CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Judging by what Kitteh said before, no, next version will be final patch for 1.3 and likely be mostly backend tweaks to sweet-talk the code into being a bit smoother and easier to work with. Not much excitement for us since it will probably be mostly changes that won't be visible to players, but it could mean less work for Kitteh in the future, and as I always say, "Happy dev, happy game, happy playerbase." It's not an air-tight saying, but I do believe it's significantly harder for any of that to be true if even one of them is not so happy. When 1.4 makes an initial splash later on, that should be more foreground content centered.

That's not any official short term roadmap and Kitteh's still working on the html side of Revamp's future, just what I gather will happen in the next few moves update wise. Either way, we'll have to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I could just sit here and F5 to win, but that would be kind of scummy to be honest. Besides, I've just started a Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past playthrough and I'm fucking hooked. Never played any Zelda games before, I was mostly a Donkey Kong Country/SMB3/MegamanX/Super Mario Kart kid back in those days.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Besides, I've just started a Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past playthrough and I'm fucking hooked. Never played any Zelda games before

As a huge TLOZ fan, I only hope you enjoy what ALTTP has to offer, being my favourite one from the ones I've played so far. I am currently playing the first NES one, trying to avoid guides BUT savescumming like nuts. A real sandbox adventure... but I have to admit I prefer Willow if we're going for similar NES games.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hitboxes be damned, and my controller is honestly got to be the worst for this. Dungeon diving just for the bow. So far, having fun -- thank God for savestates, though!
Mar 5, 2016
Extremely sorry if this has been asked before, but I have tried everything I can think of in the mod and made an account to ask this. How do you fight lethice to ascend in the throne room? I beat everything else in her dungeon, but it just says the door is locked. Where's the key? Thanks if anyone can help!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Extremely sorry if this has been asked before, but I have tried everything I can think of in the mod and made an account to ask this. How do you fight lethice to ascend in the throne room? I beat everything else in her dungeon, but it just says the door is locked. Where's the key? Thanks if anyone can help!

Sounds like you're using the normal CoC game and not the Revamp. In normal CoC, her room is locked much like you described, whereas in Revamp there is no such locked doors.

Should just be able to fight her once you get there (I believe her room is north of the northernmost point of the dungeon, on the map it is the topmost "cell"). Once you've defeated her, travel back to camp and an option to "Ascend" should appear in "Camp Actions".

What does staff channeling actually do? 

"Basic attacks with wizzards staves is replaced with ranged magic bolt."

So I gather it would change your normal attack so long as you wield the Wizard's Staff weapon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
And that mean?  How's it work under the hood.  Is Int traded for Str? Does it apply differently to defenses? Does it count as ranged for the sand trap and alike?  Does it change base weapon damage?  Is lightning strike no longer aplicable?  Is the a new base damage applied to the weapon for using it as a magic weapon? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
No idea. I don't really ever mold any char into anything but a tank that does oodles of damage or something that could drive anything with even a mute interest in sex into a feverish, lust-addled manic episode.

Admittedly, CoC has been notorious for lacking in having a truly balanced combat system, most notably the absence of balance between your typical tank'n'gank warrior builds and pretty much anything else like magic and archery builds. Doesn't help that those of the later two types have very few options in respects to equipment such as weapon and attack variety. Maybe one day, moves of legend like good old fashion RPG type water/ice/lightening/fire/earth can grace Revamp, but that would likely require major and substantial changes to virtually every enemy in the game to support it on top of adding a rock/paper/scissors system that uses it. As of now, things like magic are simply little different that physical attacks, just that they rely on a stat other than STR and their own perks they benefit from (though that's more or less because they need them to stay relevant).

In stark contrast, Lust based attacks such as Tease/Seduce are better off since that works on a largely isolated system all together; rather than being simply a different way to deal raw damage, they weaken an opponent in a different fashion, affecting a stat that otherwise has no other responsibility in battle. It's much easier (seems like to me anyways) to build your char around being either a fighter or a lover rather than an archer or wizard, which honestly sucks in my opinion. I know the main point of this game is its erotica and pornographic nature, but I still cannot help but feel like the battles are an incomplete feature that was never fully finished on the fundamental side, like part of it is hanging on for dear life.
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Jan 29, 2016
I couldn't agree more. Better combat would be a glorious addition. 

