Butt bugs


Nov 12, 2015
Would you be good with grammar comments, or do you want those to hold off?

Also, not sure if this is more for expansion territory, but I'd love to see more use of the aphrodisiac agent the worms produce. It's a perfect little element for lubing during scenes, and could be a fun, rare attack to have in battles. Maybe even a variant that has normal egg laying capabilities, but is constantly wet with the occasional flavor text of its globules running down your leg.

Oh, and have you considered having an embedded female interact with the player when it senses they are fighting a male bug, similar to how attached Mimbranes will fuck with Steele when fighting Mimbranes? Like it'd make fighting them while infected a little tougher while your ass is jumping around, bug asshole doing what it can to try and either turn the player on or just fuck with them.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Maybe more eggs, bigger eggs or faster egg making? maybe a perk where it makes your ass/hips bigger every time an egg is laid but eggs take longer to prevent hugeness? idek lol.

It could be called "Butt Breeder", halving all pregnancy times, normal females lay more eggs and making the overproductive one lay eggs more frequently while making it likely that the large one possibly laying more than one egg. I'm trying not to include ass size increase but I'll accept it if it is unavoidable as having a large ass or hip width isn't really that fun IMHO, it has its place but its not really my greatest fetish.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Grammar fixes?
Use more aphrosdisiacs, maybe more females?
More female involvement in fights?

I'm good with grammar comments, no one is perfect with their spelling at first or even second draft.

I could add an aggressive female if I decide to expand, one that is much more active in being your parasite than the rest that'll defend its host if need be(pull down your pants and aim basically). As for using the aphrodisiac agent more I could add a particularly ooze filled reminder that boosts your lust a lot more than the rest, besides there are a few mentions of the aphro causing increased sensitivity in some of the victory scenes and are much more prevalent in the planned content for the loss scenes. I'll try to make their biology for present in scenes where they could be added.

The way this is made is that you fight a mystery gender enemy of which the sex is determined after battle by a 50/50 randomizer, this is to save up on coding an extra enemy and means that having it mess with you during combat isn't really going to be possible on account if the inability to know if it is male during the fight. There could be added a 50/50 percent chance of it either messing with you throughout the fight or it keeping your lusts down for that fight but otherwise I don't know how this'll be easily added at this point in time.
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Nov 12, 2015
Just to be clear, would you like proofreading, or would you rather I wait? heh, sorry

Yea, I just really get into the idea of the critters potentially being really leaky and moist, and playing around with that element. The mimbranes participating in battles and all the ways that can potentially go wrong for you have always been a factor I enjoy is all. I'd definitely get a kick if there were some way to drop down the pants on their own or something XD. Something I'm not clear on: do they disappear up your butt, or is the player left with what looks like a protruding butthole that actually belongs to the bug?

And I didn't mean to stress the bit about them only fighting the player when a male is nearby. It'd be fine enough if it was just against any of their species that they detect. Main idea was just to have them heighten the danger of the encounter by being a pest. Shake the player's ass around, drool aphrodisiac, spastically dilate the anus... An excuse to make them more active than they ever would be normally. I'd imagine whatever setup the mibranes have to accomplish this could be mimicked for the butt bugs.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
What butt look like now and dat pants drop tho?
Literally fuck you internally sideways at presence of dick?

Since I'm kinda rewriting some of the scenes while working on some new ones I wouldn't mind having a proofreader every time I finish one before adding it to the public form of the doc.

They poke out just enough to look like they replace your butthole, majority of finer parasite details in codex to be added soonish. Maybe some tentacle type feelers could be added to their biology so they can "accidentally" drop your lower garments themselves in public or on purpose in battle, all good fun but what does this mean for the scenes I kinda already have a good bit of progress for? Oh well, some minor edits and blurbs aren't that bad.

Maybe they can make use of the enemy gender tags, increase your lust around dicks and help you fight around pussy. Bit of a double edged sword around herms.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Lactaid milk tank allows you to store a shit tonne of milk in your chest, yeah? Maybe the first perk of buttbug symbeosis could be that the buttbug will not longer increase ass size above a relativly small value (maybe 4). In any case, i'm really hoping to see some sort of symbeosis perk eventualy.


Nov 12, 2015
Alright, I gave your document a thorough thrashing of suggestions. Hopefully it's more positive than painful! Your biggest problem seems to be a reliance on comma splices. Here's hoping this help improves the stuff you have outside the doc and in the future, too! I still really love the idea and would love to see you take it all the way. Some further embellishing of details would be great, too!

I like the idea of potentially having some feelers for them to interact with. I don't know if this is too crazy, but what if they had control of the player's cheeks, too? Force em closed or spread 'em wide, flex them around to shift the player's armor around maybe. The bugs already seem to be able to rely mental suggestions for egg-laying and such, so it doesn't seem too big a stretch to me. At least it'd be a fun thing to play with for more flavor scenes. Maybe get your hand trapped in your cheek's grasp while poking at your bug butt for a second, or it shakes your pants down low enough to expose your ass crack, trying to get some attention.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
(statement of doing stuff)

Wow... you've really torn me a new one, changes shall be made! To be honest I kinda expected this with the majortiy of my writing throughout the week being done late at night. The newly edited codex can be expected by the end of my monday, don't know when that'll be for you guys so take that with a grain of salt.

