Corrupted Woods


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
What had once been a happy woodland realm designed for the princess when she was a little girl has now been greatly altered in her absence-left behind, it has become heavily influenced by dark powers, as the formerly child-friendly characters have become increasingly more libidinous and sexually charged. Because of this, it has been sealed off so that the corruption would not spread outside it.

However, one day, te court wizard’s apprentice grew greatly curious of this forbidden realm, and in their naïveté re-opened the gateway. The court wizard, realizing what happened, tried to reseal it, but was too late-his apprentice had already gone in. Pleaing to the king his case, a call has been made for a hero to venture forth into the corrupted woodlands and find the apprentice, so that it may be re-sealed.

You have decided to answer the call.
This game uses a basic system situated around the below four attributes:

-Swords: Combat ability, physical strength, authority, elemental affinity with air
-Cups: Healing ability, intuition, empathy, elemental affinity with water
-Wands: Magic ability, creativity, passion, elemental affinity with fire
-Pentacles: Resilience, logic, bartering, elemental affinity with earth

At the start, you distribute the numbers 5, 4, 3, and 2 between them. These will determine how good you are at each. Whenever you use one, you roll 2d6 and add your attribute to the roll. If it is higher than what is requested for, you succeed, while if you roll lower, you fail.

Your character has two main stats: Health and Will. Health is equal to 1 plus Swords, and Will is equal to 1 plus Pentacles. If either one reaches zero, you will acquire Corruption, which will make you more vulnerable to mutation and other ill effects. If it reaches 5, you are transformed into a demon and will be forbidden to leave the realm.

Here is the character sheet:

Health: 1+Swords
Sanity: 1+Pentacles
Corruption: 0
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2019
Name: Safana Oresta
Appearance/Picture: dcd623220f00e8598a2d7a5b932b4d61.jpg
-Swords: 2
-Pentacles: 3
Health: 3
Sanity: 4
Corruption: 0

Safana was not one that would normally be considered first for such a potentially dangerous mission. She was a spy, someone adept at seeking truth and learning information that some would not wish her to know. She offered her services to attempt to remedy this situation before it disrupted the delicate balance at court and through that the wider kingdom.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Name: Elane Voralion
Gender: Female
-Swords: 2
-Cups: 3
-Wands: 4
-Pentacles: 5
Health: 3
Sanity: 6
Corruption: 0

As young and aspiring scholar Elane traveled the world to try and understand it and its mysteries. Hearing of the call to travel to a land yet unexplored peaked her interest, now she answered the call offering her knowlege and services to try and help bring back the apprentice and maybe even uncover some secrets of the world.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Note: Here is a crude map I whipped up of the place you’ll be going to, for informational purposes of course:

Let me know if I should add anything or not!


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Looks good just some of the text I honestly cant read

Also, I should note a few rules about this demiplane:
-1. Time is nonexistent in Merrywood; it is always noon and no one grows any older.

-2. Death is nonexistent in Merrywood; if one is to suffer extreme injury, such as decapitation or being eaten alive, they will still be alive, and will be healed back to full health. That said, injuries that aren’t as serious are not healed so quickly and may require medical assistance.

-3. Birth is nonexistent in Merrywood; due to the first rule established, any pregnancy that would happen doesn’t proceed beyond the initial impregnation, so it is impossible to produce any children. That said, if they were to leave, the pregnancy would proceed as normal until they returned.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Question about rule 3. Does impregnation wear off? Or is it You Will always give birth when you leave. Also what happens if multiple creatures impregnate you or something?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Question about rule 3. Does impregnation wear off? Or is it You Will always give birth why en you leave. Also what happens if multiple creatures impregnate you or something?
I’d say that while it doesn't wear off, it won't be insta-preg once you are out of Merrywoods so much as you'll probably start to notice in, like, a week or so.

Thankfully, only one creature can impregnate you at a time, so you don't have to worry about having, like, five babies at once in your belly

Sorry I took so long to answer btw: I wanted to earlier but my phone has been fucking up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Okay, I'll begin.
Entering into the royal palace, you are practically drenched-it had been quite calm for most of your trip, but then, suddenly, in that last hour, the sky decided it was a good time to have a thunderstorm. Thankfully, while it is stormy, it is only about half-past noon, so it at least is not night even if it is fairly dark due to the aforementioned bad weather.

You are suddenly greeted by a tall, pale skinned man in a bright purple suit who seemed to pop out of nowhere right in front of you. HIs black hair is slicked back and he wears sapphire spectacles perched on his nose. He bows before them. "Greetings, my ladies; I am Bartholomew, a servant of the court wizard Viraxis the Planeshaper; I shall lead you to him," he says, in a low, sultry voice, before turning around, at which point you notice his thin tail, ending in a spike. "Now, follow me."


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2019
Safana would nod to the servant and make to follow him. If she was surprised by the tail she gave no outward sign of it. Safana Oresta was an interesting woman to look at. She was beautiful, curvy in the right areas, and she had eyes that always seemed to promise just a bit of naughty fun. But her body language made her almost seem like part of the scenery. Someone your could look at, appreciate, then look past without much further thought.

This was intentional of course. She'd been spying for the kingdom for a few years now and found her feminine charms were best used when people would pay attention to her figure without putting much thought into the woman herself...


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Elane entered the palace quickly checking if the contents of her bag were ruined by the weather. Seeing all her notes and books in check, she let out a light sigh of relief before noticing the tall man approach. Hearing him speak of the wizard she perked up slightly, having a lot of respect for a man who could teach her a lot. "Yes, of course lead the way." She slowly followed noticing the tail with the look of interest in her eyes, but she kept quiet out of respect.

