[COMPLETED] Glassix - 1.0


Jan 1, 2017
Well, there's been 2-3 months since I last played tier 2 but sometimes I recall a bj/hj at the bathroom toilet is necesary if you haven't got time for sex.

Yes, that's what I meant when I said I felt discouraged because an optimum is either nonsense or too hard to find.

My path for first week was: HELPING RIN ISNTEAD OF AYUMI, it pays of a lot since you can have ayum'is key by day 6 if you select the funny speech, any way it is impossible to get ayumi on week 1. So sarah does not interfere.

Day 4: aiko + saiko
Day 5: kana + rin
Day 6: okimi
Day 7: hikari + mitsuko

The other 4 characters are completley unaffordable by day 7.

You can't do mitsuko on day 6 if you want to have all 4 by day 5, and she's the easiest/2nd easiest character along with kana, so np. Yo can choose wether you pick hikari or okimi by day 6, I picked okimi because the sucubus leaves you by her side when he gets you if you chose her. So I could get every possible point during the weekend other the 3 you loose for hikari ( they would be okimi's either way) and the 3 points you loose with mitsuko (but you would have missed 6 points either from saiko or rin)

By the way doing so, results in a SUPER FUN SUNDAY, you get 7 bath, 4 toilet, 2 tier 1 scenes, 2 massages, 3 female masturbations, 2 flashes, 1 hand job, 1 weird footjob + 1 fuck with the succubus. And you only have 50 idle minutes 44 of wait before a bath and 6 after the last one. You don't get any of the karaoke scenes, but that's 23 scenes in just 1 day, not bad. On day 3, for instance you only get

At sunday evening, all characters are maxed out other than sarah who has 8 points, but it is impossible to go to her toilet/bathroom neither on day 4 nor on day 5 if you want all 4 by day 5.

If there was no sarah the path would definitley be:

Day 8: ryoko 1 + naomi 1
Day 9: ayumi 1 + kana 2
Day 10: aiko 2
Day 11: okimi 2 + hikari 2
Day 12: naomi 2 + maybe kana 3? I haven't tried.

that + the fact that sarah is practiably unreachable in her bath/toilet during the weekdays (and baths are ultra important for tier 0 and 1 and still handy from tier 2 on) is what I meant that I wish changes for sahras schedule in the next version or at least a neighbour, so it would still be a pain in the ass but at least the motivation would be balanced.

Prior to okimi you could even do hikari on day 10, choosing between her and aiko, but since there's okimi, that doesn't make much sense.

And I could try the difference between day 9 ayumi or aiko, although I think that's best.

On day 8 you can only get either ayumi 1 or naomi 1 and you on day 9 sarah 1 and aiko 2, on day 11 hikari 2 , so there are 24 possible paths possible paths for week two :

I won't try all 24 so, since writting this has helped me clear my mind, I'm sill upset, but less.... I'll try to explain the 24 of them, by picking just 2 examples

There's almost no difference between picking ayumi (option B) on day 8 or 9 whereas picking naomi means you can achieve naomi 2 by day 12 (A).

Out of the 12 options (A) ony 6 options that include achiving the 5 girls by day 12 including aiko 2 and naomi 2.
I don't include aiko 2 untill day 12 because she's the only one who fits in on that day with naomi 2, but that would mean a 4 day delay for aiko 2, and it seems too much and considering leaving ayumi for day 10 means is gonna be as tight as it gets. I think I've rouled out the other 11 (A) options for good, but that's just my intuition, it's not evidence based.

And still thats a 1 day delay on sarah and ayumi (not VERY important for ayumi, but harder) and a 4!!!!! day delay on aiko.

Day 8: ryoko 1 + naomi 1
Day 9: ayumi 1 + kana 2
Day 10: sarah 1
Day 11: okimi 2 + hikari 2
Day 12: aiko 2 + naomi 2 + maybe kana 3? I haven't tried

Regarding option (B)

If we start with ayumi we loose the posibility of achieving naomi 2 by day 12 lvl 1 maybe should have priority although achivieng tier 2 on time gives you a lot of peace of mind, and sahrah is way more difficult than naomi since naomi lives by other people and its easir to attend her toilet/bathroom so that would result in:

Day 8: ryoko 1 +ayumi 1
Day 9: sarah 1 + kana 2
Day 10: naomi 1
Day 11: okimi 2 + aiko 2
Day 12: hikari 2 + maybe kana 3? I haven't tried

But that's a 2 day delay on naomi and aiko, a 4 day delay on naomi and a 1 day delay on hikari.

I'm not so sure about it in this case as I'm in the other one. But I think I'll try the 2 options I pointed out. The problem is that I wont really know what works best on day 14, I'll have to wait at least to see how I improve with ryoko and sahra to know, and if advancing with them is a heavy burden for the others. And there are only 5 saving slots (btw I would appreciate at least 7) 1 would be for week 1, I and I use lots of saves during a day and a week even if i have all written down takes me an hour at least if there are absolutley no missclicks nor losing my focus, which happens A LOT.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
I think the next updates in the game should involve her, with either a neighbour, triggered events at school (such as those from the first week, or the karaoke ones with saiko) or at least her going to the toilet at school, maybe during lunch break? (...)

Her bath at 11 am on the weekends is pretty usefull, that makes her toilet at the museum, and the museum itself pretty worthless right now.

The fact that she gets late in the game and that she interferes with kana's/rin's events so you can't trigger her till day 9 where she interferes again with either ayumi's/naomi's tier 1 and aiko's/hikari's level 2 events makes her path utterly frustrating.


I understand what you are talking about but, unfortunately... it's deliberated. ^^ Sarah is the first one of a bunch of girls more difficult to obtain. The ten other girls don't have any particular difficulty ; Sarah does. Because Glassix is a game, and in my opinion a game has to be challenging for the player. So, to obtain this kind of girls, the player has to make a sort of "special effort", to find and use each opportunity to gain a obedience point. But I hope the reward worth it: extra scenes with Kana and Aiko, and probably with other girls too. We could add an event at school, why not... Sport clothes or swimsuit?

