^if you mean the fact that the char has an appearance thats a feature of Xianxia. You need to enable it. its called: "char viewer" found in the interface-settings.
Oh that. Alicorn/nightmare and unicorn/bicorn are 2 different race stats. You probably do not have those leathery wings to count as a nightmare.
Look at the very bottom of the races. Unicorn/bicorn is there with a higher stat then nightmare is.
And they overwrite each other. The second you get those leathery wings you most likely will be zero in unicorn/bicorn and all points will go to alicorn/nightmare.
The horn transformation might be a bit misleading but that just is for the horn and its magic nothing else.
Oh that. Alicorn/nightmare and unicorn/bicorn are 2 different race stats. You probably do not have those leathery wings to count as a nightmare.
Look at the very bottom of the races. Unicorn/bicorn is there with a higher stat then nightmare is.
And they overwrite each other. The second you get those leathery wings you most likely will be zero in unicorn/bicorn and all points will go to alicorn/nightmare.
The horn transformation might be a bit misleading but that just is for the horn and its magic nothing else.