Breedwell Question


Active Member
Aug 28, 2021
So I decided to do the Premium Breeder contract for Breedwell and was wondering something... I've always wanted babies with Flahne, and the only way to do so (that I've found anyway) is by being a premium breeder and answering her calls for relief. But... Since I have a contract going, obviously the babies belong to Breedwell...

Well... I really, really want babies with Flahne and got to thinking... What would happen I were to (hopefully) get a call from Flahne right as my contract was ending and the days pregnant took me past the contract end date? Would the babies still belong to Breedwell or would I be able to keep the babies without a warning (this would be my first offense) from Tamani/Quaelle?

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
I'd have to look at the code to refresh my memory to be sure, but you should be fine. The contract only covers the time of birth, not when they were conceived. However keep in mind all of these are generic kids so they wouldn't be listed as Flahne's kids in the nursery, just generic rahn.
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2021
I'd have to look at the code to refresh my memory to be sure, but you should be fine. The contract only covers the time of birth, not when they were conceived. However keep in mind all of these are generic kids so they wouldn't be listed as Flahne's kids in the nursery, just generic rahn.
Awesome! Thanks so much. And that's fine- just knowing that I conceived then when sexing Flahne is enough for me. :D (Though having kids as listed as being Flahne's would be effing amazing, not even gonna lie) Would using the mating pods under the contract work the same way? Go to the pods right when the contract is about to end so their birthday is over the end date and then I get to keep the babies? Or would that get me a warning?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
The warning from Quaelle is a freebie. It is triggered by any rahn pregnancy. It is meant to be more like a friendly reminder. If you did the same thing again there shouldn't be any issues. Still, I may want to look at the Quaelle's warning to make it more clear.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
I just double checked the code. The warning will trigger once if the number of rahn births does not match the number of rahn given to tamani. However it will not trigger again no matter how many more rahn steele has. Steele will only get punished if you either don't give the babies to the drones during the drone scene, or you use maternity or another time skip to skip the scene while under contract. If steele gives birth while not under contract they should not be punished. If it happens let me know.

Note: I plan on adding some code for maternity that will stop the time skip right before birth for rahn kids. Hopefully preventing accidentally skipping the drone scene.
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2021
I just double checked the code. The warning will trigger once if the number of rahn births does not match the number of rahn given to tamani.
Ok... So if I'm understanding this correctly, and please correct me if I'm wrong, I got the warning from Quaelle because of the 2 Rahn I got pregnant with when I saw to Flahne's needs while under the contract (and didn't give them to the Tamani drone)? Or am I misunderstanding?

Steele will only get punished if you either don't give the babies to the drones during the drone scene, or you use maternity or another time skip to skip the scene while under contract. If steele gives birth while not under contract they should not be punished. If it happens let me know.
Ok. I'll definitely let you know if I end up getting into trouble for giving birth out of contract.

Note: I plan on adding some code for maternity that will stop the time skip right before birth for rahn kids. Hopefully preventing accidentally skipping the drone scene.
This is veeeerrry much appreciated. Right now I'm having to math it all out so I can stop maternity the day before the birth do I don't get myself into trouble and it's tedious and makes my brain hurt. lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Ok... So if I'm understanding this correctly, and please correct me if I'm wrong, I got the warning from Quaelle because of the 2 Rahn I got pregnant with when I saw to Flahne's needs while under the contract (and didn't give them to the Tamani drone)? Or am I misunderstanding?

Ok. I'll definitely let you know if I end up getting into trouble for giving birth out of contract.

This is veeeerrry much appreciated. Right now I'm having to math it all out so I can stop maternity the day before the birth do I don't get myself into trouble and it's tedious and makes my brain hurt. lol
No need to figure it out even now. Use "maybe" and custom time. Then enter in the max number it mentions, which will be 5 min before the next birth.

I will just be making the "yes" option always stop early for rahn births.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2021
No need to figure it out even now. Use "maybe" and custom time. Then enter in the max number it mentions, which will be 5 min before the next birth.
Huh! I had no clue it stopped 5 mins before on custom time. I like to stop a day ahead for most of my births, or when Aina's pregnant because I don't wat to miss the birth of the baby. I'll definitely be making use of the full custom time for some of my pregnancies now! :D

I will just be making the "yes" option always stop early for rahn births.
Will it be 5 minutes like with the custom time or will it be like a day or two instead?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
I decided on an hour. Well an hour at normal preg speed. For steeles with super fast preg speeds that could be reduced to minutes, which is why I decided on an hour. Gives even them a little time at least if they want to go somewhere else first.
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2021
So theen... Steeles with super fast preg speeds also get an hour before Rahn births or do they just have minutes? I'm at 200% incubation speed/modifier so I'm trying to figure out how much time I have before popping out the Rahn if I do maternity.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Well since your incubation is twice as fast that would cut the hour in half.

edit: this code isn't in yet. it will go in at the same time as my code for haley preg. So a couple of weeks.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2021
Well since your incubation is twice as fast that would cut the hour in half.

edit: this code isn't in yet. it will go in at the same time as my code for haley preg. So a couple of weeks.
Oookay. Thanks for clearing that up.

I figured it hadn't been implemented yet, and I'm excited for when it is. :D