Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
DM Post

The sun settled high and proud overhead, bearing down on all who were unfortunate enough to get caught in its sweltering heat, and establishing reign over all that its rays could touch through the regal, golden light. One such set of poor souls stood below. A galleon vessel, seafaring as the day she was built, bobbed nonchalantly along through the murky blue ocean. On its deck, a mismatched crew of sailors, subordinates, and sleazes all stood, sweating as they toiled at their own paces. Even so, as many broke their backs swabbing the deck, manning the oars, or making their rounds, they were hardly the most "unfortunate" of the souls about the place.

Just below the deck, swabbed to perfection by errand boys a-plenty, existed a place far less glamorous. Prisoners had been stowed away like cargo, forced into cramped quarters that were about as desolate as they were small. No matter how the higher-ups of the boat tried and tried to keep the place clean, the faint stench of sex persisted like a curse. Moans, screams, and cries alike slipped out in all directions through the thin walls and barred gates that clients and whores were provided in their time together. A brothel ship needs its merchandise after all, and there was no brothel more wretched nor with more to spare than the infamous Geeldes Traveling Brothel.

Now, during the early lunchtime hours, Hatiith Geeldes, the king himself, meandered fearlessly about his domain. He was not a tall man, slouching down to a meager five-foot-six, and bent slightly upon a cane at that. The tabby cat's orange fur, striped with white, caught the golden light well, while a lone canary feather, jetting out from his wide-brimmed hat, bore fruit as evidence of his cleverness. The dull and incessant "thunk... thunk" of his wooden cane always announced his presence long before he could arrive, and slowly, as he made his way below deck and down the long stretch of hallway, he passed every last one of his slaves without a glance nor care in the world as he approached the canteen.

Lunchtime was orderly, and the system was simple. A third of the whores currently ate within the canteen, another third would do the same in half an hour, just as the final third would a half hour after that. Hatiith was not a kind man, but he knew that the bare-minimum indulgence of social lunchtime settings would do well to keep the slaves a hair's breadth from revolt. During this time, brothelmates are either at lunch, given the chance to eat and chat quietly under the watchful eye of guards, with a client, expected to cater to each and every sexual whim of their temporary buyers, or in their cells, alone, and to their own devices.

The harrowing "thunk" of the beast outside moved excruciatingly slow for Milo. He didn't dare bring his eyes to peer out of his cell, fearing the face of any captor who may have stared back. Knees to his chest, and tail swishing nervously behind him, Milo kept his gaze firmly focused on the wall, breathing hard, and doing anything to calm him own fears as he sat on the floor. This was a daily thing for the demur cougar man. Ever since the first few clients had their way with him, he was reduced to an anxious, shuddering mess. A weaker-willed being such as him would be broken in with time, but in the present, he faced the hardest time for a brothel whore: the first few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
New Jersey
Drakon sit quietly in his cell not caring about the "thunk" as it went by and just remembering the years he had spent at the Drago-kin capital training under his adopted father Vortox and spending moxt of his free time with the only person who understood him. Thira Valtor a female drago-kin who he know sense he was young. Smiling at the tought of her, he closed his eyes and tried to picture her face but he could not. After so long on this ship he started to forget those who he cared for most. 'It's been a fucked up 8 months' he thinks to himself.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
On his stomach, Xerlai laid on the hard wooden floor of his cell looking for all the world to be unconscious. His breathing may have been calm, steady, and tranquil, but the marks and fluids coming from his body told a different story. Coming from between his hand filling butt cheeks was a steady flow of thick sperm. The fur of his lower back was streaked and hardened with the same sperm, some wet and some dry. The base of his ears were swollen and if it wasn't for the slate colored fur and hair one might see the redden skin underneath. Lastly, the fur on his right shoulder, or rather the fur that was once their, was removed, seemingly ripped out. On his bare skin clearly visible due to the absence of hair were welp marks and long vertical scratches that bled slightly. None of these were signs that the sexual experience from which he was recently carried from unconscious was good, at least not for him.

As he breathed, a white bubble started to form between his slightly ajar lips. When the bubble was inflated enough with his cum reeked breath it made a barely audible 'pop.' Perhaps it was this sound that woke Xerlai up but as he came to he groaned. The thump thump of the ship's leader had yet to reach his mind. The Wolpertinger opened his eye lids just barely to reveal black eyes to the world. He glanced down at the floor that his cheek was pressed against and the adjacent cells to his. He saw no one in the cells because his mind was suddenly preoccupied with images of the sexual encounter he just had. The person to purchase him was a large ape man who was ungodly strong, domineering, and a sadist.

