Hi guys!
Here is Glassix 0.50 PUBLIC release
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- Added "Nearby events" feature to easily find nearby events
- Added "Nearby events" option in Options menu to select which nearby events should be targeted
- Added new text travel option
- Added rollback feature during events with mouse wheel or up/down arrows (Requested by Nullshadow)
- Added a popup to warn the player when time changes during events
- Sound volume can now be adjusted in the game options (Requested by Hans-Olav Tangen Bråtun)
- Traveling by bus is now 10% faster than walking/subway
- Traveling by taxi is now 25% faster (before was 20%) than walking/subway and cost 0.5$/min (before was 1.5$/min)
- You can now quick travel using the city map by double clicking on the destination. If cheats are enabled, time will not pass, similar to teleport spell without stamina cost.
- Removed quick trip to school event in the morning
- Changed some events conditions to make them still accessible at higher obedience levels (Requested by Prinplup)
- New game menu now display important game options before starting the game
- Add new icon in top menu to toggle nearby event help
- Reorganized the help menu to introduce the features as the game goes on
- Added events to introduce the Event list panel, the different ways to travel around the city, magic spells, opening locked door, dating and using the wardrobe
- Keys are no longer required to enter rooms and buildings when cheats are enabled
- Player can now ask girls for money when talking to them once a day but it'll decrease their affection. The amount given depends on the wealth of the girl. Requires 80+ affection.
- Aiko will now give some pocket money on Day 2 then will give more after the first exam on each Mondays depending on the exam results
- When triggering an event by talking with a girl, unique event will always trigger before repeatable events
- New search events based on luck and location
- Added Daisuki's good and bad endings
- Added Daisuki's emancipation event to date her
- Added Daisuki's pimping event
- French translation updated by CarpeNoctem
- Fixed issue with background image not updating when time passed during an event
- Fixed bug where girl tracker icon would move up when a popup disappeared
- Fixed issue with tooltip sometimes not displaying when hovering over smaller icons on city map
- Fixed Utako obedience level 4 being inaccessible (Thanks GTVA_Heretic!)
- Removed Marylin endings from the event list since they shouldn't be displayed there, only in gallery (Thanks Slifer83!)
- Fixed bug when quick traveling/teleporting to shrine
- Fixed issue when selecting "No underwear" in wardrobe management
- Fixed issue with the event to reveal Sarah's secret to Hikari (Thanks Slifer83!)
- Fixed issue with girl in doll mode or slave mode not giving access to her room if player did not have the key
- Fixed bug with pimping icon not reverting when you canceled slave mode by talking with her if the girl was pimping herself (Thanks Dalzomo!)
Quite a lot of additions in this version!
Daisuki's content has been mostly completed with her endings, emancipation event (to access dating her) and the pimping event. It's still missing the girlfriend commands which will come later. This concludes CarpeNoctem's work on Daisuki and he'll switch to Nabila for next version.
Besides this, there are several important changes for the game:
Travel in general
I've put back the text travel mode to work with the latest changes (tracker spell, job, shop and so on). The text list should make it easier for beginners to move around the city and less confusing than icons. Additional info will appear when hovering the text if needed (like the shops opening time). Having the tracker spell on will change the color of the exit to red making it easy and fast to move toward the girl. Same when you have an event transition since only the available exit will be shown and you won't need to move the mouse unlike icon mode.
Besides this new mode to travel around, I've also enabled quick traveling using the city map even without the teleportation spell or cheats by simply double clicking the destination. This should reduce the number of clicks but the downside will be you will miss events which might have triggered if you had walked normally. Moreover, if you try to travel in a room with a girl, it doesn't mean she'll be there when you arrive since time do pass like normal when using fast travel. Using cheats or teleportation won't have this downside. The usual restrictions apply when quick traveling so you'll need the key to fast travel inside a house or a room at night and if you have a follower, she'll need enough follow time or you won't be able to fast travel to your destination. You can't use running mode with quick travel though (maybe I'll add this later).
I've also adjusted the bus travel mode (now 10% faster than walking) and the taxi (reduced cost per minute and now 25% faster than walking) to match this change and keep those two ways to travel interesting.
Rollback feature
You can now rollback during events with the mouse wheel or the keyboard arrows. You can't rollback choices though. That's a basic feature, sorry it took so long to add it in Glassix.
Search events
I've added new search events when the player can look around. So you might not only find keys now. The result is based on the location and luck. Seldom visited places will have higher chance for a positive result. The Devil's Luck spell will also not only increase the chance to find something but also increase the chance to get more. At the moment, you can only get money or sexen.
Nearby events feature
This is the surprise I was talking about in a previous post. This feature should make the game so much smoother for beginners and even old time players. This feature will simply show you the way to one nearby triggerable event, first looking inside your current building, if none found, it'll look in your current district. It will display a little star near the exit (if icon travel mode is on) or change the color to green (if text travel mode is on) and when hovering the star or text, you'll have more details about the destination, how to trigger it and how much time before the event expires. Nearby event also appear on the city map to make it even easier to reach them with the quick travel option from above. In the options, you can choose to display all events, only unique event, only daily events or simply disable this feature if you wish. There is also an icon in the top right menu to toggle the visibility of the icon/text if you wish to temporarily disable this feature (for example if you are already planning to move to another event). Only events with a location or building or zone conditions can appear. So for example, when a girl pees or takes a bath, it'll show (that fixes some complaints from players saying it was hard to keep track of those

) but the night events will not appear (which is actually a good thing otherwise it would spam the player with event each night)
This feature might still have some quirks like if the girl needs to pee, bath or go to bed unexpectedly while you were walking to her for the nearby event, she'll change location but the nearby event helper will not be updated properly. Or if the player moves too far away from the event and won't have time to go back to trigger the event. I'll fix those small quirks in the next patch.
But overall, this feature should make the game much more enjoyable and help the player just play the game and discover events naturally instead of having to check the event list all the time.
Improved game flow:
To increase even further the smooth flow of the game, I've added and reorganized some events in the Help menu which now has two panels of info. The first panel has basic info needed for the first few days while the second panel will contain info which will unlock as you play the game and happens also quite early, like an event to introduce the different ways to travel around town I mentioned above or an event to introduce the Event list window and how it works.
More money:
I've added 2 new ways to get money (Besides the new search events which would then make 3 actually). The first one is to simply ask a girl. It's a daily repeatable event when you talk to a girl but will cost you some affection. The amount received depends on how rich the girl is. The second way is some pocket money given each Mondays by Aiko and the amount will depend on your grades. Since grades change each two weeks, it means the same amount will be given two following weeks so be sure to study for your exams
Event accessibility:
Another complaint from players which should be fixed in this version is that a few events were unavailable if the obedience was risen too fast. That mainly concerns the "Just an ordinary day" events and I've made it so those events can now be triggered once at any level. I might tweak it a little more in the patch because the current fix is not enough in my opinion but I was already late for the release so it's pushed like this for now.
Interface update:
There are new options in the game options menu to change the new features and I've also updated the new game window to display the important options before starting a game since players might not look at options at first. This should make things less confusing.
There are a lot of other minor stuff and of course, bug fixes in this version. You can check the changelog for those.
I hope the game will be easier to play for beginners with those new additions and changes since I received several comments about how hard it was to play the game over the course of the developer. Now that I had some time to look into it, those new features and changes appeared natural and I hope you'll enjoy them.