For the girls I plan to add, there will have different levels of difficulty: we could say normal, difficult and perillous. Sarah is a difficult one. I just hope you will find it more challenging than frustrating.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
I do find it odd, that no one goes to the toilet during lunch break.

Daedolon just added this lunch break at the last update. All the schedule were balanced before it happened, and without this consideration. It could be changed of course, but Daedolon is planning to rebuild a completely different schedule mode for the girls. So, better to focus our effort on other sides of the game before this new change...


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2016
I'm always amazed when players try to find the fastest way to complete a game :p
Anyway for your remark, I can already tell you, you don't have to worry too much because actually, there will be many more girls in the game, living all around the city. So since you currently focus on Westside, it'll be possible in the future to focus on girls living in Northside and Southside. If you saw CarpeNoctem reply a few pages back, you'll see he prepared 11 new girls and each of them will have an apartment or house. I'm also planning to add a few of my own. We'll try to balance their locations to have an even amount of girls living in each part of the city. So you'll be able to optimize your schedule as you see fit.

There is however a big update I'd like to add later on. It's a simple artificial intelligence for the girls to have them move semi randomly in the city, meaning that you'll never be able to predict their path or at least a part of it. For example, students WILL be in school on week days so you can prepare there, but on week-end, each girl will have different interest and will move to related city spots randomly. For example, Hikari enjoys studying (and being number one) so she could spend her week-ends in the library in northside or just study in her room. So their path will differ quite a lot. As for the pee and bath events, I'd like to add a bladder and dirtiness attributes to each girl which will decrease over time and when reaching a low amount, they'll automatically go to the toilets or bath. With money coming too later, you'll be bale to give them as gift to girls to lower their bladder value and force them to go to toilets to help you manage your schedule if needed too.

But all this will require many other versions to reach.


Nov 30, 2016
Well, there's been 2-3 months since I last played tier 2 but sometimes I recall a bj/hj at the bathroom toilet is necesary if you haven't got time for sex.

Yes, that's what I meant when I said I felt discouraged because an optimum is either nonsense or too hard to find.

My path for first week was: HELPING RIN ISNTEAD OF AYUMI, it pays of a lot since you can have ayum'is key by day 6 if you select the funny speech, any way it is impossible to get ayumi on week 1. So sarah does not interfere..

- Day 4: aiko + saiko
Aiko on Day 4 is easy.
How did you get Saiko on Thursday? Start of the day she is on 8, you have to do her bathroom scene, for the 10, at that point you have missed the event.

- Day 5: kana + rin
Both? Kana and Rin on Firday?
They both start the day on 8 you can only do 1 toilet scene before school starts.. that can be either Rin or Kana.
You can't do both.

- Day 6: okimi
How did you get Okimi on the Saturday?
While you can get to 10 by Saturday her scene happens during the Morning, so you have to wait until Sunday to do it.

- Day 7: hikari + mitsuko
Alright, a day we can agree on.

- The other 4 characters are completley unaffordable by day 7.

- You can't do mitsuko on day 6 if you want to have all 4 by day 5, and she's the easiest/2nd easiest character along with kana, so np. Yo can choose wether you pick hikari or okimi by day 6.
You can do both of them, there is time on Sunday to do both of there events? How you managed to get enough points before the Morning on Saturday I don't know.

- I picked okimi because the sucubus leaves you by her side when he gets you if you chose her. So I could get every possible point during the weekend other the 3 you loose for hikari ( they would be okimi's either way) and the 3 points you loose with mitsuko (but you would have missed 6 points either from saiko or rin)
There is enough time to get Hikari's points up, she is in the same place as her mom most of the time, best to not focus on Rin as you need to get Ayumi up, as you can get an extra point each day with Mitsuko as show both body parts counts as a point each.
Saiko is on 10 points throughout the weekend, as you had to give that scene to Rin on Friday.

- By the way doing so, results in a SUPER FUN SUNDAY
Yes, Sunday is a good day.

- At sunday evening, all characters are maxed out other than sarah who has 8 points.
Shouldn't Naomi also be on 8, while you get can her on Monday, you need to use that time to get other character's points up and thus you have to wait up Wednesday to get her.

- Day 8: ryoko 1 + naomi 1
Won't it be better just to go for Ayumi, as you need to get her points for Rin, Naomi is easy to get she can wait.

- Day 9: ayumi 1 + kana 2
This one should be Saiko 1. (As it's not possbile, before this time. Unless you skip Rin's and Ayumi's events.)

Day 10: aiko 2
This one will be Sarah 1.

Day 11: okimi 2 + hikari 2
Agreed - but make it day 12

Day 12: naomi 2 + maybe kana 3? I haven't tried.
Make it Naomi 1 and this as Day 11.
Kana doesn't really matter, as long as you get Kana 2 done during the week.
For level 3 it isn't a race to complete them, just focos on the other girls, as stage 4 isn't out yet.

that + the fact that sarah is practiably unreachable in her bath/toilet during the weekdays (and baths are ultra important for tier 0 and 1 and still handy from tier 2 on) is what I meant that I wish changes for sahras schedule in the next version or at least a neighbour, so it would still be a pain in the ass but at least the motivation would be balanced.
- You can get her bath/toilet scene's,

- Prior to okimi you could even do hikari on day 10, choosing between her and aiko, but since there's okimi, that doesn't make much sense.
4!!!!! day delay on aiko.
As Aiko is really easy to get, you can delay her.

By the time we have put together a guide to get all girls at stage 3 in the least possible days and update or new girl will come that will bring the entire guide down.
But this is still fun to do.

My Guide:
Day 1: --
Day 2: --
Day 3: --
Day 4: Aiko 1
Day 5: Rin 1 + Kana 1
Day 6: --
Day 7: Okimi 1 , Hikari 1, Mitsuko 1

(I have not fully tested.)
Day 8: Ryoko 1, Ayumi 1
Day 9: Sarah 1, Kana 2
Day 10: Saiko 1
Day 11: Naomi 1
Day 12: Okimi 2, Hikari 2
Day 13: Mitsuko 2
Day 14: Rin 2, Ayumi 2

(Have not tested)
Day 15: Aiko 2
Day 16: Ryoko 2
Day 17: (No idea....)


