show up. Its actually good writing to have the character doing their own thing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
To be fair, Steele was also banging Erra, so would you really count that?
Sep 26, 2020
Why does it bother you so much?

I mean, you know pretty much from meeting her that Anno is poly. She used to have plenty of partners when in college, she's still in a relationship when you meet on Tarkus. Its not like you go into this blind, she loves sex and she'll look for some tail if she's on leave. Its not like you go back to the ship, find Anno and her latest conquest on your bed, his balls slapping her hard and fast. Hell, there are times if you're sexing Syri, Anno can walk in on you.

And yeah, NPCs exist to provide content. But they shouldn't exist in a vacuum, waiting for the PC to show up. Its actually good writing to have the character doing their own thing.

It doesn't really bother me that much tbh. It's not like I made a thread saying that shouldn't happen, because some people may like that content. I just asked if anyone else needed a revenge scene after Anno blows you off for someone else, especially a random character.

It's not like you have to recruit her in the first place knowing her lifestyle, but I didn't have a problem with sharing Anno with Kaede. I just found it annoying that you had no choice in the matter of her running off like that, because she's a likeable character who even gets a 'sleep with' and marriage scene (albeit dream). There's plenty of NPC's so it's not that big a deal, imma STILL dump her ass on Tavros. I just think it's fair to not enjoy content like that, many games even give you the option to filter it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
So you can fuck everyone under the sun without anyone elses needed input and not have a problem with it but if it's an NPC they should only be allowed to fuck you and have no free-will on their sex life otherwise unless they ask you or something unlike you?
The hypocrisy is staggering with these people. You're allowed to "Nice Time for Roo" :rolleyes: NPCs but when they do it THEN it's a "problem" in a super sexually open game world.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
Personally, I find Anno's antics more amusing than annoying. And it's really only mildly annoying at best. She makes it abundantly clear during her talk scenes that while she likes you that she's in a relationship with someone already AND that she's going to fuck around when she feels like. Getting butthurt about it when she does just that is more than a little silly.

You just gotta accept her for the free spirited, fun loving slut she is, and in return she brings more girls (Huskars!) into your life AND is willing to become and stay a Huskar for you. I say she's worth it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I think it bothers me more that Victor is still getting the win after he went to that Big Board Meeting in the sky. Victor Steele, so smooth, he's still getting laid despite being dead.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I think it bothers me more that Victor is still getting the win after he went to that Big Board Meeting in the sky. Victor Steele, so smooth, he's still getting laid despite being dead.

Victor is obviously a Time Lord.

Or my tin foil hat theory that he isn't dead, but chilling at the Tarvos administration hospital is actually true!


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Err, not really no.
It bothers me more that she is locked as a crewmate behind having a sexual relationship with her. I'd care less if she didn't send the PC the email about wanting to get off Tarkus, but she actually does have a useful gameplay function which is pretty rare for crewmates. But this would be less annoying without the email.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2020
tuna can
Nobody said you can't judge her for it; just being fussy about it is hypocritical. Anno says she has open relationships when you ask her about relationships from the get go, so I'm not sure where you got the impression that anything other than her hooking up with randos would happen. You set yourself up for that, champ.

Also, you are getting jealous over a fictional character. It's pretend fun. If something you don't like happens... save scum so it doesn't occur in your game?

I'm not into open or poly relationships, but it's fine to pretend in a video game, ya know? That's kind of the fun of vidya, is that you can do things you otherwise never could/would. If your approach to a character-driven fap-game is "any person not servicing my penis exclusively can rot", then you're probably gonna have a bad time.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
I love Anno as is. Just want clarification...what Nice Time for Roo scene?

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I love Anno as is. Just want clarification...what Nice Time for Roo scene?
Netorare, aka, cheating. It's basically a fetish for cheating, but unwilling on the part of the one being cheated on. Different from cucking/cuckoldry.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
Netorare, aka, cheating. It's basically a fetish for cheating, but unwilling on the part of the one being cheated on. Different from cucking/cuckoldry.
Thanks but I meant like how to trigger it. I may have overlooked it cuz sometimes I speed read the scenes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
So you can fuck everyone under the sun without anyone elses needed input and not have a problem with it but if it's an NPC they should only be allowed to fuck you and have no free-will on their sex life otherwise unless they ask you or something unlike you?
The hypocrisy is staggering with these people. You're allowed to "Nice Time for Roo" :rolleyes: NPCs but when they do it THEN it's a "problem" in a super sexually open game world.
The difference between these two perspectives is approaching this game as though it's a serious piece of writing whose purpose is to tell a story vs. approaching it almost-or-entirely as a vehicle for sex-fantasy. I'd say this game much more often leans in the latter direction so it's not unreasonable on its face to generally be okay with Anno's behavior but not want to explicitly see it - after all, if you see scenes like this purely as wank material then it's only natural to think I don't like content where the characters sleep around on me so why are you showing me this? If you switch gears then sure, that's Anno being Anno, and there's no narrative reason why Captain Steele should be the only one going on shore leave and the TiTS setting is very libertine &c but I can see why someone might view that as an obnoxious "you've been cucked btw" notice and not much else.

I don't think it would be so terrible to gate notices like that behind a conversation with her about her recent exploits instead of having them pop up automatically.
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