CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Here is a short brainstorm for a alternate Ranger/Sorcerer advanced job. Think what you will of it.


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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yarr more food for thoughts from Zevos (but it's always welcomed for you to giving my more of that). I would see what of this ideas will be included in e2 and which in later ones version. I feel that I may release 0.7e2 in next 7-8 days.

Somehow I took small break from Etna to make some small additionas to... Vapula related stuff based on some ideas I found in two gdocs ^^

@Coalsack WIth sclaes dyes in gdoc you had in mind PC simply giving Arian them or first going to Rath and make him prepare special dyes for use (from text I understand it would be at least Reptilium + one or more diff color dye(s)).
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Active Member
Oct 9, 2016
Unskilled weapon by definition will always deal lesser damage in comparison to a skilled archer using a bow. I guess unskilled ranged weapon can gain a +10% to +20% bonus to damage per NG as a compensation for the absence of stat scaling. Still these are meant to be used as side weapon not as main weapon contrary to the bow. You can go all the way around with a crossbow but let's face it your build is likely stronguer if used with a melee weapon if you have that kind of score.

Bow at end game can easily outdamage the melee attack especialy on elementaly vulnerable opponent. A heavy strenght Cowgirl deals about 2k to 3k on a crit. Bow endgame damage is similar at these kind of scores but it require a build entirely commited to it as well as a very high inteligence and speed something wich by default isn't possible with every race.

Keep in mind bow will also soon gain access to poisoning and cupid arrow.
I didn't know about the bows gaining poison and lust options, that's cool. For me at least, I never expected unskilled weapons to be on par with endgame bows, that would make bows rather pointless, my point was they need to be usable in all cycles for character role role play and what not and the way they were described basically made them unusable with every cycle. This would in turn, make them useless, being unable to serve there purpose as side weapons for melee focus characters, or do they (and all ranged weapons) serve a purpose other than damage (knocking flying enemies out of the sky for example)?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Z's issue checklist for 7.e2
* Are children counting properly for determining ascension points?
* Is load file working?
* Have you gotten the ascension grant-magic perk working yet?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For unskilled range weapons type it still lack more weapons to choose from so it usefullness for melee chara as secondary weapon may be still not fully displayed. For those unskilled weapons we got now...well crossbow (but this one due to been affected by all perks that bow have can be said as bordeline case between skilled and unskilled range weapons) and flinlock pistol + blunderbuss rifle (this one is in code but not normaly accesable).

Zevos for others than file load issues, which I got slight touble to get on ym current used computer (so it will take slight more time but I may make it in time to fix go with e2) other two things are changed.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Coalsack WIth sclaes dyes in gdoc you had in mind PC simply giving Arian them or first going to Rath and make him prepare special dyes for use (from text I understand it would be at least Reptilium + one or more diff color dye(s)).

Sorry for not pointing it earlier. The idea was going with a particular dye plus a Reptilium vial to get the special dye

-Pink vial + Reptilium: Pink scales
-Blue vial + Reptilium: Turquoise scales
-Rainbow vial + Reptilium: Rainbow scales
-White vial + Reptilium: White scales
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nox bellua

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2016
I can't figure out how to build anything. What do I have to do?

Edit: Never-mind, figured it out.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Coalsack Any special Rath talk to make those vials or just use some other items crafting options with replacing materials needed with those that you wrote down?

@Spike razor I would think over. I siad some time ago that if people want some new perk been added as permable their need to tell about it. So since you said I will now look and see if there isn't any things preventig from this perk been permable.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I wanted to mention to goat lovers that I recently made a new TF called Dark Goat/Devil/Goat fiend/Baphomet. This TF mix satyr wines, sucubi milk and incubi draft. It grant a few alternate features to demon like character including a magical berserking buff and the Infernal flare spell. It will revise on demon toward a more magical oriented variant. Demon on its own side will get buffed with 0.7f but of course all of those new stuff are for later.

