Cloud Meadow (S-Purple's Breeding Season)


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2016
No he couldn't have, not without somehow replacing all the artwork that S-Purple retained the rights to because H-Bomb was dumb enough to include that in the contract. The game is dead and resurrecting it now would be akin to starting from scratch in many regards.

In this case, it is exactly what I meant.
If you consider the cost of redoing BS from the beginning are high, in fact, but with all the money "collected" in the hands of H-Bomb would not be impossible, as I said...
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Aug 4, 2016
In this case, it is exactly what I meant.
If you consider the cost of redoing BS from the beginning are high, in fact, but with all the money "collected" in the hands of H-Bomb would not be impossible, as I said...

First of all, neither of us knows how much of that money was already spent or how big of a bankroll anyone involved may or may not be sitting on. 

More importantly though, trying to recreate BS now, after it just crashed and burned in the ugliest way possible and while Cloud Meadow is already up as a competitor sounds like the absolute height of stupidity. Regardless of where you stand on this (and your comments throughout this thread made it very clear whose side you are on), it would be rather naive to assume that H-Bomb could just start over and expect the same Patreon trust and support for basically doing the same game again.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2016
First of all, neither of us knows how much of that money was already spent or how big of a bankroll anyone involved may or may not be sitting on. 

More importantly though, trying to recreate BS now, after it just crashed and burned in the ugliest way possible and while Cloud Meadow is already up as a competitor sounds like the absolute height of stupidity. Regardless of where you stand on this (and your comments throughout this thread made it very clear whose side you are on), it would be rather naive to assume that H-Bomb could just start over and expect the same Patreon trust and support for basically doing the same game again.

First... about Breeding Season I was just speculating, but you're right.
About my position in this discussion about it I already said, I am not advocating S-Purple, after he acted a selfish way with the project.
But H-Bomb has the bulk of the responsibility for all this dirt on his hands. I do not see these attitudes as being correct, so I'm against bad actions of H-Bomb.
Like I said, just try to follow the right way.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
40k? please tell me that is an error.. O_O

At their peak I'm pretty sure BS was bringing in about 44k, and even at the end it was more than 30k from over 11,000 funders.

The rest has been discussed to death both in this thread and the one about BS dying, so I'm going to ignore it.


Aug 4, 2016
Like I said, just try to follow the right way.

Oh please...

But the guilt would be entirely of H-Bomb? He really seems to be who acted more wrong in this story.
Well... I'm not advocating S-Purple just I believe H-Bomb is really the most wrong in this story, since he probably stayed with most of the project money.
You must remember the main culprit of the Breeding Season fall and the theft has been H-Bomb...
But H-Bomb has the bulk of the responsibility for all this dirt on his hands. I do not see these attitudes as being correct, so I'm against bad actions of H-Bomb.

Apparently your definition of following 'the right way' is a tad biased.

I'm not even saying there's something inherently wrong with picking sides, we all do it one way or another, but please don't pretend to be a neutral when it is painfully obvious that you aren't. That's just disingenuous.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2016
Apparently your definition of following 'the right way' is a tad biased.

I'm not even saying there's something inherently wrong with picking sides, we all do it one way or another, but please don't pretend to be a neutral when it is painfully obvious that you aren't. That's just disingenuous.

Biased? Well ... if you consider that way. I said I'm S-Purple's side? No... But it does not mean I do not defend him at the points where I believe he is correct.
I thought the same about you, in your earlier comments you seemed neutral in his opinion, although you too seemed to be against S-Purple.

So you're saying that we are always favorable to the side that we think is right.
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Aug 4, 2016
I thought the same about you, in your earlier comments you seemed neutral in his opinion, although you seemed to be against S-Purple.

This is getting old. I asked you before to point out a single instance where I claimed that anyone of the people involved is to blame in particular, so maybe you go ahead and do that before insinuating yet again that I am against or in favor of somebody.

You know what, screw it. By continuing to reply to you I've become part of the problem myself, so I'll just bow out.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2016
This is getting old. I asked you before to point out a single instance where I claimed that anyone of the people involved is to blame in particular, so maybe you go ahead and do that before insinuating yet again that I am against or in favor of somebody.

You know what, screw it. By continuing to reply to you I've bcome part of the problem myself, so I'll just bow out.

Do not get me wrong...
Not accusing you, I said at the beginning you seemed to be biased against S-Purple.
But I understood his position.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Do not get me wrong...
Not accusing you, I said at the beginning you seemed to be biased against S-Purple.
But I understood his position.

I've kept out of this, since my last post but I'm noticing hints of hypocrisy here, not your posts but others. I just wanted to point that out and that's all I'm going to say, it's better to just let things go and forget about this back and forth banter. It's just basically an endless merry-go-round, also it's basically beating a dead horse (don't make me pull that gif up, I did it in the other thread just to get the point across.)


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2016

This topic is a bit tiring... I will not be involved here while people take this subject to an unpleasant side.

Although many people still insisting on this...
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Some people just can't take a hint or just drop the subject when a point has been made already.................


