Den of Scum & Villainy: Brothel


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Here's the video I was talking about. It's only ten minutes long. You can take ten minutes to learn how to do cunnilingus properly, right?

Already found this, watching them side by side right now, comparing and making notes. Care to voice your opinion on which one is better?

Edit: still can't decide which one is more educational, but miss Hartley clearly wins when it comes to presentation and charisma.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
What even happened in this thread

The creator allowed herself to go on a tangent about good portrayal of BDSM community, it's practices and 'SSC principle' in fiction, also about self-educating. Now we have a whole bunch of awesome pieces of fiction and/or not-boring SexEd material. In my opinion, it's a win-win.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Already found this, watching them side by side right now, comparing and making notes. Care to voice your opinion on which one is better?

Edit: still can't decide which one is more educational, but miss Hartley clearly wins when it comes to presentation and charisma.

Having had a (brief) look at your video, I have to say I vastly prefer Nina's. 

Why? Well, at the beginning of the video you linked, the man giving the lesson introduces himself, then launches directly into the topic. He talks solidly for about three minutes, though there's a little back and forth with the cameraman.

There is an obvious problem here. Who is the female model? Why doesn't she introduce herself? She's at least as involved in this as he is. Probably more, since she's the one who's being penetrated on camera. I realize the Nina Hartley video has somewhat of the same problem, but 1: it's clearly starting in the middle of a larger scene, and 2: the model being practiced on gets a line at 1:04, despite being actively played with. Let me repeat that: she gets a line sooner than the model in the other video despite being actively teased. The model in Jack's video gets her first line three minutes in, and was not invited into the conversation. 

Jack Lawrence, despite his words about the importance of communication, utterly fails to practice what he preaches. His handling of the model makes me feel like she's being used as an anatomical prop: Nina Hartley, by contrast, actively asks her model how she's feeling, watches her reactions, shares a laugh with her, etc, etc. Jack's video feels to me like it promotes the view of women as puzzle boxes to be solved with the right technique: Nina, by contrast, actively engages with her partner. That lesson - that sex should be fun for everyone, and that you should communicate with your partner in order to make sure it is - is far more important than details of what to do with your hands and mouth. 

What even happened in this thread

Oops, my ADD is showing. >.>


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
 Thank you for your answer, it's much more insightful and in-depth than I hoped for. I must admit that I've almost missed the main point of Nina's video neatly formulated at around 2:55: "For woman to have a better time you need to involve her in her own arousal. Pussy eating is not something you do to her, it's something you do together."  I blame the eroticism of the video and Sunny for being so in-line with my 'perfect girl' fantasy :$ .

 Jack, on the other hand, even when talking about the importance of communication sounded like he was discussing getting feedback from some abstract system, or indeed a puzzle, not interacting with another human being.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I dunno, a lot of this stuff in the videos I feel you just figure out by going down on a girl and being attentive. Then again, a lot of guys aren't.

Particularly if you're looking at a video and expecting an orgasm recipe.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
I dunno, a lot of this stuff in the videos I feel you just figure out by going down on a girl and being attentive. Then again, a lot of guys aren't.

Particularly if you're looking at a video and expecting an orgasm recipe.

I don't disagree! But for people with little experience who want to write sex scenes, they're still a helpful resource.

(Re: 'Orgasm Recipe': pffthahahah yeah no, that's why Futari Ecchi is in here to explain that your sexual partners are people and have preferences and not everybody's preferences are the same. People aren't muffins, and sex techniques are not magic.)

IMO, the fundamentals of sex are consent, reciprocity and enthusiasm. Everything else can be made up more or less as you go along. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I dunno, a lot of this stuff in the videos I feel you just figure out by going down on a girl and being attentive. Then again, a lot of guys aren't.

Particularly if you're looking at a video and expecting an orgasm recipe.

When people are young, dumb and egotistical they feel that appearing to be super experienced and/or the best in any sexual act they attempt or propose is of utmost importance. Thus, they will act based on 'puzzle mentality' and skip the part where they should be learning about their partner and communicating with them, instead trying to find a cheat-sheet. I distinctly remember being one of those people and failing spectacularly.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Some thoughts about Cheri: 

1: Cheri should be human. It detracts from the focus on her modded tattoos if she's also an alien. 

