Conquest of Shadows (For DaBomb)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(Don't worry about it, I don't mind.)

"I'm not going to say you won't get a few stares, but they will accept you.  They're fine with me after all, so I think you'll be fine." she responds, her eyes moving to her wings.  "Honestly, you're probably better off than I am, considering your wings are the only odd thing about you. To others, I'm a bit stranger..." She smiles once more, before turning to Jerrin. "Yeah, i'm sue both of you will be fine... Anyway, i you guys don't need anything else, I have some more things to do..."

If they didn't need her, Ash would venture to the kitchen, entering the secret library within.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You find Issac in the kitchen, idly peeling an apple.

"I sensed the room the moment I got here," He explains, "I figured I'd wait for you to get here. Hidden surprises aside, I don't want you thinking I'm out to steal your secrets... I believe you owe me an explanation for what happened at the farmhouse though. Those tattoos... They didn't come from nowhere."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth smiles at the man, opening the hatch to the library. "Well, let's not wait any further shall we?" She responds, walking down to the room, waving the mage to follow. Once he was inside, she'd lean against the walls and let out a small sigh.

"I met Hecate, the Goddess of Sorcery. She told me that I was chosen... and made me the head priestess of her religion. I swore to her that I would held establish the presence of magic throughout the world again and I see no reason not to keep that promise. She... gave me these tattoos... i'm pretty sure their magic runes... but either case, they've increased my magic ability.  They don't look to bad, either." The Demoness smirks, sitting up from the wall, her foot kicking the floor.

"On another note, this library was alot more than a sex dungeon.  I found a summoning circle in it, an active one at that.  I made sure to disrupt it, though the intended creature may have already crossed over..." She looks over to Issac, clearing her throat.

"So, what do you make of this place? Any of these books worth something?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Issac's eyes widen in surprise at the sight of the musty shelf of books as well as the summoning circle. He kneels on the ground and reverently traces the intricate sigils of the pentagram.

"Scholars have been debating for decades the specifics of how the demons managed to puncture the Place-Between-Worlds. To think you found this in your basement... You're right, this was used recently. I can sense residual traces of magic. Something forced its way through from the other side..."

His enthusiasm increases exponentially when you show him the numerous books detailing the denizens of the underworld... And the doors to bring them to this plane. The mage quickly pulls out a leather case filled with calipers, magnifying lenses, and other delicate instruments, delicately examining each page for several minutes.

"These... These are genuine. Originals from the demon wars, or at least copies from the same time period. I'm inclined to believe the former judging by all the notes in the margins... I think this is the work of a rogue practitioner of magic, someone lost to history as far as I know... But if half of this stuff works, they were an absolute genius. Binding something like a demon would be excruciatingly difficult- you don't exactly get much opportunity for trial and error."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Forced it's way through?  That sounds... bad.  The only reason I found this spot, was because I was sensing an ethereal being or something similar. I tracked it down here, and it vanished.  I saw the summoning signs, and noticed they were active and quickly disrupted it.  Not a fan of having active demon circles in the basement of my home." She reports, her attention turning to the boos he was praising. 

"So, it seems reliable? I mean, i'm not a fan of summoning demons to our plane, but if the directions are reliable, I guess I could give it a shot..." 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"O-of course precautions would have to be taken. But I'm convinced with so much material, there would be minimal risk involved."

You can tell Issac is trying to keep the eagerness from his voice. For magical researcher, this room was a veritable goldmine. It wasn't surprising that he wanted to tap the wealth of knowledge here.

"I could begin by identifying suitable candidates for an experiment. Nothing complicated, just getting the subject into our plane bound within a circle and then dismiss it. From there, we build on the experience by issuing commands and negotiating long-term pacts. This is history in the making Asheroth!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Well, go right ahead then.  You can study them for as long as you want.  Copy them down if you want, I don't mind..." She nods, her eyes moving to the summoning chalk, pausing.  "Before we do any summoning... can we set up a seal on the summoning circle, to prevent things from getting out when we don't want them too?" Her eyes look up toward the trap door, staring at it for a few moments.  "We could just enchant that, right?  Well, after it gets replaced with newer materials obviously, but once that's done, could we enchant it to block spirits when it's locked, Or anything similar?" 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Issac nods.

