CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
How can i get the kitsune tails? Ive been getting the fox jewels and kept meditating but nothing happens

Also how does one get a third penis i wanna ruin my friends character


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
How can i get the kitsune tails? Ive been getting the fox jewels and kept meditating but nothing happens.

The first tail can only be gained from using the fox jewel (not by meditating). Later tails can be gained either through meditation, or by using the Fox Jewels

However, each tail after the first requires a certain character level and int/wisdom scores.

The 2nd tail requires 15int/wis
The 3rd tail requires lvl 6, 30int/wis
The 4th tail requires lvl 12, 45int/wis
The 5th tail requires lvl 18, 60int/wis
...and so on...

Note: Gaining additional tails at the shrine also requires you to also have fox ears.

For your 7th, 8th, and 9th tail, you also need to chose your path of empowerment.
  • To become an enlightened kitsune, you gain the rest of your tails through meditation at the Kitsune Shrine.
  • To become a corrupted kitsune, you need to use Mystic Jewels created by having Lumi enhance Fox Jewels.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
Could there be a chance of cat arms being added

Also wondering if there's a easy way to gain feathered wings with out having to go if not maybe a potion could be added to the game (if not I'll go eat some golden seeds then go human then back to cat boy)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In near future there will be rework of cat race so arms would be included. Even twin tailed cats monsters would be included and so as cheshire-like cat subrace. Not to meantion Liadri meantioned something about lions/big cats (her female Raphael counterpart npc to learn Rapier training for males).

There is no silver dye yet for PC to use to dye it own hair/fur. Some rised idea of including scales in things dyes can recolor for PC so that and new colors with some more exotic one colors would be added (as usualy I not know when - I hate when I need to say I would add X or Y thing but not know even how soon :( )

For harpy wings gain easy way would be useing Metamorph perk with unlocking harpy wings form. Still that would eq. gain those wings at least once beofre going back to become cat-morph or any other race/chimera and at the end changing wings type with metamorph help. Atm without cat body parts added to metamoprh (first I need rework/readust for cat race) it's not eaiser or farster way that the one you desc atm Shifter.

@Weirdguytbh Using lots of Incubus Draft would give PC chance to grow more (demon) cocks all way to 10.

For Saiyans...that not decided yet. And for sure it may be added monkey race. And to be fair even now with all perks and other options PC can be like sayina when starting fight (buff spells, new attacs added in last months) with only glowing golden hair missing ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I was wondering if you could perhaps revise how you show the changelogs in game so that all the latest updates/fixes are displayed from the top of that page when you navigate there. It always throws me a little to see the patch notes for the latest and then it shows previous versions. Then it suddenly jumps back to the latest revision notes again. That's a bit confusing to follow if you're like me and just want to see a concise listing of the updates all together with the version. It probably wouldn't hurt to have a little date tag beside the revisions going forward so we can kinda relate the order that way too.

The other thing I wanted to inquire about was what the general goal of 0.8f is supposed to be? I was wondering if I should hold off on restarting my game until the next release or if the content would be the sort of things that I wouldn't mind continuing an older save with? Of course I would have to know the general gist of the new content. I gathered there was a new NPC being added which doesn't sound like anything that would push me to restart at this time. If there are any drastic changes to stats with different forms or even new forms that might be something that I would restart so that I can experience the content with a fresh character. I sometimes find that bringing old saves into newer builds leads to odd results. Not that the combat ever gets to the point where the hardest mode will stomp you.

Of course I'm also coming from the general advantage of knowing the core game pretty much in and out from countless playthroughs both with vanilla, the revamp, and also this version now. I pretty much know what areas to grind and what areas to avoid until I get to the point where I can steamroll the encounters. I can also manage it in a fairly short window of time. But that's nothing against the balance. Its more of a factor in just knowing the game really well.

Anyways, I just thought I would offer a bit of input along with inquiring about something that was kinda nagging at my curiosity. There isn't a real changelog or goal plan posted in the thread here so it is a bit tricky to glean the general content of the next letter revisions as it stands.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2016
Yeah i verify the bug appear only with dragon wing when i have dragonfly wing the game give me access to scene where you fly but not with dragon wings.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Wow, I just spent a few hours trying to grind the alaraune form which turns out to be very challenging to actually obtain because there's no clearly defined path. I must of used about 80 or 90 mara fruits in a row the last half hour. I even made sure I had holi out and everything but I was stuck at Dryad form. If you choose the transform option from the world tree you wind up with Yggdrasil form. I dunno maybe something borked up my characters transformation stats on that tracking page which prevented it from ever taking the alaraune above 6. It looks like I'd have ot use a lot of hummus to try to purge the transforms. Or I could try to clear it with the editor and then trying again. I thought the mara fruits without taking the transform option were the path to the flower girl form though? The tree takes you down the dryad/ yggdrasil path for sure. Oh well, I'll try again later after I wipe the transform slate clean with hummus until the racial scores go back down to a suitable level.


