CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


New Member
Sep 13, 2020
Ok this should fix your issue, turn on Debug Mode (if you don't know where to do this, it's in settings under General) then return to camp and type 'debug' it should open the debug menu. From there you will click on Test Scene, it will bring up a list of things, look for chichiScene and click, next look for WonSecondFight and click it. By doing all of this it will give you the option to nurse Chi Chi and recruit her. Hope this helps!
Thanks but I actually found another method which involved finding the flags in the swf file and then manually changing the flags in my save file with minerva. Meaning I probably wasted 50 minutes trying to figure out this brute force method lol. Thanks though. You can see it on the primordial void discord


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
So what exactly is in this mod? I get that it makes huge combat changes and all, but does it add more sexual encounters, characters and stuff like that?

Arcane Howitzer

Active Member
Jan 8, 2016
So what exactly is in this mod? I get that it makes huge combat changes and all, but does it add more sexual encounters, characters and stuff like that?
I think pretty much any question involving this mod that begins with, "Does it add..." could be answered with, "Yes."

The quality can be a bit hit-or-miss, especially with the more experimental aspects, but it is certainly not lacking in quantity.
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New Member
Sep 27, 2020
I have a very serious question, has anybody had problems getting the "Lizian Regeneration" perk? I have not figured out how to get it. I had a racial score of 9 or higher but if I spend any sort of time I got an alert of something along the line of "Perk gained( insert descriptor text of losing perk)", followed by " Perk lost( no text whatsoever). If anybody has advice I would appreciate it.
Jan 17, 2018
You pull the trigger and fire the pellets at one of a pack of feral imps. It’s clearly very painful. (137,990) *Critical Hit!*

So I had to copy and paste this cause dumb phone issues but, isn't that damage kind of ridiculous? I just tried the M1 Cerberus and it's been putting out almost 40k damage on a regular Hit with that massive critical being the latest hit on some imps. Didn't realize this gun was so powerful.

Additionally got the Twin Grakatuz? I believe it is called and everytime I have them equipped the game won't let me shoot with them. It fully grey's out the shoot button during combat for some reason... Any ideas how to fix?

lol is that damage for real looks great why don't you just go whit it and have fun


New Member
Sep 4, 2020
You pull the trigger and fire the pellets at one of a pack of feral imps. It’s clearly very painful. (137,990) *Critical Hit!*

So I had to copy and paste this cause dumb phone issues but, isn't that damage kind of ridiculous? I just tried the M1 Cerberus and it's been putting out almost 40k damage on a regular Hit with that massive critical being the latest hit on some imps. Didn't realize this gun was so powerful.

Additionally got the Twin Grakatuz? I believe it is called and everytime I have them equipped the game won't let me shoot with them. It fully grey's out the shoot button during combat for some reason... Any ideas how to fix?

In the development version, among the other changes there's been extensive rework with the stats and NG+ buffing. It's taken a while but the game has already evolved quite a bit. I suggest you join the Xianxia Discord and find out more there. Link to join in the first post.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
CoC X has been in development for the whole summer time. While Orm do was having vacations I personnaly coded in all stat changes and a few major updates amonst the fellowing.

- New stat system core point now goes up from 1 to 100. Racial and items are now applied as percentage modifiers instead wich means that getting a race bonus directly raise your stat rather then just the maximum. This also means most event that used to permanantly raise stat no longuer do so.

-New feature training npcs. Jojo, Alvina, Arian, Chi Chi, Zenji, Loppe, The gym and Tamaani can now permanantly raise your stat via training. More trainers may appear in the future.

-New bonus type Mutagen, Alchemical, Knowledge can be aquired by using tf item, drinking potions and reading book each adding an extra 20% modifier to your stat total.

-Kitsune shrine, Taoth Altar, Fenrir Altar and Marble milk gives long lasting buffs.

-Poisons have been grouped under a single debuff tag for combat. Poison curing and Status curing may soon happen in the form of a spell.

-While core stat no longuer drops from event instead a new effect called curse has been added to the game. Cursed stat must be healed similar to injuries by npc or magic. A greater version of this effect may appear in the future requiring shrine or divine intervention for removal.

-Liliraune is now in the game but still in implementation process. Alraune species max score was increased and now include a triple perk.

-Fenrir score was increased and a non furry option added.

-Raiju and thunderbird max score increased. Thunderbird can now use Lust Storm. 3 new perk for Raiju and Thunderbird

-New medium armor Berserker armor

-New light armor Walpurgis Izalia cloak

-Gremlin is now in the game. Demonic Goblin Alter Ego

-Fixed the green slime bug

-Most goblin and Imp now show special sex scenes

-Salamander max score has been increased furthermore Salamander Hellcats and hinezumi go into overheat status.

-Titania tf is in the game along with a unique dress.

-Jiangshi hp now scales of libido instead of toughness

-Orca got a new ability called Play (I let you guess what a playing Orca looks like)

-New Cancer Ennemies at beach

-Cancer tf with the new ability Dig

-Frost Wyrm tf with dig and Tremor

-You can now tell Luna to stop being an ass

-Plenty of Unicorn bug fixes

-New sprite for the wanderer

-Mareth at night Vampire and Werewolves can keep roaming Mareth 24/7 and may even sleep during the day.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Just lean't that the Observer made a Selkie in glacial rift wich made me chuckle. This also reminded me that our own glacial rift selkie (Aria the Melkie actualy) needs additionnal content so I will probably be adding on Aria this winter with new underwater combat training, thrown weapon skills and dating options.
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Apr 14, 2020
它means a lot to me, cause that i am a chinese, so the only way i can get the game's new version is here, and i like this very much


New Member
Oct 9, 2020
I don't know if anyone else has had this problem but if I have sex with Electra, pat her head, or lose to her I can never masturbate without increasing lust and maybe transforming, even if I have a 0 raiju score and just had sex with something else. I'm also only level 13 even though the wiki says You have to be level 20+ to even meet her. Does anyone know why this is happening?

