Cybernetic mods vs More DNA based TF mods


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
I was curious,  as to what the TiTS community felt about getting cybernetics (however outdated the technology is in TiTS it's still quite relevant.) first over newer transformative type items in the future (Our future...).

I'd definitely like to see a cybernetic Steele, it'd be a refreshing new start that we don't really have at the moment. 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Cybernetics are definitely a planned feature.

It'll likely function similar to a new "accessory" slot you can unlock, and fill with implants, artificial cocks/tails/etc., (boobjob implants?) and buffs like a strong back for carrying more, or reinforced bones

You probably won't be able to lose or replace limbs outright. Swapping what's in your augment slot will probably require some kind of professional, rather than dicking around in the field.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Cybernetics are definitely a planned feature.

It'll likely function similar to a new "accessory" slot you can unlock, and fill with implants, artificial cocks/tails/etc., (boobjob implants?) and buffs like a strong back for carrying more, or reinforced bones

You probably won't be able to lose or replace limbs outright. Swapping what's in your augment slot will probably require some kind of professional, rather than dicking around in the field.

I'm reminded of when I first saw Burt's bar fight disruption method after sex. That left me on the ground, laughing so hard for a good few minutes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm reminded of when I first saw Burt's bar fight disruption method after sex.

Now that was completely unexpected and epic I imagined Burt acting in a similar way to that nurse in the Simpsons Hellfish chapter ("Our residents [shoots] are trying [shoots] to nap!").


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Will cybernetics in this game eat your soul too?

Wait so all cybernetic charas will have red hair...ohh wait Seandra DO have red hair....suspicious, really suspicious xD

Good thing I already have no soul.

But souls are yummy tasting like chickens.

It'll likely function similar to a new "accessory" slot you can unlock, and fill with implants, artificial cocks/tails/etc., (boobjob implants?) and buffs like a strong back for carrying more, or reinforced bones

So it planned for now as only one "cybernetic" slot or it's slim possible PC would be able unlock with time say...2-3 slots for cybernetic parts?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But souls are yummy tasting like chickens.

Search my electric soul for the hidden man within...

So it planned for now as only one "cybernetic" slot or it's slim possible PC would be able unlock with time say...2-3 slots for cybernetic parts?

Would be logical to assume a paperdoll-like slot system.

Do want tail-styled psionic emitter set to finally be space cyber-kitsune!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Cybernetics are definitely a planned feature.

It'll likely function similar to a new "accessory" slot you can unlock, and fill with implants, artificial cocks/tails/etc., (boobjob implants?) and buffs like a strong back for carrying more, or reinforced bones

You probably won't be able to lose or replace limbs outright. Swapping what's in your augment slot will probably require some kind of professional, rather than dicking around in the field.

While I do see why -losing- limbs and having to replace them wouldn't be a thing, I don't see why we wouldn't be able to fully replace limbs to have roboarms or such. The tech to give roboarms and ditch them to get real arms has been shown to exist.

Just put a huge price tag on it.


Aug 26, 2015
While I do see why -losing- limbs and having to replace them wouldn't be a thing, I don't see why we wouldn't be able to fully replace limbs to have roboarms or such. The tech to give roboarms and ditch them to get real arms has been shown to exist.

Just put a huge price tag on it.

It's an "oh god what a pain in the fucking ass to write for and code" thing, not a price thing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
It's an "oh god what a pain in the fucking ass to write for and code" thing, not a price thing.

I suspect it's just me being stupid once again, but wouldn't the coding amount the the same work as any other transformation for a regular TF item, only with a lock for whatever slot the cybernetics are going in?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I suspect it's just me being stupid once again, but wouldn't the coding amount the the same work as any other transformation for a regular TF item, only with a lock for whatever slot the cybernetics are going in?

That was going through my mind to. Thought it might not be much different from Goo bodies or Cunt Tails, but wasn't sure.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
It's an "oh god what a pain in the fucking ass to write for and code" thing, not a price thing.

I can't remember any scenes in which adjectives and descriptions associated with PC's arms and legs changed anything major or even played a big role. Just don't give us an option to stick crazy tentacle manipulators everywhere and it should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah just have the Cybernetic TFs resist all future TFs unless replaced by some licensed medical professional that can grow you a new organic limb. 

In terms of customization perhaps cybernetics could just be a tag. That way we can het cybernetic versions of any of the currently existing limb types in the game. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In terms of customization perhaps cybernetics could just be a tag. That way we can het cybernetic versions of any of the currently existing limb types in the game. 

Well then would be question if it just making theoricaly 2 time more body parts bu having them cybernetic or not tag. Plus I think some hardcore cybernetic fans won't swallow fact that they belowed arms are just the same cat arms that non-cyber PC have but not have tag cybernetic on them.

Otherwise if that would be so easy we could have some cybernetic already ingame :(

Would be logical to assume a paperdoll-like slot system.

Hehe paperdoll-like slot you meantion it I think that how I could call system I used for group of perks in my mod I making. Seeing similar made thing but for cyber upgrades in tits could be interesting thing.

Anyway cyber-kitsune...why not go for nine mixed fleshy and cyber kitsune tails? xD

Ohh wait it would still fall under no more than one tail type on PC at once unless we woud make cyber happen as merely slapping tag on existing body parts (but this one could feel akward).


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well then would be question if it just making theoricaly 2 time more body parts bu having them cybernetic or not tag. Plus I think some hardcore cybernetic fans won't swallow fact that they belowed arms are just the same cat arms that non-cyber PC have but not have tag cybernetic on them.