2: I'd like to have a weekly schedule of performances by her. So she does show X on Monday, show Y on Tuesday, etc. 

3: Shield technology and gravitics let you cheat so much at special effects. Especially if you have a decent-sized shield generator embedded in the stage, rather than being restricted to something portable. 

4: It would make a lot of sense for Cheri to have guest stars. This could be a good way to introduce members of the brothel who aren't taking clients yet. 

Tentative performance menu: 

Monday: Pole & Staff. Possible guest stars: Ashley, Shannon. 

Cheri performs with an LED staff, doing moves that wouldn't look out of place in a Star Wars film. However, gravitics allows her to simply plant the staff whereever she wants, producing an instant stripper pole! By manipulating the momentum of the staff and her own body, she's able to move fluidly between the two styles, alternately dazzling with intricate staff-patterns and titilllating with sensual dance moves. 

Tuesday: LED Burlesque. Possible guest stars: Gale, Ashley, Shannon, Tasha, Aya.

Cheri performs a classic strip-tease, starting in a floor-length dress and ending completely in the nude. Some of the more skintight pieces of her outfit might actually be her tattoos! Otherwise, there are no props here.

Wednesday: Movie Making with Aya or Alanna. Guest Stars: Gale, Ashley, Shannon.

Cheri performs, while Aya/Alanna/the night's designated 'director' gives commands. Think 'Who's Line is it Anyway?', only played for maximum sexiness rather than comedy.

Thursday: LED Fan Dance. Guest Stars: Gale, Ashley, Shannon, Tasha, Aya.

In the real world, nobody makes LED fans because they're too small to show patterns properly, as well as having relatively few tricks you can do with them. Cheri's custom LED fans are large enough to hide her whole body, so she can use staff forms with them when they're closed - not to mention all the tricks she can do with them when they're open.

Friday (Fire Poi. Guest stars: Tasha or Alisha)

Fire Poi is scary and awesome. Cheri is very good at it. She takes to the stage in a red silk dress, and hurls balls of fire around on the end of metal cords, heedless of her significant flammability. Halfway through the performance, one of the poi brushes her extremely flammable silk dress, and the audience has just enough time to gasp before a flash of brilliant white light blinds them momentarily. When their vision returns, Cheri stands nude on stage, her tanned body covered in jagged tribal tattoos: she completes her performance to pounding drums, spinning fire inches from her bare skin. 

(The secret? Cheri's dress is laced with magnesium, and the stage has very good shielding. Cheri doesn't feel the momentary flash of thousand-degree heat as her dress explodes: she just needs to focus on not igniting herself too early!) 

Saturday (Zero-G. Guest Stars: Tasha, Alisha, Gale)

Cheri (and likely a partner) perform zero-G acrobatics over the crowd's heads. Probably a more sensual performance to contrast with the Sunday one.

Sunday (LED Poi fight choreography. Guest stars: Ash, Alisha, Gale)

Cheri comes on stage in a mock police uniform, and duels her opponent by doing poi with her baton and a pair of handcuffs. Lots of  clothing damage happens. In the end, Cheri handcuffs her opponent to a convenient railing, bends them over, and fucks them live on stage with her baton.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Seven different performances plus guest stars plus interactions plus sex scenes equals release date 2017.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Seven different performances plus guest stars plus interactions plus sex scenes equals release date 2017.

I suspect that Cheri would not have sex scenes, at least in her original incarnation. Guest stars can likewise be added in later. The core is just the original seven performances: everything else can be shunted into x-pac territory.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
The problem I see is the schedule. Technically, it would need just one flag cycling through seven values with a day interval, starting from PC's first visit, since TiTS doesn't have any sort of calendar. However the concept of having to wait a week for a piece of content the player wants if they missed the date may not sit well with some people. At the very least, there is nothing like it currently in the game and AFAIK, in the works.

