Hey guys, I just posted a proper roadmap to let players know what they can expect in Glassix in the future. Here is a simple copy/paste :
An important thing to understand is that all those updates are linked with each others and add more things to do in the game, not always just sex oriented. I'll also detail the impact of each release on the current gameplay so you can understand how it'll change in the future.
A second important thing to remember is that all of those are ideas for the moment and what's planned currently. They might change during development and I'm also open to suggestions if you think some of the updates or features make no sense or could be better.
Finally, I listed the updates in no specific order. Just because an update appear first doesn't mean it'll be developed first. It'll depend on what's going on and how players feel.
Now here is the list of all current updates planned for the game, I'm currently working on the Grades update for v0.15 :
Number of updates required to fully implement : 1
This update will add 5 new parameters to the main character, some of them were already visible in his status page (the names may vary later) :
- Fitness
- Intelligence
- Swimming
- Stamina
- Grades
Each of those new parameters will possibly be used as events conditions or unlock new choices in discussions.
The three first parameters will decrease daily and you'll have to either attend class or work it by yourself in specific locations to increase the value.
The stamina will be based on your fitness (and possibly special items when such a feature is added to the game) and will be required to perform some daily tiring actions or even run. Stamina will replenish only when you sleep (at home at first and once the dating feature is added with an official girlfriend, you'll be able to sleep at her place too. Maybe an hotel will also popup so you have more spots to sleep when money is added) or will be replenished by eating food (when such a feature is added)
Running will be a new way to travel around town. You'll be able to switch it on and off with the top right menu and when you run, it'll cost you stamina but will halve all walking times (not the subway times though

Many of you were annoyed you couldn't catch up a girl when she was moving around town but with running on, you'll be able to catch up.
The last parameter, grades, will change each week depending on 3 unique exams which will occur on a specific half day (surely Friday afternoon to make sense, making it mandatory if you don't want your grades to drop drastically). I still need to think about this part to avoid making it annoying for the player. When the money feature is added to the game, your weekly pocket money given by Aiko will depend on your grades

(You'll have many other way to earn money of course)
Following players feedback, I followed their advice and will use normal events with several choices depending on your skills to simulate the exams
Now about the increase and decrease of those 3 new skills, here is what we planned with CarpeNoctem :
Intelligence :
- -4 per day
- +4 per morning class et +4 per afternoon class, no stamina cost
- +2 per 2 hours of self study in a "knowledge" location (library for example), low stamina cost
- +1 per 2 hours of studies in your own room, low stamina cost
- +2 with one daily event of 2 hours with Saiko, no stamina cost
- -1 per day
- +10 per school lesson, low stamina cost
- +5 per 2 hours of self training in a "swimming" location (beach or swimming pool), high stamina cost
- +5 with one daily event of 2 hours with Sarah (or one of the 3 lifeguards), low stamina cost
- -1 per day
- +10 per school lesson, low stamina cost
- +5 per 2 hours of self training in a "gym" (Training field or gym at school), high stamina cost
- +5 with one daily event of 2 hours with Sarah, low stamina cost
- +8 with one daily event of 2 hours with Shizuru, high stamina cost
Those values are of course subject to change but this is a first shot and it makes sense so far. This also mean on the weekly gym lesson of Thursday will be changed to a swimming lesson and with that, a new outfit for the students.
Karma & Suspicion
Number of updates required to fully implement : 1
This update will add two new global parameters for the main character which will represent how he plays the game and change several things.
- Karma : Indicates if you played as a nice guy or a scumbag giving access to different events, mainly endings. You'll start at 100 karma and each bad actions will lower it. It'll be difficult to raise it again, this means you'll have to be careful if you want a nice guy ending. Using Lily's powers (added in the "sex energy update") will also be a cause to lose karma.
- Suspicion : Indicates how close you are to a game over if you push things too hard with girls. Remember Lily told you doll mode shouldn't be used for more than 1h ? Currently there is no limit but with this update, many actions will raise suspicion and if you accumulate too much, it's game over.
Impact on gameplay : Medium - You'll have to decide which ending you're aiming for in the current playthrough. It'll be much easier to restart from the beginning instead of save/load like you do in other games. You'll also have to watch out for the suspicion to avoid game over.
Why this update ? Karma is necessary to give different endings obviously. Suspicion is necessary to avoid abuse from going to the dark side. Going scumbag route, the game will be much easier and to limit this, suspicion will allow the game to be a bit more complicated while going for the evil endings. Suspicion also add more sense in general.
Sex energy, Glasses upgrades & Lily's spells
Number of updates required to fully implement : 1
This update will add a new global parameter, sexual energy, which will increase each time you have sex. You can then use this energy to feed Lily (in a sexual way of course) to purchase upgrade for the glasses and several spells to make the game easier for you at the cost of karma.
- Glasses upgrades : It will range from visual features, such as the ability to x-ray through underwear (which is already possible but will change with this update), to more classic upgrades such as more follow time with girls or unlocking new accessible levels (again, you can currently trigger all obedience events but with this update you'll have to level up the glasses)
- Lily's spells : Spells will basically upgrade some aspects of the game for players who wants the easy way : Teleportation (it will then not be a cheat anymore), super speed, strength, stamina, intelligence (from the "Grades" update), improve a girl's affection, clear suspicion and even possibly a stop time spell. A lot can be added on this side.
Impact on gameplay : Low - Even though it adds a lot of new features, most of them are cosmetic and to make the game easier.