Jan 1, 2017
Thanks both a lot for your replys both of you, what a great service!


I understand what you are talking about but, unfortunately... it's deliberated. ^^ Sarah is the first one of a bunch of girls more difficult to obtain. The ten other girls don't have any particular difficulty ; Sarah does. Because Glassix is a game, and in my opinion a game has to be challenging for the player. So, to obtain this kind of girls, the player has to make a sort of "special effort", to find and use each opportunity to gain a obedience point. But I hope the reward worth it: extra scenes with Kana and Aiko, and probably with other girls too. We could add an event at school, why not... Sport clothes or swimsuit?

For the girls I plan to add, there will have different levels of difficulty: we could say normal, difficult and perillous. Sarah is a difficult one. I just hope you will find it more challenging than frustrating.

I kind of understood that it was on purpose. What I meant is that right now, she doesn't fit much in the game pace it's more like a game her self. It's not only that it is a mind breaker. Ryoko is also harder than any of the other girls until you reach tier 3... allthough, I love the options too

About the event, I'd say first at the gym, cos I know it is like that just for being incomplete (again, thanks for the effort) but right now, other than the minor bug of the missing girls, there's no difference between changing clothes or not before going into the gym and i can't attend gym other than the first day, so i'd love it if that's what's developed.

I'm always amazed when players try to find the fastest way to complete a game :p
Anyway for your remark, I can already tell you, you don't have to worry too much because actually, there will be many more girls in the game, living all around the city. So since you currently focus on Westside, it'll be possible in the future to focus on girls living in Northside and Southside. If you saw CarpeNoctem reply a few pages back, you'll see he prepared 11 new girls and each of them will have an apartment or house. I'm also planning to add a few of my own. We'll try to balance their locations to have an even amount of girls living in each part of the city. So you'll be able to optimize your schedule as you see fit.

There is however a big update I'd like to add later on. It's a simple artificial intelligence for the girls to have them move semi randomly in the city, meaning that you'll never be able to predict their path or at least a part of it. For example, students WILL be in school on week days so you can prepare there, but on week-end, each girl will have different interest and will move to related city spots randomly. For example, Hikari enjoys studying (and being number one) so she could spend her week-ends in the library in northside or just study in her room. So their path will differ quite a lot. As for the pee and bath events, I'd like to add a bladder and dirtiness attributes to each girl which will decrease over time and when reaching a low amount, they'll automatically go to the toilets or bath. With money coming too later, you'll be bale to give them as gift to girls to lower their bladder value and force them to go to toilets to help you manage your schedule if needed too.

But all this will require many other versions to reach.

About their dirty/peeing features to be other than a schedule: they would have to depend on kei's actions, either staying with them while their usual bath/pee time or having sex with them in the case of the dirtyness. I love it since kei would plan his actions differntly, for instance: sex then bath instead of the opposite if it fits better... maybe you could get that pee feature fot kei as well, that could force him to rush into the toilet to some other girl, the restraint could be that he pees his pants in front of any girl he meets if he hasn't peed wether he's in a toilet (rushes into it but someone's already using it) or just a normal encounter taking a -2 hit on affection for instance, which could be critical to get her keys if it's at the beggining.

For instance although it pays of really well to pick HELP RIN + FUNNY SPEECH, it is at a cost (not only with saiko) if you want to get ayumi's scene on day 8 or 9, you have to spend over an hour in the karaoke on day 6, first the uneventfull event (not till week two, which is perfectly fine) and then back in to talk to her for her keys. I guess most people help rin so they don't know.

Although I have absolutley no idea about programming so no idea about it's feasability.

And about the fastest way... well that's the challenge, if the game had "unlimited" time for an actual set of features... there would be no game. And if time is limited I allways prefer a full playthrough than multiple banal ones, unsuccesful playthroughs are nice to experience once, like forgetting about the sucubus for instance or not being able to conquer anyone if that were the case, but a full playthrough is incredibly satisfactory.

And mostly in this game, I love it but it took me over 15 hours to get just the first week straight, and i had played prior versions (although i didn't write anything down) and over the half of it was because I had to repeat 4 or 5 days of a week (I never know if I got the week straight untill it's over) over and over again because I miss clicked, or I lost focus and forgot about something, cos of the really small number of saving slots.

The other half, of course, was to figure things like a perfect weekend: (this is when I thought I could write a full walkthrough for V 10.3)

Day 6

Here it is really up to you to choose, you can pick either hikari or okimi the first day and leave the other one for day 7, I pick okimi cos the succubus leaves me right by her side so I gane a bit more time on Saturday

wake at okimi's toilet, After the succubus is over go to the forest, talk to her, be sure to click on unfollow and wait one minute, that starts okimi’s scene

Go to rin’s house talk to her and get the handjob, go to your house take kana to the bathroom and do the two masturbation scenes, go to sahras bathroom and back in again to talk to her, go to the school toilet and check okimi, then to the mansion toilet for ryoko, talk to her and to hikari and wait for Mitsuko to come back and talk to her

Go to the karaoke for the scene with aiko, then take her to her apartment for the massage, go back to the karaoke to meet rin and ayumi but DO NOT USE INCEPTION, go back inside and talk to ayumi, now is when you get her key, go to mitsukos toilet and then hikaris, go to saiko’s and ayumi’s bathroom, go to rin’s bathroom, then to yours for kana, then to naomi’s and back in to talk to her, finally back to your bath room for aiko and back in for the massage

Day 7

Wake at ryokos toilet, go to mitsukos bath, talk to ryoko, pick okimi at downtown metro and take her to saikos toilet to check her, talk to saiko and get the massage, talk to ayumi, take kana to the bathroom and do the two masturbations, talk to naomi, go to sarahbathroom, back in to talk to her, go to Mitsuko and trigger her scene, to the toilet for okimi, back to Mitsuko for her two flashes, pick aiko at the stream and take her to the succubus, make aiko follow you to kana’s toilet first floor, massage aiko, go to hikari’s room to trigger her scene, then to her toilet and back in to talk to her and get the punishment, go to saiko’s and-ayumi’s bathroom, then to rin’s bathroom, bak in for naomi to rin’s room for the handjob and finally aikos bathroom.



