Constructive complaints


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
This thread was already in a faceplant state simply from the onset; "constructive criticism" really means "I want this to happen/this is my idea" from the community, except that portion of the community it represented by a small handful of prolific posters and then a rotating barrel of people coming and going. What do you actually want done here?

And no, don't go "well i guess ur rite better lock it" or whatever brown nosery, keep going let it die naturally, that isn't the point here.
I'm gonna level with you, man, I'm having a bit of a hard time figuring out what point you're trying to get across here. Though since I'm being honest, that's most definitely my inner stupidity rearing its head again. What do you mean by "what do you want done" and "brown nosing"?

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I can answer one of those...

Brown Nosing basically is kissing up to someone to curry favor or if you want to put it more bluntly it's ass kissing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
"what do you want done"
What is the actual purpose of this therad? (I guess, given the Context)

Cause it feels not like any "Constructive Complaining" happens here, but only Complaining.
But i actually found a good Question that got asked in this therad:
I only really have a concern that due to slow development of different planets due to focus on other content we'll end up with the first half of locations in game full of hundreds of NPCs and the last half kind of empty.
To the best of my knowledge, there isn't even a development document for community writers to create NPCs for the next planet yet.
The Generals concern is indeed pressing. All current Planets got a healtly ammount of content currently, but a new Planet could greatly improve the spaceing, since it would otherwise start to get cramped.

Thinking of it...
-Travos Station is pretty full
-Elisabeth on Mhen'gar got only one place left, directly under the Godl Myr Destrict (Right of the Bar is allready Kellys home)
-Tarkus is unuseable, except the Nova wich only got the place next to Badger free.
-Myrellion, while haveing decent amounts of room, got two and a half populated citys, Sillymode not counted, and got multible big Quests

-New Texas is a conflict-free area and requires specific content because of its special status as the Sex-Farm
-Canadia Station could be made bigger, but it is the most optional optional location.
-Uveto is getting a good amount of Puppy-Content right now, but its colony/station is reasonable full, except two placeholders...

I fear we will run out of space, Tainted or Untainted, when we do not expand in the next few months.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I can answer one of those...

Brown Nosing basically is kissing up to someone to curry favor or if you want to put it more bluntly it's ass kissing.
How have I been ass kissing? No, seriously, how? I'm genuinely confused. I mean, I'm sorry if I have been, but I don't really see how admitting my mistake is kissing ass.

What is the actual purpose of this therad? (I guess, given the Context)

Cause it feels not like any "Constructive Complaining" happens here, but only Complaining.
Ah, yes. Well, my original thought was that I could keep the salt to a minimum and keep the things civilized and calm if I kept an iron grip on the the thread (stupid, I know). And though things started out good, when the salt inevitably started to trickle in and I tried to bring the hammer down, I realized how absolutely stupid and ass-holey I was being. So now I'm just going to leave it open and let things run their course.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2016
But things didn't start off good, lets take a look at your first post following the threads premise. (which was already a salt invitation)

  1. Riya: let's be honest, everybody hates this bitch. Seriously, does anyone actually like her? I've actually contemplated trying to find a way to get knocked up with her kid, then getting her booted off Tavros, just to teach her a lesson.
  2. Zephyr: basically Riya, minus the whole spec ops thing and the rascism. I mean, she literally pulls a gun on you if you don't clean her dick op after sex! It's a shame, cause her sex scene is very well written.
  3. Sub-Tuner:
@HugsAlright The problem I have with the Sub-Tuner stuff is the bar code you get tattooed on your ass. I don't know why, but I just can't allow myself to keep it on. I DESPISE the implication of such a permanent marking. A tattoo or a brand in this context is, in my eyes, basically signing away a tiny sliver of your free will, and that, quite honestly, disturbs me IMMENSLY. A collar you can simply take off, but a tattoo or a brand will always be there, reminding you that someone out there has claimed you as theirs, and in their eyes, you are not a person, but a possession. It just... ugh.

But I'm totally cool with literally everything else.

(I'd like to note here, I'm starting to warm up to the tattoo thing, so one day I may do it in my main Save file. Maybe.)

