Brint to Brienne: Natural or Brainwashing?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
I've been wondering for a while, how much of Brienne's sexual tendencies are natural carry over from her time as Brint and not some kind of sexual brainwashing done by the armor?
Did Brint always have a subby slut side inside deep down or is it something forced on him by the transformation?
Maybe some kind of inherent instinct shared by all Cowgirls? Is there any "Word of God" about this?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
So, the real answer is that Wsan has said there will be further developments clarifying this. Wolfram will probably come in at some point with links to the exact post, because Wolfram is cool.

But to speculate wildly, I figure there are three main possibilities;

1) The armour rewrote considerable sections of Brint's brain. It's said to be a marefolk relic to help 'tame' their mindless, violent, rutting men. So that could be rewriting Brint's psyche to be submissive and breedable with a significant pair-bonding drive that latches on to the first person she sees. This is the armour did it option.

2) The armour is taking parts of Brint that already existed and is amplifying them. It's pulling on his latent submissive urges, and his affection for you, and bringing them to the fore. This is the half-half option.

3) The armour's changes are largely physiological. The personality differences between Brint and Brienne can be explained by Brint suddenly having all the testosterone in his body replaced with estrogen. Most women take many turbulent teenage years to try and balance out their lady hormones, Brienne had it happen straight away. This is the it's more or less natural option.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
I think it is brainwashing.
Going from Cait type sexual personality and relationship with the champion to absolutely obsessing with us and only caring about us is such a huge departure I'm terms of character appeal.

For if Brint always had this subby/monogamous personality inside of him, it sure does not really show up in his own content where he is a manwhore and games self proclaimed stud. You can say that armor brought out Brienne out of him but the way it is presented to me still sounds/looks like brainwashing that goes beyond slight influence. You can argue how much armor did change, but it is undoubtedly some kind of magic curse.

Now, let's say hypothetically that the game gave us option down the line to influence both Brint and Brienne to take on each other's traits, than sure, I can see argument that armor just influenced him some what. But as it is, Brint and Brienne are different companions in terms of appeal, content and characterizations.Which is why, from meta perspective, I think Wsan did it. Monogamous, subby NPCs are way more popular than open relationship ones.

And I, like many others, am all for it. For I can not see me getting attached to Brint with tits as I did with Brienne.

Now, Brienne as a guy tho? Now that is another story.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
I'm just glad we get Brienne.. I never really liked Brint at all.. maybe deep down Brint is just a subby bitch who needed the armour to push him over the edge, so to speak..


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Given the rather interesting dialogue between the Champion and Brienne after meeting (and laying with) her mother and sister, I (so far) feel like that to some extent, all the armour really did was to nudge her towards who she is becoming.

The initial numbness she seemed to experience (she was way too chill about the whole thing and her first instinct was to see if she still had her strength) was more than likely the armour itself, since it was meant to "tame" the wilder marefolk males. That numbness must have given her a new perspective on a lot of things, so she could think about certain events in her with everything in such stark clear relief, how much pleasure could she have experienced during her first time with the Champion (if you didn't just rape her out right).

Then meeting her family (along with her stories of her father) gives a tantalising tidbit, Brienne was in some way scarred by her father's sudden disappearance and that she were afraid that she were following in his footsteps. Until the Champion compares her to her sister and mother directly, along with Cassia not noticing anything amiss with her in all their interactions. Plus Agni's comment about how Brienne seems to be ready to call it quits on travelling and fighting is honestly making me wonder about Brienne's mental baggage.

Basically, maybe the armour did play a role in moulding Brienne initially, but after that, something that was buried within her when she was Brint was knocked loose and is coming out. It feels like there's something missing from what we have seen so far of Brint's backstory, something that has been glossed over, so I still can't say for certain if Brienne's emerging persona is completely the result of the armour.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
It is a transformation story. People have "switched" gender roles and also dominance/submission roles without magic armours.

I once read an interview of a transgender woman, who later in later life identified as a man. He said, at the time he felt much more comfortable identifying as a woman, and now he is more comfortable with a man-identity. Since gender is made up anyways, more power to him.

So, transgender people have different experiences. Trans-women before they realise they are trans, often try to become the "ideal man", before realising the issue was the man part. I think that was how Abigail Thorne described herself. And once a person rejects the gender assigned at birth, they may experiment with new roles and find comfoft in them.

As for brienne, the text is specifically ambiguous about how much the armour implanted the images in brint. Or in short: we don't know what magic armour it was. It could have been "the armour of mooh perfect wife", or the "armour of true self". If you have brint in your save, it was the first, and if it is Brienne it was the second armour. At least in my head.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Although Brienne covers pretty much every fetish I have in this game, I cannot accept her. That's my buddy Brint. He comes to you to talk about weird dreams that have him worried, you tell him you'll go talk to Sanders, yet you leave him be.

Until the team writes a good explanation on to why Brint was ok with the change, I'll believe Brint was under suggestions at best, straight up mind control at worst.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
I do feel bad for all the half Minotaur children that are going to be left single parent after Brint becomes Brienne and those single mothers.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
Its actually some interspace quantum horseshit switching Brienne and Brint from two alternate timelines and convincing them that they are each other.
Calling it right now.

I'm joking by the way.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Honestly, I am just going to ignore the whole "Brint has many bastards around the corner" thing since it doesn't paint him in best light. Or just treat it like elaborate joke by him and mother because it kind of foils the mood of ever getting serious with him and rottens Brienne by default. Especially when combined with their backstory and Briennes/Brints reactions in their pregnancy content.
Absent fathers are not something that I find compelling/appealing.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Honestly, I am just going to ignore the whole "Brint has many bastards around the corner" thing since it doesn't paint him in best light. Or just treat it like elaborate joke by him and mother because it kind of foils the mood of ever getting serious with him and rottens Brienne by default. Especially when combined with their backstory and Briennes/Brints reactions in their pregnancy content.
Absent fathers are not something that I find compelling/appealing.
Nor do I.. I cant stand assholes who dont have anything to with their kids and that includes mothers as well.
Back to Brint though, I thought someone said it was actually a joke about him having a ton of kids.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Nor do I.. I cant stand assholes who dont have anything to with their kids and that includes mothers as well.
Back to Brint though, I thought someone said it was actually a joke about him having a ton of kids.
To my knowledge, Wsan's not in the community to clarify either way. But they do read like jokes to me. Because if they weren't jokes, Brint would be a profoundly shitty and unlikeable person, so I assume Wsan's going in another direction.

"Yeah. Hope she doesn't find out about the half-minotaurs that're gonna be running 'round in Hawkethorne," he laughs.
Cassia grumbles. "I wonder how many grandchildren I have now."


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
To my knowledge, Wsan's not in the community to clarify either way. But they do read like jokes to me. Because if they weren't jokes, Brint would be a profoundly shitty and unlikeable person, so I assume Wsan's going in another direction.
Question. I read that conversation from Brint before but how do u acquire that conversation from Cassia? Cause I never heard of the latter before.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Question. I read that conversation from Brint before but how do u acquire that conversation from Cassia? Cause I never heard of the latter before.
2022-06-11 00 15 31.png
I think you need to talk to Cassia about Brint when you are not pregnant with his kinds or have any children to begin with.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
But then you lose out on Brienne since you need Brint in the party at his mothers home.. might be worth it for you if you're more a Brint fan I suppose.