CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
This mod is built upon FenCo's work by a party other than FenCo. Fen dosn't mind the mod, but part of the fine print of the general situation is that it can't be run for profit like TiTS. Commissioning authors to write stuff should be fine as long as fine print is respected (basically, if authors of stuff are still active, their permission is needed for their work to be built upon, Savin's stuff is off limits, no blacklist). Though i think paid coding is more of a grey area, and might lead to trouble down the road.

tl;dr: content's author has veto power on xpacs, commissioned writing is probably fine, paid coding is a ill defined situation worth avoiding.


Feb 22, 2016
I've been doing all I can to keep Kitteh on track for the mod. Since the prison is discontinued can't someone make a new one and we'll just scrap the unfinished one?


Apr 9, 2017
So this may not be the proper place to ask, but i just found these games like 3 days ago and started with this mod.

How do i level up in an efficient way? I manage to get 7 and then stuff either kicks my ass or gives hardly any xp.

Also, is there a bullet list or something that mentions whats different from default coc? ive been using default coc wiki for most things and ive yet to see any diffierences


New Member
Apr 6, 2017
Since the prison is discontinued can't someone make a new one and we'll just scrap the unfinished one?

On the Trello page, there is a prison revamp under "Ongoing projects being written", so it seems as if a team is working on it. The prison is pretty underdeveloped though, so it's likely to take a while.


New Member
Apr 6, 2017
How do i level up in an efficient way? I manage to get 7 and then stuff either kicks my ass or gives hardly any xp.
Make sure you have good equipment, but other than that its largely grinding.
Also, is there a bullet list or something that mentions whats different from default coc? ive been using default coc wiki for most things and ive yet to see any diffierences
There is a list of things in the mod here, but, like much of the revamp wiki, it is still a work in progress. (Be careful poking around the wiki, though. Spoilers are pretty frequent.)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I've been doing all I can to keep Kitteh on track for the mod. Since the prison is discontinued can't someone make a new one and we'll just scrap the unfinished one?
Prison Mod's origional author has abandoned the project, so now its pretty much open for whoever wants to expand it. Problem is that none of the writers (that i know of) have expressed any interest or desire to expand it.

How do i level up in an efficient way? I manage to get 7 and then stuff either kicks my ass or gives hardly any xp.
Stats and equips. Focus on gathering equipment that fits your style, learning spells (even if you're not specalizing in magic) and archery training if you're going to be a archer character/hybrid. There are lots of hidden ways to raise your stats all over the place, find them and you can make yourself more powerful.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
Also, is there a bullet list or something that mentions whats different from default coc? ive been using default coc wiki for most things and ive yet to see any diffierences

If you want the change log, there is actually a little button on the first page, called 'Change Log' that you can click and use to see what is different.
Here, I will link it for you:
Consequently it is also the mod's wikia page, which you can use rather than the default CoC wikia page.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
How do i level up in an efficient way? I manage to get 7 and then stuff either kicks my ass or gives hardly any xp.

One more ways to find somehelp to get better could be also joining discord server for mods to CoC. You can PM Zavos for link to get it.


Jan 5, 2017
What does the bimbofication with the skirt in the patch notes mean? Is the progression fully implemented? Just wondering as there are currently no details about it elsewhere that i can find.


Jun 10, 2016
What does the bimbofication with the skirt in the patch notes mean? Is the progression fully implemented? Just wondering as there are currently no details about it elsewhere that i can find.

This is all a guess from testing it, but as far as I can tell, the bimbofication is gradual and based on the number of times you reach 100 lust from the effects of the skirt (maybe anything) and causes some bimbo effect (almost) every time you do. Wearing the skirt appears to cause you to gain a point of tension based on... something... like which body part you used to have sex or masturbate (and causes you to use your ass if you don't have a vagina for masturbation). The higher the tension, the more lust you gain periodically, and the more lust you gain, the more likely you are to orgasm from the suit's effects. That might be a little off, but that's all I could glean at the moment.

I hope we get a bro item of some kind that's similar. It's pretty neat.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2015
Playing the new 1.4.
Found two things.
A. Amily is not going futa for my female toon.
B. Shouldra is not giving sex by lake, only "sex here".


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Help! I lost my save files! After I load them, the game doesn't do anything (I can't resume playing, it's like I tried to play a blank disc). Is there any way I can recover them? I've sunk a LOT of time and effort into that character! Do I need to change the extension suffix or something?


Apr 26, 2016
Everytime I try to open the mod on google chrome it just redownloads it, it works on internet explorer by all my save data is on chrome.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
I found a bug, although I don't know if it's new or not. If you get rid of Kath's dick she's still described as a herm in her description.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015


Active Member
Sep 1, 2015
Amily issue resolved.
Still trying to figure out why Shouldra is not doing sex at beach, just "here" option.

Also, loading save files seems to work for me, or is it hidden issues that are not readily apparent?


Well-Known Member
I would avoid using a browser to run Revamp as it has issues with saves anyways, guys. Using save slots still works, but loading from file no longer does. Use a flash player. I'll link the one I use below... (for Windows, btw)

I tend to use something called GOM Player for any swf games that I play.

I never use browsers for games if I can help it, big part of why I don't play F.O.E all that often.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
I didn't know you could use GOM player for that sort of thing.
But then again I only used it for a short amount of time before switching over to VLC, because it could run more of the file types that I torrented, legally downloaded.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah GOM can play SWF much like a Flash player. Never really tried it out though, just saw it boot up a flash game once after clicking on the wrong icon and thought, "Well that's neat," and forgot about it afterwards. In fact I think most media programs could actually run SWF, not just GOM.

Mostly, I just stick to using GOM's audio player for music since since I tend to hate other players for various reasons: I cannot for the life of me get Winamp to work with my keyboard's media keys, VLC crashes with certain fullscreen programs running, even GOM Video tends to desync the audio and video during playback badly. Picking one that works for watching video while running Eve Online or MWO for instance is still kind of a pain sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
Yeah, for some reason when I queue up music to play in VLC it puts them all in randomly, which sucks when you want to listen to an album that has to have the songs played in order. I haven't had VLC crash unless I try to run another file while it is already running, which I do sometimes because I have a terrible memory, lol.


New Member
Apr 14, 2017
Hey figured i'd finally boop on here and ask. is there an ideas pool something i can put up and discuss? i figured might be here but could be in that trello thing? (never used that before)