CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Apr 26, 2016
Is there a webpage or something where I can play the new versions of the mod?  My computer is terrible at downloading stuff. I know it possible since the mod that introduce me to this thread was

Like Kharn stated, you can play it in any browser by downloading the SWF (the APK file is for android devices/phones) file for the latest version and simply double-clicking on the file to launch the game in your default browser (or right-click and mouse over "Open with..." to select another browser).

I tried downloading it and it simply says I need another program or something to run it.


Apr 26, 2016
Ah nevermind found a way.  I'm curious if There will be some content that allows you to fight the tree goddess after you obtain holli. I want that bark armor,but I don't want to lose holli as a follower either.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I haven't actually hit that far with my current chars, but yes it should include CoC's latest vanilla version, so the actual final fight in D3 and all scenes related to is in Revamp. You'll note that any version of Revamp has the version of CoC proper it is based on in it's title, for future reference.

Also, 1.3.21 is up if you missed the front page. According to the GitHub notes...


  • Added Salamander Firewater for salamander TFs, occasionally dropped by Helia. Being a salamander-morph grants some cool abilities.


  • Ascension perk rank cap is now rigidly enforced.
  • Maximum rank for virility and fertility have been raised from 5 to 15 to compensate.


  • Fixed a typo in Ingnam barkeeper.
  • Fixed a typo in Behemoth vaginal catch scene.
  • Fixed vagina description error while riding Yeti's cock.
  • Creating a special character with the name Cody now properly sets fur colour.
  • Fixed an issue where arms are not described if you're a taur.
  • Fixed the issues that happen once you defeat the Minotaur King. Also some oddities.

Linkies, 'cause the make the world go round:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I haven't actually hit that far with my current chars, but yes it should include CoC's latest vanilla version, so the actual final fight in D3 and all scenes related to is in Revamp. You'll note that any version of Revamp has the version of CoC proper it is based on in it's title, for future reference.

Also, 1.3.21 is up if you missed the front page. According to the GitHub notes...


  • Added Salamander Firewater for salamander TFs, occasionally dropped by Helia. Being a salamander-morph grants some cool abilities.


  • Ascension perk rank cap is now rigidly enforced.
  • Maximum rank for virility and fertility have been raised from 5 to 15 to compensate.


  • Fixed a typo in Ingnam barkeeper.
  • Fixed a typo in Behemoth vaginal catch scene.
  • Fixed vagina description error while riding Yeti's cock.
  • Creating a special character with the name Cody now properly sets fur colour.
  • Fixed an issue where arms are not described if you're a taur.
  • Fixed the issues that happen once you defeat the Minotaur King. Also some oddities.

Linkies, 'cause the make the world go round:



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Anyone that already played new mod build - does any form of credits for Salamander TF was added maybe?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh cool I was worried that totaly unremarkable person wasn't even mentioned.

I hope also it wasn't radicaly changed compared to the Wuxia version ;)

Kitteh is a cool person xD
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Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
Typo in the Salamander Firewater when you drink it:

Just as you ecxpected it makes you feel all hot and ready to take whole world head on.

Should be expected.

Also, when your tail transforms into the Salamander tail:

For a brief moment it tip ignite with a red-colored flame that with as little as your merely thought vanish moment later.

For a brief moment its tip ignites with a red-colored flame that with as little as your merest thought vanishes a moment later.
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New Member
Dec 13, 2015
I'm not certain if suggestions are welcome, or if these have been made before, and I'll abruptly apologize if this turns out to be a useless wall of text, but... Would it be possible to impliment a NPC that deals with weapon modification? For instance, you could gather venom from a naga, and give it to said npc (Probably Rath) to modify a weapon into one that can inflict poison damage every turn to viable enemies? Or an npc that can enchant certain weapons, giving them the capability to siphon your opponents HP to sustain your own, or the ability to apply the perks of the spellblade or lust dagger, given the rarity of both? Another suggestion would be special attacks for weapons. For instance, the katana would have a "Quickdraw" special attack which would hit the opponent twice. Using it in succession or with high fatigue would decrease the chance to land it, and if used with the Double Attack perk active, up to four attacks would be present. Additionally, if plausible, Speed could affect how it appears. For instance, a PC under 80 would simply perform a swift draw with two-four strikes, and above 80 would use a charging draw, placing the PC behind them in a Samurai-esque fashion. Getting flashy there, but, you know. Another example would be the shining sword, which, once a day or at the cost of fatigue could utilize the charge weapon spell that deals extra damage to corrupt enemies or release a wave of energy with the same effect.  The last suggestion would have to be "Large" Transformations. For instance, say you're a fully-fledged Nine-tailed kitsune, a Minotaur, or a Dogmorph. Would it be plausible to script a temporary transformation into a large ninetailed fox, or, take on a bulkier form not unlike a Minotaur Lord, or even become a Hellhound, all within combat for roughly 3-5 turns? The purpose of this would be to gain heightened magical capabilities, melee capabilities, or lust resistance/manipulation, not particularly in that order or all at once, and assist with plausibly stronger enemies, if implimented. 

