No. The philosophy with transformations is to avoid giving them major combat effects, so players don't feel like they need to get them in order to min-max. This way, people are pretty much just incentivized to play the character that they want to play.
Godservant TFs like kitsune give some combat effects, because there's more of a tradeoff involved (you're giving up your immortal soul, after all), but they're more about flavor rather than the kinds of things like naga constriction or flight that were so important in CoC1. So, y'know, reskinned versions of other moves for at-wills, things like that.
In addition, naga and taur bodies are straight-up off-limits to the Champion in CoC2, regardless of combat effects or lack thereof. They devs are not giving y'all a naga body for permanent because dealing with the consequences of that in the smut scenes are far too onerous for the dev team's liking.