Constructive complaints

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I also have a complaint about the sexual roles. Right now dom and subs are very much stuck in this white and black spectrum. There's more to domination than being an arrogant, condescending asshole, just like there's more to submission than being a willing wet noodle. Not everyone is into being treated like trash (sub role) nor does everyone like it when their subs are so basic and boring. Add some character, some spice, to the NPCs; sexual corruption takes time, it shouldn't be given from the get go; Not everything has to be so cut and dry, so rough. Some gentleness, some romantic feelings wouldn't hurt.

Mhm. Here's the thing, people who write that stuff, wanna write that stuff. So it gets in.

Writers are aware of how subs and doms are more than "little weak flower letting themselves get crushed by a powerful dom". It's just that that's pretty damn hot -for most people-.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
You're telling me, with Patreon netting you over 30k, you can't afford holding a writer's contest every few months, with different money prizes, as a way of persuading writers out of their comfort zone and offering more variety to the game?

Look, I shared my piece on where the game needs to be improved and how, now ya'll do whatever you want. I'm not interested in arguing or even debating what I said, it's my opinion so take it or leave it. Besides, it was more venting than anything else because arguing about such things in this community is like being a jellyfish against the current; TiTs has it's own niche market, people who like what it offers and are willing to defend with tooth and claw to remain as is. There's only two options here; To join in or find better waters.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I could have sworn that you get a big fat warning in those cases, but I might be wrong.

You are wrong in a since. I said that they do now in later updates. They didn’t before. Like I said when Poe a released it didn’t give you that warning to back out when you selected the planet like it does now. And like said with npcs like mirrin and nayna. There’s no “big fat warning” that the scene that lead from, for example, mirrin invites you home after somewhat confessing feelings for you going to lead to her shoving her huge dick down your throat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Mhm. Here's the thing, people who write that stuff, wanna write that stuff. So it gets in.

Writers are aware of how subs and doms are more than "little weak flower letting themselves get crushed by a powerful dom". It's just that that's pretty damn hot -for most people-.

I feel like I’m away this kinda forced people who don’t like it in a corner of either “you better start liking it” or “miss out on what 60% of the content in game because you don’t find being shoved into the dirt by some dom appealing”.

Yeah you can always argue write what you like but People have lives, work, responsibilities. And some times can’t commission a writter because maybe they don’t have the money so they get shafted.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The writers also have lives, work and responsibilities. That doesn't stop them from creating content for TiTs so that's not really an excuse unless you just can't get a to a computer. Unless there's some major shit in your live that requires more time and effort, there's nothing stopping you from writing anything. Making a gmail account is free after all.

Also, for those of you that keep bringing up the "You make 30k a month in donations, you should be able to do more!" argument, do you think that things like, I dunno, taxes, paying staff and general life expenses just don't exist if you're the head writer and creator of text based porn game? Because I keep getting that feeling everything this is brought up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The writers also have lives, work and responsibilities. That doesn't stop them from creating content for TiTs so that's not really an excuse unless you just can't get a to a computer. Unless there's some major shit in your live that requires more time and effort, there's nothing stopping you from writing anything. Making a gmail account is free after all.

You’re right, I’m sure people can find time to write in between work and responsibilities. I for instance have. However I work 11 hour shifts at a hot, stuffy warehouse. It’s hard to come home and not want to do anything else but sleep sometimes because I’m just so tired. So for days on end sometimes my little project just sits there on my free gmail account collecting dust. It’s different for everybody.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You are wrong in a since. I said that they do now in later updates. They didn’t before. Like I said when Poe a released it didn’t give you that warning to back out when you selected the planet like it does now. And like said with npcs like mirrin and nayna. There’s no “big fat warning” that the scene that lead from, for example, mirrin invites you home after somewhat confessing feelings for you going to lead to her shoving her huge dick down your throat.

I feel like I’m away this kinda forced people who don’t like it in a corner of either “you better start liking it” or “miss out on what 60% of the content in game because you don’t find being shoved into the dirt by some dom appealing”.
But where's your sense for adventure?!~ especially when you can save basically whenever you want.