Jan 1, 2017
I'll answer to the rest tomorrow, it's 3 25 in the morning here, but it looks like the difference is keys, is it cheating? if so I'll re-do


you're wrong about one thing:

[QUOTE="GetterRobo, post: 122626, member: 11753

- Day 5: kana + rin

Both? Kana and Rin on Firday?

They both start the day on 8 you can only do 1 toilet scene before school starts.. that can be either Rin or Kana.

You can't do both.


you've got time enough to go into rin and kana's toilets in the morning, rin goes 20 minutes (so she leaves the toilet at 6 59) later and it only takes 10 minutes to do kana

EVEN IF YOU SLEPT IN YOUR ROOM you get to kana's toilet at 6 33 6 45 so you have 14 minutes you can either wait 5 minutes or talk to aiko + naomi before you go in

Sorry, I wrote it wrong, I'm sleepy.

You get into kana's toilet at 6 33 and into rin's toilet at 6 55, you have time still to talk to either aiko or naomi.
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Jan 1, 2017
and the reason you i can't do the same amount of ponts for hikari and mitsuko on thursday is because in the morning I focus on saiko, not on them, in the afternoon i can't pick kana because i'm with saiko, i pick hikari who has the same toilet schedule as mitsuko in her mansion and in the evening i need to be at both kana's (i missed her first event because of saiko) and rin's toilets or baths (I missed her two prior events, both because of saiko) if I leave kana's toilet at 8: 10 there's no time to get to rin's bath before 21 59 and do mitsuko in between


Nov 30, 2016
Oh.. right wake up at okimi's toilet. That would get her by Saturday yes.

As for Day 5, oh you can get 2 toilets scenes on Friday.
Just do Kana and then Rin's.

Cool, Thanks.

I assume you got Saiko 1 on Thursday, my waking up at her toilet?


Nov 30, 2016
Updated SpeedRun Guide: I'm not going to post how to get enough point's, for the events, as it's too long, I also need to make some changes to it.

This guide gets all girls to Stage 1 and stops when Okimi gets to Stage 2.
As I have no reason to continue, due to the Level 4 events are not being out yet.

Lots of Characters have Afternoon during their events, best to set an afternoon for each event. Day 4 - 12 each has an Afternoon event.

Day 1: --
Day 2: --
Day 3: --
Day 4: Saiko 1 (Afternoon) + Aiko 1 (Night)
Day 5: Rin 1 (Afternoon) + Kana 1 (Evening)

Day 6: Okimi 1 (Morning)
Day 7: Mitsuko 1(Afternoon), Hikari 1 (Evening)

Day 8: Ryoko 1 (Midday), Ayumi 1 (Afternoon)
Day 9: Naomi 1 (Afternoon) *Next time I'll try to switch them around.
Day 10: Sarah 1 (Afternoon) *Next time I'll try to switch them around.
Day 11: Okimi 2 (Early Morning), Aiko 2 (Afternoon)

By Day 11, that's everyone on Level 2 with Okimi and Aiko on Level 3.

--- The Plan --
Day 12: Hikari 2 (Afternoon) - Ryoko 2 might be possible.

Day 13: Saiko 2, Mitsuko 2
Day 14: Rin 2, Ayumi 2

I am not sure where Kana 2 goes, as her event is during the Evening.
Naomi, Sarah and Ryoko will get their Level 2 in Week 3.


Jan 1, 2017
Nah, I just rethought it and I got it all wrong, that way you'd miss sarah by one point in the best case scenario; getting hj/bj in the toilet/bath every time since you reach tier two

Yo have to sacrifice kana to the gods (I gues Carpe and Daedolon) in order to achive sarah in 3 weeks, I thought it was impossible but it is doable. you have to get


day 4 aiko + saiko
day 5 rin
day 6 okimi
day 7 hikari + mitsuko (I guess this time you could choose, but hikari and mitsuko are a pair, you can't do hikari + okimi and next day mitsuko or the other way round and mitsuko is the easiest one of them all)
day 8 sarah/ayumi + kana
day 9 ayumi/sarah
day 10 aiko 2 + naomi
day 11 okimi + hikari
day 12 kana 2
day 13 mitsuko 2 + rin 2+ ayumi 2 +saiko 2
day 14- nothing :________________________
day 15 - i guess something like : aiko 3 + ryoko 2
day 16- sarah 2 + naomi 2
day 17 kana 3
day 18 nothing
day 19 nothing
and on day 20 try as many as possible so you can focus on the succubus on 21 so everyone else but sarah
day 21 sucubus + sarah


Jan 1, 2017
I've only done the math in my head, but in order to achieve sarah in 3 weeks you need to do her not later than day 9 AND still have the two remaining actions or at least one of them the same day aferwards, and that would still involve not missing any of her toilet/baths and

so sorry for the trouble but i was wrong all along you can't do all 4 of them by day 5

Anyway you can still get ayumi on 13 if you start her on day 9, and on day 14 if you start her on day 9 so no need to rush her on monday although it is best if you do it the way you'r doing

I'll restart everything now and (If I had a save after saikos event I wouldnt need to, but I don't) and rethink it, for instance I still don't know if aiko is still doable on day 4 or not.
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Jan 1, 2017
I'm still on day 5 breaking my balls but i actually think there's a way to do this

Day 4: aiko 1+ saiko 1
Day 5: kana 1 + rin 1
Day 6: okimi 1
Day 7: hikari 1+ mitsuko 1
Day 8: ryoko 1 + ayumi 1
Day 9: sarah 1 +kana 2
Day 10: aiko 2 + naomi 1
Day 11: okimi 2 + hikari 2
Day 12: ?

