Claw based combat


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Well, on the other hand I could apply this to unarmed combat, too. But this would probably need more balancing and rewriting. Additionally percentage checks, if a Stun, Poison or whatever applies should either have a modified chance (lowered, of course ;)) or only be checked once per round or twice with Double Attack.

Aside of that: I want to make combat with different races more interesting, than just mashing the attack button.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah combat more interesting is good but we all need remember that this is still sex game so some people will try mash base attack to get to smut -_-' At least those that want some decent rpg elements can value our work too. Yeah well then I hope you come with some interesing ideas for claw attacks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Yeah, agreed. I've just decided to make both an option.

About bat and wyvern three-fingered combat: Either I could leave the DMG-penalty out or I could just give them more ATP with claws instead of a weapon. M. Bolt would be unnaffected anyway. And holding a shield shoudn't be affected by your wing-arms, too.
One idea would be: Wyverns Fingers would grow a bit longer and thicker, too, so they could still fight normally without any penalties.

[Edit:] Oh and I just forgot to say: I had the idea, that Lamias Claw-Poison could be seductive instead of being just poisonous. But I threw that idea away, because I'm terrible at writing that. However: Either I'll copy it from somewhere else or I leave the text as a stub, hoping, that someone would volunteer to write it.
The same seductive effect could apply to manders fiery claw attack. I mean ... rawr ^^ Uhm @Savin: Any objections?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
About lamia poison well in CoC most if not all cases of poison aren't poisonous but actualy rising lust instead. Probably can be blamed on that whole realm is all about lust too among few other things not dying in pain. For mander claws you mean just somehow giving enemy lust effect or this one plus fire dmg?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Okay, this makes things easier ^^ I don't have much experience with poisonous attacks, since IMHO nagas are kinda weak/boring (only 3 TFs: tongue + fangs + lower body).

And about the mander claws: Both fire dmg and seductive. :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
T-Rex na Kanojo!!! <3

Yeah well I actualy like quite much all three main dino-girls that showing up there quite often. Well t-rex girl herself, her raptor friend and her ankylonosaur-girl coworker (not wanna mess all there names now so jsut menationing their species). Probably if I ever made some jurrasic like area for Xianxia mod I would place this three types of dino-morph species there ^^


Well there are some poison dmg attacks in CoC (perk Medicine or smth like that which allow PC resist been poisoned exist) but so much more times I seen posions actualy just case lust dmg. Need look actualy to be sure but if you treat those claw attacks as dealiing lust dmg due to aphrodisiac-like poison for lamia it won;t be so out of place. Especial its lamia we talking about. Naga species in game got quite effective ways to deal lust dmg to enemy so this one way of handling claw attack not fall much out of way naga/lamia fight anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Yeah well I actualy like quite much all three main dino-girls that showing up there quite often. Well t-rex girl herself, her raptor friend and her ankylonosaur-girl coworker (not wanna mess all there names now so jsut menationing their species). Probably if I ever made some jurrasic like area for Xianxia mod I would place this three types of dino-morph species there ^^

Raptor - Trica.

Anklo- Kram.

T-Rex - Churio.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Raptor - Trica.

Anklo- Kram.

T-Rex - Churio.

Yeah I see fellow fan of T-Rex na Kanojo!!! I wish this manga was new chaps added faster than current speed of releases (since first time I found it and it was only few chapter less than current one amount I read all in one go and then suffered of "i want more" syndrome ^^)

@Ormael: Now that I see it: With link to the MGE I meant this:
Had to fire up google to find the MGE ^^

Ahh sorry. Though you meant those pics that looks like pages with each of the species entry in book not page for this species on their wiki -_-'

Mea Culpa


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Ahh sorry. Though you meant those pics that looks like pages with each of the species entry in book not page for this species on their wiki -_-'

Mea Culpa

Errare Humanum Est ;)

btw: I plan to open a separate thread to discuss potential new races for CoC-Revamp. If a race discussion has matured enough, I'll open a seperate new thread for that. Writing this will take some time, so please bear with me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Yeah I see fellow fan of T-Rex na Kanojo!!! I wish this manga was new chaps added faster than current speed of releases (since first time I found it and it was only few chapter less than current one amount I read all in one go and then suffered of "i want more" syndrome ^^)

I know the feeling...but luckily I have a list of at least 20+ manga that I can read as they get updated. <3

Although the last one to be updated was on the 29th..


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I know the feeling...but luckily I have a list of at least 20+ manga that I can read as they get updated. <3

Although the last one to be updated was on the 29th..