"A good suggestion. Witchwood is the typical building materials for wards and the like."

You make a mental note to have the builders fashion you a door made out of witchwood. Having a failsafe against a botched summoning was more than prudent planning. A demon turned loose could cause no end of trouble in Tencrest... If they didn't decide to destroy the place outright. This venture has the potential of great payoffs, but the promise of greater rewards invariably comes at a higher risk.

Something twinges inside you. It's similar to the reverent feeling you received beholding Hecate's temple, only this time it is seeded with... Disapproval. Perhaps the goddess doesn't like the idea of her chosen being beholden to another great power.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Witchwood?  Alright, i'll mention it to one of the carpenters.  Sounds a bit uncommon, so I doubt it'll be cheap..."  She mumbles off, making sure to make a strong mental note of the name.  She's worked hard on this place, having a demon raise it to hell would be the last thing she'd want. 

"Alright then, i'll leave you to your work. I have some things that I should start working on, so i'll see you later. Be careful, alright Issac?" She gives the man a worried grin, though from the man's experience, she was sure he wouldn't do anything hasty.  If the man didn't have anything to say, she'd begin working on her assignments for the upcoming election. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(Charisma roll: 15)

You spend the day bolstering your campaign efforts. Gwen quietly arranges for you to meet with several prominent members of the community, each of them curious how your rule as mayor might benefit them. It becomes clear that these wealthy individuals are mostly interested keeping their taxes low and the introduction of a town-sponsored market place. Many aren't shy about willing to support a candidate that would provide favors once Tencrest's economic future was secure. What sort of promises do you make to these business owners?

You also are approached by many villagers asking, somewhat hesitantly, if it's true that you are tolerant of the "old ways". It has been decades since the Kingdom adopted its quasi-theocracy revering the blessed All Mother, and the church has only cemented its power since then. How do plan to protect these people from an iron-fisted inquisition?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth tells the business owners that she hopes to make their businesses more profitable. She would like to establish "guilds" for every class of worker, so that they can more easily cooperate in their endeavors, the guilds will be governed by its members, via majority votes on any issues.  Not only would this promote cooperation between the workers, but it would allow ideas and merchandise to be more easily shared, overall creating a higher efficiency. (Essentially unions and this would be for all the different fields of work, not just the wealthy ones.)

And yes, she had no desire to raise any taxes, it would remain at its low amount.  And if a Town Market was something they desired, she could have it arranged. Obviously, the town would get a small share of the profits, for providing the land, but she would assure them it would be a reasonable amount. 

She told the people that they were free to believe in any religion they desired.  However, some practices would be banned for the sake of everyone's safety. Though she doubted the people would complain about not being able to do rituals to wicked and evil deities. To put it in broad terms, they were free to practice free religion, as long as it didn't affect the well being of others around them. That was reasonable, yes?

As for the inquisition, they shouldn't be a problem. She was planning on funding the building of walls and various defenses around the town.  She doubted that the inquisition would siege a town, just to get rid of a few heretics. Though if they did, the town would sure give them a hell of a fight. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The time preceding the election becomes a blur of feverish campaigning. Every time you think you have a moment to spare, some concerned citizen pops out of the woodwork to ply you with questions. The startling frequency in which you "coincidentally" bump into prominent members of the community leads you to suspect that Gwen is arranging a large number of meetings on your behalf.

You deal with the peoples' petitions with as much grace and charisma as you can muster seeking to reassure those apprehensive about the future  while weaving a vision of inspiration for the new Tencrest. There are certainly those that seem apposed to your candidacy for one reason or another, but for the most part, you feel like these meetings go fairly well. Hopefully this would all translate into more votes in your favor, but there is no way to be certain until the ballots have been counted.

Soon the pivotal moment arrives and the populace vacate their homes and places of work to pack the benches and stools of the tavern. The place is as filled as you have ever seen it, with some youths even taking seating up in the rafters.

Candidates quickly emerge and rounds of voice votes soon follow. You are surprised by the sheer number of people who submit themselves for the job of mayor, but the field quickly narrows as the process continues. Each time your name is called, a large chorus of "ayes" follows, ensuring you are not one of the early one pruned from selection.

