Character Classes :First Impresions

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
Tested it again and it doesn't heal Cait either. The healing would show up in the combat log if it was working right? There's none of it, just Cait's Healing Light and Healer's Hands.
Yeah it was bugged. I changed the name of the status effect for it as part of the combat rework but forgot to change the name in the checks for proccing it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
It only heals allies, as in, not the person performing the dance.

... huh. Apparantly Cait carried me *HARD*

How the everloving fuck do I keep losing as a thief then? Especially after Savin told me how to win with it... I think the class hates me in particular


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Okay, gave warrior a try just to see if I could cut the hype... wound up SOLOING the boss as the first two turns Cait was taken out with me just using the sustain and missing with thundering blow. My human warrior then proceeded to wreck him with alternating skills.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Okay, gave warrior a try just to see if I could cut the hype... wound up SOLOING the boss as the first two turns Cait was taken out with me just using the sustain and missing with thundering blow. My human warrior then proceeded to wreck him with alternating skills.

The problem with trying to use the intro to gauge the powers of the classes is that different enemy builds will pose challenges to different classes. Most introductions tend to favor the tanky meaty warriors at first at least. But you might find that you have to specialize later on to defeat certain enemies. Although, I find it promising that the 2nd game seems a little more challenging than the first. Admittedly, once the leveling mechanic is in play we might find that with grinding we can pretty much steamroll the game anyways. Part of the Class balancing comes out from the enemy encounters you put in the game too. I've seen cases where developers of games overcompensate (overbalance) and it makes the gameplay easy with minimal efforts to grinding.

I'm eager to see some real areas to test drive the different classes when they are ready. That should show us how well they're designed at this point. Although I'd say the warriors probably have the early game advantage.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Always remember that the game is balanced around a party of 3. Not only will multiclassing (of a kind) be in place, but you are supposed to pick your party members not just on which waifu/husbando you like best, but how they complement your style. Companions tend to be more extreme in their archetypes than the champion for this reason.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Always remember that the game is balanced around a party of 3. Not only will multiclassing (of a kind) be in place, but you are supposed to pick your party members not just on which waifu/husbando you like best, but how they complement your style. Companions tend to be more extreme in their archetypes than the champion for this reason.

Instructions unclear, made party full of waifus

(though Cait being both hot *and* a healer is going to help immensily in party building...)

But in all seriousness, I will infact make a party exclusively based on who I actually like. I am not going to use a partymember I find unsexy or annoying, just because they know how to beatstick in a particular way.

If I got multiple choices, then I'll see about actually making a competent party


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
You will be able to switch to other classes and learn their moves. They are updating the classes and customizing mastered classes will be available to you later in the game. This is not a tits clone. Their doing a couple similar things because it's a good system, which they will be altering a little more for the theme.


I know I came off a bit harsh, but I'm taking back some of what I said earlier, I do hope it's great but like the name of my favorite song, Only time will tell if it gets better or takes some form of a nose dive, I only hope for it to get better and don't mean to insult anyone.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
Another thing to remember is that tease attacks don't exist yet, so classes that might be better suited to defeating enemies in the tutorial that way obviously can't.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Wishing I lived in Sweden
I will infact make a party exclusively based on who I actually like. I am not going to use a partymember just because they know how to use a beatstick in a particular way.

If I have options, then I'll see about actually making a competent party

Especially if there's going to be party banter or the opportunity to unlock certain scenes by having my favorites with me, I'm going to adjust my approach and mechanics to fit whatever weird ass team comp I end up with lol. This is assuming, of course, that we wont have any control over how our companions develop. If we do... EZ game, EZ life.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
But in all seriousness, I will infact make a party exclusively based on who I actually like. I am not going to use a partymember I find unsexy or annoying, just because they know how to beatstick in a particular way.
Seconded. I've got a long history of playing RPGs with parties made up of the people I like the most, and I'm not going to stop now. :p I don't care if they're optimized or not, I want to save the world with my best friends/fuckbuddies at my side.

But I am glad that there's going to be a bunch of different options for PC class customization, so I can fill in any holes (heh) in my party's comp with some training.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I wonder will there be other classes added in like silly classes and cool classes to ascend to? Like having a class that uses throwing dynamite as a martial art? or a class that's good at mixing potions and has a special move of throwing them and bombs at people, but that could just be the mage class. But if not that I hope there are some good classes that get added in later.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I wonder will there be other classes added in like silly classes and cool classes to ascend to? Like having a class that uses throwing dynamite as a martial art? or a class that's good at mixing potions and has a special move of throwing them and bombs at people, but that could just be the mage class. But if not that I hope there are some good classes that get added in later.

The five classes you start as are the only classes there's ever going to be.

You can get themed sets of powers, applicable to any class, though.