Breeding Next Generation of Steeles

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
The TiTS wiki is pretty on the ball when it comes to detailing all of the NPCs who can either fall pregnant to your player character, impregnate your player character, or both. But, most of these characters are fairly late in the game, and the wiki is kind of sporadic in describing how you can go about making rugrats.

Any folks interested in detailing which characters can make babies with Steele, and how to get them in the maternal (or paternal) mood?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
@null_blank is probably the person to ask for the most details about this.

Also we're not even at the halfway point in the game i think, so not like lategame exists


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I don't think the game will only have a handful of planets for people to play with, plus they would more than likely mention in one of their updates that they are more than halfway or nearly finished.

Plus you could look in the wiki for people who can impregnate you, look under fathers and you can see who will be able to impregnate you and you can look under mothers to see who you can knock up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
It's better to break this up by planet: (listen to Michael Jackson's Billie Jean as you read this)
EDIT: sheeeit, got to go finish post later

  • Stella (Steele as sire), Can be found on residential deck. Just keep sexing her up until she allows you to breed her. Note: Stella's kid go to her own nursery, not the Steeletech one. If you want to interact with your puppies, look at your Reproduction statistics in your Codex and stare at the numbers. ;_;
  • Zheniya "Zil Call-Girl", (Steele as sire) Just keep fucking her until you finally knock her up and don't be an asshole about it when she tells you (also make sure your virility isn't at pleb levels) so you can continue breeding her.
  • Riya (Steele as mother), as long as you don't have a donger she'll give you one of three random sex acts. Protip: the vaginal scene is the one where she can knock you up. Multi-womb support..kinda. If your pregnancy advances too quickly due to high fertility speed Riya will not rail you again because you are too pregnant.
  • Dom Sera (Steele as mother), look this up on the wiki. It's complicated. Screw this up and you can lock yourself out of her pregnancy content. (...he said, having nailed it on the first try without the wiki - I got lucky) Multi-womb support.
  • Sub Sera (Steele as sire and/or Steele as mother), same as above. Look it up on the wiki. Seriously. Multi-womb support.
  • Ilaria (Steele as sire), found at Bunny Buns & Confectionery on the residential deck. It doesn't take much to get her in the sack.

  • Zil, female (Steele as sire), On victory choose dick fuck. Make sure your dick fits and come back a few months or so. Chance of encountering pregnant female Zil in jungle.
  • Zil, male (Steele as mother), On victory ride the Zil boy. Chance encountering male Zil if pregnant while wandering around jungle. Pregnancy will alter female cum to honey type. Multi-womb support.
  • Venus pitcher plant (Seeds) Get hypnotized, will plant seeds, if seeds already present will fertilize seeds resulting in pregnancy.
  • Venus pitcher plant, Elder (Seeds) Get hypnotized, will plant seeds, if seeds already present will fertilize seeds resulting in pregnancy.
  • Cunt snake (Eggnancy) If attached as parasite and used in various scenes involving cunt snake as a tail, will eventually spit out some cunt snake eggs.
  • Quinn (Steele as sire), Complete Plantation Quest. Make sure you do not rout Quinn and her tribe as then there will be no village to return to for the Pollen Festival. Return sometime after completing Plantation Quest and speak to Quinn. You may have to go through all 'Talk' dialogues before Quinn informs you of the Pollen Festival. At this point, Steele can choose to be one of the participants in the mating ball ritual or claim to be the only person needed to knock up Quinn. Return to Quinn at the specified time to kick off the festival. If Steele chose to keep Quinn for themselves, three Zil warriors will challenge your claim. Just like the dual with RK Lah in Plantation Quest, Steele will be given the choice of Zil Champion's Assegai or a Zil Champion's Bow to use in combat. Win to get exclusive breeding rights to Quinn.

  • Raskvel female (Steele as sire) On win choose 'Doggystyle'. The wiki says if you come back within 5 days after impregnating her you can get one of the eggs to ship back to the nursery but I've claimed eggs MONTHS after knocking them up so idk what's up with that.
  • Shekka (Steele as mother, eggnancy, wombs only), just like Sera look up Shekka's wiki article to get full details and make sure you have at least one SynthSheath to give her. After giving her a horse cock, go into sex menu and choose 'Get Bred'. Multi-womb support.
  • Sydian male (Steele as mother) Ride sydian male on win or lose for surprise sexy time. Really not much to say here except that it's a generic human pregnancy. Multi-womb support.
  • Raskvel male (Eggnancy, wombs only) this includes Raskvel Gang encounter. Multi-womb support.
  • Sydian, female (Steele as mother) If you have Throbb in your inventory and defeat the Sydian female, you can choose to inject her with Throbb and have sexy times which results in the generic Sydian pregnancy. Multi-womb support.
  • Lapinara (Eggnancy, womb and butt) On win choose 'Get egged' or get egged on loss. Eggnancy will induce hip size growth, breast growth, butt-size growth and increase thickness. Multi-womb support.

