Buying common resources?


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
So as the title says, will there be any plans to allow the player to buy stuff like wood, stone and metal? A lot of the content that needs those things feel kinda like empty grinding for the sake of grinding. The new Wayfort upgrade for example, as well as the kitsune homestead just causes the player to stand in the same area pressing explore over and over again to gather the things needed for the upgrades. Obviously buying them shouldn't be cheap by any means, since it allows the player to skip out on the grinding. And players who would prefer to save the money, can still grind for it, while those who won't have the option of skipping that grind at the expense of coin. It seems like a fair trade to me, but I also understand if they won't make that an option. The main reason I'm asking, is because it's boring as hell to just repeat the explore option over and over again for ages on end. I feel like the pristine wood is the worst offender of the bunch, being the one that take the longest to gather in my opinion. Getting the stone and metal at least allows you to earn a pretty penny while you're at it, but no such luck with the wood since it's from they very beginning area of the game-
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
I'm just gonna leave this here.
My main concern, is whether this is something that'll stay after you're done with the Fort so you can buy it for other things like the kitsune homestead as I said. It's nice to be able to buy all of these things for the fort, but the fort is by no means the only place where a ton of things are needed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2021
From what the text reads (and from some testing) looks like all permanent vendors will continue to sell them. So Minotaur gate guards, Ambra's rotating stock, and the traveling caravan will have them post quest.
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