There's no way to do rin + kana + sarah + okimi (i'm sure I already tried a few days ago but i repeated it today) its either rin + kana + (naomi) + sarah/okimi or rin/kana (no naomi) + sarah + okimi

if i leave rin behind, i would have to leave rin + ayumi for day 15, and that means way mor work than i can bear taking into acount I shouldn't miss more than 5 encounters with sarah, and about the same with ryoko
And if I choose to live okimi It would be extra hard to do, cos this time i've left 1 hikari's point behind, so i would have to do all 3 of them on day 7

if i leave kana behind it would be much easier, of course but i would have to worry about kana on weekend 2 which is already ultratight since I have to get as many sucubus events as posible, I'm not sure but I think in prior versions you coud take more than 1 girl the first weekend, now you can't

Day 4: aiko 1+ saiko 1
Day 5: rin 1
Day 6: okimi 1
Day 7: hikari 1+ mitsuko 1
Day 8: ryoko 1 +sarah 1+ kana 1
Day 9: ayumi 1
Day 10: aiko 2 + naomi 1
Day 11: okimi 2 + hikari 2
Day 12: kana 2

So I'll go with my first option till the end (day 21) and si if I make it

but it will be supertight with sarah since i could only miss 2 encounters with her from while in tier 1 and two of them the will forcfully happen, kana 2, and naomi 1, unless I wake almost every day if not every day at her apartment


Nov 30, 2016
Why You doing Kana So Late? I guess because Kana is easy and can be delayed, and she make it harder to get points you need for the other girls.

You're not doing Ayumi day 8? Don't you to level her up to get Stage 2 on the Weekend.
She can wait until Day 9.

You can do Aiko 2 and Naomi 1 in the same day?
- Oh, Yes you can Skip School in order to get both events.
- Like I said, once you gotten to Stage 2 of a girl not much point in finishing this off.

Looks good, now we wait until Stage 4 event's, so we can do more.


Jan 1, 2017
I'm through my day 9, i had to repeat the first week during 4 hours cos of missclicks and loss of focus, so I'm going to bed now, and I think this is feasable:

Day 4: aiko 1+ saiko 1
Day 5: kana 1 + rin 1
Day 6: okimi 1
Day 7: hikari 1+ mitsuko 1
Day 8: ryoko 1 + ayumi 1
Day 9: sarah 1 +kana 2
Day 10: aiko 2 + naomi 1
Day 11: okimi 2
Day 12: hikari 2 + kana 3

I though of delaying kana because as I explained there were only to ways of doing sarah by day 8 (I insist, you could do ayumi by day 10 and still get her on day 14) and sarha by day 8 gives a lot of piece of mind,

One of them, the one most costfull, but easier to play, is to leave kana for week two (since leaving rin is slighty harder, you would have to get all of either rins or ayumi from day 10 on, still, feasable) + it gets you hikari on day 9, which could get you hikari 3 by day 14 although i think it would interfere with rin + ayumi

But the one I finally chose is to "sacrifice" hikari to day 12 (2 days later than possible) but easy to get on day 20 although not on day 14 :(,

Playing at least till 75 obedience gives you a full a idea of an order, many girls will come but ordering the ones you already have is not completly worthless, when the final game is ou you'd already kno you can do rin + kana by day 5 for instance, and rushing girls even when you don't have to allows you to focus on the other girls and detecting non necesary points, for instance saiko is already 25 by day 9 so i'm 9-12 points ahead (9 really since if you get 25 by the end of day 12 you can get more than 3 on day 13) so once i finish my path I'll check how many of those interfered critically with other girls , maybe none of them, but still that means I could miss all of her bathroom/ toilet events while still on tier 1, for instance

And I'm finally taking sahrah on day 9 instead of 8 since for now, I didn't like the option of leaving okimi for day 7 since, although I could try hikari 3 by day 14, I would delay naomi+ aiko 2 til day 11, and I really liiked the effortless okimi and i would be unable to get okimi 2 till day 11 either, since she would be 12 of points by the end of day 7, still the most sensible choice would be doing hikari on 11 instead of 10, and between hikari 2 11/okimi 2 12 and hikari 2 12/ o kimi 2 11 is that hikari is easier, so it would be better to play her on day 12 as I'm doing now
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Nov 30, 2016
^ Oh, yes doing the maths can get Ayumi by day 10 Wed and still get her on day 14. But that's pushing it a bit, might be best to do her event day 13.

It really depends on when we get Level 4.
Once Kana hits Level 3 on Day 12, then it's level 4 next and once that's reached no more talking to her.
So each time you spending being in the same room as her is a waste of a Following me command.
Would be a good idea not to waste follow me commands.


As you can see Sarah is level 2 earliest time you can do it is Day 15, and you have 4 spare points remaining.
After their stage 1 events, don't focus on Rin, Saiko or Mitsuko as they have 7+ points each remaining.

Game Question:
I got Okami to level 1, I should be able to get her up 3 points a day.
Yet I can not find this 3 point, none of the option's are doing anything.

Bug Found:
During Mitsuko 1 scene, you press the click button really, really, really quickly. The next part of the scene won't happen and you can't advance to Level 2.


Jan 1, 2017
It looks like okimi (and sahra) don't have tier 1 sex actions (I guess that's what Carpe meant by difficult) or they are really well hidden like kana's "let me help you" but I think they just don't have it.

You can't actually have sarah 4 okimi 8, hikari 8 AND GET RIN + KANA, the events directly interfere or if you push it so they don't the later trips to northside/westside take too long and you can't make it, you have to choose either to discard one of the events OR

Sarah 3 + okimi 8 (hikari 7)
Sahra 4 + okimi 7 (hikari 7)

Since if you want to do saiko + aiko events AND sarah by day 4 you would have had to leave already 1 of hikaris (or okimi's) points out, and I chose to skip hikari's becasue she's got an extra tier 2 action.

So I chose not to do Sarah on day 8, and I only got 11 points by the end of day 9. That is, with numbers, what I wrote before and extended since I didn't tak about day 4. What I meant is in order to do her by day 21 doing every double bathroom event there while on tier 2, you MUST have at least 11 points by the end of day 10

So there are 2 critical "saves" during the first week, before rin's and saiko's events.