New Member
Nov 15, 2016
Wow, I just spent a few hours trying to grind the alaraune form which turns out to be very challenging to actually obtain because there's no clearly defined path. I must of used about 80 or 90 mara fruits in a row the last half hour. I even made sure I had holi out and everything but I was stuck at Dryad form. If you choose the transform option from the world tree you wind up with Yggdrasil form. I dunno maybe something borked up my characters transformation stats on that tracking page which prevented it from ever taking the alaraune above 6. It looks like I'd have ot use a lot of hummus to try to purge the transforms. Or I could try to clear it with the editor and then trying again. I thought the mara fruits without taking the transform option were the path to the flower girl form though? The tree takes you down the dryad/ yggdrasil path for sure. Oh well, I'll try again later after I wipe the transform slate clean with hummus until the racial scores go back down to a suitable level.
I'm pretty sure you have to see Marae after eating enough Mara fruit in order to become an Alraune.


Jul 6, 2017
I haven't been able to get yours or Kitteh's to even download the last few days so I can't even test anything. I'm able to download other stuff fine but it seems there's something screwing up saving swf files. Sits at unknown time remaining and 0 bytes. Anyone else running into this issue? Beginning to think it's a github issue because i've reset firefox and cleared downloads/cookies/cache and still wont do anything.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Wow, I just spent a few hours trying to grind the alaraune form which turns out to be very challenging to actually obtain because there's no clearly defined path. I must of used about 80 or 90 mara fruits in a row the last half hour. I even made sure I had holi out and everything but I was stuck at Dryad form. If you choose the transform option from the world tree you wind up with Yggdrasil form. I dunno maybe something borked up my characters transformation stats on that tracking page which prevented it from ever taking the alaraune above 6. It looks like I'd have ot use a lot of hummus to try to purge the transforms. Or I could try to clear it with the editor and then trying again. I thought the mara fruits without taking the transform option were the path to the flower girl form though? The tree takes you down the dryad/ yggdrasil path for sure. Oh well, I'll try again later after I wipe the transform slate clean with hummus until the racial scores go back down to a suitable level.
The only connection between Yggdrassil and Alrune is that Alrune is considered a valid plant type form to discover and visit the world tree.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
im doing the metamorph perk at the moment do i need to do the whole transformation into a fenrir to gain metamorph parts that are exclusive or can you not get them part of the perk? (still hoping for a pure version of the fenrir or a way to get the exclusive tfs of it maybe) i also read in fenrir doc there's a ice dragon breath how do i get that? and there a werewolf perk if you name your character luna? chance of adding that as a rare perk? you can get though wolf mobs or something
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
I was also wondering is there a rouge class? (Maybe could later become prestige class ninja which has magic ablitys )


Active Member
Oct 12, 2015
It seems like Reptilium is one of the causes of the text going bold, seems to happen after using it a couple times. Also it gets to the point of giving lizards arms and is unable to transform you any further, just will give you the lizard arms response over and over.


Jul 6, 2017
How do we go about defeating the venus pitchers in deep woods? It's really annoying that you can't escape them and just attacking them makes you lose automatically. The dangerous plant book doesn't seem to keep them at bay like it does the tentacle beasts.


Jun 26, 2017
How do we go about defeating the venus pitchers in deep woods? It's really annoying that you can't escape them and just attacking them makes you lose automatically. The dangerous plant book doesn't seem to keep them at bay like it does the tentacle beasts.
Use either range or spell or be strong enough to one shot them if you're going melee


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Fighting Alraune is same as Sand trap in way that attacking in melee make it all or nothing attack so if PC can't finish her with that it's lost fight. In place of climb form sand trap is option to struggle to get some distance. Oh and sand trap allow to escpae but Alru not so even been at max distance from her will only give more time to escape. As for book ti work the same way as with tentacle book even req. also 50+ int to show up warrning about approaching alraune. So beating her if PC ends up is not using melee attack but all range one form of attacks like range weapon/spells/soulskills/items that can be used in fight to deal dmg to enemy.

For metamorph it's meantioned in it menu what race it work with atm (by the time I move to 0.9 builds all ingame races will be covered by it). Fenrir special tf's (bck spikes and glowing eyes) would peobably req. some special actions to unlock (Liadir for sure will make a way and knowing her it would make PC go throu hell first) to get them. Rest of wolf bodyparts would be eventualy added to metamorph menu.

