Did anyone else...


Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
The difference between these two perspectives is approaching this game as though it's a serious piece of writing whose purpose is to tell a story vs. approaching it almost-or-entirely as a vehicle for sex-fantasy. I'd say this game much more often leans in the latter direction so it's not unreasonable on its face to generally be okay with Anno's behavior but not want to explicitly see it - after all, if you see scenes like this purely as wank material then it's only natural to think I don't like content where the characters sleep around on me so why are you showing me this? If you switch gears then sure, that's Anno being Anno, and there's no narrative reason why Captain Steele should be the only one going on shore leave and the TiTS setting is very libertine &c but I can see why someone might view that as an obnoxious "you've been cucked btw" notice and not much else.

i don't think it would be so terrible to gate notices like that behind a conversation with her about her recent exploits instead of having them pop up automatically.

this is a game where everything fucks everything else and STDs just give you bigger tits when you have a sniffle. i think that was well established when you encounter native fauna on an uncharted planet and all they wanted to do was a little cotch bumping

in a world like this, there's a dog woman. she invites you into her open relationship with her actual long-term girlfriend, who she happily lets you fuck. honestly anyone dense enough to not expect said woman to sleep around should perhaps worry more about their star-shredding gravity field and its impact on their friends and family instead of stumbling upon some 2 sentences long text based """Nice Time for Roo""" throwing cold water on their crotch fiddling session.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2020
tuna can
I don't think it would be so terrible to gate notices like that behind a conversation with her about her recent exploits instead of having them pop up automatically.

Except it's not really automatic. You have to choose to engage with her at the bars, which is where she picks up randos; I think I've seen about four different scenes, and all but one were her picking someone up/getting picked up- and even in that one exception, someone else was trying to pick her up and she just wasn't feeling him. That's what those scenes seem to exist for, so if you're going around clicking them, you are choosing to engage with that content.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Do they happen immediately when you click on her name? I've never actually recruited her myself.

Walking up to her thinking that you're going to interact with her only to see her hooking up with someone else would upset some people. Kiro has scenes where you help her hook up with others but you have to choose that, it's not just sprung on you.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
Do they happen immediately when you click on her name? I've never actually recruited her myself.

Walking up to her thinking that you're going to interact with her only to see her hooking up with someone else would upset some people. Kiro has scenes where you help her hook up with others but you have to choose that, it's not just sprung on you.

no, there's an entire questline + dungeon you have to go through first in order to even have her as a crewmate. before you do that you would probably have encountered her girlfriend, who she admits to being an open relationship with (yes, threesome ensues, if you want it). she also has "lover?" as one of her talk options in which she tells you about her girlfriend. for those preferring more subtle hints, many of her other talk options are pretty sexually charged as well, and not just towards you.

point is, there are several points before you invite her on your ship that makes it crystal clear she's not even remotely monogamous, and during any of those points you could nope out and just forget she exists as anything other than a merchant. the game's constantly hitting players in the head with these hints and anyone thickheaded enough to power through them all only have themselves to blame.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2020
tuna can
Do they happen immediately when you click on her name? I've never actually recruited her myself.

Walking up to her thinking that you're going to interact with her only to see her hooking up with someone else would upset some people. Kiro has scenes where you help her hook up with others but you have to choose that, it's not just sprung on you.

Yes, once you click on her name in the bar, it comes up- and if it's an interaction with Kaede, it says that she's with Kaede (in the little.. preview, text box thing), so you don't have to miss out on that content by avoiding other bar scenes.

That said, there are about a million things that could upset someone just by clicking on it in a game like this. For real, where's the line, here, then? Do they put all the battle loss scenes behind a gate, too, in case some guy who's not gay gets beaten by a male and ends up sucking a dong? Do they gate any gay flirting what-so-ever, just in case somebody doesn't like being flirted with by the same sex (or a gate for straight flirting, whatever the players tastes are)? Do they gate Prai's tease content, just in case somebody realizes she's a trap and gets uppity over it after molesting her nips?

Look. You're not children, or at least, if you're playing this game, you shouldn't be a child. Just be an adult about it. Expecting the devs to cater to every little wiener-based insecurity of every person who plays this game would make the game a boring, unfinishable mess. Expecting an adult to have some accountability (to pay attention at least a miniscule amount to context and what they're clicking on) when playing a game full of perverse sexy time is not asking too much on the developers part.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In a porn game, it's a logical thought that most, if not all characters, are sexable or eager to have sex. If you want to stay away from sex scenes, it can be done. I for one avoid a lot of smutty contents as they aren't up my alley. But I keep in mind that's not how these games are intended to play as.