Perhaps a more refined version could happen on the html version, although that would be up to Kitteh, and he's pretty much swamped as it is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And that mean?  How's it work under the hood.  Is Int traded for Str? Does it apply differently to defenses? Does it count as ranged for the sand trap and alike?  Does it change base weapon damage?  Is lightning strike no longer aplicable?  Is the a new base damage applied to the weapon for using it as a magic weapon? 

It uses int instead of str for damage calculation (also minor spd bonus due to ranged nature), ignores armor and is considered ranged for some special combat conditions. It is basically safe to assume it works like flintlock pistol for most cases.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It uses int instead of str for damage calculation (also minor spd bonus due to ranged nature), ignores armor and is considered ranged for some special combat conditions. It is basically safe to assume it works like flintlock pistol for most cases.


Speaking of how do you get those guns legit?

Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
Only place I've ever seen it so far is Benoit's, but it was always there.  Tried it out for 2-3 fights then parked it in the weapons chest.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Your trolling arent you? Magic at the time is likely the most OP crap in the game as you can full heal in a single cast fill a lust bar entirely with arouse and deal massive damage with the lethicite staff attack... do not underestimate a magic/magic weapon lethicite staff double strike spammer bro.... it makes even a scar blade build look weak. Because yea the staff attack deals severe damage last i checked

By the way kitteh do you plan keeping both the lethicite staff and lethice whip availlable as weapons in the next version?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd like to announce that I've made great progress with 1.3.13. Combat has finally been refactored and I took the time to move pregnancy progression texts and player appearance from includes folder to Classes.

Yes, lethicite staff will be kept in the game once Lethice is officially added, along with the whip.

Flintlock pistol can be obtained from Benoit's shop. It's intended for those who wants a gun in a fantasy RPG.

I want to consider adding various weaknesses and resistances to various encounters to encourage strategy. For example, an opponent with 80% damage resistance but very vulnerable to lust.

What would you think of a rework for rings so you can equip two rings (but can't be the same type)? Rings will be dropped by most encounters and there will be 3 tiers, depending on the level of encounter. This will help to make rings more relevant to high level. You can find more detail here.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Your trolling arent you? Magic at the time is likely the most OP crap in the game as you can full heal in a single cast fill a lust bar entirely with arouse and deal massive damage with the lethicite staff attack... do not underestimate a magic/magic weapon lethicite staff double strike spammer bro.... it makes even a scar blade build look weak. Because yea the staff attack deals severe damage last i checked

Well heal could be or terrible good or bad. Like heal or merely 100 hp at best or a whooping 1,2k+ hp :p All is about having Int build that is mostly saying (I not give a damn about any other perk than int/mage related) that will make PC around 12-15 lvl truly killer mage. Or...dealin 2k+ dmg with aoe spell...ok I spoiling too much with this bad -_-'


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
By the way any feat related to bow use planned for the future?


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
This is all looking really amazing. It's a rare game and an even rarer mod that has me regularly checking the page to get a fresh update. Given the schedule, though, I noticed an absence of anything related to the Ingnam expansion. Given that the fabled 1.4 is coming up next, I figured it's worth checking if that's stilll planned to s how up in 1.4 or if It's been pushed back. Either way, This thing is incredible. Thanks for keeping my favorite game alive.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The ring idea seems like a sensible move, though I'd imagine being able to upgrade the ring's tiers at the same time could make some combos pretty op'd, which I'm not necessarily against since the objective of making rings more relevant at higher levels is pretty well achieved by that point.

Also, Ring of Critical could be called something interesting like "Ring of the Eagle-Eyed" and leave it to the description to hint at the ring's purpose in sharpening and focusing the mind in battle, making attacks more precise and deadly. Could also call it something like "Focus Ring" or "Precision Ring" for consistency's sake. Ring of Regeneration could be called "Soul Ring" or "Heart Ring".