Edit: I should note that personally, I don't have anything against any sort of time-restricted content. In most cases, I like the fact that it prevents me from exhausting all of  NPC's/location's content too fast and helps with immersion to some extent.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Perhaps but really a schedule system would really help the NPC's feel more in depth/ alive. As it stands most NPCs stand around in the same place 24/7 never eating or sleeping. Hopefully as the game gets more fleshed out NPC's could perhaps work in shifts/ have business hours. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
We got some rudimental attempts to make some difference form typical 24/7 npc vide Mhen'ga Xenogen office and same planet 2nd room Kelly encounter. Then again some people can try start riot or why they need wait for some npc they want sex up to be accessable. That issue of 24/7 is one of tricky stuff to deal with for dev I suppose. ALways some fans will be unhappy I think.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
I've completed a basic outline of Aya's scenes. 

She can be occupied doing any of five different things when the PC walks in the door: having lunch, listening to music, reading a book, browsing on her phone/phone-equivalent, and masturbating. If the coders are willing to support frequencies, 'eating' and 'masturbating' will probably be rarer than the other three. 

Aya has five generic sex scenes. They are:
- Missionary
- Doggy
- Spoon
- Give Oral
- Footjob

Variations of each of these are available during three different activities. 
(EG, you can do her doggy style if she's listening to music, eating or browsing, but not if she's masturbating or reading: the scene has three variations, one for each activity.)

She also has one scene per activity that's uniquely available for that activity. 
(So for example, only if she's already masturbating can you convince her to ride you.)

Here's how this works out so that each activity has a unique set of four sex scenes: 

Aya's eating: 
[Buttsex], [Spoon], [Doggy], [Footjob]

Aya's watching porn: 
[Cowgirl], [Spoon], [Missionary], [Give Oral]

Aya's reading: 
[Against Wall], [Missionary], [Give Oral], [Footjob]

Aya's using her phone: 
[Get Oral], [Missionary], [Footjob], [Doggy]

Aya's listening to music: 
[Tease], [Spoon], [Give Oral], [Doggy]


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
IMO, it'd be nice if the 'inappropriate' scene choices, like demanding an oral while interrupting Aya's meal, would be available, at least until you get told off. After all, sass is important in that lass.

Additionally, after thinking about the whole concept of 'jaded masterful courtesan ignores you', I came to a realization: I've never seen anything like it being purposefully invoked in any sort of erotic fashion, in fiction or IRL. Do you, by chance, have any examples handy?

P.S. The Internet surely has some very interesting and weird places. My limited interest in peculiar contraptions never before crossed with my interest in sex toys.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I absolutely love Aya's sassy personality and the ideas for her scenes. Keep up the good work Eva.  :D  

Btw. I wouldn't mind seeing more of Tasha either ;)  


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
IMO, it'd be nice if the 'inappropriate' scene choices, like demanding an oral while interrupting Aya's meal, would be available, at least until you get told off. After all, sass is important in that lass.

This is planned! - but I don't have to write sex scenes or variations for those options, for obvious reasons. :p   

Quote said:
Additionally, after thinking about the whole concept of 'jaded masterful courtesan ignores you', I came to a realization: I've never seen anything like it being purposefully invoked in any sort of erotic fashion, in fiction or IRL. Do you, by chance, have any examples handy?
Try the 'bored' and 'multitasking' tags on gelbooru for the 'ignores you' part: as for the specific combination of that kink with a jaded masterful courtesan, I can't say I've seen that particular setup before, though I expect it exists somewhere else.

The 'distracted sex' kink itself is interesting to examine: it plays with power dynamics in complex ways. On one hand, the 'bored' partner is totally inactive, reduced to being used as a sex toy: on the other hand, the 'interested' partner is unable to get a reaction, potentially resulting in embarrassment/humiliation due to their lack of sexual skill. 

I think the most intriguing part of the kink is how it reverses the usual dom-sub assignments: normally the domme is the active partner, giving orders to their sub. They control the flow of the scene. However, in this kind of boredom play the sub is the active partner, trying to break through the dom's disinterest. If they can, then they could become the dominant partner in the scene! 

As a switch myself, this sort of power play kink naturally appeals to me quite a bit.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Small intro edit for Tasha: I'm starting to get an idea of how she interacts with the player before her translator's fixed.

A wave of heat and humidity rolls over your body as you step into Tasha's, reminding you vaguely of the M'hengan jungle. Unlike in the jungle, pink fluffy pillows bury the floor of Tasha's room. 