Why this update ? A lot of you complained I was complicating the game too much. This update will give you the choice to remove a lot of hassle from the game as well as giving a lot of new things to do. It will also give another feeling of progression as you purchase more stuff for your glasses.
Money, Items, Shops & Jobs
Number of updates required to fully implement : 1 or 2
This update will add the ability to earn money, buy items and work jobs.
- Money : It will be earned with part time jobs, borrowing from girls, pimping girls in doll mode, pocket money & other means. The amount earned will depend on the skills from the "Grades" update or the affection of the girls
- Items : Mainly 5 categories : Food, Drinks, Gifts, Sex toys and Outfits. You'll be able to use food to recover your stamina or feed an hungry girl to recover from hunger, give drinks which would raise the girls' bladder and trigger a "pee yourself" event, buy gifts for girl to increase affection, buy sex toys to unlock new H events and buy new outfits for girls.
- Shops : Many stores will open in town in the form of a new "Store" icon. Clicking the icon will open the shop's menu and you'll be able to buy items
- Jobs : There will be different kind of jobs, some good, some evil and access to them will depend on your skills from the "Grades" update. Some might also affect your Karma or Suspicion but earn a lot more.
Impact on gameplay : Important - Many new things will be added with this update possibly changing your priorities.
Why this update ? A money feature in game always bring a lot of new things to do and Glassix would gain a lot from such a feature. It also expands the "Open world" aspect I wanna give the game and will allow to add new events and functionalities to the game in a logical way.
Dating & Calendar
Number of updates required to fully implement : 2 or 3+
This update will add the ability to date girls properly and reach a romantic ending with them and many unique scenes. You'll be able to choose a girlfriend and plan dates which will have romantic and possibly a little erotic side. Choosing a girlfriend will bring some bonus, such as no loss of affection anymore, being able to sleep at her place, if she owns a car, the ability to use her to drive around. However such an update can be huge because we'll need unique events for all girls. Some events might be shared like we already do with specific text differences and a unique "Become girlfriend" event will allow you to formalize your relationship. Some cheating on the girlfriend will also be allowed if the player wishes so..
A calendar will be added to the game and girls will have official birthdays to remember. The calendar might not be 365 days, number of days would be limited to make a full year shorter and have unique events triggering once a year repeatable faster, such as birthdays, easter, christmas etc...
Impact on gameplay : Low - Even though it adds a proper relationship feature to the game, it's optional for those who wanna go the easy way.
Why this update ? To add more immersion to the game and expand again on the open world I wish to bring in Glassix.
Wardrobe management
Number of updates required to fully implement : 1
This update adds the ability to customize which outfits and underwear (you bought from the "Items" update) your girls will wear. It'll simply override the default ones. An important aspect of this update to consider is that to make it work properly, we're going to duplicate all daily scenes with girls naked and if the new outfit doesn't have its images ready, it will default to the naked images to make it up. This is why this feature will require its own update. Another thing to note is that with this update, specific outfits might be a requirement to trigger some events, for example, obedience events which have been created with the casual outfit will not trigger anymore if you changed the girl's casual outfit.
Impact on gameplay : Low - This is mainly visual satisfaction but will add a lot of variety to the game.
Why this update ? Because it's an awesome feature in any games
Number of updates required to fully implement : 2 or 3
As the story continues, you'll meet a new key girl and Lily will become playable under certain circumstances. The story will bring new important choices in the game and coupled with the "Karma" update, it will lead to different endings.
Impact on gameplay : Medium
Why this update ? Your guess...
Misc 1
I'll put here some small features to be added to the game which do not require their own update. They would be added with other updates depending on how much time I have for the game
- Locomotion : Taxi and buses will help travel around town if you want to avoid using Lily's spells. You'll also be able to get a ride from girls if they own a car and they life you enough.
- Statistics tracking : You already saw the "Cum" stats tab in the MC interface. I'll need to update the XML to track those.
- Event inspector : There are quite a lot of events in the game now and I'd like to add a new interface to see an events' tree with all possible choices. A help icon could also appear in location where an event not played yet is possible but you don't have the right conditions yet. This would make it more intuitive for the player and make it easier for me to debug things.
- Choices change : Like the inspector, I'd like to change how events'choices are displayed. For choices not available, instead of hiding them, a lock bar would appear with the conditions necessary to get access to this choice. For clickable choices which trigger a fail, such as not having enough affection or obedience, I'd like to change the color and add a warning popup to let the player know it might not be a good idea to try this one. The idea here is to give more information to new players so that a walkthrough would be actually already in game. It actually takes a lot of time to update the walkthrough with each version.
- AI improvement : The AI is still not perfect and we'll work on it little by little. The idea would be to make it act less randomly but not use a frozen schedule.
- New events : Following CarpeNoctem suggestions, we're going to add new short daily events not always sex oriented but which will allow you to interact more with the girls and raise obedience faster.
Misc 2
I'll put here some things not related directly to the game but which would be helpful. I'll work on that if I have extra time.
- Image optimization : The game is getting big and the images are not optimized yet. The game will shrink a lot once I optimize the images, reducing their size, cropping them and removing transparent edges.
- Game's website :Some of you might have noticed I took a proper domain for the game http://www.glassix-game.com. The game begins to be so big, I think it would make it much easier to have all informations centralized in a unique website as well as expand those information.
- Translation interface : It's currently a bit tricky to update translations and I waste some time here. By having a proper translation interface, the XML files would be merged automatically and I could also add an automatic machine translation feature to the game in any language.
As you can see, there's a lot planned, many more months of updates there. But you should have the final picture for Glassix : an open world where you can do whatever you want and replay the game several time in different ways.