Cloud 10


New Member
Sep 13, 2020
I'm pleasantly surprised by how responsive the devs are in this thread, doubly so given that the Patreon page is locked down so that one must be a patron to read any posts whatsoever (or reply-to the single post that is publicly readable). Merely "Following" is useless. There's a Discord mentioned, but is that intended as a patron-only perk? This forum seems to be the only public line of contact to the devs, so I've signed up for Yet Another Fucking Forum to accomplish this. Okay. I really like the writing overall, even if it is not always speaking to My Kink. It does occasionally hit WALL O' TEXT levels that make my eyes glaze over (and I'm a reader! ) But I do have to mention a few things:

(1) The stat increase mechanic for the stats that can't be bought (Perception, Booksmarts, Luck), which is: low stats have a low chance of increasing, and higher stats have a higher chance. Since higher stats are easier to get, you end up with rapid inflation of encounter difficulty rating, going from a whole bunch of 3's to 5's (maybe 8) for a challenge (with a stray 11 or two), then quantum-leaping up to 18 &20. My first full Cloud 10 playthrough (getting all the stats I could up to 20, the highest amount required for any encounter) ended with my Perception just making it up to 3! Having been stuck at "1" for hours and hours on end, from the very beginning!

This reminds me of my first Witches and Wands playthru where my stat choices meant I couldn't raise my Broom Riding skill above 2 to save my life, where 3 was a specific threshold needed to open certain story arcs. What added insult to injury was that IF I'd been able to get that stat to 3, the MC would have been able to get TUTORING in the blasted skill! In other words, the student who genuinely NEEDS tutoring can't get it! As it was, that got me the bad ending, flunking out of Hogwarts when the semester ended. Frustrating as hell!

I'd prefer a system that makes the initial climb easier, but makes the higher (and kind of ludicrous) numbers harder to increase. Kind of like "the closer you get to lightspeed, the more energy you need to accelerate further". It's easy to do if you have a fixed cap for stats to act as an anchor point, but if stats are meant to be open-ended, the math gets trickier. You'd need some kind of inverse-exponential relation. OR, "you pays your money and you takes your chances", a la Akabur's amazing Princess Trainer, where after paying for training, at higher levels there's a greater chance the teaching fails. Non-refundable. You can always get more money and try again after you sleep on it.

I'm playing the public version, possibly an older public version at that (no Submission Level 2, no twins), so some of these things MIGHT have been addressed already. But what I found:

(2) Mehra's Fall -> Outer Shell -> The Material, sufficient Booksmarts, you end up with two alternating pages of text that repeat infinitely, whereas the other options grey out and become inert once the success condition is fulfilled.

(3) "favors" for the Naval Supplies are not the same as Favors for Iannan, and the former appeared to not be enabled? Maybe change the terminology of one or the other to avoid confusion?

(4) when the MC is just starting out, the tooltips contain vital information. As others noted, it doesn't work on Android. It also doesn't work of one uses the keyboard assignments you so thoughtfully built into the interface, on a pc.

Now for the nitpicky stuff:

(5) One sex scene (I wish I remember which one) made reference to the MC doing something with one's "blue-veined cock"... even though the MC in question was born female and had steadfastly declined all changes. Unless that was someone else's cock, and I misread the scene? It was late in a binge-playthough and eyes were glazing over a bit. I know you wanted to get the transformational aspect out there ASAP, but there is some supreme irony in being asked to make your free changeover something like 30 seconds after you just picked your MC's birth gender starting the game!

(6) After the MC "Puts Inannan on her back"), the legend on the [Reduce Submission] button IMO ought to be changed to read [Increase Dominance]

(7) with such AWESOME transformation abilities at one's fingertips, it might be nice to be able to change things like skin tone, hair length, style, and color? It's too bad the breast size change was so specifically keyed to personality traits (big = lactating submissive bimbo), it would have been nice to have some voluntary regulation of it. Were you perhaps planning to include that later, as an advanced relationship-with-Iannan perk? Appealing to a broad audience also means "bigger is not necessarily better".

I know, I'm pretty opinionated for a guy that's having trouble sparing even another $1/month (autopaying pledges overdrew my checking account a couple months ago! blame the pandemic), but thanks for reading.


New Member
Sep 13, 2020
Quick notes of my gameplay experience on two binged playthroughs:

keep about 96-100 scrap on hand after selling at base, aka 5 armor replacement. I got good at combat timing, only rarely took hull damage; as long as I could rebuild that much armor (even if not to full) I could be 15+ jumps away from home and still be ok. Warp Home only as a last resort!

jiminies and jetpacks were essential, laser cutters meh (skills compensate quickly), redshirt generators never used.

Given the current skill development situation, the best character builds were either Perception primary/Booksmarts secondary or vice versa. I found Booksmarts primary to be a better way to go. That turns you into a Data-Gathering fiend (hello scientists, hello Jackdaw!), but a little weak on Scrap-finding. This may change once those skills are buyable.

All-around stat loss from becoming Un-Nerved makes it a lousy way curry favor with Inannan (and expensive to retrain); wander around until you hit the "I'm LOST!" event and then [Panic!] even if the better options are available to you. Don't be afraid to "fail" a time or two.