Arcane Howitzer

Active Member
Jan 8, 2016
I don't know if anyone else has had this problem but if I have sex with Electra, pat her head, or lose to her I can never masturbate without increasing lust and maybe transforming, even if I have a 0 raiju score and just had sex with something else. I'm also only level 13 even though the wiki says You have to be level 20+ to even meet her. Does anyone know why this is happening?
Don't know anything about level-gated encounters, but what Electra is doing in those scenes is transferring her charged to you, meaning she gets some respite from horny lightning overcharge but now you can't masturbate until the charge dissipates.
Well, you can. It just won't help.
Anyway, that little bit has nothing to do with your Raiju score, because you're not the one building the charge.
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New Member
Oct 9, 2020
Is there a complete weapons list of some sort? I'm trying to figure out if there are dual wield large weapons that are worth it, as the B.F. Sword seems to be giving me ~5x the damage the dual warhammers are.


New Member
Oct 9, 2020
Don't know anything about level-gated encounters, but what Electra is doing in those scenes is transferring her charged to you, meaning she gets some respite from horny lightning overcharge but now you can't masturbate until the charge dissipates.
Well, you can. It just won't help.
Anyway, that little bit has nothing to do with your Raiju score, because you're not the one building the charge.
Thanks! Do you know when the charge dissipates? Like is it a time thing, a sex thing, or something else?


New Member
Oct 21, 2018
I've noticed a handful of scenes seem to bring up a completely blank screen. The most notable case of this is if I choose to stay with Corrupted Marae; I don't get the game over screen, I get an empty box with the options still at the bottom.


New Member
Oct 12, 2015
I have been a fan on this for a while and I am recently coming back. Is there any newer content than April 15th? If so, where can I find it, or do I need to wait till Ormael gets back from their vacation?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2017
It's work in progress at the moment. Liadri is working on the core of the game, so patience is definitely a virtue in this case.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A mere announcement for you all but... Next release is coming this halloween.

Featuring from me...

-Strength Toughness Speed Inteligence Wisdom Sensitivity refactoring happened the stats are now calculated in a whole new way!
-Great fairy TF Quest and ability have been added.
-Great fairy Regalia was added to the game.
-Hair styles have been added to the Salon it is now possible to customise your hairs.
-Fixed Bicorn aura lust damage to be less ridiculous (Still very powerful thought itl likely obliterate anything below your levels at level 20 if you have very high libido/int score).
-Fixed Unicorn/Bicorn aura procing messages in loops when pc doesnt have ecliptic mind.
-Added Twin Heart and Ecliptic Mind to Chimera score confirmation for the purpose of unlocking chimera perks.
-Fix several bugs in Easter bunny TF.
-Fix Tripxi dialogues to look more interactive and changes location names to kaiba and tripxi shop in Tel Adre to be more in tune with the theme.
-Added Luna Nurse ability the option to heal cursed stats however the Nurse ability now has a 1 day cooldown.
-Fixed Unicorn/Bicorn aura endless procing when pc has no horn.
-Fix straddles duration to actualy not being endless.
-Fix Alraune lower body displaying a penis in viewer.
-Curses to stats have started to appear!
-Fix a few viewer issue for cave wyrm eyes fox eyes and cat eyes
-Fix haircolor not switching to midnight black when turning into a hellcat
-Alraune has been massively upgraded
-Fenrir has been massively upgraded
-New Berserker armor at Kaiba
-Fixed the trice damned Green Slime bug
-Marble Milk is now a buff
-Kitsune shrine is now a buff
-Liliraune was added to the game along with plenty of sex scenes and in character chats
-Vampire drain now restore satiety
-Salamander score was updated
-New ability Flame Blade
-New Status Overheat
-New Sex scenes Heat transfer and Cooldown
-Several new sex scenes gives sex EXP
-Gremlin race was added to the game
-Manticore and displacer feeding euphoria now stacks up to 50% but only at the rate of 5 per stacks furthermore they last longuer
-Alchemical, Mutagenic and Knowledge bonus added to the game. Read book drink potions and use transformative to stack them each up to 20%
-You can now escape from Alraune using the torch and alraune has now customised text when trying to escape witheout it
-Thunderbird can now use Lust Storm
-Biggest Bags are now properly displayed as costing
-Heart of the storm perk line for Thunderbird, Raiju, Kamaitachi
-Thunderbird and Raiju have better max score
-Add plenty of situationnal text to Luna and fix her pounce attack
-Luna now has a feral sprite and interchanges between feral and formal depending on the situation and time.
-Vampire Wing sprite has been improved!
-Succubus dress can now be worn by taurs and the like
-New Tanuki ability Money Strike
-New Tanuki ability Greedy
-New Tanuki ability Prank
-3 new Perks Nuki Nuts Line
-New clothe and sprite Traveling Merchant Outfit


New Member
Oct 23, 2020
Hello! Could someone explain to me how can i marry Chi Chi? I've defeated the oni as she requested but i'm not quite sure about the temple, ring and priestess parts...