Otherwise if that would be so easy we could have some cybernetic already ingame :(

If cybernetics were treated as a tag then that would already cover making them different than normal arms. The real problem would be if authors would bother writing scenes that account for that fact that your arms are cybernetic but that's true for every TF anyways. The only significant thing code wise that's different between the cat/ dog arms and a human arm is that the animal arms have the fur tag. And in the same way adding a cybernetic tag could make it robotic. (Stick on both and you end up with a furry robotic arm) But ultimately it's always gonna be up to individual authors whether they feel like writing scene variants where a PC can take advantage of their mechanical parts. I'd be perfectly content with shiny metal arms even if they don't get a bunch of custom scene variants. As can be scene with Naga and Centaur fans. There will be a sizable fan base for the parts even if there is a shortage of specialized content dedicated to it. Cybernetics fans will appreciate at the very least being able to make their Steel look like the fap machine they've been dreaming of.

The reason why we don't have cybernetics yet isn't cause it's insurmountably difficult. It's just cause they haven't gotten around to it yet. They have a lot of stuff planned/ that they are currently working on. They also already have a decent backlog of already submitted content just waiting to be coded. (Like plant TF) They'll get to cybernetics when they feel like it. Doesn't seem like it's a particularly strong fetish for any of them so they probably won't be pushing to fast track it ahead of other TFs and content but given enough time they will eventually get around to it.

Parasite tails like Cunt and Cock tails already show that there available mechanics in place for making a part irremovable without the intervention of a medical professional like V-Ko. 
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Active Member
Apr 22, 2016
Cybernetics alongside TFs...

... I mean, why would anyone want to inflict this on themselves? Coders and devs, I mean, not actual PCs. Is it going to be like brute speak, multi-dicks or taurs and just be woefully unsupported?

And wow, I'm perpectually cynical, I think.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Making them separate from current TFs does seem like it would be a lot more work than treating them similarly to the parasitic TFs


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I don't see where people are getting the idea that cybernetics would be drastically different from regular limbs in the context of sex scenes. Also aside from making a new NPC to slice us up, I don't see why it would be a coding nightmare in comparison to regular TFs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah making them as TF effect that would block specific body part form new changes like parasite tails doing plus making this cyber tag seems like easiest (fastest too probably) way to give us cybernetics. As for making adjustments for scenes to account for body part been synthetic compared to organic version....frnakly speaking I think most writers would...get as much damn about it as for taurs/nagas scenes variants. But hey I may just be a one hella pesimist in this regard.

Totaly not I feel like cybernetics are as high on devs priority list as pregnancy stuff *rolls eyes*

@PentaEye It may ends as one of current niche parts of content that was given few bits and left in dust or it may be not as much forgoten later on. But not seeing any of devs been much interested in cybernetics making it looks like another candidtae to join nagas/taur club after been finaly added ingame.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It would likely be mutually exclusive with GaloMax, but otherwise... Barely too code-heavy. But quite sure that augmentations would be stat-boosting (no appearance change) or aestetical (like latex skin TF), so your body configuration would not change enough to demand changes in scenes, all the more so new whole scenes. Doing it difdferently... Well Ormael already said it. We already have genitails problem, when you are still almost always considered genderless with tail-mounted junk.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Now that you mention galomax, I kinda want to become a goo cyborg. It just sounds badass as fuck.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah gray goo is some we would/should get by trying make cybernetic goo. And we even got item they drop...too sad it only heal PC. Or it's actualy secretly mutating our pc's.

So what people want of cybernetic anyay? Getting boosts to stats or run around in full-metal mode? Each of this needs would be req. different approach to implement it this way? Or maybe most ppl as usual want apple and eat it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah gray goo is some we would/should get by trying make cybernetic goo. And we even got item they drop...too sad it only heal PC. Or it's actualy secretly mutating our pc's.

So what people want of cybernetic anyay? Getting boosts to stats or run around in full-metal mode? Each of this needs would be req. different approach to implement it this way? Or maybe most ppl as usual want apple and eat it?

Cosmetic part would be easy, just "metallic skin" look. Could be separate or another set of flags to allow any form be done in metal (second definitely adds much more). Stats boosting is actually whole new thing, which is not connected with first, since it is generally internal thing (unless we are talking about armor plates instead of skin). Those would be actually perks rather than TFs, and some set of rules to process which combinations of them are possible.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
It should be gray goo tf, not galotian.

You misunderstand me. I want to be like the goo armor chick from CoC, only with cybernetics being used as solid limbs instead of regular ass armor


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
What I believe the main problem would be is with arms/legs. When most people imagine cybernetic enhancements I believe they picture one arm/leg being cybernetic and the other being organic. The nature of TFs though makes it so that both arms/legs are symmetrical. This would demand that fully cybernetic arms would only be possible if either: a) both limbs became cybernetic or b) the entire arm/leg description gets overhauled to allow for non-symmetrical arms, which won't happen. It would also stop people from having a customizable second arm that's anything but cybernetic, since Tfs wouldn't be able to be applied to the second arm. I don't know where the doc is anymore but Foxxling was working on a character to provide the pc with cybernetics and had some nonintrusive, Fen-approved cybernetic enhancements.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What I believe the main problem would be is with arms/legs. When most people imagine cybernetic enhancements I believe they picture one arm/leg being cybernetic and the other being organic. The nature of TFs though makes it so that both arms/legs are symmetrical.

Mimbranes, anyone?