Three factions quickly emerge: those you've managed to sway to your side, the woodcutters and young people supporting Tan, and a rather conservative crowd backing a older gentleman named Garus. It becomes apparent to you that Garus represents a way of thinking that runs utterly in opposition to your own; the man is a stalwart follower of the All Mother and wants little to do with changing "the normal way of things". While he doesn't explicitly say it, you don't doubt that Garus doesn't approve of the growing influence of several "subhumans" in town.

Tan shoots you a look just before the second to last round of voting takes place. He is about to drop out and endorse you. You need to do your best to convince the uncommitted to your side, but what could you say? The town already knew about your policy and character. You needed a speech that would capture the imagination and raise hopes.  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth makes a speech concerning change, and how the town would in fact benefit from it. Considering the fact that the town was busier than ever, merchants were coming, customers were filling the tavern, it wasn't because things stayed the same, but because we changed things for the better.  And she promised she'd bring more beneficial change to the town than it has ever seen before.  She would make the standard of living increase for everyone, and promote the safety of everyone in the town.  She'd make this town increase its wealth dramatically, making sure that everyone would feel it. And she swore that she would do just that, if she was elected mayor. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Tan quickly stands up on a table amidst the applause. Everyone's eyes are on him, clearly expecting some sort of rebuttal to your speech.

"Friends, I realize that you expect to vote between the three of us, but Asheroth's speech has got me thinking." He pauses a moment for dramatic effect. "We do need to look towards the future. Tencrest is changing, and I think the most good will come from embracing that change... But I don't think I'm the one who can make it happen. I just got into this because enough people said it was a good idea. I appreciate the trust so many of you placed in me, but I'm not the one to steer this community towards a better tomorrow. But listening here today, it's clear to me that Asheroth is that person."

This receives a round of cheers from your supporters and is met with dismay for those who have been voting for Tan all this time. Scanning the faces amongst the group of swing voters, you detect more a sense of resignation to their candidates words than pure outrage. Tan was young and inexperienced, he said it so himself, didn't he?

"This a clear attempt at fraud," Garus bursts out form the other side of the room. "You planned this from the beginning!"

"Care to explain yourself, Garus," Cart rumbles over the din of angry voters.

The older gentleman nearly shrivels under the massive wolfmorph's gaze, but he continues with his objection.

"Everyone knows Tan is smitten with the harlot that runs this establishment," He spins to level an accusing finger at you. "And she never would be running this place if it wasn't for your foul deeds! This is a conspiracy, I tell you! This demon is pulling the wool over all your eyes, but I won't stand idly by while my home falls to depravity and corruption!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth looks toward the concerned gentlemen, letting out a light chuckle from his outburst. "My good sir, making a scene isn't an audible solution, so I think it'd be in your best interest to hold your tongue. It doesn't matter who Tan is in a relationship and dropping out of the race isn't a crime. If he felt that I would have done a better job and give me support, so be it.  His voters can think for themselves, whomever they choose to vote is influenced by who they think will be the better mayor. 

Now, how about you hold your bickering for the actual results of the election, yes?  And I do not appreciate your slandering, dear. That is simply barbaric..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Garus flushes with anger, but can't seem to find the words for a proper rebuttal. The crowd seems to be on your side, eager to resume with the process. The proceedings will continue, but you might have alienated a few villagers with your bravado. If people had suspicions about your conduct before, Garus has certainly inflamed them.

A sea of hands and a chorus of voices rise up when Garus's  name is called. Then it's your turn and you take several moments to count the hands. There are a lot... More than half! A quiet settles about the tavern for a few tense moments before a cheer breaks out and you are mobbed by your supporters. Those opposed to your candidacy do little to hide their dismay, some even going so far to spit on the ground in disgust. Garus says nothing, simply leveling a severely hostile look in your direction before leaving in a huff. Several leave with him.

Gwen is quick to seize the moment by declaring a impromptu celebration and even those who didn't vote for you are soothed by the prospect of free alcohol and good company.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth smiles brightly once it became obvious she had won. Against all odds, she had actually won!  She secured the leadership position of the city! She looks to Garus, giving him a slight nod, despite his hostilities. She saw no reason to rub dirt in his wound, she knew he had already taken a blow to his ego just by losing. She could only hope that he was smart enough to try anything dastardly against her, though you could never tell with people.