Active Member
Jul 21, 2016
Yeah, that was confirmed and the reasons why no project manager was hired have been discussed to death. Not that any of this matters now. 

Once there's a public demo available we can judge Cloud Meadow on its own merits. Until then we can go back and forth about who fucked up what or why so-and-so is a horrible person or totally innocent but none of that is going to bring Breeding Season back from the dead.

I'm not sure about the "most profitale" one..

I think Roundscape Adorevia gets similiar revenue (forgot the exact numbers of BS, so correct me if I'm wrong ^^)..

Although it appears that game has a better management (even though they decided to not have public version after all ^^')

Our Current public build can be found here:

We'll be releasing another one at the end of this month, and at the end of every month.


New Member
Jul 21, 2016
Almost 1gb of space and almost 1gb of memory usage for a(n uncompleted) tutorial (regardless of if it is an alpha or not)... wow... just... wow... i expected something as amazing as Persona 4 Arena (a well used resource-wise investment) but... as i expected i can't compare it to Breeding Season, not just because the approach it takes to the players but rather how well compiled it is (considering the amount of content Breeding Season it has and the size it has/amount of memory it uses).

Ok here is where i hop off the ride guys, have fun, not because i didn't liked it... which i certainly didn't really enjoyed (when i play a porn game i actually expect something outright from Illusion company where you are given very little to no plot at all and the game is just a freestyle porn game where you can choose to have sex where you want to and with who you want to, if  wanted entretaining gameplay or intriguing and captivating story i would play something like sengoku rance which makes me forget there's porn at all or just put's it as a side dish that people don't even need to pay attention and only focus on playing the game) but rather my computer only has 2gb of memory and the value of money on the country i live has decreased so much that just to buy an 8gb RAM card cost now what a big flat screen tv costed so i am kind of screwed up atm (that is the reason why i can't even support games on patreon either, even $2 would be like 1/16th or 1/18th of a monthly wage and if someone really have to ask then yes i live in a 3rd world country).

TL;DR: This is where i hop off the ride, have fun guys.
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Aug 4, 2016
Almost 1gb of space and almost 1gb of memory usage for a(n uncompleted) tutorial (regardless of if it is an alpha or not)... wow... just... wow... i expected something as amazing as Persona 4 Arena (a well used resource-wise investment) but... as i expected i can't compare it to Breeding Season, not just because the approach it takes to the players but rather how well compiled it is (considering the amount of content Breeding Season it has and the size it has/amount of memory it uses).

Ok here is where i hop off the ride guys, have fun, not because i didn't liked it... which i certainly didn't really enjoyed (when i play a porn game i actually expect something outright from Illusion company where you are given very little to no plot at all and the game is just a freestyle porn game where you can choose to have sex where you want to and with who you want to, if  wanted entretaining gameplay or intriguing and captivating story i would play something like sengoku rance which makes me forget there's porn at all or just put's it as a side dish that people don't even need to pay attention and only focus on playing the game) but rather my computer only has 2gb of memory and the value of money on the country i live has decreased so much that just to buy an 8gb RAM card cost now what a big flat screen tv costed so i am kind of screwed up atm (that is the reason why i can't even support games on patreon either, even $2 would be like 1/16th or 1/18th of a monthly wage and if someone really have to ask then yes i live in a 3rd world country).

TL;DR: This is where i hop off the ride, have fun guys.

Oh no, a very early build of a patreon game that just started development is poorly optimized and can't compete with full-price titles from seasoned mainstream eroge companies, whatever shall we do?

Seriously though, I'm sorry the financial situation in your country is so difficult, but that doesn't make your criticism any more valid. I have no doubt the game is currently in a very rough state and will continue to be for quite a while, most patreon projects are and many never make it past that, but if you "hop off the ride" every time an alpha build doesn't completely knock your socks off then patreon might not be the platform for you.


Now that I think about it, if 1 gb space and memory usage is an issue, how exactly are you playing any Illusion titles that were released within the last decade?
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Active Member
Jul 21, 2016
It's the one at the end of this month that has the male protagonist, yeah?

No, the male protagonist is a few months off. We're focusing almost 90% of our efforts into just getting the frame work done. Male protagonist comes during Alpha v1.04, which will be polish and linking stuff together to make it more functional. Right now we still have Alpha v1.02 to finish (which is farming and breeding frame work), and Alpha v1.03, which is interiors, shops, and inventory. The public version with the male protagonist will come a month after the paton version with the male protagonist.

Almost 1gb of space and almost 1gb of memory usage for a(n uncompleted) tutorial (regardless of if it is an alpha or not)... wow... just... wow... i expected something as amazing as Persona 4 Arena (a well used resource-wise investment) but... as i expected i can't compare it to Breeding Season, not just because the approach it takes to the players but rather how well compiled it is (considering the amount of content Breeding Season it has and the size it has/amount of memory it uses).