  • Renvra (Steele as mother, regular womb pregnancy and butt eggnancy), Just talk to her. Can get Steele regular pregnant and eggnant at the same time. Multi-womb support.
  • Alpha Nyrean Huntress (Eggnancy, womb and butt) Either lose fight or choose to ride cock. Multi-womb support.
  • Beta Nyrean Huntress (Eggnancy, womb and butt) Either lose fight or choose to ride cock. Multi-womb support.
  • Adult cockvine (Steele as mother) Lose in combat or select 'Go on...' depending on the type of encounter. Multi-womb support.
  • Briha red my deserter (Steele as sire) Will first appear as "Red Myr deserter" until you beat her in combat a few times. After that she'll introduce herself. Doggystyle your way toward victory. Come back in a few months Briha will give you your child to take off planet.
  • Queen Tavira (Steele as sire and mother, eggnancy, wombs and butt) If you have a dong and vagina, you can fertilize Tavira's eggs via 'Breed her' and then have her stuff them in you via 'Lapride' or 'Ride Cowgirl'. Multi-womb support.
  • Ara Kei (Eggnancy, 1st womb and butt) Will only egg you if 100% addicted to Bothric oil, agree to lick her booties and have no other pregnancies active. No multi-womb support, will only egg 1st womb and butt.
  • Bothric (Eggnancy, womb and butt) Bothric eggnancy - Lose or win and choose to get egged chance that eggnancy will go nowhere due to unfertilized eggs but will be listed in Reproduction stats (sigh). Multi-womb support.
  • Bothric Pidemme (Eggnancy, womb and butt) Submit or be entangled and lose combat or not be entangled and choose combat and lose. Multi-womb support.
  • Queen of the Deep (Steele as mother, + butt Eggnancy) One of the longest pregnancies next to the Frostwyrm. Either lose to the Queen of the Deep or defeat her and volunteer to be bred. QotD will fill all wombs and buttholes with her spawn. Multi-womb support.
  • Shade (Steel as father...kinda) If Steele has a penis can choose to fuck Shade's cuntsnake tail. Will eventually result in cuntsnake laying eggs as a result.
  • Goo incubator (Eggnancy) In Queen Taviras bed chambers interact with the Goo and choose to get egged.
Zheng Shi:
  • Urbolg (Steele as a mother) Generic Korg pregnancy. Multi-womb support.

  • Milodan, male (Steele as mother) Lose to Milodan or victory vag sex. Multi-womb support.
  • Korg raider, male (Steele as mother) win and have vag sex. Multi-womb support.
  • Ula (Steele as sire) Make sure you give her a heat belt or insulated coat right away before the timer kicks in and Ula disappears forever. After you meet her back at Korgi hold talk to her and sex her up.
  • Frostwyrm (If Steele is herm can sire and mother young with Frostwyrm, wombs only) Win in combat against the Frostwyrm 3 times, then lose once. Steele is then given the choice to help Frosty repopulate her species. Saying no means Frosty leaves forever. Also, although Frostwyrm pregnancies are technically eggnancies, they are womb-only so no butt-eggnancies. Multi-womb support.

  • RK Lah (Steele as mother) Lah only goes to space-rape-jail if you choose to bring him to justice during the Plantation quest on Mhenga. Pay monies and you can get Steele knocked up. Act now! Multi-womb support.
  • Tam-Tam (Steele as sire) Will wind up here after you complete the Main story Stellar Tether quest. Pay monies and you can knock her up. Act now!
  • Khorgan (Steele as sire) Will wind up here after you complete the Main story Stellar Tether quest. Pay monies and you can knock her up. Act now!
  • Sam (Steele as sire) Will wind up here after you help Saendra find her friend on Tavros. Pay monies and you can knock her up. Act now!