By the way, you can't have okmi + ryoko 4 points and aiko 7, you don't need aiko 7 and its not only that you son't need it, it's that you can't use it, like you point out on your table, there's no time after her event, maybe with the follow command, but since to get the other girl's points you enter past 10, that means you shoud leave 1 point from someone else behind. So it's simply not worth it unless you carry her theo all of the other girls bathrooms and I i still don't know if you'd really have the time.

Yeah, I'll still atempt kana 2 but it is really a bit forced, it implies getting a double bathroom event and all of her sex commands on days 9,10,11 and al of the sc on day 12. So if it costs me mor than 1 sahra points (achieving every other event on time) I'll redo but it looks like it would be best to leave kana 2 for day 11 instead. So I'll redo, i won't attempt it.In fact, to achieve sarah's bath point at day 4 and still be ready for rin/kana on day 5 you should carry aiko from the hospital to the gym class and remain with her all afternoon (saikos event and all) and that doesn't make any sense, allthough it could be fun to do when you've already mastered every aspect of the final game.

However once I know when all players are maxed out is preciseley when I'll know wich days should I focus on sex/toilet and which days to have sex wiht them or I can just use the follow command.
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Nov 30, 2016
Okimi and Sarah do have Tier 1 action's. You can get them up +3 a day each.

The Pic wasn't a guide, but an overview to plan my event's. I'm sorry if didn't make sense.
Would you like me to make it again?

If you look at Day 5 - Yes you can't do them all you have to decide what not to do.

Since you can do Rin's and Kana event's do them.

As you can see we can Skip Sarah, as we have 6 times we can miss out on her, as long as the 2nd event is done on Day 15, its all good.

Okimi and Hikari can not be skiped, as you can't do there toliet scense that day, all it means is that Okimi needs to catch up, but you can still do her event on the correct day.

As for Hikari miss out on Day 5 and you can not do her 2nd event on Day 11, and you have to do it day 12.
Making her a full day behind = wasted an entire day of points, which may be a problem or not as we don't know as we don't know when/what Hikari's level 4 event is.


Jan 1, 2017
What's Sarah's sex action on tier 1?

Okimi has the check, and all of ryoko's sex actions are evidently tier 2/3, although, very good tier 3 actions i admidt.

But with sarah, I've tried at her house, gym fields, changing room and lounge and I only have 3 standing options hj/bj/ss and they are all tier 2, I've got a save slot just before her so i don't mind continuing for now, when you tell me i don't mind redoing, but if it is so, i don't have any problem doing kana 3 on day 12


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
Don't make too much calculation for optimization: the actual version have a problem for Sarah and Ryôko: both are supposed to have a level 1 extra-action (handjob for Ryôko, masturbate for Sarah), but it doesn't trigger right now.

It will be fixed at the next update, with a couple of other bugs. These two girls will be faster to raise, after that.

The story of Okimi will also be slightly changed: the player will have more choices to do during the events. I hope it will fix the storyline problems that pmf026 has spotted.
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Jan 1, 2017
I hadn't played for a week or so but I started it again this evening and I think I'll redo

It is possible and relativeley costless to do kana 3 on day 12. It is also possible to do ryoko 2 unless it interferes with hikari 2. Which happens if I focus on sarah.
Ryoko 2 has priority over hikari 2 since ryoko has a weekday level 3 event and hikari's on the weekend, also, both of them interfere with the other one AND with naomi's. And since at least 1 of the tier 2 events HAS to be on day 15, I must get one of them by week 2. Ryoko is easier ( to do her tier 1 and tier 2 events on week 2, I mean) since every day but the one you do aiko, you can attend her toilet event at the mansion.

Knowing that sarah has a tier 1 extra action I could do her by day 12 even with no ulterior points, if I don't loose any afterwards, thats not only too risky, it would be impossible because of overlapping hikari on day 11 or ryoko on day 12. So it has to be day 10 or before.

I still think that naomi 1 on day 9 is way to far, she should then achieve tier 2 and 3 on weekdays on week, to do so she should get tier 1 during day, which is not that easy AND STILL, you should'nt miss any points, whereas if you gain some extra relief, 5 points by doing it on monday (that would let you one less sex action or better, not staying in her bathroom, EVERY day other than 15, whereas sarah's tier 3 is on a weekend.

So I'll try this:

Day 4: aiko 1+ saiko 1
Day 5: kana 1 + rin 1
Day 6: hikari 1
Day 7: okimi 1+ mitsuko 1
Day 8: ryoko 1 + ayumi 1
Day 9: aiko 2 + naomi 1 +kana 2
Day 10: sarah 1
Day 11: hikari 2
Day 12: okimi 2+ ryoko 2 + kana 3

Which gives me a 6 point relief for sarah and naomi whereas the others would be way easier. Still, I'm way less sure than I was the other day about completing every girl's tier 3 event by day 21.

The second best posibility would be:

Day 4: aiko 1+ saiko 1
Day 5: kana 1 + rin 1
Day 6: hikari 1
Day 7: okimi 1+ mitsuko 1
Day 8: ryoko 1 + naomi 1
Day 9: ayumi 1+ kana 2
Day 10: sarah 1
Day 11: hikari 2
Day 12: okimi 2+ aiko 2 +naomi 2 + kana 3

But that would involve a- delaying aiko too many days and b-I'm not even sure thats possible since I think I should get naomi's and okimi's bath the same day before their events, I could semi-costlessly leave okimi for week 3, but that wouldn't make much sense.
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Jan 1, 2017
This might be a minor bug or not, it has only happened me once, i had a saved game at the mansion at 23 45 with mitsuko on follow mode, I had already completed her sex actions and when I loaded them I would still do some combinations of them ( I didn't recall at first if I had completed them or not) and get what it seemed indefinite affection/ obedience.