Ok here is where i hop off the ride guys, have fun, not because i didn't liked it... which i certainly didn't really enjoyed (when i play a porn game i actually expect something outright from Illusion company where you are given very little to no plot at all and the game is just a freestyle porn game where you can choose to have sex where you want to and with who you want to, if  wanted entretaining gameplay or intriguing and captivating story i would play something like sengoku rance which makes me forget there's porn at all or just put's it as a side dish that people don't even need to pay attention and only focus on playing the game) but rather my computer only has 2gb of memory and the value of money on the country i live has decreased so much that just to buy an 8gb RAM card cost now what a big flat screen tv costed so i am kind of screwed up atm (that is the reason why i can't even support games on patreon either, even $2 would be like 1/16th or 1/18th of a monthly wage and if someone really have to ask then yes i live in a 3rd world country).

TL;DR: This is where i hop off the ride, have fun guys.

Sorry to hear that, but it's perfectly understandable given your circumstances. I only urge you to come back at a later date and see how we've improved over time. And keep in mind that we have a free access system for people who are former breeding season backers as well (check out the 'Free Access' tag on our patreon).

edit: Also would it be wrong of me to make a new thread for this in the showcase board or something? Given the amount of bile and general nastiness that people have to crawl through to get to actually relevant stuff? I don't want to step on any toes or anything is all.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
edit: Also would it be wrong of me to make a new thread for this in the showcase board or something? Given the amount of bile and general nastiness that people have to crawl through to get to actually relevant stuff? I don't want to step on any toes or anything is all.

That's the right that the game's lead developer has here.  That's so that they can update the OP with news and download links for updated versions as well as make it easy to find games by having a dedicated sub-forum for them.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
On the contrary, as he is evidently anointed with the project he may do it as he pleases. (Though please report something in here so this can be closed if and when you do.)


New Member
Jul 21, 2016
Oh no, a very early build of a patreon game that just started development is poorly optimized and can't compete with full-price titles from seasoned mainstream eroge companies, whatever shall we do?

Seriously though, I'm sorry the financial situation in your country is so difficult, but that doesn't make your criticism any more valid. I have no doubt the game is currently in a very rough state and will continue to be for quite a while, most patreon projects are and many never make it past that, but if you "hop off the ride" every time an alpha build doesn't completely knock your socks off then patreon might not be the platform for you.


Now that I think about it, if 1 gb space and memory usage is an issue, how exactly are you playing any Illusion titles that were released within the last decade?

No, the male protagonist is a few months off. We're focusing almost 90% of our efforts into just getting the frame work done. Male protagonist comes during Alpha v1.04, which will be polish and linking stuff together to make it more functional. Right now we still have Alpha v1.02 to finish (which is farming and breeding frame work), and Alpha v1.03, which is interiors, shops, and inventory. The public version with the male protagonist will come a month after the paton version with the male protagonist.

Sorry to hear that, but it's perfectly understandable given your circumstances. I only urge you to come back at a later date and see how we've improved over time. And keep in mind that we have a free access system for people who are former breeding season backers as well (check out the 'Free Access' tag on our patreon).

edit: Also would it be wrong of me to make a new thread for this in the showcase board or something? Given the amount of bile and general nastiness that people have to crawl through to get to actually relevant stuff? I don't want to step on any toes or anything is all.

I could run up to Sexy Beach 3 just fine, Artificial Academy 2 fine, even other porn titles like Custom Maid 3D i can probably even run Custom Maid 3D 2 and 2+ if i don't heavy modify it
I could even play a fan port of Devil May Cry 4 on PC with just an almost nono-existant lag spike every now and then

The point of having a game like that is making it fancy and accessible, if something with so little content (sprites, scenes and at least that background for the main place) and not exactly outstanding visuals (for those who wonder, no, i ain't saying the art is bad) is as huge as this, then imagine how it will be after a year or so, add modification of the files, adding new features, adding more scenes, zones where to be, fields for hunting/battling/contracting, etc.

As far as i know the game as it is, is the bones of what comes next, the core, i have no knowledge of indie games so i got nothing to excuse or base for myself to say this but as far as i know there has been never an optimization of the core code so it weights less or uses less memory, would be easy-er to solve issues like the game having a memory leak that causes the computers to crash or something, a patch, even revamping the whole application would just make it works differently while the core remains with not much change, making an improvement to make it use less memory or be less heavy would mean rebuiding it from scratch at least that is what i think, it would be way too much trouble and for today's standar 1gb of RAM ain't a big sacrifice.

Probably all this is because of the engine that is being used and i am comparing it to java.

P.S.: It might not be an ideal scenario to create a new topic because since the wound is fresh those types of comments will keep flowing, i have seen that from time to time uninformed people or people that already picked sides still bother on the patreon page, the hate filled people need to chill first and for that, well, it will take a time.


Active Member
Jul 21, 2016
On the contrary, as he is evidently anointed with the project he may do it as he pleases. (Though please report something in here so this can be closed if and when you do.)

Understood. I'll begin putting something together then.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2017
My problem with Cloud Meadow is that it doesn't play well. Its interesting to look at but that's about it. I prefer gameplay over graphics. Can recommend a few on LewdGamer to anyone whose interested.