But enough of him, she had won, and now it was time to celebrate!  She looked around for her friends, wanting to have a merry couple of drinks with her new cabinet. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The party kicks off in full swing. Booze flows freely and some traveling minstrels make good on the occasion by playing a series of merry tunes. Each time a song ends, a riotous applause breaks out and another round of dancing soon breaks out. People seem lost in the moment, more carefree than anyone can remember.

People take the time to meet their new mayor and you find yourself immersed in a parade of congratulations and handshaking. There aren't just well-wishers that come to see you, though. Many of the bigwigs that helped get you votes stop by for a quick conversation. Nothing particularly important is discussed, but you can tell that this is a subtle reminder that they expect their loyalty to be rewarded.

Just as Cart shows off his physical prowess by lifting a bench of giggling village women, a series of hoots and whistles draws your attention to the bar where Tan is kneeling in front of Gwen. Soon you're not the only one receiving congratulations as Tencrest's number one couple makes their relationship official in the traditional way.

"Well you did it," Kari murmurs in your ear during a rare moment away from the party. The catmorph looks fondly at the scene before her and squeezes your hand. "I know you have bigger plans, but... Have you ever thought that this might be enough? Tencrest, I mean. There's a good life to be made here, Ash. I wonder if it's worth risking it."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A feeling of satisfaction filled Asheroth as she saw the enjoyment the people around her were having. For once, she was truly proud of her deeds and she knew that that others would support her. She happily greets and converses those that congratulate her, happy to see the number of people that supported her. 

she was happy, though a bit shocked, once she saw Tan on his knees. Though it was a bit too early or her comfort, she wouldn't deny that they had something special and she'd wish them the best of luck on their future endeavors. Because she knew they were going to need it. 

The Demoness thought for a few moments after the Catmorph's question, the thought of staying her was one she may grow found of. But then again, she did have a dream. And she made a promise to herself... "I guess the world can wait for awhile. Improving this town is going to take some time... and it's pretty high on my priority list.  Besides... I still have many things to wrap up around here, I don't want to further fill up my plate..." the Succubus mutters off for a few moments, looking back to Kari with a smile. "To answer your question... Yes. It'll be enough for now..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The merriment continues into the night, a party the likes of which no one can remember and most definately no one will forget. It is well past mindnight when the tavern finally quiets down and the last of the citizenry either retire to their homes or topple off in a booze-driven slumber.

Looking over the slumped, snoring bodies, you are filled with a supreme sense of satisfaction. This town was yours now, and you'd even taken it fair and square- Well mostly anyway. For better or worse, the people of Tencrest were under your care and it was up to you to earn their devotion... Or instill fearful obedience. While the trappings of a benevolent leader had its appeal, you can't shake the blissful memory of corrupting an entire bandit camp or watching as a trio of prissy nobles became a slave to your cock.

Free to catch a few hours sleep yourself, you return to the mansion and turn in. Equal parts satisfaction and weariness draw you to the upstairs bedroom and you imediately collapse, lulled to sleep by the soft snoring of Kari beside you. 
Tomorrow proves to have no time for idle daydreaming as the demands of mayor soon press upon you. Literally dozens of people come to you for advice concerning matters ranging from petty disputes to whom should marry the butcher's eldest daughter. Unable to get any real work down, you establish a day of the week to settle village business, but it's only after Cart tosses two squabbling villagers into a pond that they begin to respect your work schedule.

The first order of business is what to do with the village's coffers. You promised your wealthy supporters  a marketplace, but only a stronghold could ensure the free religion you advertised to the commons.

"We'd be able to build both, of course," Tan says, looking over the numbers. "But contructing both simultaneously means delaying the benefits of either project longer. Logically, we ought to finish one first before moving on to the other."

"Then it should be the walls," Kari interjects, "Keeping people safe is a top priority."