On Rogue class there is one written so it would eventualy see the light (but not in next few weeks I think)

For layout of Changelog I would change it to make it more easy readable for latest changes. 0.8f would add many new perks, new dungeon with enemies lvl 6-9, Ignis (he's npc that would first been meet in Blight Ridge and then in arena in He'Xin'Dao for some talks or sparings), a little more on Temple (new interactions with Sapphire, more than half of quest to get gargoyle body - I not sure if I manage iron out all mechanical thigns for been gargoyle), 2-3 new rare ascension perks, some new items: demonic scythe in D3, potions to recover mana in combat, devil goat tf, 6th rank for perks like Tank, Mana Affinity, etc.

I not think there should be anything that may need to restart playing with all additiona been for PC that already get few lvl's or want to ascend for the 5th time and still been able to grow stronger.

I shall reflect on issues caused by Reptilium too.

:toot::toot::toot::toot::catte::catte::catte::catte:THREAD HIT 100 PAGES:catte::catte::catte::catte::toot::toot::toot::toot:


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
While we're on the topic of metamorph, are there plans to have the discovered metamorph transformations persist through ascension after acquiring the Natural Metamorph rare perk?

Also, with all the different breaths attacks and kitsune spells, we're going to need a 'next' button for magical special attacks (or a separate button purely for breath attacks)
There are currently 9 breath attacks and 15 magic attacks. While it's (currently) impossible to have all 24 at the same time, it is not too difficult to gain more than the 14 required to fill the 'M. Specials' attacks option.

Freezing Breath (Fenrir)
Freezing Breath (Yeti) (yes, you can have both Freezing Breath at the same time)
Fire Breath (Akbal)
Hellfire (Hellhound)

M. Bolt
Compelling Aria
F. Foxfire (Ninetail Kitsune of Balance)
C.Foxfire (Corrupted Kitsune)
P. Foxfire (Enlightened Kitsune)
Lust Strike
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I made changes to changelog so it will not always list build notes in order from latest to oldest not other way (in span of single page) and now it was moved ut to main menu. As some people wanted to have option to check changelog without need to load any save and so I made it possible now. Changelog button was replaces with very crude and unfinished yet Questlog button. Before release I will make it work as intended.

On M. Specials: Fenrir one ice breath is AoE while Yeti breath is single target. On not fitting them I would split them either by making 12 specials groups or by some sort of groups. Well either way for 0.8f I will amke it possible to access all m.specials that PC gained.

About taking unlocked body parts during ascension - yes I do have idea on this - rare asc perks that would be req. taken n.metamorph and each allowing only X unlocked body parts taken during each ascension. I not sure if option of allowing take all unlocked as long PC have enough ascension perk points will be not too pubishing for those that want also spend them on other things rather than only on getting all unlocked options in metamorph menu. But you all can tell your thought if it should be somehow limited how many body parts unlocked can be permed at each ascension or make it as many as player want as long there is enough asc perk points. For limit I amt thinking about 2-3 full races worth memorized body parts so that somewhere between 20-30(40).


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
When my dragon wings turn from "Large" to "Huge" they stop working.

I can't fly in combat or escape by flying.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
question what is the 9T kitsune of balance?
You need to become either a normal or a corrupted 9-tails then beat the game. If you perm the 9-tails perk
then you just need to get the other 9-tails perk.

The easiest way to do this is to become a corrupted 9-tails, beat the game, perm the corrupted perk,
then become a non-corrupted 9-tails in your second playthrough.

Spike razor

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
You need to become either a normal or a corrupted 9-tails then beat the game. If you perm the 9-tails perk
then you just need to get the other 9-tails perk.

The easiest way to do this is to become a corrupted 9-tails, beat the game, perm the corrupted perk,
then become a non-corrupted 9-tails in your second playthrough.
Just found out a while back


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I have a simple suggestion that could work around the need to code those new vine wings into existing sex scenes. The wings are only referenced in like a couple places that I have noticed. Wouldn't it be easier to just tag it so that when you get the wing transform from the marae fruit that you also grow a number of vine cocks equal to the number of vines you supposedly gain with that vine wing transformation? It would simplify matters and make it a little bit friendlier towards existing content as it stands. Otherwise you would have to go in and write special scenes for the vine wings in every scene that you wanted them to appear. It was just a thought to integrate those vines in a quick and easy manner.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For dragon wings going from 2nd to 3rd stage that makes game think PC can't fly with them is caused by code checking which type of wngs allow fly not had them included. For 0.8f I put 5 wing types that should work (like dragon or demon 3rd stage or others like manticore wings or mantis 2nd stage wings).

Not much done yesterday (putting new soul cultivation stages that was squized between 4th and 5th ones that made 5th and 6th moved 2 stages higher. Also due to that I enabled 9th stage (formerly 7th) along with mage/warrior path perks for cultivators for stages 7-9. Today...I gonna try make some work on Golemancer related perks, Infernal Wine and bug fixing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
i was wondering what colors scales does the couatl tf gives? or if there's a way to change scale color?

Honestly rainbow scales would be awesome but not as much as on wings id say rainbow feathers and green scales.
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