CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Now in the topic of ranged weapons, currently there are:

-Bow B.Atk ???

-Blunderbuss B.Atk 16

-Crossbow B.Atk 11

Now the next choices of primitive guns could be:

-Muskeet B.Atk 18-20

-Flintlock Muskeet (aka primitive fusil) B.Atk 22-25

-Flintlock Blunderbuss (aka primitive rifle) B.Atk 18-20, with the chance of hitting twice

-Shotgun B.Atk 25


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Zevos Yes I like idea of making some thing farmed in one specific place in game so there is no possible to go back to get another thing till PC gather whole set of items. Aside of making from certain one per game material craftable items there could be and it will be in futre added things that wil be once per game item that is part of set. And to get next part of set will req. start next game. Such item sets would also be quite powerfull when completed.

@Coalsack Atm for bows there is:

Old Bow, Atk: 0, -20% acc (most base one bow that Kelt will give PC if PC not get any other bow)

Training Soul Bow, Atk: 1 (would be usable to train soulforce bonus like other three similar items (axe, shield, armor))

Normal Bow, Atk: not yet set value since I using it for testing if high values of atk will not be too OP broken with it 2 other copies (so it current value of 25 won't be retained and likely lowered to somewhere between 5-9)

Kelt Bow, Atk: 10, +30% acc

I will be making different bows or other range weapons for 0.7e2 so your suggestion have been wrote down to not waste those as I think the're reasonable propositions for new range weapons.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok so I got lil QoL question. I made perk that is giving +1 max fatigue per speed point for use by archer builds (we all know archery using fatigue and forcing players to take mage perks for more fatigue may be not best idea of keeping fantasy of super agile and fast archer). After disscussion with Liadri it come down to possibly renaming this perk(s). So what you all thinking for thsi multi rank lvl-up perk name should be? Archer's Training or Marksmanship? Or someone got even other proposition that may catch my eye.
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Oct 17, 2015
Ok so I got lil QoL question. I made perk that is giving +1 max fatigue per speed point for use by archer builds (we all know archery using fatigue and forcing players to take mage perks for more fatigue may be not best idea of keeping fantasy of super agile and fast archer). After disscussion with Liadri it come down to possibly renaming this perk(s). So what you all thinking for thsi multi rank lvl-up perk name should be? Archer's Training or Marksmanship? Or someone got even other proposition that may catch my eye.

Maybe Marathon or Maraethon or something I don't think there are any perks that share the name.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Maybe renaming this perk "Survivalist", "Resiliance" or Fortitude? Those are other potential ideas.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Little busy irl so not much from me for last day or so. I still here working on things that would be added in one of 0.7e builds even if it not so tightly connected to archery stuff. Also added few items from Zevos arcane arsenal list. And still waiting if some new one propostions for that archer related perk would show up aside some of you was writing up ^^
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Aug 28, 2015
Daily development lab news: Manticore tf integration has began.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As a sugestion, the Big Fucking Sword call be renamed as Zweihänder, since it fits pretty much its description: Length around 6-8ft, 2-4 kg on weight, etc.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Much of today post spotlight I would leave for Zevos.

Not only due to using 3 of his item ideas from arcane arsenal gdoc I coded into the game: eldritch ribbon, spider-silk shirt, dragonscale vest. But also he do send me few days ago link to another gdoc where he wrote down preset system. I made final comments so when he will look over tham and probably make final edits he will be share this gdoc with all of you. Maybe here or maybe in seperate thread - that his decision to make. Also what that preset system mean would too leave for him to explain.

On my side of things since I felt lil bored on archery stuff I switched to manticore TF just as Liadri was already meantioning. But to cool down all - this TF will not go without any manticore npc ingame so till I fully code certain manticore npc (similary wrote by Liadri just as tf texts) will it be enable ingame so expect it in 0.7e2 build. On broghter side of things while coding manticore body parts it already giving half/quater base to make lion tf and certainly in 0.7e1 there will be one more body part for PC using cat TF (cat tongue TF).

@Coalsack Suggestion noted. Well BFS was/is still joke reference to certain well know by some older gamers weapon. Making it been named as you suggested and moving BFS name to silly mode isn't out of question.