"There's something to be said for the bigger picture, though," Gwen muses. "More trade sooner might benefit us in the long term. Look at it this way, a marketplace now means better fortifications later... I'll admit it won't mean much if the inquisition comes knocking in the meantime, though." The half-succubus shrugs. "It's a risk."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth thinks for a few moments on the matter, before clearing her throat.  "The walls should be our first priority. I think it'd be unwise to build a source of income, without proper protection. After all, as we get more wealthy, we become a bigger target to invaders. And we can still add to the fortifications after the market place is built, so it's not like everything is set in stone. Walls first, the protection of the people is what matters most. If I need to interject my own funds, then so be it."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You quickly arrange for work parties. In the coming days men begin the process of clearing the outskirts of Tencrest, making way for foundations of a mighty wall. Unable to expend the time or money for stone masonry, Tencrest's skilled lumber workers hew great trees on the outskirts of the Dark Forest.  Beams are lifted and planks nailed into place. A rough palisade is constructed in a matter of days, but bit by bit, it is being replaced by a larger, grander fortification.

Your wall stands two stories high with four gatehouses looming even higher at each direction of the wind. An embankment of earthworks form a moat that can be flooded by the nearby stream. The town might not stand against the full power of the royal army, but the days when Tencrest stood vulnerable to bandit raids are over.

With the additional need for workers and the spreading rumor that all are welcome within the walls of Tencrest, new arrivals begin flooding the once sleepy town. Some are humans from the southern cities carrying with them the faith of gods long since forgotten, but many more are catmorphs seeking opportunity long since denied to them by the King's law. It appears that Kari's kindred heard of the Catfolk alchemist seated at the new mayor's right hand.

Gwen makes a fortune leasing rooms to the first few groups, but it soon becomes clear that more housing will be needed. Walking the streets on market day, you have to dodge about tents and swarms of immigrant children. It doesn't take long for the original citizens of Tencrest to raise a fuss.

"W-we simply can't take in everyone, Madam Mayor," A wealthy trader beseeches you on the day you hold court at the mansion. Tan sits dutifully to the right of your chair taking notes while Cart mans the door, keeping everyone in an orderly line.

"We aplaud your kind heartedness," He continues, "But this riff raff must be turned out. The subhum- the travelers are clogging the streets and preventing commerce. The very commerce you promised us during the election!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(I'm assuming the Market place hasn't been built yet, or will that occur after i'm done with the immigrants?)

Her eyes don't leave the merchant as she thinks of a solution, her fingers tapping against the wooden arm of the chair, echoing through the silent room.  She knew that this scenario couldn't just be black and white, choosing one over the other would brings faults as well as benefits. Perhaps a compromise could be put in order?  "I understand your position and I will do my best to fulfill my promise, but I can't just banish these immigrants, it would put a stain on my image." She pauses. "However, I believe I can make a solution that appeases to both sides. 

More houses are built for the catmorphs, ones of adequate quality. However, since we still need money to build the market place, I will put the cost of them into the merchant's hands.  This will allow the market place to be built, and it will give the catmorphs a place to live.  Obviously, this would be taking money from your pockets, which is why I believe the catmorphs should pay back for the housing. They will work off the debt of their homes, working for the merchants that paid for them. Note, this will be monitored and any brutality that is noticed will be punished. I assume this is a fair deal for all parties involved?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(Correct. The wall is still under construction at this point. Sorry for not making that clear)

To say that the merchant class is uneager to enact your plan is an understatement. They seem to regard the flood of migrants as more of a threat to the status quo than an economic opportunity. However, a few are quick to heed your advice. With your new construction projects under way, there have been less laborers for Tencrest's traditional industry of lumber production. The sawmill owners soon erect tenements, offering housing and a modest wage for those willing to work at the mill. Human and catmorph migrants soon fill these apartments, creating an entirely new district in town.

With more mouths to feed, farmers are willing to travel into town more frequently and from farther away to sell their produce at a higher premium. Open vending turns from a weekly affair to something that occurs on a daily basis. Tan is quick to suggest a wagon fee at the gate entrances as a means to raise funds for the construction of a more formalized marketplace. Combined with the savings from privatizing the tenement construction, it isn't long after the wall is complete that ground is broken for the new marketplace.