A red-haired head pops out from a nearby pillow-drift, and Tasha smiles at you, shaking off the pillow caught between the short horns on her forehead. As she emerges from her comfortable cocoon of pillows, you have a chance to get a better look at her: apparently she sleeps (?) in an overbust corset and a floor-length skirt. The ornate clothing hugs her curves well, emphasizing her slight breasts and girlish hips: slits in the back allow her wings and tail to stretch and flex freely. 

You smile. "Nice to meet you. The front desk said something about your translator being broken?" 

Tasha frowns at you, and says something in reply. Your codex stays silent for a long moment - a far cry from its usual seamless dubbing - then confidently announces: "Topical core poetry, outer under education stands."

You sigh. Apparently even Victor's whiz-bang tech isn't good enough to replicate Tasha's broken equipment. You start to consider alternatives, but Tasha interrupts you by snuggling up against you, tugging at your [pc.outerlayer]. She certainly seems willing enough, even if you can't understand what she's saying...

It's going to be difficult to get your intentions across without sharing a language. Maybe you can communicate more physically? 

[Pet Her] // Run your fingers through her hair, and see if she purrs.
[Hug Her] // So cute! Must hug! 
[Kiss Her] // Who needs words? They only get in the way of romance.
[Squeeze Butt] // Show your appreciation for her girlish figure.
[Step In] // Slip one of your thighs between her legs. 
[Accept Her Touch] // Let her do what she wants.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Here's a first draft of the first few Tasha scenes.

Pet Her
You [run a hand through Tasha's rust-red hair/softly brush a hand down one of the dragon-girl's delicate wings/skritch Tasha right at the base of one of her stubby horns], smiling slyly: she lets [out a little pleased coo and leans against you harder/lets her eyes slip closed, snuggling in against you/lets out a contented sigh, gently shifting in time with your small touches]. 

[Hug Her] // Cuteness! Overwhelming!
[Kiss Her] // Could you...?
[Tease Her] // What if you petted something more intimate?

Kiss Her
Leaning in, you let your lips brush Tasha's: she responds eagerly, pressing into the kiss. [Her delicate hands tangle in your hair/Her tail wraps gently around your waist/She shivers a little] as you [run one hand down her spine/deepen the kiss in turn/touch your forehead to hers]: when you finally separate, [her cheeks have turned a faint pink/you can feel her heart beating faster/she's breathing a little more heavily.] 

[Snuggle] // You just want to hold her close.
[Embrace Closer] // You want more than just kisses. 
[Tease Her] // You want to watch Tasha squirm!

Hug Her
You sweep Tasha up in your arms, squeezing her close to you: she embraces you in return, her slender arms hugging back with surprising strength. She [smiles up at you, resting her head against your chest/rests her head against your chest with a satisfied sigh/darts up to plant a kiss on your cheek, then giggles]: [her tail wags happily, a surprisingly canine bit of body language for a reptile-girl like her/her wings embrace you as well, adding to the snug comfort of the hug].

[Embrace Closer] // Hugs are nice, but you want more.
[Snuggle] // Who wouldn't want to snuggle with such a cute dragon?

Squeeze Butt
You [shamelessly grope/squeeze/cop a feel of] Tasha's cute butt, drawing [a gasp of surprise and an indignant pout/a blushing scowl/a little sigh] from the dragon-girl. Moments later, she returns the favor, [pressing a hand right in between your legs/grabbing a firm handful of your own ass/stealing a passionate kiss from you], her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. You retaliate in kind, and before long you cover each other in kiss-marks and nail welts. 

When you finally get a chance to breathe again, Tasha's dress is hanging loosely from one of her shoulders, baring her small breasts. [You lost most of your own clothes somewhere along the way, leaving you in nothing but your [PC.lowerUndergarment]: you grin at Tasha, willing to concede she gave as good as she got./Your own skin presses against hers, your growing [wetness/bulge] evident in your [PC.lowerUndergarment]./You smile at your handiwork, running a finger gently across one of her exposed nipples.]

Tasha shrugs the rest of the way out of her dress, letting it fall to the floor with a sussurus of falling cloth. You don't have to look between her legs to see her arousal: her burning gaze tells you everything you need to know. 