EDIT Forgot to add since suggestions was made about white/grey/black magic been lil troublesome I made first change by lowering int req. for them all. Grey got lowered only by int (and in future another 5 point below will be added new grey spells). As for white/black int req. for them was lowered to 20/25/30/35/40. I reconsidering adding new rare ascension perk to help with issues of re-learning those all spells. As side note want to tell that Arian talk about magic can teach PC allthree white spells that are from vanilla version (Charge Weapon, Whitefire, Blind) so for those that got troubles to get spells either in NG or higher for white magic can talk to him about magic. Porbably in future I will add other two white magic spells to his pool of teachable spells.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, first of all, the Nodachi, is like the chinese Changdao/Zhanmadao, or is like a long katana?

Second, I was going to suggest an option to work on Arian, since we can give him breasts, vagina, taking away his dick, give him another, etc, why not changing his scale color? Some of us are tired of a dull white, so I started a doc, giving the PC the option to recolor his scales.

On the same lines, I noticed that he's is one of the few lovers without an "Appearence" label, so I'll be working on that too. I'd like to have your feedback on things like his height, cock, hip, and breast size.

Here's the link

I really need ideas to design a pattern for his rainbow-colored scales, so any help or suggestions will be appreciated!
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
My internet is dead, will be dead for another few hours.  Expect the preset request thread to show up this evening.  In the mean time, I had two homework deadlines during my internet dead time last night, so i have a mini shitstorm to attend to. 


Edit: what is your consensus of the two magic soulforce moves in my gdoc(Many Birds and Meteor)?  I'm hoping to give soulforce some utility to mage types. 

Shitstorm 3/4 averted. 

Edit: Let there be internet!  For some reason, things are working again.  I'll probably work on getting the preset system online after i look over the snakecock project's progress TiTSside

Also, shitstorm averted. 
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
One thing I've always found odd with CoC was that to get inventory space past 3 you burn perk points for it at 25/50 str. While in the original it was fine due to fewer perks it makes it harder here due to so many more perks. Probably too late in the cycle to suggest, but perhaps a way to either start with them?

Well, first of all, the Nodachi, is like the chinese Changdao/Zhanmadao, or is like a long katana?

Second, I was going to suggest an option to work on Arian, since we can give him breasts, vagina, taking away his dick, give him another, etc, why not changing his scale color? Some of us are tired of a dull white, so I started a doc, giving the PC the option to recolor his scales.

On the same lines, I noticed that he's is one of the few lovers without an "Appearence" label, so I'll be working on that too. I'd like to have your feedback on things like his height, cock, hip, and breast size.

Here's the link

I really need ideas to design a pattern for his rainbow-colored scales, so any help or suggestions will be appreciated!

Perhaps a way to make Arian feminine or add breasts without making him fully hermaphrodite?
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
One thing I've always found odd with CoC was that to get inventory space past 3 you burn perk points for it at 25/50 str. While in the original it was fine due to fewer perks it makes it harder here due to so many more perks. Probably too late in the cycle to suggest, but perhaps a way to either start with them?

Perhaps a way to make Arian feminine or add breasts without making him fully hermaphrodite?

When he confesses his feelings, you get the option to make him fully female.  You can also make him female by keep feeding him succubi milk till the manbits dissapear.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Coalsack Nodachi is...well in simplest terms very long katana. It have also other possible name of Odachi. For sure I imagine ingame Nodachi is like katana with very long blade part and with total length somewhere around 2-2,2 meters.

On Arian ofc I not against adding options to recolor his scales (if I seen right some of the color varians seems to coming with some minor tf-ing of his body). As for data needed for his appearance tab:

-for cock he can have none, 3" long and 1,5" thick, 8" and 2' or 12" and 3" (he could have two cocks at least that what was plans wrote down in code with both of them been the same size and thickness)

-for breasts: flat, B-cup, D-cup, DD-cup

-for other body parts desc like hips/ass size it isn't clearly stated how high their are asied been assumed to be girly or manly depending if Arian is mmale or female. So here you got quite much freedom how to desc them as long it will be nor extra feminized or masculinized desc. Similary for height I not seen anywhere in plain sight anything on this.

@Zevos On Meteor...I quite torn between either making it as one of grey spells or soulskill. So over this one would think for a longer time. For soulforce formed arrows that would be quite basicaly way that next step in archers will be doing. normal archer aka ranger then arcane archer that weave spells into arrows and then archer harvesting power of soulforce. But I may take this name to give it to perk that would be working as toggle for making arrows shoot been made from soulforce (so your idea of it been soulskill may turn into been perk for this next archery perk line ^^). And last one Many Birds it sounds interesting as skill meant for low lvl soul cultivator. For soulskills I got plan to in final form make them have one or two things to be usefull for PC concentrating on each of main 5 stats. Current ones are only for PC that building up str. Also if it possible I would like to add among those low grade soulskills some that act as AoE especialy if spells that are AoE req. PC get quite far into game and not suitable to be attained at levels below lvl 18-24.