Sorry but nothing in the loli department as in accordance with Fenoxo rules.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I have nothing at the moment. You could add it with the crafting options, for now at least.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok then for now I would put together option to just normaly ask Rath to combine dye+reptilium. When you get in mood to write specific text for it give a notification so i would then replace texts.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Seems the website has changed its... syntaxes? I dunno just know my old bookmark doesn't work anymore so I missed a few days of development on this thread. All caught up now. :) How has everyone been?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well Geddy changed base on which forum was functioning for a better one (I suppose so there was some distubances in last days). I doing well thou quite busy recently by RL -_-'

On brighter side there will be shop(s) with range weapons not just them been sold by in others merchants shops. Plus I added first possible change to unskilled weapons like flintlock pistol. Instead of waisting turn if PC stamina is low enough PC would spend fatigue 10*amount of reloaded ammo and still be able to make some action. If there will be not enough reload will work like before with PC loosing whole turn for reloading. would it be good/bad testing will show.

@Shade of Zurn and how ya doin? xD
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Nov 8, 2016
For Archery stuff: Enable Rathazul to craft 'arrows' that are placed into key item menu once received. For example, you bring Rathazul 5x Dragon Scales and he turns it into an arrowtip that you can use, it would boost accuracy and damage but increased fatigue when shooting these types of arrows(there would be a toggle in the range opt menu).
Some ideas for this are:
Imp boned arrows (from imp skulls)
Black plate arrows (from black chitin)
Dragon tipped arrows (from dragon scales)

You could make them extremely powerful if you make them sold in the new archery shop for a big pile of spirit stones
I'm bad at balancing so I'm not going to give number suggestions, but it seems the general idea would help alleviate some problems with archery.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Added yesterday even after posting here perk for tier 0 (lvl 1+) that req. rnaer perk and 30 speed that would add 30% acc in exchange for some lost of max Tou. But similary to berserk perk I would think over 2nd perk to negate that tou penalty.

@2345234 thoe arrow tips after been crafted would be treated as limitless ones or it could after some time out req. PC to come back to Rath craft new batch of them?
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Nov 8, 2016
@Ormael If possible, imp ones would be unlimited since they're so easy to get. Chitin could be 20 arrows per chitin crafted, and Dragon (best ones) could be 10 per scale crafted into arrows.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
About which game you talked about Shade? Current latest public/backer TiTS build?

Nox it would be avialable soon (for sure before 0.7f).

2345234 - I think the one from imps could be quite high but still not unlimited. So it would be not running out too fast. Heck even at late game I not think more than 15-20 arrows would be needed to beat any enemy down to 0 hp. Well none generic repeatable enc enemies excluding bosses that may be tougher to take down.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
The one right under downloads/playing for this place; it shows promise that much is true but it is far from finished. Level cap is 8 making some fight nigh on impossible unless I happen to be missing some really juicy gear somewhere about.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So this one you reffering to is public latest build. Aside Wyrm and Dr. Lash others endgame atm enemies/bosses req. best possible gear to fight (so mainly those from Myrelion or Uveto).

And so I back to making one of Liadri wet dreams about adding certain thing to mod come true ^^
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
I just was unable to properly beat Amara Faell despite having cleared most of Myrelion and being at the level cap. (Maxed out aim for damage)
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Use version 6.86 (or earlier) and the slut ray. Move to the current build after you've beaten her.
  • Techs chances of beating Amara thro HP is really not that much higher then Tech's chances of beating Lash thro HP, assuming you're prepared either way
  • Amara's weakness has always been lust
  • Lust got nerfed into the ground globally in 6.87
  • Amara has high electric resistance, and mirrored, so you really are not going to do any damage with non-freezing energy weapons.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Why is TiTs stuff being discussed over in a CoC mod forum such basphemy.

Still working on mindflayer but finished some extra work on Aiko the shrine priestess/Kitsune overhaul.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Now, back in the mod, I see Refined body, Tank I and Regeneration I, there are perks with II,III,IV,etc variants? If yes, how to acquire them? If not there are future plans for them?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well a little deviation from general coc theme of disscusion here. Nothing wrong to take a breath sometimes.

@Coalsack Those perks with II, III, IV and V in name are accesable in later NG tiers. So for II it's NG+, for III NG++ and so on. There was such card on trello for revamp about making multirank perks that would be accesable when PC ascend and those are this thing implemented in this mod.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ok, and WTF with the ??? boxes on the Lover and Follower areas. I'm pretty sure that the neither refer to Helpawn or Shouldra


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
They're followers/lovers in development. One of them is a scorpion yandare, another is a kitsune that worships a 9 tailed PC.

We probably are not going to see any in .e2, but we'll almost certainly get one for .f
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