One more thing, odd-ball idea I had when rings first got introduced, though it might be too much trouble code-wise to put in to make real use of it; Not really a ring per say, though for sake of simplicity it would take up a ring slot, what about a sort of "Friendship Bracelet" that improves relationship gains when interacting with NPC's. It would make positive Affection score gains increase in size so that winning over lovers and getting to the good parts of Followers and the likes faster and less tedious of a task. Get Rubi to open up and admit his gender sooner with fewer visits, or make it easier for Helia to fall for you faster. What do you guys think? Again, could be a lot of work behind the scenes, so remember that...could be a metric ass ton of work Kitteh. Might be better if it would affect maybe one or two NPC's at first then work others in as time permits.

Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
Your trolling arent you? Magic at the time is likely the most OP crap in the game as you can full heal in a single cast fill a lust bar entirely with arouse and deal massive damage with the lethicite staff attack... do not underestimate a magic/magic weapon lethicite staff double strike spammer bro.... it makes even a scar blade build look weak. Because yea the staff attack deals severe damage last i checked

By the way kitteh do you plan keeping both the lethicite staff and lethice whip availlable as weapons in the next version?

Well heal could be or terrible good or bad. Like heal or merely 100 hp at best or a whooping 1,2k+ hp :p All is about having Int build that is mostly saying (I not give a damn about any other perk than int/mage related) that will make PC around 12-15 lvl truly killer mage. Or...dealin 2k+ dmg with aoe spell...ok I spoiling too much with this bad -_-'

I would love to see a rework of magic for the revamp mod.  Stuff like heal toned down a lot to cap out around 300 hp at max intel, and moved to white magic in place of whitefire.  Whitefire renamed to something like 'scorch' or 'inflict pain' and moved to black magic.  Blind moved to black magic, and a shield spell of some sort added in it's place to white magic.

White magic should be more support/protection/healing defensive school, and black magic more of the debilitation/pain/lust attack school than it is now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2015
White magic should be more support/protection/healing defensive school, and black magic more of the debilitation/pain/lust attack school than it is now.

I actually have to disagree with you there. While that makes sense in many traditional rpgs in this game the distinction of lust from more direct aggression approach of the light side makes that seem bizarre.

Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
I actually have to disagree with you there. While that makes sense in many traditional rpgs in this game the distinction of lust from more direct aggression approach of the light side makes that seem bizarre.

I don't see how, considering that white magic is based on having less lust and having too much lust loses access to the spells.  The 'direct aggression' I see as more of a bdsm aspect making pain inflicting spells appropriate for black magic.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I for one enjoy how CoC does not have to follow classic RPG conventions. Therefore, I am all for White Magic having offensive spells. Being a "good" Champion does not mean being a wimp. Those foes are not going to defeat themselves, moreso when you're not using teases.


New Member
Mar 7, 2016
Okay, I incorrectly posted my question in a thread where it didn't belong. I am almost positive this is the right place to ask. Please forgive my ignorance if I am still posting in the wrong area, I'm very new to the forum and the mod in general. Anyways, after looking for quite a while I couldn't seem to find anything regarding watersports events? Nothing shows up online, so that's why I ended up here. As of now, I am only aware of the watersports event with the Behemoth, but I remember hearing somewhere that there are more? If anyone could confirm if there are more and how to get them it would be an incredible help to me. I apologize once again if this question doesn't belong here and I will try not to make the same mistake again. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
Oct 29, 2015
How -do- you defeat Lethice? I'm stunning her every times she tries to use the attack that the game warns you about, I've tried burning her down massive damage, I've tried teasing and arousing her... Nothing works.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I haven't worked much on Ingnam. If you want access to be able to add and edit scenes, PM me.

Combat formula overhaul might come at a point. Rings will also be upgradeable but will be fairly expensive.

At the moment, there are only 3 watersports scenes: Behemoth, Lizan Rogue, and the loss scene for Phoenix.

To avoid Lethice's attack, use Wait. Lethice cannot be stunned.