Active Member
Jul 30, 2016
United Kingdom
I've been having a hard time finding the new content in the public patches for a few months now, Initially I thought that maybe the content was simply variations for characters with vaginas (femboy pc here) but I can't tell any difference in what text code can be dug up through the browser. Is the public version of the game not updating correctly or have I just missed the content because I don't know what I'm looking for? The vague updates on the tfgs site are not helping.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
I've been having a hard time finding the new content in the public patches for a few months now, Initially I thought that maybe the content was simply variations for characters with vaginas (femboy pc here) but I can't tell any difference in what text code can be dug up through the browser. Is the public version of the game not updating correctly or have I just missed the content because I don't know what I'm looking for? The vague updates on the tfgs site are not helping.
Noob hasn't been coding for a bit so don't expect much for a while

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015

@Shremedy One thing I want to mention is that I don't get notifications for replies to this thread, but I do over on TFGames or F95. Also the Discord is sem-private. Patrons can join and then invite whoever they want. To get answers to your questions you might be better off asking @Nonesuch
Feb 2, 2016
I must say, domme Iannan is very enjoyable. I'm looking forward to her character developing and there being more submission levels. Of course, hasn't she (or at least the concept of her) been in the works for something like six years now? Long road, that.


Aug 27, 2015
I must say, domme Iannan is very enjoyable. I'm looking forward to her character developing and there being more submission levels. Of course, hasn't she (or at least the concept of her) been in the works for something like six years now? Long road, that.

Thanks! More levels of submission are planned, but unfortunately I have no clue when I'll be able to continue producing them.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020

LMAO! Just had to post to say 1) that's hilarious and 2) I'm enjoying the game so far. I'm really liking the real-time combat.


New Member
Dec 19, 2020
Is there a wiki or database anywhere? I played for a couple hours and just got caught in a grindy circuit of jump-click attack button-warp back with the same handful of enemies. I'm pretty sure I'm missing something but with the kind of time investment this game seems to require I'd really want to know where the things I'd want are.


Aug 27, 2015
Is there a wiki or database anywhere? I played for a couple hours and just got caught in a grindy circuit of jump-click attack button-warp back with the same handful of enemies. I'm pretty sure I'm missing something but with the kind of time investment this game seems to require I'd really want to know where the things I'd want are.

No. There's only one area right now and it's relatively straightforward to get at most of the content - although the ilzune twins' stuff is quite complex.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2019
I clicked on website and it said something about having installed files so I X'd out immediately. What did that mean? I want to play it, but I outright refuse to download anything as I avoid download games like the plague as of late.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every single time you go to a website, you download stuff. By visiting this thread your browser downloaded all of our forum avatar images and installed them to the cache, which it keeps in memory but stores on your disk. Now to be fair that depends on your browser, but still, the point is almost every browser does this so you don't have to redownload stuff.

With that said what you saw was an old cached message that's already been removed from the code.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2019
I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every single time you go to a website, you download stuff. By visiting this thread your browser downloaded all of our forum avatar images and installed them to the cache, which it keeps in memory but stores on your disk. Now to be fair that depends on your browser, but still, the point is almost every browser does this so you don't have to redownload stuff.

With that said what you saw was an old cached message that's already been removed from the code.
So it's nothing to be worried about? I'm just very skittish lately. I was forced to download the latest version of windows 10 and it broke my asus audio x.x

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
It's all good my dude, feel free to investigate yourself via the browser Developer Tools (or get some help from a friend).


New Member
Mar 12, 2022
I am absolutely enamored with this game. I was worried as it seems the last mention on Patreon in 2020 and they're not currently charging. I was searching for more information which is how I ended up here. I was are things going? With you and the game? Hope things have improved since then.

I love the writing, atmospheric music, font/UI.. It seems minor but even how the font changes things to red or green really contributed to immersion for me. I was so taken by the story that I lost time irl XD Hours just blipped right by. I really absolutely love this game and the concept you came up with here. I'm on the edge of my seat with trying to figure out what's going on and only ended up stopping to check progress to see how agonizing it'll be to wait to find out everything going on (but I am definitely up for waiting! No pressure at all, just excited.)
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Aug 27, 2015
I am absolutely enamored with this game. I was worried as it seems the last mention on Patreon in 2020 and they're not currently charging. I was searching for more information which is how I ended up here. I was are things going? With you and the game? Hope things have improved since then.

I love the writing, atmospheric music, font/UI.. It seems minor but even how the font changes things to red or green really contributed to immersion for me. I was so taken by the story that I lost time irl XD Hours just blipped right by. I really absolutely love this game and the concept you came up with here. I'm on the edge of my seat with trying to figure out what's going on and only ended up stopping to check progress to see how agonizing it'll be to wait to find out everything going on (but I am definitely up for waiting! No pressure at all, just excited.)

I'll just copy across what I posted on the discord for posterity:

That's very kind of you to say, but it's over as far as I'm concerned. I'm working long term on other things now and couldn't extract myself from that even if I wanted to. Noob's situation changed last year such that he no longer had the free time to code this thing, and he wasn't willing to bring someone else in to do it. Am I happy about that? No, not really. Cloud 10 really was my dream project and there was so much more I wanted to do with it - with Iannan, with its world and characters. I wanted to collaborate with the creative people I've gotten to know through this work to do expansively erotic things. I regard what's there as nothing more than a half-finished foundation, and it is a very bitter thing that this has become another dead end for the character it was all originally set up to tell the story of, Hand So. However, it was Noob's backing and programming acumen that made the whole thing possible in the first place. If he can't do it he can't do it. It's that simple.

Honestly if it ever became possible to get the engines running again I'd come back and pick C10 up again, of course I would. But we should be realistic and say there's dozens of games out there that got abandoned before they really got going and it's almost certainly not going to happen. There isn't any bad blood between me and Noob - he was very generous in his support of me for quite some time and I recognise that in his field time constraints are a constantly changing thing. There was a difference in opinion though in terms of the game's scope that coloured his decision to pull the plug. That's a very common problem that I'm striving now not to replicate.

Thank you to all who happen to be reading this or ever had their head in the clouds for your support. It was a nice thing while it lasted.