Enough foreplay. 

[Doggy] // Do her from behind.
[Standing] // She's very conveniently sized for you to lift...

Step In
You press your thigh in between Tasha's legs, and the dragon-girl lets out a little gasp: [you can feel the heat of her sex even through her dress!/you grin at her, one hand already working to slip one of her dress' straps off her shoulder./then she melts in against you, grinding against your upraised thigh.] [Her hands fumble with your clothes, working as fast as they can to undress you./One of her hands slips into your pants, careful fingertips brushing against your sex./Her tail curls up into your skirt, sliding smoothly against your sex./She reciprocates, dextrous fingers slipping between your thighs, teasing just shy of your [pc.crotch].]

You kiss her lips, her chin, her neck: she wriggles against you, her dress smooth against your hands. Her hands and tail caress you together, slowly building your arousal - then she suddenly pulls away, her hands occupied with a clasp at her waist: as soon as it parts, her entire dress falls away. [Tasha grins, flaring her wings; then she beckons./She wiggles her hips with a giggle, her tail curling up to coyly hide her pussy from you./She stretches, running her hands through her hair: the everyday movement arches her back, presenting her breasts to you. She bites her lip - then her expression slides into a sly smile.] 

You [toss aside everything but your PC.lowerUndergarment/take a moment to admire her body] as you advance on her: you know exactly what she wants. The only question is - on the floor, or against the wall?

[Missionary] // All these pink cushions look great for propping up a partner's ass.
[Standing] // She's very conveniently sized for you to lift...

Accept Her Touch
Tasha guides you down onto a pile of pillows, [deft hands stripping away your clothes./ her deft hands cool against your skin.] From another small pillow-pile, she produces a crystal vial filled with a dark pink liquid: ignoring your intrigued look, she pushes you back gently, encouraging you to lie down in the drift of cushions. 

Pouring the pink liquid into her palms, Tasha starts to massage you: her hands wander over your midriff, down your legs, up your arms. The oil soaks into your skin, leaving a warm, tingly feeling: you can feel yourself loosening up, all the day's accumulated tension unspooling from your muscles. An entirely different sort of tension replaces it: though Tasha's hands studiously avoid your [breasts and your] groin, you still can't help but start to get [hard/wet/aroused] from her constant, gentle touches. Before long, you're panting and moaning: every layer of the oil that soaks into your skin bolsters the heat inside you. 

Tasha patiently flips you over: she coats your back with the oil (fingers zig-zagging down your spine, lingering on your shoulders), then does a second layer on your front (smooth circles around your navel, careful lines along your collarbones). You let the warmth fill your mind, every inch of you glowing with pleasure. 

Eternity ends with a pair of soft lips against yours: the foggy arousal sharpens, gains direction, becomes lust. Tasha smiles down at you from her seat amid the cushions, then looks pointedly at your aching sex. You think you can guess the question she's asking.

[Her On Top] // Tug her on top of you so you can feel that pretty pussy of hers.
[Get Oral] // Get her to put her mouth to use.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
You're gonna put this all into a googledoc at some point so I can edit-dump all over it, right?

Probably more than one google doc: Aya separate from Tasha separate from Cheri, etc.

That said, I'd like to have more done before I ask people to start editing it: look at the lack of work I've done on Zil-Stealing since October. I'd rather not ask people to do a bunch of edits on something that I might leave lying around for undefined lengths of time. (Therefore, I'd prefer to complete a first draft of something before I get editing.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
More Tasha! 

Tease Her
While Tasha's off-guard, you take the opportunity to [nibble on the arch of one of her ears/slip a hand into the folds of her dress between her legs/grope her cute butt/tease one of her nipples through her thin silk dress]. She [lets out a startled squeak/wriggles away from the sudden stimulation/wobbles under your touch, leaning against you for support] - but you only redouble your efforts. Tasha tries to tease you back, but it's hard for her to concentrate when you [keep stroking her tail like that/have your fingers dug into the roots of her hair/keep rubbing her pussy through her dress/barely give her a chance to breathe between kisses]! 