Tho in all seriousness, why do you need to go through that 60% (even though, knowing what content is in the game, that's a number is pulled out of your ass) of content that isn't meant for you and you don't like? Why not just go through the "40%" which you enjoy and leave it at that and be happy that you got something in this free to play game you enjoy at all?
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
On the thought of male content, the stick obviously wouldn't work for a multitude of reasons. The carrot, however, might produce results.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I get it's a sex game but I wish their were friendship paths for characters like these.
Yeah, that'd be great actually! One of my friends for instance plays as a Merc but isn't into guys, so he doesn't get the Saurmorian stuff.
My second complaint is having to play Steele. I would've preferred playing some nobody planet rusher looking to make their fortune like Victor did instead of some rich kid trying to get their inheritance.
I'm kinda hoping the TiTS tabletop gets finished Soon™ because of this. I love the game, but I felt the same with Shepherd in Mass Effect; you create how they look and shift the direction of their actions, but they're not really yours. It's a problem in basically every video game though, and it's necessary.
A small New Texas complaint I have is how you have to disarm and rearm every time you go there.
I kinda figured once you consented to it they could automate the process. I hate going to fly off only to be reminded i have no equipment. Does anyone know if it warns you if you equip new gear from your storage?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
One complaint I've had is how some content can be locked depending on who your Steele fucks. Like if you want any tweaked or saurmorian weapons the only way to get them is to fuck Emmy or Chaurmine. Or if you want to train intelligence or willpower you have to fuck Syri or Mirrin.
But weapons and stats aren't content; fucking those NPCs IS the content.


Aug 26, 2015
You're telling me, with Patreon netting you over 30k, you can't afford holding a writer's contest every few months, with different money prizes, as a way of persuading writers out of their comfort zone and offering more variety to the game?

Look, I shared my piece on where the game needs to be improved and how, now ya'll do whatever you want. I'm not interested in arguing or even debating what I said, it's my opinion so take it or leave it. Besides, it was more venting than anything else because arguing about such things in this community is like being a jellyfish against the current; TiTs has it's own niche market, people who like what it offers and are willing to defend with tooth and claw to remain as is. There's only two options here; To join in or find better waters.
Dude... There have been 2 writing contests in the last 4 months, with possibly another one around easter, idk what you want. I mean you can have your opinions but dont just bitch about things that actually have happened and claim thats what you have an issue with.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
You're telling me, with Patreon netting you over 30k, you can't afford holding a writer's contest every few months, with different money prizes, as a way of persuading writers out of their comfort zone and offering more variety to the game?

Look, I shared my piece on where the game needs to be improved and how, now ya'll do whatever you want. I'm not interested in arguing or even debating what I said, it's my opinion so take it or leave it. Besides, it was more venting than anything else because arguing about such things in this community is like being a jellyfish against the current; TiTs has it's own niche market, people who like what it offers and are willing to defend with tooth and claw to remain as is. There's only two options here; To join in or find better waters.
As Gardaeford said, there have been some contests over the last few months, and likely will be in the future when Fen needs to get lots of contest fast. But there is one thing you absolutely need to understand about this game.

Fenoxo is biased

There is not, will not ever be a push for certain types of content because Fen would not care for it and will likely never offer fengold for it like he did with xmas or halloween content.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Writers are aware of how subs and doms are more than "little weak flower letting themselves get crushed by a powerful dom". It's just that that's pretty damn hot -for most people-.
The sexuality of your typical Real Human Bean is ridiculously banal and cartoonish. It's why it's so hard to find nuanced porn in general.

It's not that it can't be pried open, just that they're content to fill up on the wank equivalent of salt-flavored potato chips.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2016
The sexuality of your typical Real Human Bean is ridiculously banal and cartoonish. It's why it's so hard to find nuanced porn in general.

It's not that it can't be pried open, just that they're content to fill up on the wank equivalent of salt-flavored potato chips.

And now we're complaining about the "lazy plebs".

Was hoping this thread could have lasted longer before becoming a whiny bin.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
*sigh* This is what I was afraid of.

Alright people, break it up. No more of this shit. Keep the salt to a minimum and save the wine for date night, or I'm bringing the hammer down.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
You made a topic for shitposting about minor annoyances; acting like you only wanted ~highbrow discussion~ is entirely disingenuous.

This was a dinner where the only courses were wine, cheese, and shit.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
You made a petty complaints topic and phrased it a certain way so that it wouldn't be immediately closed down.

I mean after your grandstanding about how it's totes for intelligent discussion you went straight to "this character sucks no one likes her haha". You aren't fooling anybody and acting like I ruined your Mature Discussion with my particular petty complaint is taking your toys and going home.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I suppose you have a point. I guess it was kinda hypocritical of me. But I was serious abot the intelligent discussion part. I genuinely thought with some enforcement, I could make this work. Again, naive, but I was bored shitless and had nothing better to do, so I was though "what the hell".

Was going ok at first, but then things started to fall apart. Maybe I should just have Ted nuke it form orbit.