New Texas:
  • Zephyr (Steele as mother, oh hell-to-the-fucking-yes) If Steele has no penor, wear hard-light underwear and have Throbb in inventory. You should also have a vagina. Fucking biology, man. Talk to Zephyr, talk about 'Bets' and lose/throw the arm wrasslin' match. After getting butt devastated, talk to her again about 'ButtBets' and she'll up the ante to breeding Steele. Lose/throw match and as long as Steele isn't pregnant Zephyr will lay pipe in Steele like she was building the Alaskan pipeline in there or something. Steele can repeat 'ButtBets' to be re-impregnated by Zephyr with new dialogue acknowledging previous pregnancy. No multi-womb support thought it seems that it is intended that only one pregnancy set is supported but has been patched to support allowing Zephyr to impregnate Steele if there is an available womb that does not have a Zephyr pregnancy in it. Note: Currently Zephyr can impregnate Steele via her standard sex scene in her office and via the stocks (Miscreant Manor). Dialogue changes after Steele has given birth to her children. On the second floor of the Tavros nursery with Zephyr visiting, after giving birth to her children at least once, but not currently pregnant and having the magic milker in your inventory, can get a scene where Zephyr re-impregnates Steele.
  • Ellie (Steele as sire) Once you've gotten her affection level high enough (I find that Ellie likes sex), speak to Ellie about Kids/Pregnancy. One-time pregnancy.
  • Miscreant Manor (stocks), see Zephyr entry above.
  • (Steele as mother, eggnancy, wombs-only) After giving birth to five or more children Steele will get an invitation to visit Breedwell. If Steele accepts the contract, Steele can get knocked up with Rahn eggs in the mating pods (for space monies). The amount of Rhan eggs Steele can fit in their womb(s) is dependent on their level of training on the Eggtrainer. Right after birth, Steele can choose to have the Rahn eggs shipped to their nursery or to TamaniCorp for cash. Multi-womb support.
  • Psychic Tentacle Beast (Steele as a mother, wombs and butt) The inventory item Strange Egg can be found in the Deep Caves on Myrellion as a random event or in the deep jungle on Mhenga. If the Strange Egg is in Steele's inventory or storage during ship travel and Steele's hole(s) aren't all filled with current pregnancies/eggnancies, Steele gets loved hard and impregnated. If Steele gives birth while on Tavros station the psychic tentacle beast is captured and transferred to the nursery otherwise the beast escapes to do whatever tentacle beasts do. Multi-womb support.
  • Eggtrainer (Steele as a faux-mother, these are fake eggnancies, wombs and butt) Can be purchased from Lerris on Tavros and installed on the ship. Has various faux eggnancies that Steele can experience. Multi-womb support.
  • Ovilium (Eggnancy) Appears for sale from Kelly on Mhenga after Steele meets Shelly on Tavros. Consuming it will make Steele eggnant with a random colored egg. Multi-womb support.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Missed Ilaria, bunny-TF'd Ausar baker, and Stella, beach Ausar, on Tavros, both mothers. Correction about sydian, you can be impregnated by both sexes if you throbb females (personally done that).


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Missed Ilaria, bunny-TF'd Ausar baker, and Stella, beach Ausar, on Tavros, both mothers. Correction about sydian, you can be impregnated by both sexes if you throbb females (personally done that).

BRB growing dick.

...and I didn't forget Stella, she's the first one on the list. :)

pretty sure subsera can knock you up.

it's just rare as fuck.

Yeah I totally forgot about that. I should just list Sera Dom/Sub as 'It's complicated, look at the wiki. Look. At. The. Wiki.'
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Good thing they don't make you give all your children names or force them to live on their home planets or with their mothers, Steele would be killed by child support payments.

Secretary: Mr.Steele MissTamTam and Khoragan are here for their monthly child support of 12 million credits.

Steele: Damn pirates, ever since they got out on bail they milk me for everything.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Good thing they don't make you give all your children names or force them to live on their home planets or with their mothers, Steele would be killed by child support payments.

Secretary: Mr.Steele MissTamTam and Khoragan are here for their monthly child support of 12 million credits.

Steele: Damn pirates, ever since they got out on bail they milk me for everything.
You run a megacorp with an army of lawyers. Any expenses for kids that aren't covered by your nursery are going to be pocket change to you or dealt with by legal. Sure accounting might get pissed at you when you have a more amorous year than normal and they have to but in more work in working your finances, but they're not paid to complain and you sticking your dick everywhere.

Really the only things you fear are limited to stronger megacorps, the government when the head of it is not your literal and/or figurative whore, any medical condition that your wealth + genetic tailoring + nanomachines can't beat, and fights you can't win.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I actually wish you could name all your children? I would be dumb as hell to force you, but it should be an option
Like, I made these people, I want to be able to tell them apart.