@Kharn Well each new build cycle ongoing not mean I not able to add some idea some of you put on thread. For making those two perks more accesable...I could think over. There is still few to many days before I would feel 0.7e1 is good enough to be released.

On side not in general: I would slowly work toward making bows having generaly lower atk values but perk adding accuracy. Crossbow type of items would have on the other had perks to giving some penatlies to accuracy but making up for it by having siginciantly higher atk values than those of bows. So PC would need to decide if using bow and max arrows shoot per turn or corssbow with fewer ones bolt shoot but each much stronger.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
@Ormael whats your general opinion on the artificer ideas in my gdoc?  We can skip Twin Star for now.  If its day ever comes, it won't be for a long, long time. 

Also, when will new presets start being implimented
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, I'll put his height around 5'3'' thus making him the smallest companion besides Amily, and maybe Jojo. He always struck me as a shorty.

Nevertheless, I've done the most of his basic appareance. Opinions are welcome.
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New Member
Oct 23, 2016
howdy. been playing fenoxos games for years{Well before i was uh technically supposed to hehe.] and i was wondering, how exactly does one go abotu ascending and doing the whole new game plus thing. im just now starting out playing your mod and your wiki is.. less then helpfull.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2016
howdy. been playing fenoxos games for years{Well before i was uh technically supposed to hehe.] and i was wondering, how exactly does one go abotu ascending and doing the whole new game plus thing. im just now starting out playing your mod and your wiki is.. less then helpfull.

Hello to you to drakosis. To ascend you need to beat Lethice in her stronghold (I'm going to assume you know how to do that for now but I can explain it if you don't), then go to camp actions and click ascend.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Zevos That good ideas. Maybe little fine tunning their need but otherwise not see much trouble to add them later on. Well as lon we not turn this into fully sci-fi mode ^^

@Coalsack I think this app desc is good (well I not better writer than you so on grammars and etc. I can't tell a word to not sound like a fool). Maybe one detail I can point would be that for breast sizes it's just flat, B, D and DD but that just lil detail and removing from list C isn't much work. I may even see if I manage to add this app des for him in 0.7e1. As for part about allowing changing his scales color it may be lil later than this.

@drakosis Truth to be said Xianxia mod not have any wiki yet. At least none I was aware it have ^^ You probably may been looking on efficial one wiki for vanilla COC on smutosaur or the one for Revamp mod. As for your question ExperiencPoints replied perfectly on this one. For some other questions you can jsut come to this thread and ask directly. Either someone else or me would give you the correct answer.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Before you ascend, be sure to grab as many ascencion points as you can.  You get some for clearing each dungeon, defeating Merae, recruiting followers/lovers/slaves, level and having children.  If you arn't ready for it, the difficulty curve of the first few level of NG can hit you like a brick wall. 
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Active Member
Oct 9, 2016
Hey Zevos, what would be the point value for a flintlock pistol in the preset character creator (is that what its called?)? I couldn't see it on the gdoc.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Hey Zevos, what would be the point value for a flintlock pistol in the preset character creator (is that what its called?)? I couldn't see it on the gdoc.

I'm not entirely sure.  Its a part of the ranged revamp thats ongoing...  So i'm not entirely sure where its at on the spectrum.  5 or 10 points are fine, if it ends up being more valuable later then you'll just have a more valuable preset as a early bird bonus.  :shibe:
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New Member
Oct 23, 2016
got a new question. once you've killed lethice, is there anything to do when you decide to conquer instead of purge? for example, laying siege to tel adre or something similer a final demonic transformation or a new perk for deciding to go full evil, one that remains if you ascend.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
got a new question. once you've killed lethice, is there anything to do when you decide to conquer instead of purge? for example, laying siege to tel adre or something similer a final demonic transformation or a new perk for deciding to go full evil, one that remains if you ascend.

The endings were not exactly written with the ability to continue playing in mind.  As for ascension perks related to ending, it is unlikely to become a thing until the pure ending's bugs are ironed out and it becomes accessible again. 
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