I'll retry because I'm not happy with my day 14 but the tier 3 mission is possible, the succubus is another thing and I'm not sure yet. Maybe it isn't, but, for now:

Day 4: aiko 1+ saiko 1
Day 5: kana 1 + rin 1
Day 6: hikari 1
Day 7: okimi 1+ mitsuko 1
Day 8: ryoko 1 + ayumi 1
Day 9: aiko 2 + naomi 1 +kana 2
Day 10: sarah 1
Day 11: hikari 2
Day 12: okimi 2+ ryoko 2 + kana 3
Day 13: mitsuko 2 + ayumi 2+ rin 2 + saiko 2
Day 14: succubus day
Day 15: sarah 2 + naomi 2 + aiko 3
Day 16: -----------
Day 17: ryoko 3 (maybe she could be day 16)
Day 18: naomi 3
Day 19: -------------- but sarah would be ready this day

and then... :(

day 20: mitsuko + rin + hikari + okimi
day 21: EITHER saiko OR sarah

I completley forgot that in saiko 3 you spend the night over :_________( so it is not possible and I just found out

But as for a difficulty rating:

sarah > ryoko/naomi (they both have an extra tier 2 sex action but they both concur during the weekdays with each other and with the rest) > okimi > ayumi > hikari >saiko> mitsuko> rin > aiko >kana.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2017
Some thoughts: yes Sarah and Ryoko should have level 1 events. The images are there and the dialog for Ryoko is in the language file but the events are not enabled. I did my own edits to fix that and wrote a bit of dialog for Sarah and sent it in. I found the fixes for double Kana in the morning and disappearing classmates at 13:00 T Th and sent them in too so those fixes should be in the next version.

I also spent a bunch of time on the English from the en.xml file, continuing the work that had been done recently so I hope some of my changes make it into the next version.

I cannot for the life of me figure out how you can get Mitsuko on the first weekend as in my version of 0.10.3 I don't meet her until day 3 and I can't get enough points by the weekend to do anything.

I have played through day 1 several times and there is no chance to meet Mitsuko, her event is GTE day 3.

That being said, I have played both help Rin and help Ayumi, which is the only significant difference on day 1, and since you can't get both before the weekend, helping Rin is the right choice. But even better is skip day 1 since for right now, the best I can get playing is Rin 65/2 but if you skip day 1 you get Rin 70/2!

The class rep election is pretty much a losing route. Raise-inspiring gets Saiko +10, Hikari -5, Raise-funny gets Hikari -5, Rin and Ayumi +5 so unless you need the Saiko for day 4 morning and her keys you can keep Hikari up since your Rin doesn't need it (see day 1 above) and Ayumi waits until at least Monday in any path. I pointed out that the class rep event could now end at 12:00 instead of 17:00 since we now have a split schedule so you will be able to meet Sarah on day 2.

Now the Mitsuko meeting: is it worth -10 points of affection for +2 of obedience if I can't get to her level 1 event until the second weekend? (see above question).

I have made the Saiko/Aiko Thursday and Kana Friday, Okimi on Saturday but I can't get Hikari / Mitsuko since I haven't been able to get a key to the mansion to visit until sometime in the second week (see above affection penalties)

In all of this, when do you get to meet Naomi? I found I had to wait until week 2 to get to meet her while racking up points in the school toilet during her meeting time. Ryoko is hanging around outside the mansion every morning so I can meet her Tuesday morning before the class rep event. As long as you are in the classroom by 8:59 it will trigger. Okimi you can find in the Junior classroom in between trips to the girls toilet. Sarah should be able to be found Tuesday afternoon and in my version I can, but if not, Thursday afternoon.

I had been playing as if there was a penalty for not sleeping, which there obviously isn't. So to expand on that, when you get keys to the bedrooms, either through affection level or searching the room when they are not there, and you do the sneak into bedroom event and just leave, you can go right back in and the girl will be awake and ready for daily events so you can rack up points in the middle of the night.

Not bad for a first post :)


Jan 1, 2017
Thanx a lot for the fixes :):):):) how do you edit the .nw file? I'd love to learn and help myself.

I cannot for the life of me figure out how you can get Mitsuko on the first weekend as in my version of 0.10.3 I don't meet her until day 3 and I can't get enough points by the weekend to do anything.

If you ask to see her un-undies and you talk to her right after you already got 3 points right after meeting her so it's like if you met her on Day 2, if you get the key from the principal's office is even easier. Are keys cheating? I mean, the search button only finds keys, it's all it does.

That being said, I have played both help Rin and help Ayumi, which is the only significant difference on day 1, and since you can't get both before the weekend, helping Rin is the right choice. But even better is skip day 1 since for right now, the best I can get playing is Rin 65/2 but if you skip day 1 you get Rin 70/2!

The class rep election is pretty much a losing route. Raise-inspiring gets Saiko +10, Hikari -5, Raise-funny gets Hikari -5, Rin and Ayumi +5 so unless you need the Saiko for day 4 morning and her keys you can keep Hikari up since your Rin doesn't need it (see day 1 above) and Ayumi waits until at least Monday in any path. I pointed out that the class rep event could now end at 12:00 instead of 17:00 since we now have a split schedule so you will be able to meet Sarah on day 2.

The reason you don't get the 70 rin is because you run after your father, don't and you'll see.

I have made the Saiko/Aiko Thursday and Kana Friday, Okimi on Saturday but I can't get Hikari / Mitsuko since I haven't been able to get a key to the mansion to visit until sometime in the second week (see above affection penalties)

If you don't do kana + rin on day 5, just one of them, AND you don't go to mitsukos toilet at the mansion right after meeting her, AND you don't meet naomi till week two, it is possible to have all 10 hikari points by day 7 even without keys, the only reason you would fail her apointments at the school's toilet ANY DAY IS to be ready for kana + rin and still accomplish aiko + saiko on day 5, if you fail any of those conditions (other than aiko) you should be able to have 8 hikari points by day 5 + the 2 visitis at the mansion during the weekend. On day 2 the only reason is to meet both Okimi AND Naomi, and you hadn't met Naomi, and on day 3 the only reason to skip her is to attend mitsuko's toilet instead. On day 4 if you don't need to atend rin's toilet AND kana's bathroom right before aiko, you don't need it either. And on day five you only have to rush earliest rin + earliest kana if you want to attend okimi's night pee or something like that, and I would only do that in case I had lost one of hikari's points beforehand.