Xerlai, coming from his brief musing, smiled weakly and sighed a sigh of relief. He had survived to tell the tale. It was at this realization that the thud of Hatiith Geeldes' cane could be heard. He winced as his swept back ears instinctively tried to prick up to investigate the sound. The memory of the ape man's constant habit of pulling back on his ears while in a doggy position rose for a brief second. He willed his ears down and found relief not only in the now receding pain but also in the fact he was recently used. Hatiith couldn't possibly make him go back at it again with a customer...unless that customer was the ape man again wanting another round with Xerlai. The slate and black creature froze on the floor, hoping the Captain of the ship would keep walking.

Thankfully he did and when the cane got far enough away Xerlai was aware that he was holding his breath and let it go. When he was able to calm the fear in his mind further he observed his surroundings again. There was a familiar dragon morph on the other side of the bars. Xerlai vaguely remembered his name being Drakon. The bunny like creature then looked in front of him so that his chin was resting on the ground. In the cage across the walkway from him was a cougar morph who he recognized but had no name to put to him. Xerlai knew both of the individuals near him were relatively new. "Well gentlemen," he said in a exhausted breathy way, "we live another day." With that he closed his eyes and contented himself on what could be heard of the waves with all the moaning and screaming going on elsewhere in the ship.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Jade tries to catch her breath on the ground. She was still hog-tied, and had just been dropped straight onto the floor after another futile breaking session. Her balls are covered in red, painful and slightly swollen marks, and a pair of oversized dildos lay on the ground behind her, having just exited her gaping love-tunnels. She can't even see which direction she's facing. Only her nose and mouth are allowed to be free in this leathery get-up. She retches and coughs up some semen from her latest served "client". Atleast he, or she, hadn't been packing a monster between their legs, but it still didn't make her feel any better about her situation. They want to endlessly try to break her spirit, and waste all that time and energy? So be it. She can do nothing but wait helplessly on the floor.

The sounds of her "owner"'s cane against the wooden floor sends her blood pumping, fueled by sheer hatred and rage. Despite her disorientation, she struggles against her bindings.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Rebecca stood naked at the cage-like door of her cell resting her arms against the bars and her head upon her arms. She stood with her legs spread and her ass thrust out behind her as she concentrated on the magic of one of her spells. A pressure could be felt building inside her stomach before making its way down into her loins and finally into her pussy and out her vagina. The telltale distortion of the air, similar to a heat shimmer, that identified telekinetic energy pushed out of her pussy in a continuous stream, bringing with it a constant flow of thick sticky cum that fell from her gaping pussy in large globs to hit the floor with a loud splat. She was immeasurably glad that she had doped out how to use her minor telekinesis spell to clean out the contents of her womb and pussy. It was the only reason that she hadn't been knocked up in all the time she'd been on the blasted ship.

As she finished cleaning herself out, the steady thump of Hatiith's cane caused her to look up as he came to pass her cell. "Well, well, the slum lord descends from on high to mingle with the commoners," she said, bowing her head in mock supplication. "What brings you down to the stables today, Hatiith? Does kitty want another helping of milk?" Rebecca stood up straight and grasped her top two breasts, giving them a firm squeeze until the milk within began to drip from her nipples to mix with the cum splattered on the floor.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
New Jersey
Hearing someone talking snaps Drakon out of his day dreams and he looks for the speaker. He recognizes the speaker as Xerlai who has been here much longer than Drakon has. Drakon flexes his claws as he stands and walks over to the bars griping them and replies.

"Agreed. Though I've been threw worse."

He then raises an eyebrow at Rebecca's comment to the king and holds back a snicker.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"What?" The nervous tone of Milo made itself known, and immediately, he winced. His own timid voice came out louder than anticipated and simultaneously snapped him from his trance. He'd been trying to avoid looking at poor Xerlai. Every bit of the encounter with the ape man had been heard by him, bile rising in his throat as he thought back to the event and the lurid sounds that came with it. Milo was afraid for himself, true, but he knew that his fellow brothelmates had had it much harder. He was thankful for how luck and the clients alike had treated him thus far, as thankful as a sex slave could be, at least. The worst he'd had to endure was a mild black eye from his capture, and a semi-incessant cum stain in the soft fur around his stretched ass. Regardless, he couldn't stop himself from sneaking a peek at Xerlai, though the regretful decision made him wince again. "Oh no..." He said aloud, eyes wide, and unaware to the fact that he hadn't even responded properly to his fellow brothelmate's statement.