4. Kaede scene exclusivity: that puppy has some of the best scenes in the game. It's just a damn shame so many are one-offs, and the others are a bit of a chore to access. I made a whole new save file just so I could access the one time scenes without save editing!​

1. Pure opinion on a character that is completely avoidable and has no forced interactions, she's even in a tile that you shouldn't frequently be travelling through. Your pettiness really shines through in your suggestion.
  • Side note that I Love Riya! (Different strokes for different folks)

2. Pure opinion, again a completely optional character with no forced interactions and totally avoidable.
  • Side note that I love Zephyr! (Different strokes for different folks. Again.)

3. Oh would ya look at that the exact same problem again. I'm not going to bother repeating myself a third time. I understand you like the content behind the tattoo but you could of offered some constructive feedback here and suggested other ways the lab could be accessed without the barcode stamp I.E Belle instead registers Steele's buttprint on a fingerprint scanner device and the lab is accessed via this instead of the tattoo. Oh look I did your job for you by thinking about it for 20 seconds. Still ultimately comes down to Hugs if he wants other options but by the looks of that original thread he doesn't. End of.
  • Guess what! ( :gizz: )

All of your complaints literally read as 'I don't like this character/event' with no constructive feedback on why you don't like them, but even if you did provide that feedback all of the things you've listed are COMPLETELY OPTIONAL CONTENT and don't need to be engaged with at all meaning this falls under your responsibility as the player to only engage with content that you want to see.
Also if it wasn't obvious from the above I love all of the content you've pointed out here and how it plays out, it appeals to a different demographic of players and all content doesn't need to appeal to all demographics.

And if you say anything about content warnings or gating, both Riya and Zephyr present themselves in their introductions and dialogue exactly how they act during sex, there's no deception or ploy to make the PC think they're nice people and then flip on them it's obvious how further interactions with these characters will go from the beginning.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Yeah, petty is a pretty good way of describing it. In all honesty, looking back, i think a major reason why i wanted to make this thread was I really wanted to find a place to vent my frustrations. God, I'm a fucking shithead.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2018
The bars are not overflowing a little with npcs ? if this continues we will have click in the button to see how much npcs are there. like 3 or 4 times, to see a list of people.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Edit: Ninjaed by Soilder. But i have to agree, tha Bar-System could use a bit rework, maybe let not all Bar-Clients travel to every Bar. How big are the chances, anyways? Is there a Meadhouse-Club? Can I join?

Well, I think we can rest the issue and willing as well as hoping that everyone can agree on this, silently at best.
To the next point: Constructive Complains! (Well, i allways tougth it is called Constructive Criticism, but google says it is not called so anymore...)

Are there any points in the main Story or Way how things are treated that need adressing? Propably.

The first thing I want to point out is the inconsistency of the Codex. The Wiki-Function of it exspecialy, but also a bit in general.
First is a thing many writers seem to forget: The Codex contains a VI. While I can see that it runs probably on a silent mode most of the time,
except when you encounter a enemy the first time, but just think of the possible uses for this VI!

But well, that is not exctly the point. The more pressing matter is how Inconsistent the Codex-Wiki is. (Sometimes even worse then the regular Wiki.)
While the Creature-Portion of the Wiki is very good and even the shortest articles more then enogth, the moment you leave this part Things are heavyly lacking in sustance...
Most articles about Cooperations, the things Steele is suposed to interact with the most once she got Steele Tech in her hands, are nearly comical short.

As Extreme Example: RhenWorld, owner of the Snowball we call Uveto, got three sentences:
-It is a old and Leithan Miningcompany.
-It is owned by Steele.
-You can not buy more of it.

Or a Simelar short Entry, but more of the Norm: Steele Tech, also three sentences:
-Mines Rare and not Rare Materials
-Does not much politics, makeing it a small-megacorp. .
-It treats employes good and is gneraly regarded as a safe workplace.
-(Does not contain the Information that it owns RhenWorld or other companys in general.)
-(Does not contain Information about what else thy do beside mining basicly anything)

The biggest Company-Description would propably fall to Snugglé, but even they get not more then two blocks...