Do they gate Prai's tease content, just in case somebody realizes she's a trap and gets uppity over it after molesting her nips?
She's not a trap. She's trans.

every little wiener-based insecurity
I don't think that's a card to be played here.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2018
I just want you to know you're beautiful. That thing you've been wanting to do, you can do it. I believe in you. Always remember tomorrow is a hope never a promise.

This didn't need to be a thread could of gone in the gripe bin where we keep the rest of the cancer at bay. But, I don't like talking out my ass so decided to go doc diving and replay a few things and can definitively say. Good on Savin for making a character people still get salty about to this day.

Random Bullshit
8. This is complicated because there's no talk requirement to sex her, so you can speed run that shit and never find out what she's about because Tarkus Anno is just another nympho, and Ship Anno is an actual fucking character with other interests besides sex. Once upon a time you could recruit the puppy slut without boning her. Problem was when she got on the ship the game just assumed everyone fucked her and nothing made sense,so the requirement to get her changed but not the quest itself. So, initially outside of one offer to fuck at the end she seems fairly tame compared to other sexy time waifus.

0. Motherfuckers don't read in these games. Find any thread that mentions Doc Badger,bombing planets, or anything with an Npc doming. Feels like most people open the game just to jack off to the character art then bounce.

6. He's the same guy that fucks Ren too just fyi. Ork boi exist to fuck your waifus. The more you bitch and moan the more he'll show up to rustle your jimmies. So, don't feed the saltmander you'll only make him stronger.

Random Bullshit

3.Tool-tips are the gates that protect the realms. For when you see (ANAL) you know whose ass is getting fucked.
F. Fuck off with this we're all adults shit if you're going to make a middle school dick joke in the same breath. Practice what you preach my guy.
1. On that note I agree, fuck the vocal minority because of them helspawn died in the womb, Kinu and Cass exist solely to be a shot through the heart, and why we'll never have an Australian waifu or get to fight the New TX gestapo.

Just for Shits and giggles
Open TiTs
Type: impulse
Enter: erikaPublicSexThreesomeGryvainLoss
Press Enter
Sing Baka Mitai

Go away Now


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2020
tuna can
If Prai's trans, not trap, that's fine, but also entirely not the point of my statement.

And "wiener-based" insecurity is just a joke. :rolleyes: A joke made about every person here, because everyone has insecurities- most people just get over them. Point is that devs don't have time to deal with every case where a few people get offended, otherwise they would constantly be at work gating stuff.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2020
tuna can
3.Tool-tips are the gates that protect the realms. For when you see (ANAL) you know whose ass is getting fucked.
F. Fuck off with this we're all adults shit if you're going to make a middle school dick joke in the same breath. Practice what you preach my guy.

"Tool-tips"! That's what they're called. Could not for the life of me remember.

And ah yes, you are correct. How dare I forget that the moment you become an adult, you can no longer make a dick joke. Not allowed. Forgive my grievous sin of having a point to make while cracking a mild joke at the same time.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2018


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2019

It’s okay my friend. These things happen to everyone. Xue hua piao piao...

Lol at this thread for still being alive and causing flame wars.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Yes, once you click on her name in the bar, it comes up- and if it's an interaction with Kaede, it says that she's with Kaede (in the little.. preview, text box thing), so you don't have to miss out on that content by avoiding other bar scenes.

That said, there are about a million things that could upset someone just by clicking on it in a game like this. For real, where's the line, here, then? Do they put all the battle loss scenes behind a gate, too, in case some guy who's not gay gets beaten by a male and ends up sucking a dong? Do they gate any gay flirting what-so-ever, just in case somebody doesn't like being flirted with by the same sex (or a gate for straight flirting, whatever the players tastes are)? Do they gate Prai's tease content, just in case somebody realizes she's a trap and gets uppity over it after molesting her nips?

Look. You're not children, or at least, if you're playing this game, you shouldn't be a child. Just be an adult about it. Expecting the devs to cater to every little wiener-based insecurity of every person who plays this game would make the game a boring, unfinishable mess. Expecting an adult to have some accountability (to pay attention at least a miniscule amount to context and what they're clicking on) when playing a game full of perverse sexy time is not asking too much on the developers part.
Okay, I can see why that might upset someone. It sounds like it does spring it on you somewhat and being okay with Anno getting hers offscreen is a bit different than wanting/not wanting it waved in front of you when you approach her.

I think a good line to draw with the consensual content is to simply make it known what you're about to see and for the PC's decision, asking for it or engaging it in some way, to trigger it. In a game like this, where there's no singular theme or focus to the sex and so you might run into anything, each block of content should flag itself, just a tick, so you know what to expect from it. That Kiro example works very well. It says exactly what it is and if you're not okay with actually reading through content where she focuses her attention on someone else then you never need to explore that option and can have your one-on-one time with her. We can laugh about oversensitive players but I think everyone has a few things they'd squick at if they got thrown at you as soon as you engaged.
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