Hatiith did not stop as he reached Rebecca's cell, but he did have the grace to turn and acknowledge her. For a moment, his face was blank, before twisting to a jeer as he laughed. A quick, haggard hiss, and then another gave way to his amusement, before the telltale thud of his cane kept on at a steady pace, wood creaking under his feet. He spared her no words, and in time, he reached and entered the canteen.

Meanwhile, try as she might to struggle from her binds, the ropes that held Jade stayed firmly intact, surely rubbing her wrists quite uncomfortably. However, fueled by her adrenaline, her amplified senses caught the sound of something curious nearby. During the brief moments in which Xerlai pricked up his ears, he heard it too, while Rebecca was able to catch only a whisper of the sound: coming from the canteen, a small altercation between brothel staff seemed to have broken out. The deep, demanding voice of Lucia, a chimera beast, whose greed matched her own malice and then some, was in a verbal clash against Xian, a minotauran oarsman. They were torn between loyalties, the latter insistent on fulfilling his duties to Hatiith, and the former loyal only to herself. Milo, caught up in his complex, heard nothing of their conversation, while Drakon's focus on Rebecca's statement had barred him from noticing as well.

[first perception roll, hence why some characters heard and some didnt]


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Jade sighs and tries to roll over, closer to the direction of the sound. Just trying to move her legs causes the painful lashing marks on her scrotum to flare up, causing her much grief. Atleast it keeps her from getting horny, and suffering the agony of an erection pushing against a metal cage. Damnit, and those fat jugs they loaded her with aren't making it any easier!


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
New Jersey
Watching the king leave Drakon shakes his head and walks back to were he was sitting and rests his head against the wall of his cell. He closes his eyes and traces his most recent scar.

Which was given to him by a bandit 8 months ago when he and 6 of his kin were on a quest. When they encountered the bandits hideout they planned to attack the hideout but they were expected. For over an hour Drakon and his kin were slowly taken down one by one until Drakon was the only one left. Surrounded by the bodies of his kin. His sword and armor drenched in blood his and the bandits. He slew another 3 until he was finally brought diwn and left for dead.

As he traces it he snarls in disgust as he is reminded of his failure to his kin and his father. At his reminder he is overcome with anger and he slams his hand against the wall of his cell. He could still see his kins bodies layer out on the ground covered in blood and with looks of pain and surprise on their faces.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Looking over to the cell across from hers, Rebecca saw Jade still hog-tide on the floor. She had to admit she didn't think the fox girl was too bad, even if they rarely got to spend time together, and decided to do her a favor. Reaching out with her magic, she gently lifted the blindfold up off of her eyes, and managed to loosen the gag in her mouth. "Hey, cutie, what have you been up to today?" she said with a smile.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She jerks her head a little to make the gag fall all the way out, resting against a collar on her neck with the tag "Jade". "Hanged from the ceiling, had my every hole stuffed dick or toys, had my balls lashed with whips and then left to stew on the floor. Pretty normal day..." She replies in an unamused tone. "Thanks for letting me see, atleast..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Sorry, foxy lady, I'd untie you if I could, but I doubt that my little mage hand spell will be able to do much to those knots," said Rebecca. "Anyway, sounds like ol' puss in boots has a bit of a bit of a split in the ranks to iron out, so maybe we'll at least get some time to ourselves today."


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Xerlai wasn't quite sure what brought him from his lovely moment of enjoying the waves. It was probably Milo's and Drakon's replies or the laughter from Hatiith. The latter sent a shiver down his spine, causing his limp wings to shake slightly on his back. He watched as the Captain walked away from Rebecca and cursed her under his breath. Why wasn't she letting him leave, letting him get out of all their sights? When the "slumlord" did leave Xerlai watched him. Watching him, Drakon's angry actions in his own cell, escaped the Wolpertinger's noticed and so to did Rebecca and jade's interaction. Xerlai winced again when he noticed his ears were perked up but did not let them down. Something was going on apparently between Lucia and Xian. "Oi lads," he said to his 4 brothelmates, eyes still on the Captain's back though what he was about to say was about the two arguing crew mates in the canteen. "What do we know about Lucia and Xian?" His mind was already analyzing ways in which he may be able to use one or the other for an improved situation on the ship.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
New Jersey
Looking over at XerlaI with anger in his eyes Drakon replies. While carving claw marks into the wall.

"Nothing much. Why do you care?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Xian is Hatiith's pet knuckle-dragger, and Lucia's a raging cunt. Xian never liked her, because she's the only woman on the ship that's as strong as he is. Although, that didn't stop him from muttering her name while fucking me from time to time," Rebecca explained.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Well let's hope it escalates into a full fucking brawl or mutiny. Anything that could possibly open an avenue of escape is fine by me!" She sneers. "And I'd happily trade getting a dick up my cunt every now and then to this... How long have you been here, milky?"