As you can see, the Codex, wich main reason of existence is afterall Worldbuilding, lacks heavyly on substance in one of its most important categorys.
I belive that the entrys are so lackluster to allow freedom to the writers, but I belive that at least some more information should be added to guide Writers and
arm them with the Knowlege they need should they write any Employes of existing Cooperations.

The other two points i think are Important to add are a Planet-Index, that simply lists a very board description of the Planets you have been to, and maybe Terra and Ausaril,
and to add a footnote to what Tainted Space actually is. I belive i read soewhere in the game, in a trowaway line as reaction to haveing a Cuntsnake something...
According to that, Tainted Space are Areas that eigther contain desises, hostile inviroment or hostile Lifeforms (she was not very specific and i havn't read it for a long time)
that are deemed to dangerous for Colonisation. Any Travel to and from it is heavyly monitored by the UGC in order to ensure that id does not contaminate (or to say it diffrent: Taint)
the Areas where people actually live. To be determied Tainted, things must be dangerous enogth to pose a thread if even brougth in small amounts to any other place. (That is concluded out of the fact that normal dangers hardly seem to stop anybody from going anywhere).

I am sorry if this now sounded like a Rant, it is not intended this way, but the lack of Substance for some of the most essencial information is a bit infuriating.
It would simply be nice if the Codex gets Updatet from time to time.

PS: Was Mhen'ga once called Ara Ara? The Naleen-Page in the Codex says they where Ara Ara's apex predator, but they are home at Mhen'ga, so it kinda does not add up.
Or is Ara Ara a Continent of Mhen'ga? Is that mentioned anywhere?
Codex - Race: Mhen'ga - Naleen said:
A hybrid of feline grace and serpentine speed and power, the Naleen are the deadly apex predators of Ara Ara. [...]

Typical Environments
Naleen reside in the deepest parts of Mhen’ga’s endless forests, though they are usually found near lakes or mountains.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
I think teasing someone should slowly raise the exhibitionism of Steele, i don't see a reason for why it doesn't.
More exhibitionism content would be nice,There is only two masturbation scene that require Steele to be an exhibitionist.
(In fact, i might do it myself...)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I think teasing someone should slowly raise the exhibitionism of Steele, i don't see a reason for why it doesn't.
More exhibitionism content would be nice,There is only two masturbation scene that require Steele to be an exhibitionist.
(In fact, i might do it myself...)
And i think defeating an opponent through hp should suppress victory sex/rape, regardless of the enemy's lust. However, this is a porn game, certain seemingly nonsensical adjustments and allowances must be made for the pieces to fit together.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I think teasing someone should slowly raise the exhibitionism of Steele, i don't see a reason for why it doesn't.
More exhibitionism content would be nice,There is only two masturbation scene that require Steele to be an exhibitionist.
(In fact, i might do it myself...)

Two? How do you get hte other one?

And I agree, some more masturbation options for exhibitionists would be amazing


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
if i remember correctly, the first one unlocks at a certain level of exhibitionism and change into the second one as you progress in exhibitionism
i also remember getting stuck by my giant balls while being naked...


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
if i remember correctly, the first one unlocks at a certain level of exhibitionism and change into the second one as you progress in exhibitionism
i also remember getting stuck by my giant balls while being naked...

Ooh right, yeah, that is correct. Infact, I think there's three variants; "very reluctant", at 33 exhibitionism, "slightly reluctant" at 66 exhibitionism, and "completely shameless" at 100/Ultra-exhibitionist


Aug 11, 2017
Not sure how constructive a complaint it is or if this thread is now the Bitchening thread (original name do not still) but I was recently reminded how annoying some of the notices are. Specially the kind that pop up to tell you that your exhibitionist characters likes being an exhibitionist or that your milk cow has a lot of milk. Its not a huge deal but the notices are frequent and can't be categorically dismissed so every couple of "steps" you have to okay an notice that is rarely noticeable outside of the first few times you see it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Not sure how constructive a complaint it is or if this thread is now the Bitchening thread (original name do not still) but I was recently reminded how annoying some of the notices are. Specially the kind that pop up to tell you that your exhibitionist characters likes being an exhibitionist or that your milk cow has a lot of milk. Its not a huge deal but the notices are frequent and can't be categorically dismissed so every couple of "steps" you have to okay an notice that is rarely noticeable outside of the first few times you see it.
Do not worry, i belive we got over the Bitchening.
Well, this notes are kinda meant as warning. Maybe you are accidental sliding over to the way of exhibition, afterall, once you reached 100% it is not reersable.
And the Milk got also a practical application: When you are full, your Tits slow down production. And when you are overfilled and milk yourself, it shoots your lust to 100+ and you got to mastrubate, even when you are in a area where it would normaly not be possible. When you do that and your Char is not a exhibitionist, it even tells you that the arousal of the milking is to much to NOT mmustrubat, public or not.