Yeah I got maybe 30+ list of manga I read and...around 20+ list of chinese light novels I read so I always behind on catching up to all manga/LN I reading ^^

@Stadler Won't it better to make general thread about races to be added to any mod not just Revamp? So everyine that making mods for CoC could without well asking if you not mind could pick up from those races to include it itno their mods.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I think the thread would just be a think-tank for various races. Directed to CoC Revamp doesn't mean other mods excluded. Its just, that different mods have different approaches for new races and TFs. Mixing that up would be kinda confusing and only the thread starter aka first post will be focused on how to do it in CoC Revamp. Not the whole discussion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok a fair points. Well then expect when you made first post I will drop ideas for possible race that will be included into Xianxia. I think you won't be against me adding them to disscussion in that thread.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Heres a pic of how i see a harpy with clawed fingers (CLAWS_HARPY) could look like:

My approach to the TF would be:
Step 1: Gain Harpy Arms: Will remove claws,
Step 2: Your Harpy Arms grow claws now.

Why 2 steps? Well, I think it adds more fluff, when your arms first TF to that of a harpy and that your hands become taloned after that. Maybe I'll even require more harpy bodyparts (e. g. wings + feet) to gain harpy talons. :)

Ok, now to start working on my race think-tank.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ahh harpy ones arm... that reminds me that you could well technicaly put phoenix arms+claws as well on list of claws that are in wuxia. They would probably have something between of salamander and harpy claws effects.

For race think-tank I hope there will be in incoming days some thread to forum-wide disscusion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Since we talking about claw here i ought to mention I included a claw tail mace combo within gargoyle possible rotation.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Do you mean a Tail Slam for Gargoyle tails?

Gargoyle posess no less then 3 attack move

claw:better then auto has cooldown

Tail slam: better damage then auto stun and armor break has cooldown

wing buffet: light damage stun for 1 round has cooldown

Point is to have player alternate between those moves like a combo set
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As far as gargoyle claws goes this is a cooldown attack that deals way better damage then weapon but takes a few round to recharge
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Gargoyle posess no less then 3 attack move

I disagree with that. If you fight bare clawed you should be able to use them every round without having the attack button disabled every two out of three rounds. People actually want to mash the attack button from time to time.

However, you could modify this, that this has an extra effect (e. g. armor pierce) with a cooldown in addition to make more damage, than just normal fists. This way you'll always scratch your foes with your claws, but the extra effect would have a cooldown.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Look i dont mean to be rude but those cooldowns are by definition stronguer then your regular attack if i made it a spammable button youd just stop using weapon altogueter and do the entire fight using physical ability instead

rotation look as

Tail slam, Claw, Weapon, Wing buffet, Weapon, weapon, Tail slam - repeat

Claw is a burst cooldown ability not a simple auto attack. yea im making it a little rpg like but thats the point i want the player to feel like they are a wild beast smashing monster and people around with random natural weapon instead of just spamming the claw attack all day long pretending to be riptor and doing over 200 claw combo.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
;_; D'Oh, you're replying too fast. Just wanted to edit my post :p

I just wanted to suggest, that the claw attack would then do less damage, while its on cooldown but will still read: "You attack your foe with your claws". This would stell allow users to mash their attack button, but would encourage them to use the rotation you intend.

[Edit:] (I hope, your not replying already...) I actually want to put away my weapon, not needing it anymore, because I have claws.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well claw wouldnt make sense to just be a reg attack its actualy to be used as a superior alternative to the regular attack once every x turn, Me and ormael did test this to make sure claw did hit harder then the regular weapon by a few hundreds and it does however its cooldown is kinda long to amount for it.

I mean i easily see gargoyle as the big ass stony monster with a empty hand a big stone sword a pair of wing and a mace like tail smashing at you with its entire body
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Well, this was never my intention for claw based combat. Claws should be an alternative to weapons. If you hold a weapon or a shield in your hand, you can't use your claws, unless you want to sheath and unsheath every three rounds.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Oh in the case of gargoyle your prety much double mauling a guy with your stone claws... that hurt quite a lot
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I get your point, but the main problem I have, is that wielding a weapon and attacking with your claws a the same time won't work, since you have to open your hands to attack with them, thus resulting in dropping your weapon the moment you claw your foe. So you actually don't have that much of a choice to put your weapon away. The next problem is, what to do with your claws at cooldown? My suggestion would be simply reducing the attack power, when they are on cooldown, because they hurt for example after making a big scratch in your foes skin/armor and you'll be more cautious, when using them consecutively, while they're still on cooldown.

The attack message could even read: "[...] dealing (106) damage [...] Maybe you should use a different attack, while your claws are still recovering from your last attack with them". The (relatively) very low attack damage and the message, would then tell the user to reconsider using a rotation. Hammering the 'Claw Attack' button would still be allowed, but with a big damage loss compared to using the intended attack rotation.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well that claw attack to be precise is only possible when PC using npo large type weapon (aka not using both hands to hold weapon) and not hold shield in off-hand. So in such setup of wepaon in main hand and offhand free that claw attack is actualy PC using offhand hand to do the work while it other weapon with weapon actualy doing nothing in meantime ^^