The computer displays a summarized status of all your offspring currently residing within the nursery:

Unique Children
Children by Sera - Total: 59
* Micah: 17 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Gabriel: 17 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Angela: 17 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Lailah: 17 years, Human, Female
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Nathaniel: 17 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Michael: 17 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Sariel: 17 years, Human, Female
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Dina: 17 years, Human, Female
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Ariel: 17 years, Human, Female
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Sophia: 17 years, Human, Female
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Mia: 17 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Olivia: 17 years, Human, Female
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Ava: 17 years, Human, Female
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Aaden: 17 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Aaron: 17 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Emma: 17 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Isabella: 17 years, Human, Female
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Charlotte: 16 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Noah: 16 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Abigail: 16 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Amelia: 16 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Chloe: 16 years, Human, Female
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Avery: 16 years, Human, Female
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Justin: 16 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Robert: 16 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Ragnar: 16 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Gary: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Corina: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Adorlee: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Ferdinand: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Alphonse: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Zan: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Rachna: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Suraya: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Aurelius: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Norm: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Navin: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Russell: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Julia: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Clay: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Grace: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Sandy: 14 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Casey: 14 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Carson: 14 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Thaddaeus: 14 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Cam: 14 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Sonja: 14 years, Human, Female
- Having fair skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Grant: 14 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Serenity: 14 years, Human, Female
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Dixie: 14 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Josep: 10 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Thorsten: 10 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Sabina: 10 years, Human, Female
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Erhard: 10 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, blue eyes, and hazel hair.
* Burkhart: 10 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Andreu: 10 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Leonti: 10 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Marlen: 10 years, Human, Male
- Having fair skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
* Vadik: 10 years, Human, Male
- Having pale skin, brown eyes, and hazel hair.
Children by Riya - Total: 51
* Herman: 16 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Isabella: 16 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Heinrich: 16 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Adolph: 16 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Savannah: 16 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Paula: 16 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Augustin: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Minnie: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Walker: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Rose: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Isla: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Poppy: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Charles: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Charlie: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Samson: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Dereck: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Dennis: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Dirk: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Grace: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Brooklyn: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Malcom: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Logan: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Hazel: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Eleanor: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Rudy: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Denise: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Vanessa: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Zack: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Scarlett: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Trevor: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Himmat: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Naisha: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Sai: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Aarav: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Kiara: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Anika: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Aisha: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Hiran: 15 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Princess: 15 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Hughe: 14 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Kiwo: 14 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Maxwell: 14 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Lawrence: 10 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Lorena: 10 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Maximo: 10 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Macy: 10 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Derick: 10 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Lorelai: 10 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Gage: 10 years, Human, Male
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Kathleen: 10 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.
* Paris: 10 years, Human, Female
- Having brown skin, brown eyes, and black hair.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I wonder just how many more kids you would have if we ever got a tf that increased the number of wombs per vagina.(I'm not sure how it would all fit inside Steele's body)
Well my Steele does have three wombs (which is the max). I don't use save editing outside of unborking characters so everything I do to my Steele is obtainable in-game (might need to save scum). I'm still waiting for the Broodmother perk or some other TF that'll modify Steele's Fertility, Quantity modifier.

Unoriginal Name.404

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2018
Well my Steele does have three wombs (which is the max). I don't use save editing outside of unborking characters so everything I do to my Steele is obtainable in-game (might need to save scum). I'm still waiting for the Broodmother perk or some other TF that'll modify Steele's Fertility, Quantity modifier.
Even with the save editor you can't have more than 3 vaginas. But what i was talking about was if we got a tf that could give Steele more than one womb per vagina.(I don't even want to think about what you could do with 6+ wombs)


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Even with the save editor you can't have more than 3 vaginas. But what i was talking about was if we got a tf that could give Steele more than one womb per vagina.(I don't even want to think about what you could do with 6+ wombs)
I couldn't wrap my head around 3 vaginas to the point where I wound up discussing the concept with my significant other and she too spent some time pondering on what that would look like with all the working plumbing. I couldn't imagine the black hole magic required to accommodate SIX wombs.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Geez null is a beautiful symbol of Fertlity, or a walking abonoitation. Depends on how you see it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2018
Frostwyrm pregnancies are unaffected by Fertility speed modifiers as far as I know. They are affected. Mine last 111 days and 15 hours.

Sub sera does have multi womb support for breeding you in multiple wombs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Frostwyrm pregnancies are unaffected by Fertility speed modifiers as far as I know. They are affected. Mine last 111 days and 15 hours.

Yeah I wasn't sure because I never did a Frostwyrm pregnancy with a character that didn't have 1200% multiplier.

Sub sera does have multi womb support for breeding you in multiple wombs.

Cool, barely played with sub Sera as it is so was unsure.