So yes, most Notes are warnings, and that is why they are stoping your gameplay to a halt.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Wait, I forget; what's the "Bitchenning"? Im guessing it involves either Sera or Riya.
Sera follower
Congrats, you know your Fluff.
Additional, you are wrong, since the Context is diffrent!

With Bitchening, we meant that the 'Constructive Complains' Therad was for most of its existence not Constructive and very heavy on Complains that did gone allong the line of 'There is Optional Content I do not like, go change it to something I like!'. Or to say it diffrent, everyone acted like a whiny little Bitch.
After this is explaind... Can we change Topic back?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Imma level with you man, I didn't actually read the posts. I kinda just skimmed them, and when I saw "the Bitchening", I just made an assumption.

My infinite stupidity strikes again!:toot:


Aug 11, 2017
Do not worry, i belive we got over the Bitchening.
Well, this notes are kinda meant as warning. Maybe you are accidental sliding over to the way of exhibition, afterall, once you reached 100% it is not reersable.
And the Milk got also a practical application: When you are full, your Tits slow down production. And when you are overfilled and milk yourself, it shoots your lust to 100+ and you got to mastrubate, even when you are in a area where it would normaly not be possible. When you do that and your Char is not a exhibitionist, it even tells you that the arousal of the milking is to much to NOT mmustrubat, public or not.

So yes, most Notes are warnings, and that is why they are stoping your gameplay to a halt.

When I was referring to the exhibitionist note I meant when you fully become one the player still gets a message every couple of steps. The messages are repetitive and nothing of importance happens but they are a constant popup to the point where I would rather be able to tell the game "I got it, exhibitionists gain lust in towns. I'm good game, you can stop telling me now."

And as for the milk situation, there are a few ways that Steele can produce milk but never lose production despite staying full and she can restock almost instantly. So its another message that just interrupts gameplay every few seconds. Again, I would love to never be notified by the same popups when I don't need or want the "information" in them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
[...]I would rather be able to tell the game "I got it, exhibitionists gain lust in towns. I'm good game, you can stop telling me now."

[...]Again, I would love to never be notified by the same popups when I don't need or want the "information" in them.
As sayed, it is still a warning-message. To much Lust can after all insta-defeat you, should you run in a enemy.
But if i understand you right, a option to make it stop giving you sayed standart-messages once you got the Perks relating to it would make for a good solution?
Something along the line off: 'Ultra-Exhibitionists warning ON/OFF' 'Hypermilky warning ON/OFF'
So that they do not warn anymore once you got saied perks?

Additional, the option may just limits the warnings to once per day.
Can someone shoot this sugestion upwards? That could be a usefull feature.


Aug 11, 2017
Yeah, just a way to cut down on undesired popups would be great. I understand the point of them, I only wish they were reduced in frequency.
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Active Member
Dec 18, 2017
The lack of scenes or alteration to scenes when you have the Red Myr Venom perk. The Sylvie one is the only one I've been able to find so far (am I just being unobservant?), and it seems very lonely all by itself. It's one of my all time favorites too, but I'm not a huge taur fan. At least a few blowjob and pussy eating scenes should get an extra paragraph or two if you have drugged saliva. Kiro's public under the table blow and the long scene in Brynn's stall come to mind. Being able to addict crew members to your kisses would be great as well. At the very least you should be able to dose yourself with it if you have the perk and are a venom slut. It's just silly that I have to carry around a bunch of bottles of it when my Steele should just be able to swallow her own medicine.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
The lack of scenes or alteration to scenes when you have the Red Myr Venom perk. The Sylvie one is the only one I've been able to find so far (am I just being unobservant?), and it seems very lonely all by itself. It's one of my all time favorites too, but I'm not a huge taur fan. At least a few blowjob and pussy eating scenes should get an extra paragraph or two if you have drugged saliva. Kiro's public under the table blow and the long scene in Brynn's stall come to mind. Being able to addict crew members to your kisses would be great as well. At the very least you should be able to dose yourself with it if you have the perk and are a venom slut. It's just silly that I have to carry around a bunch of bottles of it when my Steele should just be able to swallow her own medicine.
Red Myr Venom, like literally every other fetish, is completely optional and not required in any content. I know of at least one senior writer who retroactively refused to allow red myr venom content on his character after learning of some red myr venom side effects(specifically, paralysis). They have every right to not include red myr venom content, or to refuse its later addition.