I've decided that adding feelers to their biology will open up so many doors that have been closed on me, their base idea was a bit limited anyway. Imagine a quad of tentacle feelers with little grabbers at the ends, coming out of either end of the female when needed.

The unfertilized birthing of the large egg is a bit weird and I'm sorry about that, should've been more specific. Since one of the ass like orifices is sticking out a little your own anal ring is still clenching down on the bit that is sticking out, this causes some issues passing the large egg as on account of the pressing down the female's entrance is slightly smaller than it needs to be to easily pass the egg thus requiring you to put a little effort into passing the egg rather than relying solely on the female's passing power to birth it. This could be removed and retyped so that it states the female is forcing you open farther than you could have ever thought possible to birth her egg through both of your canals, could be supported by a blurb in the codex stating that they have more than enough muscles to force open even the tightest of butt holes.


Nov 12, 2015
I get a little enthusiastic when I fall in love with a unique idea that doesn't have wide appeal from the outset! Helping with writing and ideas is always a treat for me in instances like this, but if you ever want some breathing room from the onslaught of comma splice corrections, just let me know! The last thing I'd want to do is smother you to the point of disinterest.

The feelers definitely give you the opportunity to make them more active post-parasitism should you feel you want to explore that! Could also imagine a pretty intricate scene of someone trying to eat out the player's ass with those things coming out and pressing their head further in~

And your little description makes that scene a lot more clear, now. I thought it was clearing through the bug, but not the player's hole. That's definitely my favorite of the egg-laying scenarios, so it's probably why I pictured it with more fervor! You're really onto something with requiring the player to still have to cooperate with the bug in times like that, as they can't open as wide or as smoothly as they'd like when the player's stuck clenching. I'm an absolute sucker for details like that or just dripping sensation speak in general.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Sorry for the late post but I finally got around to posting the codex in the doc, don't know why my internet's been giving me crap. Anyway, I'm currently rewriting existing scenes to include the female's new biological addition. I have also tried to refrain from using run on sentences as that seems to be my main writing issue, while writing at least. Kirbu has been doing an excellent job at pointing out my mistakes, if he missed something feel free to add.

Some things have been added to expansion ideas as well, the likelihood of them being followed through is determined by top being most likely and bottom being least likely and probably a long shot. Resolved about half of the proof reading comments or at least half of what it was before the codex was added.


Nov 12, 2015
Great work on the codex. Left you more edits and some other comments. Watch those comma splices, too!


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
As my first act of legal necromancy I shall declare that after some excruciating rewrites the willing parasitization of the female is finally done and in the doc for all to observe. There might be a few mistakes, maybe a coding error, most probably a few spelling or grammar issues but the good news is that those are all easily fixable. Sorry for basically making some of you guys wait two weeks for an update.

For those that do not know that the link to the doc is available on the first page in one of my comments I shall post it here again.

How is this coming along? I liked the sound of it
As for your inquiry, it's going great. I don't know why people quit their projects in the middle of it when they were doing so good but oh well, if life or disinterest does not allow them to finish it then who am I to judge.

On the subject of other unfinished docs I've been chatting to Kirbu in doc about a few projects that most were looking forward to but never actually got finished. The most notable of which are the parasitic clothes and the spermacrozoa and have decided that after I'm done with butt bugs I'm going to be kick starting some of them. I don't do writing professionally but do want to see some derelict projects get finished, I think it's a sad thing to leave a good idea to die. If you know of any other good ideas that never saw the light of completion shoot them my way and I'll see if I can add it to my list of to do's after I'm finished here.


Jan 29, 2016
I just finished reading through the butt-bug doc and wanted to say that it's looking really good, the hard work and dedication you've put into it really shows.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I just finished reading through the butt-bug doc and wanted to say that it's looking really good, the hard work and dedication you've put into it really shows.

Thank you, I try to put effort into my work. If you've seen them before edits the first drafts of scenes were a bit atrocious, I have Kirbu and the occasional anon to thank for their proofreading.

Still got a lot to work to do for the post loss and parasitism stage, everything male and victory related should be done by next week if life doesn't fuck me over.


Oct 30, 2016
Do we have any inklings on when this is going to be moved to the Event Submissions forum as a [WIP]?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Do we have any inklings on when this is going to be moved to the Event Submissions forum as a [WIP]?

I suppose I can move it once the male victory and masturbation scenes are done, been meaning to move it anyway but didn't want to do so without some kind of announcement of progress.

Okay I've decided, last update to this thread shall be done on monday and then updates will continue in submissions from then on.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
You know what? Fuck my schedule, fuck it in the ass, sideways, with a crowbar. Work came outta nowhere this weekend. Ah well such is life, it took the majority of monday to do a little bit of progress with the male and I'm sorry I couldn't do more. Anyway, this is the last update in the idea threads. All further updates shall be posted in the submissions thread in a [WIP] sub thread I'll be making there. Man I gotta finish the male after I'm done here.