Aug 27, 2015
I was going to say it's perfectly legitimate to have complaints about Riya, but looking back literally your first sentence is "let's be honest, everybody hates this bitch". The tone of the OP sets the tone for the thread, so if you're saying it's time for constructive criticisms and then offering stuff like that, you've only yourself to blame when it turns into a garbage fire.

Also, again, here is my constructive criticism: When you want to say 'Magic Ted', just say 'the mods', and don't conflate 'closing a forum thread' with 'destroy in nuclear fire'. This isn't a specific dig against Ted, but from my own experience on forums, egging the most trigger-happy mod to have power trips is a really bad thing to do.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
The purpose of a thread like this is to discuss points where game could be improved based on personal opinions, not hard facts. You may not agree with everything that is being discussed or suggested, you may even think they're wrong, and that's fine, but we're not here to placate egos or acting as yes-man - it IS a thread about "constructive complaints" after all; some developers, writers and old-timers here aren't going to like what we have to say. The problem here isn't so much the emotions that get flared but the incessant need some people have to defend this game with tooth and nail while shutting down anyone who says otherwise - THAT is where the problem lies. If you're happy with the current affair of things, cool, good for you, now do us all a favor and let us vent our annoyances and frustrations without stepping on our toes; just pretend this thread doesn't exist, or let someone who can handle adversity and different opinions deal with it.

This discussion was going fine until someone decided to take what was vaguely said as an insult... I wonder, was it really or are they just trying to get this thread shut down by acting like things are getting out of hand? Also, IMO it's futile to ask for a "purely civilized" conversation on a thread whose topic is obviously going to feed from people's emotions about things they aren't happy with, on a game they're probably passionate about. It's just impossible because everyone wants things to go their way (and I am guilty of this as well). You either expect the worst and get over it when it happens or don't go there at all.
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Well-Known Member
acting as yes-man


Sorry I just couldn’t help myself. XD


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I guess you guys are right. Road to hell is paved with good intentions, I suppose. I only have myself to blame for the current state of things. I suppose I'll keep the thread open and pray to God things don't get any worse, since it's obvious that people have a lot to say and I don't want to be even more of a dick than I already have been.

Oh, and sorry about the reports @balitz Method .
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017

Sorry I just couldn’t help myself. XD
By the way, when will we get the privat robot army waiting on the Nova?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
By the way, when will we get the privat robot army waiting on the Nova?

Hopefully Shekka turns them into Novahome security guards.

That leads me a real small compliant... lingering plot hooks. Some of them don't bother me, e.g. Fools Rush In and KaraQuest2. There's a clear end and a set up for the next leg. Others flippin' gnaw at me because it seems like you ought to be able to do something then and there, ie the Xenogen Notepad and the Novahome robots.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Maybe that's why the backlog is so immense? Maybe they're trying to save some stuff for future planets?

Or maybe I'm an idiot, who knows?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Maybe that's why the backlog is so immense? Maybe they're trying to save some stuff for future planets?

Or maybe I'm an idiot, who knows?
Backlog is immense because Fen insists on holding sole reviewing rights, but spends 98% of his TiTS-time writing waifus, coding waifus, holding contests or being sick.

To the best of my knowledge, there isn't even a development document for community writers to create NPCs for the next planet yet.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
I guess you guys are right. Road to hell is paved with good intentions, I suppose. I only have myself to blame for the current state of things. I suppose I'll keep the thread open and pray to God things don't get any worse, since it's obvious that people have a lot to say and I don't want to be even more of a dick than I already have been.

Oh, and sorry about the reports @balitz Method .
No worries, I never take that kind of stuff personally even when it's personnel, kid.

but yes the biggest not-so-petty complaint is that Fenoxo is still treating the game like it's a small vanity project when its scale has gotten so much bigger than that. That's why there's a huge backlog and why progress is glacial.
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Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
This thread was already in a faceplant state simply from the onset; "constructive criticism" really means "I want this to happen/this is my idea" from the community, except that portion of the community it represented by a small handful of prolific posters and then a rotating barrel of people coming and going. What do you actually want done here?

And no, don't go "well i guess ur rite better lock it" or whatever brown nosery, keep going let it die naturally, that isn't the point here.

Also, again, here is my constructive criticism: When you want to say 'Magic Ted', just say 'the mods', and don't conflate 'closing a forum thread' with 'destroy in nuclear fire'. This isn't a specific dig against Ted, but from my own experience on forums, egging the most trigger-happy mod to have power trips is a really bad thing to do.

If it makes you feel better I more want to ding the people that feel it's necessary to mention me over and over instead of making a report like a normal person the handful of times I pop in.