In all of this, when do you get to meet Naomi? I found I had to wait until week 2 to get to meet her while racking up points in the school toilet during her meeting time. Ryoko is hanging around outside the mansion every morning so I can meet her Tuesday morning before the class rep event. As long as you are in the classroom by 8:59 it will trigger. Okimi you can find in the Junior classroom in between trips to the girls toilet. Sarah should be able to be found Tuesday afternoon and in my version I can, but if not, Thursday afternoon.

You meet naomi for the first time whenever you are on the street A on a tuesday between 5 and 6 PM, why not the first tuesday? ;)

By the way at least in my 0.10.3 the rep election does not trigger, unless you get there before 8, if you get before 9 the class indeed triggers as any other day but not the election and I don't get to meet Hikari.

So, best path to meet all 3 new girls by day 2 is: wake up, go into kana's toilet (go talk to kana and aiko or not, but it's way better if you do) go to the mansion (you need to take the library path if you had talked to kana and aiko) to your classroom, you get to the corridor at 7,58. Leave at 5, go to jr classroom, enter but don't go back in, then you go to meet naomi, pick the studio key at the hall, back and talk to ayumi (you already talked to rin either in the metro or at naomi's event). Go upstairs pick all keys, talk to okimi at the infirmary, to hikari at the computer room and into the toilet for saiko, then back in for okimi, go to rin's toilet at 8, back in for naomi at 9 etc... you can do every point there is that way on day two but 1 of aiko's, one you can't use either way, and one of ayumi's, one you don't need either way (although, thats why I want/need her key by day 6, so that's why I raise my hand and pick the funny speech).

IMPORTANT, whatever you do don't pick the mansion key before you meet ryoko, otherwise she'll start 0 + the 5 initial scene affection points, that leads to no follow comand nor anyway to win her affection till you reach obedience 10. That also happended to me with sarah but I don't know what triggered it, maybe it was ryoko's condition.

I'm pretty sure that the fact you don't meet sarah till thursday is intentional, and by the way, you're able to get fewer points if you leave from the gym at 5 than if you do it from your classroom.

I had been playing as if there was a penalty for not sleeping, which there obviously isn't. So to expand on that, when you get keys to the bedrooms, either through affection level or searching the room when they are not there, and you do the sneak into bedroom event and just leave, you can go right back in and the girl will be awake and ready for daily events so you can rack up points in the middle of the night.

Not bad for a first post :)

Me as well I didn't even know you could do that, the only way I knew was with the follow command before 11 PM which I almost never used, that example is from day 13, and it was the only time I did it.

Quite a post indeed.
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Jan 1, 2017
And of course, DON'T EVER TAKE QUICK TRIP TO SCHOOL, is a pretty easy straight path when you've learned you have to click on the left side on both A and B street, you'd miss many oportunities to talk to the girls in the metro, and more important, once you get to week two, you miss the chance to take them to the toilet for sex actions before class begins, or if you wan't to skip class.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2017
Thanx a lot for the fixes :):):):) how do you edit the .nw file? I'd love to learn and help myself.

In the Glassix folder is a file called package.nw. Rename it package.zip and unzip it into a folder called package.nw in the Glassix folder. You should then be able to launch the program and it will skip the unzipping process. Inside you will find the language files and some other important xmls. The js files are minified and are not really editable.

If you ask to see her un-undies and you talk to her right after you already got 3 points right after meeting her so it's like if you met her on Day 2, if you get the key from the principal's office is even easier. Are keys cheating? I mean, the search button only finds keys, it's all it does.

The reason you don't get the 70 rin is because you run after your father, don't and you'll see.

Ah, the key I was missing was search for the mansion key in the principal's office. (see how I used key two ways :) ) You know you are right about following father, I forgot all about that choice since following your father who you thought was dead seems like the better choice.

You meet naomi for the first time whenever you are on the street A on a tuesday between 5 and 6 PM, why not the first tuesday? ;)

I think you can meet Naomi any weekday except Monday at 17:00-17:59

By the way at least in my 0.10.3 the rep election does not trigger, unless you get there before 8, if you get before 9 the class indeed triggers as any other day but not the election and I don't get to meet Hikari.

I tried and you are right, it tests for arriving on time for class.

So, best path to meet all 3 new girls by day 2 is: wake up, go into kana's toilet (go talk to kana and aiko or not, but it's way better if you do) go to the mansion (you need to take the library path if you had talked to kana and aiko) to your classroom, you get to the corridor at 7,58. Leave at 5, go to jr classroom, enter but don't go back in, then you go to meet naomi, pick the studio key at the hall, back and talk to ayumi (you already talked to rin either in the metro or at naomi's event). Go upstairs pick all keys, talk to okimi at the infirmary, to hikari at the computer room and into the toilet for saiko, then back in for okimi, go to rin's toilet at 8, back in for naomi at 9 etc... you can do every point there is that way on day two but 1 of aiko's, one you can't use either way, and one of ayumi's, one you don't need either way (although, thats why I want/need her key by day 6, so that's why I raise my hand and pick the funny speech).

I don't talk to Kana in the dining room as I see her on the subway with Rin and I can get both girls talk and follow done there.

IMPORTANT, whatever you do don't pick the mansion key before you meet ryoko, otherwise she'll start 0 + the 5 initial scene affection points, that leads to no follow comand nor anyway to win her affection till you reach obedience 10. That also happended to me with sarah but I don't know what triggered it, maybe it was ryoko's condition.

I don't know if that was a holdover from the v0.09 save update issue but there was talk about Sarah and Ryoko levels being screwed up when moving from a v0.09 save and a new game would fix that.

I'm pretty sure that the fact you don't meet sarah till thursday is intentional, and by the way, you're able to get fewer points if you leave from the gym at 5 than if you do it from your classroom.

I think it was intentional when the day did not split in the middle but I feel it was overlooked when they created the mid day lunch and recess break and you should be able to meet her on Tuesday since that is your new schedule.
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