Cultivate or Cull? Bawdi hair questions!


Oct 17, 2015
Honestly, I wasn't sure on if this should go here or in the art section but in the end I was guessing it was game-relevant enough of a question to ask/ good spot to ask advice since it has to do with CoC Canons.

So, I've recently commissioned someone to make some images I can stare at while playing CoC II and realized I have little to no idea of how floofy everyone is. I mean, I have a general idea but would love getting confirmation before the image is finished. xD (Will also share the love if I get the ok from the artist). I automatically head-canon fur-covered characters with all the fuzz, so not any trouble there... Anyways! How are these characters doing when it comes to the pits and bits? I'm not going to ask for them all as I'm only getting busts for some of them but feel free to add in the others in case I get more!


Thanks a bunch!

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Are you asking how hairy their armpits and their pubic mounds are? Some have artwork, but of course those are usually cleanshaven and may be the artist's interpretation, but generally are used for reference in the absence of any discrepancies in Appearance or scene by the author (since they may have neglected to mention that in the notes to Moira or others). Are you asking peoples' personal (possibly comedic) ideas for how hairy the ladies' underarms or inner thighs are?


Oct 17, 2015
@ Ace - I'm asking about general "canon" like how the characters were supposed to be set up originally in the pits pubic mound and/or crack area. I've been on a bit of an accuracy kick. It's not something that would ruin me not knowing but it was a re-occurring question that was niggling at me so I decided to probe here.

@ Pallet- I was leaning that too as far as races but the current busts and such throw me off or cause that initial leaning too. Like with Arona for example, I can easily see her head-locking a couple of pheromone ferrets under those arms of hers as I can see Orcs letting the pitsies grow, but throw the wiki at someone for a reference image and she looks clean shaven. There's no question about the underbrush, so the image(s) I get that have her standing with full pride in her birthday suit will have her sporting the cock-fro. And with Harpies, I know they've got feather pubes from what happens during transformations but caaaan't remember pitsies. I would likely default to featherpits as the feathers could blend into the wings and so on.

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Comedic and personal and entirely not canon:

Arona– Long, black, and probably braided. Likely with trophies like small bones and beads.
Hretha- Bushy, she doesn't have time to shave and trim and she's blind (though she's probably clean and smells nice, since her sense of smell is probably pretty good and she doesn't want to smell worse then their pet wolf in the tent). While not helpless, she's not prone to running sharp objects over her sensitive parts. She worships Lumia, she's around orc men who go into Rut (or she can put them into it) and they don't care.
Infrith- Probably the same as Hretha. She likely takes her cues from her mentor, though she's probably less bushy, being so young.
Ragnild- Probably shaven pits or at least trimmed pits and shaven (not smooth) pubic mound. While she's focused on her job, she's secretly very girly and fantasizes about romantic things. The kind of girl that would keep lacy, black underwear even without being in a relationship, just to be ready. That and she probably has very sharp weaponry and blades that she has to test the edge out on somehow, so why not shaving her legs.
Eryka- Shaved pits, well-trimmed, ginger pubic mound. She's a muscle girl, and likes to exercise, work out, and build up a nice sheen of sweat. She doesn't want matted, sweaty hair in her pits or crotch.
Hashat- Tough call. She seems to be half-mino, half-marefolk. She doesn't have fur until her calves turn to white hair down her hooves. I can probably see her with a patch of white hair on her pubic mound above her horsecock, but I like to think she's probably got smooth, non-hairy balls. Her pussy is probably ringed with a bit of hair, as holding her massive cock and balls out of the way to shave is probably a chore. As for her armpits. That's a tough call too. She'll either have hair there or be smooth to possibly allow some underarm tattoos to be visible (none are mentioned). Possibly the same deal with her pubes, only a medial ring tattoo is mentioned, but if she did want to tattoo around the base or above her shaft, she'd be shaven to make the marking visible.
Vesparans- Smooth, black chitin on their limbs, and probably smooth, caramel skin all over. Maybe some cases where they have a bit of dander and fuzz like Rumie the beefolk or their neck mane (Azzy and Nyze seem to have it). They likely can grow them, Queen Nyzerrah's is described as 'a perfectly-shorn, juice-dripping cunt' so they probably do have some fuzz. I imagine most would be freshly-shaven. While most aren't as honey-producing as Azzy's hive, they do tend to deal with egging and milking beefolk, so getting honey dried in your pit and pubic hair is likely less than ideal.
Brienne- Natural, fantastic, cowgirl bush. As a new woman, probably she would shave because of just how milky she is and it's probably easier and cleaner to have dribbling milk run down your belly and crotch while getting milked by Champ and not have it caught. Pits are probably smooth just from becoming recently feminine, but with time, probably grows armpit hair because Brint didn't likely care and doesn't know much about female grooming. Unless her family helps out or Champ mentions it, in which case she likely would start doing it.
Byverna- Wild, bunny bush. She's not trimming that for anyone except herself, and she fucks wyverns. Just beats them up and takes them and they don't have a choice in the matter.
Kiyoko- I can see it two ways. She's very diligent about grooming. It would likely come down to culture. I don't know Kitsune standards of attractiveness for such things, I know it's somewhat Japanese-based, but their standards for cartoons or comic depictions (or lack) of pubic hair may not be their realistic concepts of grooming. She'd either be smooth, or it would be trim, well-groomed, and lightly-fragrant (oils and grooming, but she's a fox and you make her musky, and as a den mother, she likely gives off that musk to horn up the Champ). No armpit hair.
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