You make a habit of taking a morning walk through your new marketplace, taking in the sights, smells, and sounds of your flourishing townstead. One particular day, you are interrupted feeling Kari's swollen abdomen by the cries of a gathering crowd at the town square. A preacher has climbed atop a large crate and begun proselytizing his faith of Mara, a goddess from the exiled pantheon. His impassioned praise for the deity of fields and fertility draws a few listeners, but even more hecklers of those faithful to the All Mother. Things soon take an ugly turn when slung insults are replaced by rotten produce and rocks.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth curses as she sees the feuds escalate, bidding Kari to wait a moment as she rushes over to the crowd. "HEY! What is the meaning of this?" She screams, as she pushes through the crowd to position herself in front of the preacher. "Son of a bitch, what is wrong with you people?  Have you never heard of a simple debate?  If you have a problem with this, then tell me. Don't try to sort this out like savages.  Now, what is the problem here?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Your tattoos flair with your outpouring of emotion and a piece of fruit incinerates midair before reaching the cowering preacher. The crowd stop yelling after that. All eyes are on you when you push to the front. They react to your questions like a pack of sullen youths, cowed, but far from sorry.

"Was blasphemin' and such, M'lady," a woman in the front row mutters. When you give her a look, she takes an involuntary step back.

"He brings the wrath of the All Mother upon us!" someone from the back calls out.

"She doesn't care! Her demon masters will protect her when the inquisition puts us all to the flame!"

Looking over their heads, you see Kari move as best she can in the direction of the tavern.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Alright, I understand all of your concerns. However, you can't just punish someone who isn't breaking the law.  If someone wants to practice heresy, they has every right to do so, I doubt it impacts any of you." She turns to the preacher. "However, I do see their point of view as well. I'd ask of you to keep the preaching of all deities, including the all-mother, in your own personal dwelling. You can still practice your worship in public, just refrain from doing any proselytizing. I hope to keep this town out of the Inquisition's gaze for as long as possible.  I hope you understand."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"But Madam Mayor, anything but the worship of the blessed All Mother is expressively forbidden by the laws of the Kingdom." You recognize the snide voice of Garus even before the aged merchant pushes himself to the fore of the crowd.

"This man should be locked up for crimes against the Holy Church," He continues crossing his arms. "It is your duty to discharge the King's will... Unless you put yourself above His Majesty?"

The atmosphere grows tense as your political rival willfully escalates the situation. The preacher of Mara was just about to heed your advice, but now you were forced into a pivotal decision. Would you make good on your promises to the "heretics", or make the safer play and stay clear of the inquisition for a little while longer?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"I don't see how the private worship of other gods is negatively impacting anyone, so I have no reason to ban it." She says coldly, tuning toward Garus, crossing her arms under her breasts.  "We pay the King's taxes and have no strife with him otherwise.  I highly doubt that such a petty thing would gather the full attention of His Majesty, but if it does and he requests it to stop... then by all means I will put restrictions on it.

But the question I have, is how could the King possibly gain knowledge of such a practice in my town? Are you suggesting that you'll inform the king of this?  Put the lives of this town in jeopardy?  And here I thought you put the lives of your peers in front of your self-satisfaction..." 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Argus seems to shrink as you deliver your rebuke. Even the most stalwart of the angry onlookers seem hesitant to demand you arrest the preacher. While it was the King's law that forbid the worship of any deity but the All Mother, it was the Inquisition that enforced it, an organization that did not boast a stellar record of minimizing collateral damage.

Cart arrives soon after to break up the mob, but your words have done most of the work in pacifying them.

"You know this can't last forever," Kari tells you back at the tavern. "Even if you convinced Argus to keep his mouth shut, that won't stop travelers from picking up rumors and spreading them. Not to mention all the different religious groups streaming through our gates day after day. They're going to want to worship someplace outside of a cellar... The Inquisition is coming, it's just a matter of when."

"Well the walls will make their "visit" a little more difficult," Cart grumbles, sitting next to you with a tankard in hand. "Won't hold'em forever, but we'll give them a bloody nose, that's for sure."

"The Inquisition is filled with fanatics, Cart," Kari says with a frown. "I don't think they'd object to losing a few men while stamping out a bunch of heretics."
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