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Xerlai looked at Drakon when he spoke. He scanned the dragon morph all over with a skeptical eye, noticing his anger for the first time. The white scratch marks didn't escape his notice either. "A-anger makes peo-ple usable." The pausey way in which he spoke may have given the appearance that he was shocked to be asked what should've been obvious, or that he was afraid of Drakon's visible annoyance. Neither was the cause for the way he spoke. The reason was because he was trying to figure out what had gotten Drakon so upset. He dragged his eyes from the large reptile when Rebecca spoke. Listening to her words, he thought 'Ooh does he secretly like that strong woman vibe?' Xerlai was always the kind attracted to dominant futanaris and so felt the dick in him twitch at the thought of Lucia carrying a big dick between her legs. When Jade spoke the Wolpertinger stretched a wing towards her (she was on the other side of Drakon) and grinned. "There we go you hog tied bimbo! We need some of that!.' His grin was reinforced. He looked down the aisle to Lucina who was too wrapped up in her affairs to worry about any of them "Anyone have something we can throw?" He looked over Drakon again, taking his strength into mind.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Hmphf! You try looking presentable after 5 years in this hell-hole." She glares. "How long have you been here, huh? What kind of shit do they put you through?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
[They probably can't see Lucia and Xian, only hear their shouting. But hey, throwing something in the doorway might get attention? :p]


With his eyebrows raised, hands resting on the top of his knees, Milo's ears swiveled about, listening raptly to his brothelmate's conversation. Finally, he spoke up, eyes carrying from one cell to the next as he did. "Are you... all okay?" His question was a little bit vague, he realized, but he wasn't nearly so bold as to try and correct himself. Clearly, he had seen the state of Xerlai, which answered the first guess as to what he even meant with the question. "You'll have to pardon me if I'm a little jumpy." He said, quick to follow his first statement with the unrelated second one.


As if on cue with Jade's wishes, a mighty thud that subtly jolted the boat, then followed by the splinter of wood, sounded from within the canteen. Hatiith was standing in the doorway, looking towards the source of the sound with a frown on his face. That was hardly the end of it though, as the unmistakable woosh of arcane energy snapped towards the doorway of the canteen. The tabby cat's features glowed just a bit brighter orange from the light, as fortunately, or unfortunately, the great stream of fire that'd surely been shot from Lucia's mouth fell short just a few feet in front of him. With a muffled shout, angrily attempting to stop whatever was going on, he staggered deeper into the canteen and out of sight. The sounds of a roaring fire, spreading through the wooden boat, carried still. There was the creaky clatter of everyone rising from their chairs at once, the "thump" of someone being bludgeoned mixed in with that of Hatiith's cane, and chants of "Worthless wench! Worthless wench!" shouted over and over. Given the amount of guards they kept in the canteen, the fire would be out very soon, and the chances of escape would be going out the window with it.

However, not all hope was lost just yet. Snoring silently outside their cells, and passed out in a beat-up little chair, sat none other than Dalius, yet another guard. He was a shifty fellow, nervous as all hell, and prone to shivering even when it wasn't cold. About seven feet tall, and slender enough to fit through the bars of their cages should it please him, the open-mouthed breaths of the silver-scaled lizan man reeked thickly of alcohol. This was nothing new, of course. If they were open, his eyes would be thoroughly glazed over as a side effect of his drunkenness. No one ever asked where he got it from, but he always had a case of strong spirits possessively by his side, and from the look of it, he was as well-stocked with flammable booze as he was every other day.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Damn... sounds like old whiskers didn't get what was coming... Hey milky, can you use your fancy telekinesis on those bottles. I can hear a fire in the canteen, and that booze is sure to stoke the flames some more. Failing that, get that fucking oaf awake, and see if you can't make his drunken ass add a little to the chaos." She grins, before wincing in pain as she shifts a little too much weight, and ends up putting pressure on her sore-covered balls.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
New Jersey
With the sound of the fire and the chanting Drakon is instantly alert. As he listens to his companions he nods his head and starts pacing in his cell and states.

"Yes that drunk would cause a decent distraction. We just need to get out of these cells."

