First of all, I would like to make it very clear that I am not getting into programming, I intend to study this in the near future if I have the chance, but at the moment my knowledge is not much greater than anybody's, so I'm sorry if what I'm going to ask for is very difficult or impossible to apply in CoC1, but here it is: Maybe this has already been discussed before in some part of the forum, but I couldn't find anything specific about it, and I think it's almost impossible that nobody has questioned that for more than a decade, but why can't we just leave the camp?
It is very clear that that portal does not need any protection as soon as we win the first dungueon. The Omnibus that heads the factory literally throws in our face that the title "Champion" was nothing more than an annual offering that Ingnam's elders gave to demons in exchange for power and longevity!
Even though you can fight and beat the demons, you were never the defender of your home! His presence in front of the portal makes no difference, because all the enemies that appear are behind you specifically!
Unless something very important is holding you back to that specific place (like Phylla's anthill) or if you've built a lot of things there, I don't see why a normal person would want to stay there.
Considering how corruption affects the mind, if a corrupted champion discovers that the village elders simply lie to everyone, they have destroyed their dreams and sent him to that destroyed world to become a toy for a bunch of perverted monsters, all in exchange for a few. Vitality tincture, he probably says "fuck them!" and go looking for a more pleasant place to live!
And even if you consider a pure and charitable champion, who is willing to face everything to defeat evil and defend his world, the game already makes it very clear at the beginning that there is no way for demons to simply cross the portal and invade Ingnam if you I am not there to stop them.
Virtually all of the portals that lead to Mareth are one-way paths, so why can't I just pick up my belongings and move to Tel'Adre with some of my companions? Or go to the Bizarre Bazaar if I'm too corrupted? there are several places where we could live and still fight demons.
How about if we accept the offer to live with Urta in his house permanently? Or go to live in the tower of Minerva? Whitney's farm? Even the Ceraph mansion could be added. There is no shortage of lovers who will welcome us into their homes with open arms and legs!
I know we already have the option of spending the night in some of these places, but can’t the PC go there automatically instead of going to camp? how to leave Tel'Adre to explore and then go back to it?
Do not take me wrong. It's not that I don't like the camp.
Until, with the options to build things there, which was incredibly expanded in Xianxia, we can even make this place a home! But I would still like to have the option of relocating my base to a place that I don't usually remember that I was basically thrown through that portal like a goat in the T-Rex cage!
Taking advantage that I'm talking about where to sleep, how about if we had more option to sleep with our camp lovers! it would be nice to be able to spend the night in the anthill with Phylla, perhaps even sharing our dreams through the mental link!