I enjoy red myr venom content, but pushing for additional venom content would simply be toxic, pardon the pun.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
In addition, the red myr thing occupies kinda hte same niche as centaurs; One, only a small amount of people will use it. Two, you have to write something specifically for it, you can't just let the parser handle it.

Therefore, unless hte writer him/herself is into the myr venom stuff, it's unlikely that any will be written because it'd mean going out of your way to do so. It's more likely to get taur stuff than myr venom stuff


Active Member
Dec 18, 2017
Red Myr Venom, like literally every other fetish, is completely optional and not required in any content. I know of at least one senior writer who retroactively refused to allow red myr venom content on his character after learning of some red myr venom side effects(specifically, paralysis). They have every right to not include red myr venom content, or to refuse its later addition.

I enjoy red myr venom content, but pushing for additional venom content would simply be toxic, pardon the pun.
Which is fine, I'm not saying anyone should be forced to write anything, but considering that it seems to be a fairly flushed out mechanic that even adds a new attack to your tease arsenal it seems woefully underutilized compared to other things that get mentioned to varying degrees like extra long tongues. Unless I've missed a bunch of stuff then the scene with Sylvie is it, and that's a little odd considering that it's not even on Myrellion. It's a great one but it's in an odd place.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Does red myr venom take effect when it comes into contact with your skin, or does it only work with kisses or licks (mouth/crotch)?

Personally, i think red myr venom is great. I just dont really like the idea of inflicting it on someone who is unwilling/uninformed because of the addictivity.


Active Member
Dec 18, 2017
Does red myr venom take effect when it comes into contact with your skin, or does it only work with kisses or licks (mouth/crotch)?
It works on skin and sensitizes into an erogenous zone.The Sylvie scene has you sucking on her fingers and her reacting like it's oral.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
In addition, the red myr thing occupies kinda hte same niche as centaurs; One, only a small amount of people will use it. Two, you have to write something specifically for it, you can't just let the parser handle it.

Therefore, unless hte writer him/herself is into the myr venom stuff, it's unlikely that any will be written because it'd mean going out of your way to do so. It's more likely to get taur stuff than myr venom stuff
I find red myr venom hot, so i'll try to include a scene, a taur scene could be fun to write
I'm already writing a genderless variation of scene
I heard "Fuck genderless" and I took it literally...


Active Member
Dec 18, 2017
I find red myr venom hot, so i'll try to include a scene, a taur scene could be fun to write
I'm already writing a genderless variation of scene
I heard "Fuck genderless" and I took it literally...
Awesome, which scene? I do love me some aphrodisiac play, and it would come in extra handy with a partner who lacked the traditional erogenous zones.

The other thing that jumped out at me as missing from the game was any direct action with Luca on Canadia station. Her bust is fantastic and she operates a VR sex lounge. It seems odd that a treated bimbo like my Steele can't at least ask for a hard ride on the Dzaan Alpha after getting virtually bad-ended. Hell, make it part of her business model and have her wave her addictive dick right under customers noses as they wake up from their 'trips' and make them pay a little extra for a nice warm beverage to help them feel good and refreshed. It's fresh from the tap and keeps everyone coming back for more.

There's no repeatable Dzaan content at all aside from the prison one, and you can only fuck her, not get fucked. I just want Steele to be slowly brainwashed by futa cum into an even more submissive slut for a big dicked alien girl. Is that so wrong?