Individual cards. They're pretty simple, so its probably just as much effort to write out a card than what you want to see from a card.
Here are some of the card names I have thought of.
-Taking a "Special Eclair" up your ass
-Cock Worms
-Drowning the whole world with semen and breast milk, and rebuilding society from the ground up.
-Snorting crystallized Minotaur Cum off of your waifu's ass
-Pissing off a Sand Witch by calling her a "Sandvich"
-Literally getting your mind fucked by tentacles
-Shoving a psuedo-cock down your pee hole
-Having your breasts possessed by a demon
-Finding a female character, and suggest she becomes a futa
-Fucking my waifu, then finding out she's my half sibling
-Taking my puppy sloot for a walk
-Cunt boys
-Having hate sex with my cousin
-Shoot sugar flavored cum all over my lover's birthday cake
-Auto Fettating yourself and giving yourself Diabetes from your sweet cum
Black Cards:
-At least! I am face to face with the ruler of the demons! The dreaded ____!
-No ____! I may be willing to write a scene with ____ in it, but no ____! (Draw two cards.)
-____! That's my fetish!
-The newest upbringing added to the customzation menu is ____.
-Fenoxo has implemented a new SSTD. What is it's name?
-People think writing is so easy. Try writing a scene with ____ in it!