By the look of her it seemed like she did not care much for her appearance, not even noticing or giving a thought about the damage the rain did to her light make up. She had quite a small and slender stature very unusual for most girls, by the look of it little care has been put into her or her body. The most expensive and "taken care of" part of her was notably her bag, a bag that held all her notes and research materials.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Following him, the strange servant leads you to the left, entering a corridor. As you walk down it, you notice the walls are decorated with paintings of floating islands surrounded by a dome, like magic snow globes. Each one of them is quite different from the last, ranging from surreal and vibrant to mundane and muted. You notice one of them is labeled Merrywoods, and looks like something made from childhood fantasy and sweet treats. However, something about it feels wrong...

As you reach the end of the corridor. The man stops at the door and swings it open. Standing to the side, he bows. “Ladies first,” he says.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Elane looked at all the paintings, intrigued by the design and variety she could not help but stare. When it got to the one titled Merrywoods she stopped for a moment, examining it for a bit trying to figure out what felt off about it. She didn't examine for long thought, because she quickly remembered she had fallen behind, quickly rushing back to the butler and her other female companion.

Looking at the man bow before them and speak, Elane let out a light smile. "Right of course." She then walked in, looking over the room she entered trying to grasp every detail she could.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2019
For her part Safana moved with a fairly casual gait. She knew they'd likely be properly briefed when they got to where they were being lead so for now she focused on taking in her surroundings with a level gaze. The paintings were certainly interesting. Perhaps some magical element to them if she had to guess but she'd file that away for later and follow the man through. She would give a nod to his courtesy and enter the room alongside her apparent ally for this mission.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
You step on to a spiral staircase of red marble with granite brick walls. However, instead of windows, it has paintings of scenic beachside landscapes. When one of you looks at one of them for a few seconds, the scene begins to enter into motion, but only just.

Then, the servant walks on to the first steps and presses his hand against a brick next to him. Suddenly, the stairs start to move upward on their own, at first slow, but growing faster by the second. You are quickly accelerated upwards, the landscapes whizzing past your vision, before you reach the top, where the landscapes are now of forests.

Hearing his voice from behind, the servant says, “would you like me to get the door for you?”


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
When they got to the top Elane clutched her head slightly, everything was spinning because she tried to look at her surroundings with everything whizzing about. She closed her eyes to steady herself almost falling over slightly as she shook her head. Her breathing started to relax as she opened her eyes again and stood upright. "That....was quite sudden....ugh I thought I was going to be sick for a moment...It would be nice for you to get the door."


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2019
Safana was rather surprised by the movements of the staircase, she was jumbled forward for a moment before she had the presence of mind to close her eyes. By the time things stopped moving about she had regained her composure. Looking over to her ally and the servant before giving a nod to his words. "That would be lovely sir."


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Nodding, the servant opened the door, leading into a circular chamber with tall bookcases that reach up to the ceiling. Sitting in front of a mahogany desk, wearing long purple silk robe emblazoned with silver moons, was Viraxis the Planeshaper, a tall, scrawn bald man with a chest-length pointed white beard and drawn eyebrows, with specks of color surrounding his blank white eyes, in contrast with his dark, almost black, skin. Smiling, he lifts one thin hand and says, “Bartholomew, thank you for bringing me these two. Why don’t you get us some tea?”

Nodding, the strange servant then closes the door behind as he leaves to get tea. “Take a seat, please,” he says, as he casually conjures a plush red sofa. “I hope to make you as comfortable as possible as we discuss why I have asked you to be here.”


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Elane walked inside and was immediately awe struck, seeing the great Planeshaper in person was an honour and privilege. She did not waste time as he asked her to sit, quickly finding her place and turning back to him. “Lord Viraxis, you need not bother, I am here merely to offer my services and help where I can.”


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2019
Safana would raise a brow at her ally's... eagerness but move to sit herself thanking him for his courtesy and responding.

"Yes sir some refreshments would be lovely. Though I must admit I'm more than curious to hear the details about what we have to deal with. I'm good at gathering information and blending in but my ally seems more a scholar? maybe a mage?" She said looking over at Elane with a bit of an appraising look.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
“Well, I pride myself being a scholar first, as for magic....well I have only dabbled in that field slightly." She slightly looked to the side in thought as she answered. "In the presence of someone like Lord Viraxis I wouldn't call myself much of a mage." She turned to you with a slightly disheartened smile. "But my knowledge is still vast and I got a good head on my shoulder so it should help quite a bit."


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Lord Viraxis, smiling, presses his fingers together as he leaned forward. "Good to have such helpful young ladies assisting me, then," he said. "The task at hand, of course, is quite dangerous, and may put your very soul at risk." He then nods as Bartholomew walks in from the door behind him, balancing a porcelain teapot and cups surrounded by an array of cookies on a silver platter. "Thank you," the wizard says, as the servant serves him and the two women sitting on the couch tea.

Taking a sip, he says, "obviously, the place you will be heading is one of the demiplanes I have created-specifically, Merrywood. Originally, I created it for noble children to enjoy, filling it with classic figures from folklore and fairytale, but recently, well, it has become...corrupted." he said. "I admit, it is quite fascinating to watch, but my fool of apprentice let curiosity take over her reason and decided it would be a good idea to enter it, which is why I have asked you to come here-I would like you to retrieve any of her research notes and, if possible, the apprentice herself." The wizard then summoned a pair of spiral notebooks in front of the two adventurers. "Take these with you so you may record anything of interest you find."