I know ultimately this all comes down to ALOT to script/code, etc, and there might be a fair chance it's been requested, directly or no, not to mention the permissions and whatnot, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents, at the very least, however I hope my suggestions are not taken as something that would change or be outside what CoC should be. It's an awfully nice game, and I like it.

On another note, I'm uncertain if this has been mentioned, but, when fighting "The Rude King", upon landing your final blow, his turn still progresses as if he was not defeated, which can lead to him defeating you instead. If you survive his attack, you win, however. Is this a plausible bug or is he making a last stand?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
So I found a way to get a short/moderate length dick with a lot of girth in this game; save scumming fox berries and satyr wine. Easy way to keep it short is to NOT use equinium, incubi draft or minotaur blood, lol. Note that if you do, the game will scale down your girth because your length is below 12.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Speaking of the editor, it has been updated to 1.2.25 for those it affects. It's just to have the current XML up to 1.3.20 mainly so most won't need to grab it if they have the XML from the front page already, but it also has a fix for genital piercings being unable to mod if that's been an issue for anyone.

Sinuses are kicking my ass, so I'm going to go scrounge up some Sudafed and call it a night early (and maybe get my sleep schedule turned around for once).


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Speaking of the editor, it has been updated to 1.2.25 for those it affects. It's just to have the current XML up to 1.3.20 mainly so most won't need to grab it if they have the XML from the front page already, but it also has a fix for genital piercings being unable to mod if that's been an issue for anyone.

Sinuses are kicking my ass, so I'm going to go scrounge up some Sudafed and call it a night early (and maybe get my sleep schedule turned around for once).

Is there an application that can help run this on a mac?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
are there any plans for gro+ to be updated for butts? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
are there any plans for gro+ to be updated for butts? 

You know, I was actually checking for that yesterday! By which I mean checking the Gro+ menu. One day, I'm sure.

so i noticed that i can now purchase stones is there any use for these yet?

Don't quote me on this since I haven't tested it out, but I think you can use them to build a stone wall around the camp instead of a wooden one. I think I recall a stone wall being added some time ago, going by the changelogs(get it? Changing from logs to stone?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Don't quote me on this since I haven't tested it out, but I think you can use them to build a stone wall around the camp instead of a wooden one. I think I recall a stone wall being added some time ago, going by the changelogs(get it? Changing from logs to stone?

The were only added as option to be gathered and sold/buyed at Tel'Adre. Maybe needed to build currently walls around camp but not sure if revamp got this. For some time I thought if should not be reverted and cut out from revamp since reason below under 2nd quote meantioned.

so i noticed that i can now purchase stones is there any use for these yet?

They have use for building stuff...but not in this mod but the other one. There it were used for helping build cabin/camp walls/granary/warehouse.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The were only added as option to be gathered and seold/buyed at Tel'Adre.

Can't imagine you'd get too much for those.

On a side-note, what ever happened to the achievement where you have to defeat a Frost Giant with your bare fists? I could've sworn there used to be such an achievement...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well they are costing to buy/sell twice as much as wood and lil easier to gather as long we get Phylla since she allow us get stones for free. But at pnce we can get 1-9 stones which is slight lower than wood but due to it been easy to access I made them gained at lower amount back in a days of making that PR.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah, I think I get it. Hopefully I'll get an answer to my second question, as well, since it's really bugging me. I don't think I'm just imagining things.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Like Chuck Norris", "Defeat the Frost Giant without any equipment. Way to be a badass!" - looking at game code in achiev file this one is still here.

Also looking into Frost Giant scenes file it still say that doing this as above wil give PC achiev.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Like Chuck Norris", "Defeat the Frost Giant without any equipment. Way to be a badass!" - looking at game code in achiev file this one is still here.

Also looking into Frost Giant scenes file it still say that doing this as above wil give PC achiev.

I guess I WAS just imagining things. It's on the list, alright, and it seems I've already done it. Go me and my utterly perceptive ocular organs(also known as ´´eyes´´).
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
I've completed Phoenix Tower, Factory, Desert Dungeon, Deep Cave, Stronghold yet still haven't managed to get the Dungeon Delver achievement. Did I miss something?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I've completed Phoenix Tower, Factory, Desert Dungeon, Deep Cave, Stronghold yet still haven't managed to get the Dungeon Delver achievement. Did I miss something?

No, that should be all of them. Most likely a bug. It's like they say: remove one bug, and two more appear.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
You may need to go back and make sure you finished every part of them, Ex. freeing Vala if you didn't already.

Going back through them I don't see anyone left other than talking the Sand Queen out of fighting along with completing the riddles and the shopkeeper in the Deep Cave. Going back picking up various items to see if my ignoring the God Mead is what's keeping me from the achievement.