He continues to pace while listening carefully at what's going on outside.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Won't be much help to get out of here without this damn gimp suit coming off. Atleast it does wonders for my flexibility, I can suck myself off without much difficulty." She says, trying to lighten her own mood a little.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Milo makes a move to talk to the passed-out Lizan, scooting up close to the bars of his cells, and trying but failing to tap him on the shoulder. Unable to reach him or his booze with his hands, he turns around, snaking his tail through the bars and across Dalius's foot. The drunken guard mumbles, stirring in his sleep, before snorting in laughter from the accidental tickling as he opens his eyes and looks around. As his foggy gaze lands on Milo, he looks desperately to the others to start pleading a case.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Jade speaks up, being the one that's been stuck here the longest. "Hey Dal, there's a fire in the canteen! Get those bottles on the fire to help put it out!" She shouts, trying to take advantage of his drunken state to get him to do something stupid.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
[Jade CHA 8+5=13 vs. Dalius CHA 10+1=11]

Dalius rushes to his feet, stammering and stumbling like the drunken bastard he is, before doubling-back to grab his booze as he charges into the canteen. "Guys! There's a fire!" They hear him scream, followed by the revelatory smash of glass bottles as the fire roars back to life and then some. His face falls, the orange glow of the raging flames illuminating his silver-scaled face, and there are more shouts from the guards as he bolts, dashing right back through the hallway and out of sight, probably fixing a lifeboat for himself with the other crewmates up on deck.

Of course, he isn't the only one with this idea. Their situation becomes even more surreal as Xian ducks beneath the doorway, a rugged wooden crate in one hand, and none other than a hissing Hatiith Geeldes cradled in the other, scooped up in his beefy arms like a newborn infant. He paces down the hallway, making for the deck, and huffing as he lugs himself forwards. Despite his large size, he's making terrible distance, and there's a chorus of frantic yelling behind him, coming from the parade of guards and whores alike who've just been trapped behind his nine feet of sheer, bulky mass. Unsurprisingly, the proud and fickle tabby cat is none too pleased with any of this either. "My cane! Put me down! Go back and get my cane, you worthless ass!" He's shouting in protest, thrashing against the minotaur's chest, but completely powerless within Xian's protective hold.

Among the horde of people all rushing to get outside, a few notable figures include Cecilia, a small-statured, kind-hearted otter woman who they've all seen a few times at lunch, slipping through the cracks in the wall of people, and even past Xian, running beyond him and up the stairs to the deck. There's also Traversini, a wiry little bat creature, flapping his wings and flitting above, also making it out. Unfortunately, they can also see Keigan, a 6'4" rottweiler man, and one of Hatiith's most trusted and competent subordinates, standing his ground off to the side in the crowd. Yet among absolutely everyone, no one can see the notably goat-headed figure of Lucia.

However, as some keep their eyes on Keigan, he doesn't move, merely standing still outside the brothelmates' cages with his arms crossed. If not for his considerable size, he'd be bowled over and trampled by the rush of guards and whores in an instant, but after a brief, silent debate with himself, he hangs his head.

"Oh fuck it." He mutters, before turning around to fumble with the lock on the nearest cage door. His eyes flick up to Xerlai, just as the Wolpertinger's door swings open, inviting him to freedom. "Come on, I'm helping. I play on the winning side, and little mister Hatiith is definitely not winning." He says, moving over to work on Milo's, then Jade's, then Rebecca's, and finally Drakon's, before doing the same to a few other nearby cells and prisoners.

While the flames are prevalent enough to make saving the canteen hopeless, they're not closing in on the door just yet. Should it please them, the brothelmates could try to run in and run out, searching for Lucia, or whatever else. Jade is still in no state to move, given her bondage suit, and someone could certainly step in to help untie her. The crowd of fleeing bodies is still thick and slow-going, though Xian has about dozen paces until he reaches the stairway to the upper-deck. If the brothelmates really wanted to, they could group up in a nearby cell and wait for the parade to thin out in safety from being trampled.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Someone help me out of this... please!" She wiggles around, terrified at the prospect of being left behind in the inferno.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Milo comes as she beckons, squeezing his way through the crowd until he's reached her cell. Thoroughly disorientated after being thrown about in the horde, he falls none-to-gently to his knees and gets to work on the binds around her hands. "Here, I'll just... um... figure something out here."
[Milo DEX 14+2=16]
His nimble fingers skim across the ropes and her hands, sweating, and staring intently down at the hogtie. A few moments pass by as he toils, until the ropes fall to the floor, freeing the hands of Jade. He calls out to the rest. "Hey someone, help me out with the suit?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
New Jersey
As soon as the cell is opened and Milo goes over to jade and calls for help Drakon with a roar rushes to Jade and Milo and starts to use his claws to rip over the bondage suit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Realizing that the crowd was going nowhere fast, Rebecca slipped back toward the canteen and peered through the door.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Hey! Careful with those claws, big boy!" She blurts out. "I'd rather be naked than in this thing, but I'd prefer not bleeding."