Catching one of her wandering hands, you grin at her and wag a finger: then you exact your revenge. You start by kissing her fingertips: then the back of her palm: then the inside of her wrist: then slowly, slowly, up her forearm: her underarm: her shoulder... 

It takes you almost ten minutes for you to make the journey all the way to Tasha's neck. By the time you get there, the dragon-girl is flushed and panting, little moans spilling from her lips whenever your teeth nip at her soft skin. Her perfume tastes like [strawberries/peaches/cherries]: you take a few moments more to savour it. 

When you finally pull away, Tasha gives you her best puppy-dog eyes, begging wordlessly for more despite her burning cheeks. When you hesitate, she [lifts her skirts, revealing the thin rivulets of girl-cum streaming down her thighs/unclasps her dress, pulling it open to bare her stiff nipples and wettening sex]. You really must have gotten to her.

Do you give Tasha what she wants?

[Eat Her Out] // You want to taste her more. 
[Doggy] // Bend her over.
[Snuggle] // You're not in a merciful mood right now. 
[Leave] // You've already had your fun.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Embrace Closer

You pull Tasha in closer, kissing her [hungrily/passionately/fiercely]: she twines her tongue with yours, [letting out a little moan into your mouth/one of her hands grabbing at your collar, keeping you in the kiss/her hands clasped in the small of your back]. Caressing her back and shoulders through the soft silk of her dress, [you almost forget you have to breathe: when you finally break the kiss, you find yourself panting, cheeks flushed./you share a half-dozen more kisses with her, each one longer than the last./you pull away teasingly, pressing a finger to her lips with a smile.] You fumble at the top of her dress, trying to [tug down one of her shoulder-straps/undo the laces between her petite breasts]: she doesn't make it easy for you, [kissing and nibbling at your neck and shoulder/ shamelessly groping one of your own breasts/her own fingers digging into your thigh]. After a few moments, though, your work pays off: darting in, you [kiss/suckle/caress] the nipple you've laid bare, drawing a soft gasp from Tasha's lips. She favors you with a smile: then she steps in and [wraps one leg around your waist/presses her thigh against your sex]. Something heavy [thunks into a pillow/clangs against the floor], and Tasha's dress follows it with a sigh of cloth against skin. The makeout session only intensifies from there: somehow, you both end up on the floor, totally nude in each other's laps, kissing and caressing everywhere your lips and fingers can reach. She grabs your ass, fingers digging into your skin: you [tease gently at her clit, rubbing just to either side of the sensitive nub/play with her pussy-lips, learning the texture of her feminine flower's petals/make little come-hither motions against her labia, each wave of pressure threatening to slip into her sex]. When your fingers come away wet with her arousal, you know she's ready.



[Sitting Sex]


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Daaw- and boner-inducing as always, however the structure of the variable scene bits isn't clear to me. Are they connected (1st, 2nd or 3rd choices throughout) or fully randomized? Additionally, while I know that I'd enjoy the fact that those scenes will always be at least slightly different each time even if your character stays the same, I'm not sure about such idea. It'd be nice to have an opinion of someone in-the-know about how time-consuming it would be to implement that and what the dev team would think about it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Hey again, progress report. 

I've been writing Tashastuff, but wow, writing for the amorphous blob that is Steele is a pain. I may end up going back to Zil-stealing before resuming work here. 

I want to give Tasha as broad of support for various Steele-types as possible, but when you start getting into multi stuff... ergh.  Up to ten individually-customizable dicks, plus up to three individually-customizable pussies - that's a whole heck of a lot of combinations.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Hey again, progress report. 

I've been writing Tashastuff, but wow, writing for the amorphous blob that is Steele is a pain. I may end up going back to Zil-stealing before resuming work here. 

I want to give Tasha as broad of support for various Steele-types as possible, but when you start getting into multi stuff... ergh.  Up to ten individually-customizable dicks, plus up to three individually-customizable pussies - that's a whole heck of a lot of combinations.

Great to hear that you´re still working on this. 

But I must say, I have a lot of respect for the people writing for this game, considering that their scenes or events often can support so many different Steeles. 


Aug 27, 2015
The most fun to be had writing for this game is gating content so you kbow exactly the type of player who's accessing your content. That's why no-one wants to write enemy mobs; they have to be inclusive to *everyone*.